Chapter 50


Third person POV:

Waqqar pulled the car out of the parking. “I still can’t believe it, Waqqar!” Romma exclaimed as she looked after the building they had just exited. “Iris got the job so quickly. It’s almost unbelievable.” She continued, turning to Waqqar for a reply. He nodded. “Well, Allah was with her every step of the way. It was bound to happen.” He said, focusing on the road.

Romma frowned in disbelief. “You’re right, but everything’s so perfect for her. She’s got free accommodation along with her dream job. Ma shaa Allah, she’s so happy.” She smiled at the thought of her best friend finally settled and happy. “Not happier than us.” Waqqar shot his wife a glance, with a smile on his face. Romma looked at him.

The events of the past two weeks since she arrived at Pakistan flashed in her mind like a movie. She thought about it.  Moving to Fatima Baji’s house, learning how to cook basic Pakistani dishes, fooling around with Waqqar’s young nephews and nieces, learning a few words of urdu and all in all having a blast. “Yeah, you’re totally right.” She admitted, her heart warming up. The blessings of her Lord dawned upon her and she quickly muttered a low ‘Alhamdulillah' as she looked out the window. Everything was perfect.

They had finally gotten a place of their own. Sure, it was on rent and it wasn’t as big but it was more than enough. Waqqar was more than happy to be able to earn enough to run a household. It gave him a sense of security that everything was under control. Though Romma could never seem to understand his weird logics, she was relieved to see him back to normal.

“All that’s left now is getting those two together.” Surprisingly, it was Waqqar who spoke. Romma snapped out of her thoughts and moved her eyes to him. Realizing what he had just said, she nodded. “Yeah. But it’s such a pain they’re not married yet!” she complained, leaning back on her seat. Waqqar chuckled a bit at her words. “Come on, Romma. Of course it’s gonna take a while.” He said. 

Romma let out a sigh. She recalled the last conversation she had with Iris on this subject. The sneaky woman didn’t give a single sign when she was subtly asked a question regarding Waqqas.  It had gotten Romma pretty ticked but she had to control herself. “I want her to confess that she’s got the hots for your brother. Only then things can fall into place!” Romma exclaimed, scowling at the situation. 

“What about Waqqas? Has he said anything?” she turned to Waqqar and questioned hopefully. Waqqar shook his head with a disappointed look, his eyes still fixed on the road.  “Nope. Not yet.” He replied. “I haven’t actually asked him directly but I think I’ll have to soon enough. I don’t want bhaijaan to continue his bad habit of travelling the world all alone. At least after marriage, he can finally have someone to tag along.” Waqqar let out a sigh.

Romma’s scowl deepened. “Honestly, Waqqar. Your brother’s so sneaky. I think he knows that we’re onto him.” She remarked. “He changes the subject like a pro whenever I try to get some information out of him. And I always get fooled whenever he starts going on about random stuff, calling me Bhabhi and whatnot. What does Bhabhi even mean?” she looked at Waqqar for an answer. 

Waqqar laughed a bit. “You didn’t ask him?” he questioned.  Romma nodded. “I did, but he just left me hanging saying you’d tell me yourself.” She huffed in annoyance, folding her arms over her chest.  “That’s so typical of Bhaijaan.” Waqqar smiled at the thought. Then he turned to Romma to answer her question. “Bhabhi simply means sister in law. It’s a term used to give respect.” He explained briefly.

A smile formed on Romma’s face. She liked the sound of Waqqas giving her respect. She actually thought it was pretty sweet of him. “Oh, so that’s what it means. I always thought he was making fun of me.” Romma stated. Waqqar shook his head. “It’s the norm here. To call your brother’s wife ‘bhabhi' is very common.”

Romma nodded as she turned back to the window.  Waqqar stopped the car at a signal. Romma’s eyes fell on the people roaming around the streets, going around to every car and offering some things in exchange for money. The men in lady clothes were always the ones that caught her attention the most. They would go to every car, performing some kind of dance moves and then let out a hand, asking for money.

Romma always found it funny but Waqqar would disapprove of it quite sternly. Mainly because he told her most of them weren’t actually she-males,  but dressed as them to win people’s sympathy.

"Most of them are frauds." He had told her distastefully. "Just ignore them.  Don't make fun of them and never laugh at them. They'll be fine."

Sounds of clapping filled Romma’s ears as she turned to look at the owner of the noise. She saw one of these wanna-be she-men standing at the window of the driver’s seat. The she-man clapped their hands again uttering a few urdu words which Romma didn’t understand. Though, she got the hint that he was asking for money.

Romma kept on observing the person standing with fascination when her eyes met Waqqar. He shook his head, motioning for her to not say anything. Romma did as she was told, but couldn’t fight the urge to take another glance. The she-man would jerk forward with every clap saying something in a loud voice, letting their hand out.  She noticed the concentrated expression on Waqqar’s face as he tried to avoid any sort of eye contact.

Romma couldn’t hold in her laugh as a giggle escaped her mouth. Waqqar shot her a stern look. “I told you, Romma. Ignore it.” He said, firmly. She nodded, making a face. “Okay, okay. I’ll try my best.” She looked away or at least tried to.  It wasn’t very soon when the she-man caught both of their attention.

They clapped their hands together, louder this time and in a girly manner, jerked forward again. They leaned down to reach Waqqar’s height and clapped their hands once again. “Babblu ke Papa, Bablu ki Mama!” They exclaimed, in a girly way.

Romma’s eyes widened. She didn’t know Urdu but she certainly understood that! She tried so hard to fight the smile forming on her face. She was about to look away, not wanting to tick her husband off. Her eyes accidentally met Waqqar’s and she noticed that he had the same expression as her. She snorted, not able to take it any longer and burst out in laugher, followed closely by Waqqar.

The signal turned green and Waqqar quickly moved the car forward, both of them laughing hard. Romma clutched her stomach and somehow managed to control herself. Waqqar also took a deep breath and calmed down.  Then they looked at each other and burst out again.

“Ya Allah!” Romma whined between guffaws. “Did they-like...  give us a blessing for having kids?”

Waqqar shook his head at her. “Bless that soul!” He gave a hearty chuckle. “You seem to quite appreciate it,  Bablu ki Mama.”

“Right back at you, Bablu k Papa. You even ignored your own no laughing policy back there!” Romma leaned against him, red in the face and glowing with happiness. “I hope Allah accepts!”

Waqqar pressed back against her, and as he slowed the car at the next signal, grabbed her around the shoulders and leaned in to kiss her soundly.

“Of course, Romma. Whenever has He not?”
