Chapter 39


"Chachoo?" I repeated. Nadia Khala nodded, picking Meena up in her arms. "Do you have any idea what he has to talk about?" I asked her. She shrugged. "I'm not so sure if I'm right but it has something to do with your boss." She responded. I frowned in confusion. My boss? Romma's dad?

"Jazakumullah, Khala. I'll go there now." I turned to her and smiled. She smiled back and I rushed up to my room to change. After changing, I took my phone and headed towards Chachoo's study. "Can I come in?" I called from the door, knocking twice. The door flew open and Chachoo gave me a warm smile. "Come on in. I was waiting for you." He told me. I sat down on a nearby chair and Chachoo sat across me.

I looked around the study. Large, chocolate brown cupboards everywhere. There was a desk in the middle of the room. Piles of papers were stacked there messily. The ceiling fan made a creaking noise each time it completed an orbit. Two small, old chairs were placed in front of the desk. The room looked old, so did the furniture.

"Assalamualaikum, Chachoo. You didn't go to work?" I questioned once we settled down. "Waalaykumusalaam. I came in early today. Had to fill in Meena's fees." He informed me. I nodded knowingly in reply. It was silent for a few minutes until I spoke up. "Nadia Khala told me you had something to discuss with me...?" I asked. He nodded, confirming my statement. "Oh yes." He started, folding his hands and leaning forward to come closer. "A... Situation has come up. I had to talk to you immediately." Chachoo seemed hesitant in his words.

I sat up straight, assuring him that I was listening. He frowned in hesitation. His eyes went here and there as if he was in an inner battle with himself. "I know I'm not your real father and that only he has the right to talk to you about such an important matter. But, since Mr. Albasha spoke directly to me; I think it's fair enough that I talk directly to you too." Chachoo was making me more and more confused. I had no clue about what he had to talk about.

"Of course, Chachoo. You're at the same place as my real father. You can talk to me without hesitation." I assured him. He sighed. "Well beta, I want to know what you plan about marriage." He said. My eyes widened. Marriage?? "Marriage?" I repeated. He nodded slowly. I licked my lips, lost in thought. "Well... Uhh... I don't quite understand what you want to ask me." I admitted. He pressed his lips. "When do you plan to get married?" He asked.

"Well... I don't really know." I started. "I mean, I never thought that I'll be the one to decide that. It's the right of my parents, right? Whenever they want. I'll be ready. It's not like I'm running out of time or anything. I'm just 21 at the moment." I explained. Chachoo nodded knowingly when I finished. "Fair enough." He remarked. "Anyway, what I want to say is that; there's a potential proposal for you." Chachoo dropped the bomb. I blinked at him.

Proposal?? Whose?

"Proposal?" I gulped down the lump forming in my throat. "Yes. And it's a good one. Although, I'm not sure what your parents will think." Chachoo replied. If I said that I wasn't curious, I'd be lying. "Whose proposal is it?" I pried. Chachoo smiled at my curiosity. "Well, it's Mr. Albasha's young daughter herself." Chachoo exclaimed. My jaws dropped to the ground. Romma?? Romma?!! Did her Dad honestly send me a proposal? Did she just indirectly propose to me again?!

"You mean Romma Albasha??" I wanted to confirm it. He frowned. "Romma? No that's not her name. It's Umme Romman." Chachoo told me. Umme Romman?? That's her name? I certainly wasn't expecting that. Umme Romman was actually a great name. I liked the sound of it. "Oh." Was what I said.

"Anyway. What do you think of her?" Chachoo went straight to the point after that. The question was a scary one. I didn't answer him and stayed quiet. He didn't press it since he knew that I couldn't make a decision right there and then. "I know. You need time. That's perfectly fine. I'll discuss it with your parents until then. You just focus on your exam." Chachoo patted my shoulder and gave me a smile.

I returned it, grateful that he understood. "Jazakumullah khair, Chachoo. I will in shaa Allah." I told him and got up. On my way back to my room, my mind was filled with thoughts. Romma's father sent for her hand in marriage. My heart was racing in my chest. My stomach was doing somersaults and I was kinda excited and very much uncertain. I wanted it to happen. I wanted it to happen so bad, and yet... I wasn't sure about the how, why and just Romma in general.

I was impressed though. This girl knew what she wanted and how to get it. She was serious about this. She was serious about me. The thought sent my heart into another flip.
I plopped down on my small sized comfy bed, staring at the ceiling with a stupid grin on my face. That Romma, always dropping bombs like that around me. How many times now has she caught me off guard?

And Allah! She'd got me bad.

After another ten minutes of daydreaming and trying to control my heartbeat, I sat up and took out my books. "Alright! Time to study!" I told myself.

But it wasn't long before my mind wandered off. I never thought Romma would be this serious. She really was telling the truth when she said she had wanted to marry me. I felt blood rush to my cheeks as I remembered her confession on that day.

If Romma really was serious then it meant she wasn't lying. All that I saw that day was just a misunderstanding. "That's it, Waqqar. Isn't it enough for you to make your choice?" My inner voice said. I sighed. It was right. If Romma really was serious, then it's my turn to do the same.

That's it!

