Chapter 45


"Lucy, check." 

"Stacy, check." 

"Violet, check."

"Maria..." I trailed off and lifted my head from the list. Then I glanced back at it. Maria's name was scribbled right underneath Violet's. If we were gonna invite Violet, it was common sense that Maria showed up too. 

But.. I had plans for that evening. I wanted to announce my engagement to Waqqar and with Maria standing in the crowd, it would just be plain mean of me. It would be as I were rubbing it in her face that she didn't get Waqqar and I did.

I ran a hand through my locks, walking around with frustration. I was in a fight with myself. A buzz filled in my ears and I turned to glance at my phone laying on the bed. I reached out for it. Iris had just texted me asking how the planning was going and if I needed any help. I smiled as I read her text.

"No way, girl. You relax. It's a party in your honor. I can't possibly let you help." I responded with the same smile plastered on my face. She was an amazing friend. One of the reasons for everything good in my life right now. Alhamdulillah. I really did get the best. 

My thoughts faded when I realized that I had a problem. I sighed and plopped down on the bed, my hair scattering all over the sheets. I wanted to invite Maria to the party, but I wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. I mean, she did hate my guts. 

I sat up straight as an idea hit me. I rushed into the bathroom to get ready. I didn't have much time. The party was tonight. I had to get to her house before that. I made my way to the car and didn't wait for the driver. I drove myself to Maria's house. Good thing I knew the way to her house since I had dropped Violet off there a few months ago. The day when all of us went shopping but Violet had to go to Maria's house to console her.

I sighed as I thought about those days. It was sad that I couldn't be friends with Maria. She had seemed like such an amazing person. Until that day when I got to know she was Prim_Rosa. She had switched personalities in a matter of seconds. From being the nice, smart pretty girl to the mean, snobbish witch.

I parked the car outside the house and grabbed my bag and keys. In a matter of minutes, I was standing outside the door. I gulped down the lump forming in my throat as I hesitantly reached for the door bell. My heart pounded in my chest and a chain of possible scenarios crossed my mind at once. I bit my lip as the distant sound of "ting tong" filled my ears. 

I started fidgeting, waiting for the door to open. Maria would be surprised to say the least. However, her attitude towards me after that remained a mystery. I prepared myself for the worst. 

The clicking of the door knob caused me to freeze in my place. The door slowly opened. Even though all this was happening in a few seconds, it felt as if it was taking the person hours to pull the door. Finally, it revealed Maria. Her expression was nothing but the usual before she laid her eyes on me. Slowly, her eyes widened and her brows furrowed. 

I didn't know what to do so I just grinned sheepishly with a wave. "Salaam, Maria." The words rolled off my tongue. "You." She spoke with remorse and disgust. It really didn't bother me since I knew this was going to happen to some extent. "You're supposed to say Wa Salaam." I responded, feeling a bit more relaxed and adding a nice, sweet smile. Maria's angry expression slowly faded.

"Wa Salaam." She said quietly. To be honest, I didn't expect her to say that. I thought she was gonna roll her eyes or throw a  few snarky comments at me. 

A few seconds of silence passed before Maria spoke up again. "What are you doing here?" She asked, blankly. Not with anger, not with a mocking tone, just blankly. "Uhh..." I bit my lip, unsure of how to start. "Can I come in? This will take a while." I smiled again, showing her that I wasn't here to fight or show off. 

She fully inspected me from head to toe with a judgemental look before moving to a side. "Come in." She said simply with a straight face, not giving away any emotion. I thanked her and entered the house. Maria's gaze followed after me, getting me feeling nervous again. Because of her intense stare, I didn't have a chance to study the surroundings. 

"So?" She demanded with folded arms after I had entered. I figured she didn't want me to sit so I just stood there, facing her. "There are two things I want to discuss with you." I told her calmly. She motioned me to continue. All the while, her poker face was making my heart beat faster by the minute. 

"I wanted to tell you something important..." I trailed off. Informing her about the engagement was priority. I wanted to do it in private since it was better than announcing it in front of a whole crowd with her in it. If I did that, it would be as if I were insulting her in front of everyone. I figured it would be better if I told her beforehand. 

