Chapter 31


"So, are you taking your camera?" Lucy asked me on the phone. I shrugged, immediately realizing that she couldn't see me. "Dunno. I'm not really into photography." I told her. She let out a snicker. "Oh really? Last time I remembered, your phone had 2 thousand six hundred pictures of yourself in it." Lucy said. I nodded. "Yep, you're right. But, I like taking selfies. Not really nature and stuff. Taking pictures of us is the job of my phone. I don't really need to take a camera." I said.

"Hmm. I guess you're right. Anyway, mom's calling. Gotta go. See you at school tomorrow. We're gonna have a blast!" Lucy beamed and cut the call. I sighed and layed back to my bed, throwing my phone to my left in the process. I was excited for this trip but was worried about the week after. We were gonna have a lot of tests and essays to complete because exams were coming up. After that, university would start. Since the last meeting with Waqqar, Maria showed up wearing hijab the next day and Waqqar wouldn't stop talking about her which pissed me off.

I told myself to cheer up because I wasn't let myself be all gloomy at the camping trip. No way in earth was that gonna happen! I, Romma Albasha would continue my quest to make Waqqar fall for me and reject that sly fox, Maria! I had been all worried and gloomy since the day o got to know Maria and I were rivals. I decided not to let my morale down because if I did, Maria could take advantage of me. That wasn't the only reason.

Waqqar has always known me to be an outgoing, jolly person. He accepted me as a good friend that way. If I change myself, he might not want to be with me. And besides, why should I change myself just because of a person who betrayed me without thinking twice that I was her friend? I love myself the way Allah made me and even if Waqqar doesn't like that, I won't change my personality. But of course, I'll try to change my flaws into good things.

Inshallah, I was gonna win this battle!

Next day...

"OMG! I forgot my HAND BAG IN THE CAR!" I heard a girl shriek as we got onto the bus to leave for Jasper National park. I really felt bad for the poor girl as she looked as if she was about to cry. "I had my phone in it and all the important stuff!" She shouted once again and I suddenly had an urge to go and help her. Just as I was about to turn to help her despite the fact that I could miss the bus, I heard Waqqar say my name. "Romma!" I looked back to the entrance of the bus and saw him standing there with a gentle smile playing on his lips. "Salams, Waqqar. I'm sorry but I need to go." I told him in a hurry. His wonderful smile turned into a frown of worry. "Are you okay? What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing. I need to help her. She seems overly devastated." I pointed at the girl before shoving my bag in Waqqar's arm and running off in her direction. Without looking back, I rushed to the girl's rescue. "Is your car yours or someone came to drop you off?" I asked her. She frowned in worry. "It was my mom's. It's a silver Honda Civic. But what can we do now? My mom's probably gone and I can't afford to go back to the parking lot. It'll take too much time." She told me worry clear on her face.

"Don't worry. You leave for the trip and I'll go and check." I said before heading for the parking lot which was almost 60 metres away. Being a champion in a sport gave me the advantage of running fast enough to reach there in 3 to 4 minutes. I looked around for a honda Civic and spotted one just leaving. I ran towards the car and saw that the mother had stopped for a little snack before leaving. "Ma'am! Your daughter left her handbag here. She had all the money there. Can you please give it to me?" The woman looked at me confused and then what I was talking about. She looked around in the car and spotted her daughter's bag.

She quickly handed it to me and ran back. I heard her shout a loud "thank you" on the way back. I smiled to myself.

As I reached there, the bus hadn't left which I was thankful for. I gave the girl her bag and found myself an empty seat with Waqqar. As I settled back and relaxed, I realized what I had just done. I smiled triumphantly and gave myself a pat on the back. Mentally though. I had helped someone and risked myself for that. I felt so happy and proud with myself that I couldn't hide the smile forming on my face. "What you did was amazing. Mashallah, Romma. I didn't know you had started being so kind and thoughtful." Waqqar spoke up. I looked at him, a blush creeping up my face.

"Jazakumullah Khair. I don't know what got into me. I just had to help her." I told him. He smiled at me. "You made me feel so proud that you were my friend. I really appreciated what you did." He continued making me blush even more. "It's not a big deal..." I trailed off. "Where is Maria? Any idea?" I asked, wondering if she was up to something. I hadn't seen her since the past week.

It gave me chills when I thought about her.

