
Butterfly award chicklit winner

1 what is your favorite holiday and why?

 As a teacher, I find summer holidays are pretty sweet as I get to relax, focus on my writing, and spend time outside, go camping, canoeing, cycle.

 2 what's your favorite snack? 

Goldfish crackers or other artificial cheese-flavored things.

 3 who is your favorite author? 

 I really enjoy Margret Atwood's books, they really range in topics and are quite interesting. Phillip Pullman and Kit Pearson were favourites of mine when I was growing up.

4 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

 I've never really been overly invested in the celeb world. 

5 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

 Probably go out for tasty food and post an excited shout-out including thanks for the help I've gotten along the way.

6 what inspired you to write?

 Initially, I loved creating my own worlds and characters. More recently, I have a feeling or message I want to convey or explore. Other times an idea comes to me and the best way to see where it leads is to write the story. Writing has always been the most effective way to get my thoughts across since I'm not overly well-spoken.

 7 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Yes and no. I participate in book clubs regularly so many of the comments are expected, but when random readers find my stories, especially old ones I'm excited, thankful and wonder how they stumbled upon my work.

8 what is a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

 A newcomer to wattpad - I'd say network, get out there and genuinely read other people's work, find critique partners or book clubs. Some people get lucky and a following appears in their notifications. That's the exception, not the rule. The rest of us hustle to get our fanbases and hope that luck helps us on our way. Sometimes it does.

A newcomer to writing - Read a lot, try to pick apart what works, have other people look over your work with a critical eye, and don't forget that you're always growing. Each story you write or each editing pass you make helps you progress as a writer. It's easy to get discouraged but keep with it if you enjoy writing. 

9 what is your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

The way you get to connect with other writers by supporting each other's writing and learning from each other. 

10 what's your favorite movie?

 It's a toss-up between clever movies like Inception that make you think or silly ones like Anchorman, Dodgeball and Zoolander that still make you laugh a decade after they came out.

11 what's the best way to handle a bully?

 First, call them out on their behavior and ask them to stop. If it doesn't work, inform someone who can help you (a parent or teacher if you're younger, or a supervisor if you're still facing this as an adult at work). Block them on social media and other avenues if you can. Find supportive people around you who don't tear you down and keep them in your life.

request time

My most recent writing project is called "Remember Me". It's a mystery-thriller novella for the Open Novella Contest that centers around the idea of selling your memories. Lower-Caldozzans work as creators who live through high-adrenaline activities to sell to the Upper-Caldozzans who want the thrill without the risk

After a young creator dies suspiciously on her content-creating adventure, her brother investigates the odd circumstances surrounding her death. This quest ropes in an old friend and me