Maria just stared at me. 

"I... Uhh... Waqqar and I are...uhh" No matter how much courage I gather up, it was just too hard to break it to her. 

"You're getting married." Maria finished for me. 

I froze for a second. " do you know that?" I asked, confused. Maria just pursed her lips in irritation and looked away. "Waqqar told me days before you did. At the prom." She stated. I frowned deeper. "But, Waqqar didn't leave my sight for a minute. When did he say that to you?" I question further. Maria looked at me with a dirty look. It was clear that she didn't like talking about this.

"I dunno. A while before the prom ended." She shrugged. It hit me as I came to realization. When Waqqar left me after asking me how much I wanted to be with him. I would've blushed remembering that if it weren't for Maria standing in front of me.

The fact that Waqqar had made up his mind right there and then about marrying me made my heart flutter with joy. 

"Ohhh. I remember now." I nodded in realization. Maria just looked at me with a disdainful look. "Are you done or do you want to rub it in more?" She asked with disgust. I frowned at her. "No, I never meant to Rub it in_" I was cut off mid-sentence by Maria. "Whatever” she rolled her eyes before turning to me again. “Anything else?" 

I just nodded. She was getting on my nerves but I just bore it. I didn’t come here to fight. I came here to set things right and possibly make amends with her. Maria tapped her foot on the ground impatiently. My attention was diverted to her and I quickly spoke up, a bit scared she would lose the little patience she had. “Well, Iris just converted to Islam. I threw her a party to celebrate. Everyone would be there.” I started. Maria’s expression softened a bit at the mention of Iris converting. 

“I wanted to invite you since Violet would be there... and also because you’re a Muslim too. What do you say?” I shot her a small smile to show her that I really cared. But, Maria didn’t buy it. I noticed a small smile, almost invisible, tug at her lips. She quickly covered it up and hummed. “I’ll think about it.” She simply replied. “But, I don’t think I’ll come.” She added.

To be honest, I felt a little disappointed. I thought that maybe, just maybe, she would try to be a little nicer and try to make amends with me too. But I guess she was too heartbroken or too blinded by Shaitaan. Whatever it was, I had hoped it would’ve turned out better. But, of course Allah was the best of planners. This was probably best for me.

 “I guess that’s up to you.” I said. She nodded. “Well then, I’ll get going. Thank you for hearing me out.” I flashed her a tight smile which lasted for only a second. She nodded again with her straight face. I made my way to the door, Maria following after me. At least she was nice enough to do that. She opened the door for me. I walked out, saying “salaam” to her. She muttered a low “Wa salaam” and waited at the door for me to leave. 

Before I left, she stopped me. “And do give Iris my best regards. Tell her that I’m very happy for her.” She said. I turned around and nodded. “Sure thing” was the only thing I said before leaving. 

 Thoughts about Maria’s words crossed my mind as I started the car. I smiled at the thought. She really wasn’t a bad person. It was just how things turned out to be. She wasn’t really a mean, sly fox. She just acted that way when she saw me as a threat. I suddenly started to feel really happy. It was a good thing I decided to visit her personally. At least, now I wouldn’t have any regrets. With a smile plastered on my face, I made my way to the bakery to collect the cake I had ordered. 

Tonight was gonna be a blast, In Shaa Allah. 

Most of the preparations had been made. I only had to fetch some party snacks and set them on a table. The decorations had been set up and the invitations had been sent. I felt relaxed and at ease. 

Later at the party...

“HEY girl!” Violet rushed to me with arms wide open. “Congratulations!” She gave me a hug before turning to Iris. “And of course! How can I forget the guest of honor?” she gave Iris a hug and handed her a beautifully packed gift. Iris returned the bubbly greeting and gave Violet a big bright smile. “Thank you so much!” she exclaimed excitedly like a little kid. I laughed at her response. 

“God! You look gorgeous!” Violet regarded us with her gestures. I blushed a bit, looking at my long flowy dress. Iris thanked her again and I turned to study her attire. Her hair was left loose, bouncing up and down as she moved. Her crystal blue eyes shone under the different colored lights. Her bright smile made her look drop dead gorgeous. 