Waqqar shook his head  no. A feeling of ease filled me and I started to feel relaxed again. "Waqqar...." I trailed off not sure if I should say what I was about to. He looked at me, the smile still there on his face. "What do you think of Maria? Do you like her??" I asked him. He didn't seem to get my point. "What do you mean? Of course I like her, she's a nice girl." He said and I mentally faceplamed myself. Why is he making it harder for me??

"No, I mean.... In another way..." I couldn't get the words out of my mouth. Asking Waqqar these kinda things did seem strange and weird. He raised an eyebrow, confused. "I mean, do you like her as in...." I paused.  "Like a girlfriend or wife" I blurted I all out! I couldn't believe it.

Waqqar's eyes widened in shock as he looked at me in disbelief. "Romma! What's gotten into you all of a sudden?!" He was flabbergasted. I could see  he turned red all over. "It was just a question!" I defended myself. He looked away. "At least answer the question!" I said. He let out a sigh. "Seriously, you can be so weird sometimes but since you're like my best friend, I let you know that I have no interest in Maria in that way." He told me. I breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, something else happened."What about me, then?" The words just slipped out of my mouth. I quickly shut my mouth as soon I realized what I had just blurted out. Ugh!! I hate myself!! Why in the world did I just say that?!! In the midst of my freaking out, I saw that Waqqar hadn't said a word. He was quiet and it felt as if he was 'pretending' that he didn't hear me. I knew he was faking it for some reason and I didn't dare ask him again.

"You said something?" Waqqar asked. He was a terrible liar, which was clear. I shook my head. "No, not really." I quickly replied.

The rest of the ride went in awkward silence until a teacher stepped forward in the middle of the cus so everyone could see her. "Listen up, students! This is a dangerous place. Don't wander off alone everywhere. You will be provided with your tents and food so no need for anything. Keep your phones with you at all times and don't leave your handbag anywhere. You are responsible for your own stuff.

Secondly, each class shall have a person who they would come to ask for help or anything. The teachers won't be responsible here. We will assign you your leaders and you guys will be off. This trip is for three days so enjoy it to the fullest. You all know that you have exams up next week. So, no need to hold back. Enjoy yourselves and be careful." After the speech, the teacher sat down again.

The bus stopped in it's tracks after 15 minutes or so. All kids rushed outside. The teacher told each class  to stay together. We obeyed. After all, we weren't 8th graders. "It's time to assign you your leaders. First up, Jean to the first years." The teacher announced. I had no idea that our leaders would be university students. It seems as if the University students were here to practise their skills and take care of us.

"Iris to the last year's." The teacher finished and stepped back as a blonde girl with short hair walked up in front of us, shooting me her bright smile and winked. "What in the world?!" I whispered to myself. Iris stood there with that smile and waved at us. "Let's start with putting up the tents, shall we?" She said and all of us got to work.

We found ourselves a spot and started to put up the tents. This gave me a chance to talk to Iris. "Did you know we'd be meeting here?" I asked. She smirked and put her nose high up in the air in pride. "Why'd you think I signed up for this then? I came here to help you get somewhere since you can't do anything yourself." She said. I frowned. "What do you mean?"

She rolled her eyes and pointed at Waqqar who was standing far enough so he couldn't hear us. "Romma, you're gonna go to university soon. Don't you want to get married?" She practically yelled at me. "If you don't let Waqqar know your feelings now, he might not be able to accept it when you say it to him a few years later. You just wouldn't get the chance. At least now you have three days to confess." Iris explained, knocking some sense into me.

I agreed with her but I couldn't say that to Waqqar. He wouldn't like it. "What if he doesn't like it? You do know he's a really religious guy." I told her. "Honey," Iris smiled softly in a mature way. "Being religious doesn't you aren't human. It's not like you're saying it to just go out with him. You're serious about him. You want to MARRY him. He won't ever mind it. Don't worry." She comforted and I felt as if she was totally right.

And that was it. The push that I needed. "How am I supposed to say it in the midst of all these people?" I asked her. Her mature smile faded and was covered with a grin. "Why do think I'm here?? I'm gonna set up the most romantic scene for you two so that you can confess. I'll think about it and tell you the whole plan." Iris was literally trembling with excitement. "Jazakumullah Khair for being there for me." I told her. She winked at me before evolving me in a bear hug. "Don't worry about it, babes."
