
1st place in general fiction in the gemeraawards

It means the world! Because at some point I felt like my story isn't good enough to be read, and then winning this contest was the reassurance that I needed to keep on going with it! Not to mention, it felt like my hard work has somehow paid off.

1 what's your favorite snack?

 French fries! (I hope it counts as a snack XD)

 2 are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Yes! Absolutely. I don't think I'll ever not be surprised. 

3 if you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do? 

This is a hard one, I'm not much into celebrities rather than scientists (People like Neil deGrasse Tyson and even Elon musk) but I guess Emma Watson, and I would just probably talk/ask how she manages to be so strong and inspirational and just how she lives and puts up with everything.

 4 how would you celebrate a publishing deal?

 Honestly, I've never considered I'd ever get a publishing deal, but I think the first step would be to tell my friends and family that I write (Because no one knows that) and then probably celebrate with a lunch gathering, or go to the usual cafe my friends and I go to just to hang out somewhere out of our college campus.

5 what inspired you to write? 

The ability to express myself, my feeling and thoughts, without being direct about it has always been appealing, which inspired me to write more and more every time I started writing. 

6 what's your favorite holiday and why? 

When I used to live in India, they had this holiday called Holi which I absolutely loved. Everyone was just so happy, and it was bright and colorful, with music and dancing. It just felt so vibrant and alive.

 7 what's one Wattpad goal?

 My one WP goal would be to get recognized, so I guess the right phrasing would be to become a WP star.

8 if you could gain advice from your favorite author, who would you choose and what would you ask?

 I would choose John Green, and I would ask about the process of his character developments and just how he comes up with these ideas and the uniqueness in each story. 

9 what's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

I usually have more than one favourite at a time but this is the song that has helped me a lot to write: We fall apart by We As Human

 10 what's the best way to handle a bully? 

Everyone has a different sort of coping mechanism and handling these sort of situations, for me, ignoring them is the best way. I usually just shut off, like I'm there, but don't exactly hear them or process what they say (I'm not saying it's a good way but it works for me). You just have to find your way of handling it.

11 what's your favorite thing about Wattpad? 

The best thing about Wattpad is that even if you don't have a completed first draft, you can still receive feedback and hear what others think about your story and fix the major problems before you end up needing to rewrite the whole content.

request time

Acumen, because A) It already has 20 chapters and I'm aiming for this year's Wattys so you'll have a completed story in a matter of a month or so, not to mention I'm utterly devoted to it at the moment, B)It has already won two awards(first and second places)! C)If you happen to have experienced mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety you can relate to this book, or if you haven't it will give you a somewhat accurate insight of how someone going through these states thinks and tackles the difficulties that it faces. D) It has a slow burn romance as a subplot.