It made me feel so good that she had this smile because of me. It made me forget all the running around, all the screaming and all the last minutes arrangements I faced to get this far. I was too relaxed and had to face the consequences at the last minute which just made me feel stupid. Violet turned to me and ran a hand through my hair. “You look like a whole new person. It’s been a while since I saw you without a hijab.” She remarked. I chuckled a bit.

“I hope I don’t look bad.” I fake gasped. Violet quickly shook her head and held her hands up in surrender. “No, No. you look beautiful.” I started laughing. “Just teasing you.” I smiled at her and she took a sigh of relief. 

Someone called Iris from the other side and she walked away, leaving me alone with Violet. I searched around the place. “Maria didn’t show up?” I asked. Violet smiled sadly and shook her head. “No. I tried to convince her but she just didn’t agree.” She explained. I pressed my lips and sighed. “Well it can’t be helped, can it?” 

Violet nodded before speaking up. “I know you’re hurt but to tell you the truth, all this is really hard for her.” She started. I shook my head. “I am not hurt. And I know it’s not easy for her.” I agreed. Violet smiled at me with a look saying, ‘thanks for understanding’. She didn’t stop there. “Maria’s been mean to you. And I know nothing can justify the fact that she tried to cause misunderstandings between your already blooming love.” I grinned at that. “Maria’s been through a lot. Her parents got a divorce and it really disturbed her. And when she reverted to Islam, her mother wasn’t so happy and supportive about it.

“When she saw Waqqar, she thought that she could finally be able to practice her religion and lead a nice life with a loving partner. But, you were there and she started seeing you as a threat when she noticed you getting closer to him.” Violet paused, taking a sip of her drink before continuing. “She felt as if you would snatch away the last hope she had so she tried desperately to get you out of the picture. But it was no use.” Violet stopped talking before she added, “Waqqar had already made up his mind.” 

I stood there for a few minutes, not moving from my place. I was too much in thought. I knew Maria had her reasons but never thought it from that perspective. It made me realize that I was truly blessed. I had everything. Everything she didn’t have. A happy family, supportive parents and a wonderful fiancé’.  I sighed as I returned back to real life. 

Maria really had been through a lot. I was nowhere close to where she was. She gave up so much for Allah compared to me. “I’m glad you understand. I wasn’t so hopeful that you’d listen to me.” Violet smiled gratefully.  I smiled back. “You’re right. Why would I deny something that is true?” 

Before Violet could respond, a voice called my name.  “Romma! Look who’s here!” I turned around to see Iris holding an adorably dressed Meena in her hands. A bright smile formed on my face and I rushed to hold her. “Meena!” I exclaimed, taking her from Iris’ arms. She happily jumped into my arms and I cuddled her. “I’m so happy to see you. It’s great you were able to come.” She smiled cutely and pulled out a small gift box. She handed it to Iris. “This is for you, Ree. Wacky said to give you this.” She explained in her cute, childish voice. Both Iris and I exchanged confused looks. “Wacky? Who’s that?” Iris asked, chuckling.

Meena’s eyes widened in realization and she gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. “Oopsh. Waqqas Bhaijan told me not to call him that in front of you.” 

Both Iris and I burst out laughing and clutched our stomachs. “Oh Allah! That’s just … priceless!” Iris managed to say between her laughs. I nodded in agreement, gasping for breath. Meena just looked at us, confused. Nevertheless, she joined in, having no clue why we were laughing. “Poor Wacky!” I exclaimed. And then, in a lower voice i asked: “What about Wainee?”

Meena beamed. “Oh! Wainee sent tickets. Three! He said we can eat anything from Shtarsh.”

That was not what I had asked her but I nodded and squeezed her tight. “Wow! Coupons for a buffet in Starish! You hear that, Iris?”

Iris grinned at me. “Yup. That means for you, me and Meena to enjoy a girls night out. What do you say we do it tomorrow?! After a long shopping spree for your wedding dress?!"

We both squealed like the crazy shopping fanatics we were and Meena, with no clue about it all, joined in as well.

Life was good,  Alhamdulillah.
