
Originally, my book "Magnetic Love" was entered in the Werewolf/Vampire genre of The Flower Awards but there weren't very many entrants so it was moved to "other." That section ultimately didn't have very many entrants either, so I said it could be entered into the Romance section. Amazingly, it won first! 

 Honestly, the win came as a major surprise! As my first ever book here on Wattpad, a first place win gave me the encouragement I needed to keep writing. It's always thrilling to receive positive feedback on my work.

1) What's one Wattpad goal? 

I tend to savor the little things in life. I managed (somehow!) to place first in a contest pretty early on but my goals are simple; 100 followers, 1500 views, and completing my next book! 

 2) If you could hang out with your favorite celeb for a day, who would you choose? 

Weird truth- I don't really follow celebrities. That being said, I would love to hang out with Queen Elizabeth for the day if we could strip away all the royal rules and have a good girl talk. (Seriously, no disrespect meant!) 

 3) Who is your favorite author?

 This would have to be a toss-up between Agatha Christie and C.S. Lewis. I devoured all of both of their books as a child. Mystery, intrigue, fantasy- I ate it all up!

 4) What's your favorite snack?

 Popcorn, extra butter please.

 5) What's my favorite holiday and why?

 This is another toss-up for me. (Getting the theme? lol). I love both Halloween and Easter which are strangely opposite in some ways. I love dressing up for Halloween as well as all of the stories and mystery that surround it. Easter is a major family holiday and a major religious one for me. The emotion that surrounds it, paired with the blooming flowers of spring always rejuvenates my heart and soul. 

6) What inspired you to write?

 Writing is something I have just always done. When I was younger, I started writing in a diary after I received one as a gift. When I was an angsty teen, I turned to writing poetry. I wrote a non-fiction work a few years ago and now have finished my first fictional work. 

 7) How would I celebrate a publishing deal?

 I would have a party (Covid safe, of course) with all of my friends and family.

 8) What's your schedule regarding your writing?

 I have time set aside 4 times per week in two-hour blocks but this summer it all flew out the window! Hopefully, in the fall, I can get back to a regular routine. 

9 What's a good piece of advice for a newcomer? 

 Editing; Before you press publish on your piece, read it out loud to yourself, or if you're into technology, use a screen reader to read it out loud. You will hear very easily what works/flows and what doesn't. 

10  What's a song you enjoy? Who is the artist?

 I really love "Heya" by Outkast. When I learned that he wrote it to show he could use sad lyrics with an upbeat tempo to show people would still dance and that he calls out toxic masculinity with his most famous line "What's cooler than being cool? Ice Cold!" I think I loved it even more. That's the power of creativity!

Request time

If you haven't given Magnetic Love a chance, I really think you should! It's a slow burn romance novel that's a rollercoaster of thrills and emotions. Without giving anything away, I'll just say, wait for the other side of the big drop! I hope you enjoy it.