I had decided. Allah had been giving me chances again and again to achieve something that would make me happy. And I was just blindly pushing it off for later. I'll make Istakharaa tonight in shaa Allah. Maybe Allah had written this in my fate. And if He did, I'd be more than happy to accept it. Oh, Romma. How I wish I could see her acting the same way like she did before! I wanted her to be bubbly and jolly just like before. And this time, give her a proper chance. What has she done to me? I have her on my mind all the time. Not matter what time of day, she'd creep into my mind and I wouldn't even notice.

Thank you Allah! I had finally made up my mind. And I felt so much better. Alhamdulillah.


"Salam, Waqqar." Harry slapped me on my back. Damian just smiled. "Wasalaam, how are you guys? It's been a long week, hasn't it?" I smiled. They nodded. "It was so unfair when the teacher told us we'd be separated for two whole weeks!" Harry whined. "Yeah, but thank God exams are over now." Damian agreed. I just smiled in response.

Today was an amazing day, Alhamdulillah. The final exam went great. Everybody was roaming here and there with their friends. Harry and Damian rushed to me as soon as the exam was over. We stood in the hallways where another dozens of students, along with their friends, chatted away. The hallways, which usually were quiet and dark was filled with life today. Everybody had a huge smile on their face. Most of them were discussing about prom the day after tomorrow.

"Dude, are you coming to prom?" Damian turned to me. I wasn't really sure if I would go. But it was a great opportunity since it would be the last day we'd meet our college friends. Harry scowled at the hesitant look on my face. "And don't you DARE say you might not come!" He warned, shooting me a death glare. I chuckled softly and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, bro. I plan to come, In shaa Allah." I assured him.

He folded his arms over his chest. "Yeah. You better come."

Just then, my eyes caught a familiar face on my left. I turned my head to have a proper look. She was standing out because of her long baggy shirt and skirt. Even her friends blended into the crowd. "Romma..." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" Damian asked, thinking I was talking to him. I looked back at him. "No It's nothing." I told him. "My innocent little Dammi!" Harry suddenly exclaimed and slipped a sneaky arm around Damian's neck. "Don't you see? Our Waqqar's looking at the love of his life!" Harry laughed, pointing at Romma. I felt blood rush to my cheeks. "H-hey!"

Damian looked at Romma and burst out laughing. "For once, I actually think Harry isn't exaggerating." He said between laughs. My face turned red with embarrassment. I wished Romma hadn't noticed. "I'll see you two later at prom. Salam!" I quickly rushed out of there without a word. Allah! I really didn't want anyone to know that I actually liked Romma. It would just be troublesome. But now that Harry and Damain knew, I was sure this bit of information would slip from them easily. And before we knew it, the whole school will know that Romma and I like each other.

I stopped in my tracks. We... Liked each other. Both of us... We wanted to be together. The stupid grin was back on my face. This was beginning to sound like a cheesy romance novel.

I headed towards my house, reciting a few duaas. As soon as I reached home, I rang the bell. I stood there patiently for about two minutes when I rang the bell again. What was taking Nadia Khala so long. I still waited. After five long minutes, the door knob turned. The door slowly opened. I lifted my head to greet Khala. "Salam Khala_" my voice died in my throat. Khala wasn't standing there. It was a man. A tall man with long brown hair and brown eyes just like mine. He smiled brightly as soon as he saw me. "Waqqar!" He exclaimed before enveloping me in a  crushing hug.

I just stood frozen in his arms, too dumbstruck to move. "Allah, I missed you, Yar!" He said, breaking the hug. I blinked twice to make sure it really was him. "Am I dreaming?" I asked him, eyes widened. He laughed out loud, patting my on the back. God! He was strong. "Yup. And I'm having the same dream." He assured me, that bright smile not leaving face. He was the same as ever. "Are you gonna stand there? Come on in." He grabbed my arm and pulled me in.

"Waqqar, beta. You're back. I'm so sorry for taking so long. I was stuck in this pile of gifts." Nadia Khala apologized as soon as we entered the living room. My jaw dropped to the ground. "Did you bring all this?!" I asked, pointing to the huge pile of gifts everywhere. No wonder khala couldn't get out.

He laughed in response. "I came here to get my little bro married after all."

My cheeks burned with embarrassment and surprise. "What?!" I rounded on him, feeling like a little kid like I always had in front of him. "How did you- who told-"
"Your Chachoo." Nadia Khala told me. " He contacted your parents after talking to you a few days ago."

"And you're here already?" I looked between them anxiously. "That was fast. I haven't even said yes yet."

"Relax, bro." He smiled at me. "I'm in the airlines, remember? I booked a flight as soon as I heard and here I am. Besides it's been ages since I saw Khala and Chachoo."Nadia Khala smiled lovingly at him. "You're always welcome here Waqqas."

This was truly an exciting turn of events. My brother was here and I was seeing him after so long. But while I was so happy to see him, the reason why he came was making me nervous. Both mine and Romma's family seemed to be really taking this proposal very seriously.

"Stop stressing, kid!" Waqqas saw my face and messed up my hair. "You have the honor of getting married before your big bro. I should be the one in a sulk." I swatted at his hand. "I don't think you even know how to sulk." I told him.

He shrugged as if I was being stupid and sat on the floor, true Pakistani style, and pulled me down with him. "Let's help Khala sort out this mess. And you can tell me all about this lovely young lady. I want an interesting love story here."
