
Winner from: WattOrginals 

1. Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment?

Not at all. It does not surprise me at all! I've passed that stage a while back.

2. What inspired you to write?

I love books. When you don't find something that you want, you write it! That's how I began writing.

3. Who is your favorite author?

J.K Rowling. She's a brilliant author!

4. How would you celebrate a publishing deal?

To be honest, I don't like blowing my trumpet about my achievements... Especially my achievements in writing. So, I'd just tell my parents if I want to... and a couple of close friends. I prefer staying quiet about it. It's just inner happiness. Things might change when I achieve something big though...

5. What's the best way to handle a bully?

They say, be kind to your bully. They'll change! But sometimes, that doesn't work. The world is ugly. So, stand up for your worth and don't let them throw you around. But also, learn to forgive. Remember that a bully is a bully because they feel the need to put down others to make themselves feel good about themselves. That right there is a conflict of self-esteem! They are insecure about themselves. Make sure you point that out to them and even make them talk it out if you need to.

6. What is one Wattpad goal?

Make some amazing internet friends! (If I'm lucky, the Wattys and Paid stories... )

7. What's your schedule regarding your writing?

If I'm working on a book, I usually take two days to complete one chapter... Maybe even three. After each chapter, I take a day off (Sometimes even three!). That's how it always works.

8. What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

I enjoy a lot of songs... Keeps changing every day. It's all up in my tag book!

9. What's the best way to enjoy a rainy day?

I'm a pluviophile and I just love the smell of rain and those rainy clouds. Every person spends it in a different way. I'd love to just roam the terrace or stick my arm out of the window to catch the droplets. Or just listen to the rain with a cup of tea or coffee and read a good book! That's the best feeling ever.

10. If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

I'm not sure about this... But, maybe James Charles? Gosh! I love how he embraces his colors and he is such a sweetheart to everyone around him! If I ever get to meet him, I'd just love to spend a day with him.

11. What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer?

Be nice and respectful. Give respect and take respect! Also, if you're writing a book. Never give up or feel heartbroken if you lose some award! Do have your work reviewed by several reviewers. It'll help you think and improve. They say that Rome wasn't built in a day. Also, all good ideas started out as bad ideas(That's why they take so long to perfect). So, don't lose hope. Consistency is the key.

request time

My book: When She Found Him.

This is a book that revolves around abuse inflicted on men. Also, those social fears that they usually have, to come out and speak out. Things are changing slowly but there are parts of the world that treat men like that. This is a work of fiction and fantasy. It involves a vampire. It contains sexual abuse, force, and sexual content. Please do not read unless you're old enough. But, I also want people to read this book because it spreads awareness.

My book, Deep In The Woods is a standing winner of the WattOriginals Awards 2020. It took a lot of effort for me to re-read and edit grammar mistakes and even a few scenes! It makes me very happy that my book could make it to be one of the top books! This is my first work and I'm proud.
