
I was going through my wattpad notifications as I usually do daily. That's when I saw that I was mentioned in The Gem-ers Awards. My heartbeats immediately increased as I was freaking out mentally. I had a leap of joy when I saw my book in 2nd place! It means so much to me, especially when I've always been battling my low confidence when it comes to my writing skills. Such a win gives me a burst of positive energy which, in turn, can be vested in my future writing and in improving my current work.

1 What is your favorite snack?

 I can't decide between chocolate and ice cream. So maybe...chocolate ice cream! 

2 What is one wattpad goal? 

I don't have any specific goal on Wattpad. Maybe trying to connect with a group of people that share the same interests and passion of reading and writing. And also, having people that give attention to something I hold close to myself, that is, my work and ideas. I believe Wattpad offers such opportunities for us and I'm very thankful. 

3 Who is your favorite author?

 Outside Wattpad, I may have to mention the well known Rick Riordan. I'm a big fan of the Percy Jackson series! As for Wattpad, it has to be Robert Thier, who many know as Sir Rob, author of the Storm & Silence series (which I'm obsessed about). 

4 Are you still surprised when you get a new vote, follow or comment? 

Definitely! My book does not have that many reads so I take notice of any attention I get. Most of the readers I got, maybe 95% of them, were from read deals I made so they didn't check out my book by pure choice and interest. So, whenever someone sincerely appreciates my story and recognizes my efforts, it really warms my heart. I smile all day long! 

5 What is your schedule regarding writing? 

I have to be free. I need loads of free time. I completed my book in less than 3 months when I was on holiday. I like to write on and on, in one go. Otherwise, if I'm occupied daily with something else more important like my studies, I cannot focus on my book and lose inspiration and interest. 

6 How would you celebrate a publishing deal? 

For me to get a publishing deal, that would be a miracle! So, I would definitely announce it to my best-friends, family and all. I would definitely cry a lot! And then, maybe organize a party or go out with my friends. It's so much of a big deal and I would like to share that moment with my supporters. 

7 If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose and what would you do?

 I would have picked BTS, but if it's only one, then I'd pick one member only, which is Jin. I would go fishing with him, since that is a hobby of his. And we would chat for hours. I find his mannerisms quite admirable. I mean many people may not look up to idols as role models, but he is the type of person I aspire to be (as a person). So, I will seek some life advice from him for sure. And then, we return and I meet the rest of the members and then go my way home! XD 

8 What is your favorite story?

 I already mentioned it above and that is Storm and Silence. It is a story that puts me in a good mood because it is so hilarious. But not only that, I believe it conveys many other important messages to the readers as it is an informative historical fiction story that mostly deals with feminism.

9 What is your favorite thing about Wattpad

I had joined Wattpad like six years ago I think. I lack the money to buy actual paperback stories, so I have turned to reading online. Wattpad offers free books and, over the years, has become like my second home. I discovered so many people with talent and Wattpad has such a nice interactive environment. Wattpad has also given me a chance and enough confidence to start writing, which is a big step for me. 

10 What is a song you enjoy? Who is the artist? 

I have so many songs I enjoy, and they vary in language as well. I love folk songs, Kpop, Nordic songs, Russian songs, Mongolian songs and so many more. Currently, my favorite might be 'Wildflower' by Park Hyo Shin. He is a ballad singer and is known for his emotional songs, with 'Wildflower' being one of his biggest hits. 

11 What is the best way to handle a bully?

 I think that is a quite complex issue and it depends on who. I have always managed to steer clear from such problems and have never seen such cases. But as a witness of bullying, I will probably report it to some authorities, depending on the place. If it gets dangerous, I'll definitely intervene. If I'm the victim, I might handle it in other ways, depending on the severity of the situation. There is no best way because the situations and bullies are always different.

 Request time

 I have only one book right now, which is 'The Case Puzzle', and I am currently planning its sequel. I wish people should consider checking it out (or even just the blurb to judge if it is worthy). I have dedicated a lot of time to make at least a good story out of it, and I am constantly improving it thanks to readers' feedback. My story is fun to read, with a likeable protagonist, intriguing plot, smooth flow, light scenes mixed with suspense and mystery. I hope you can at least give it a chance!
