
winner from: Blossom awards 2020

A cover of mine placed third in the blossom awards cover contest:)I didn't really think my work would have placed. but, it did and it really surprised me. I am very grateful to the admins that hosted the awards! 

1 what is your favorite thing about Wattpad?

My favorite thing about Wattpad is that, in a way, you can really make your dreams come true on this platform. (If you try hard)And some writers on Wattpad have gone on to be successful authors around the world. So it just shows that when you want to achieve something, you can on this platform.

 2 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment

Yes. Sometimes I am surprised.Every vote, follow or comment I receive I really appreciate and it means so much to me❤️

3 what inspired you to write? 

spent the first six months of being on Wattpad reading stories.I didn't have the idea to write at first but I eventually got the idea to.I wanted to make my stories different than most, because I felt that some character traits were missing from some stories on Wattpad.

4 what's one Wattpad goal? 

I have a few actually.I would like to someday get one of my stories to over a hundred thousand reads. But I have a feeling that won't happen XD (I have been close in the past but unfortunately, my story was accidentally deleted back when the Wattpad book glitches were happening.)And the second goal of mine, would be to become either a Wattpad star or an ambassador.I don't feel that I am ready to be either of those things at the moment though, but eventually I will apply.

5 how would you celebrate a publishing deal

I honestly don't know! I definitely would thank all of the people/ readers that have supported me and have been nothing but kind first! Before I would start celebrating lol. 

6 what's the best way to handle a bully

With kindness. You should always fight a bully with kindness and not anger/ rudeness.Two wrongs don't make a right

7 what's your favorite snack? 

I love bagels and cream cheese! Either cinnamon or everything bagels.

8 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

love the Christmas season!Everyone is usually a lot nicer than any other time out of the year. I honestly don't know why but I always think to myself, "why can't it be like this year round?"

9 what's your schedule regarding your writing? 

i don't have a set schedule but I try to write as frequently as I can.

10 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

I don't really have any favorite celebrities so I don't know who I would choose.

11 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

I really love the song "Rewind" by Rascal Flatts. It is the song that inspired my graphic shop "Rewind Graphics" actually.

Request time

I am currently working on a romance/ drama story that is going to release later in the year.It is called "Mafia's Maiden" and it is a story that I am very excited to share.I don't want to give to much away but, I can assure you, it will be nothing like any mafia romance you have ever read.
