Chapter 36

Assalamualaikum, dear readers. Im truly sorry for not updating. I was experiencing a major writer's block! I'm sorry again. Hope you enjoy this chapter and I'll try my best to update soon.


"Thanks but I'm fine now." I said, venom dripping from my voice. That scowl on my face was still there. Kyle rolled his eyes. "Well, I'll catch you later then." With that, he turned to leave. I humphed, wrapping my arms around my chest. "I hope not." I whispered to myself in a low voice and turned to head back. I had no clue where everyone was and with this injury, it would be almost impossible to find them.

Seriously, this guy! I can't believe I had to come here with him. After all he said to me that day. I took a deep breath realizing that complaining would do me no good. I looked here and there wondering where to start searching for my friends. I could see no trace of them so I just ended up deciding to go the buses. We were about to leave for home and our trip would soon be over. I walked slowly, trying to get used to my injury. Fourtunately, I knew where they had parked the buses.

Reaching closer, I spotted a familiar blonde head a few metres away from the buses. A bright smile formed on my face as I shouted out, "Iris! I'm here!". She turned to face where the voice was coming from. I saw her eyes widening as she rushed towards me and envolped me in a bear hug. "Where were you? You idiot!" Her voice shook as if she was about to cry. I felt moved by her gesture and hugged her back. "Sorry. I fell down in the middle of nowhere and sprained my ankle." To me, it felt as I was just ranting. Iris broke the hug and gently slapped me on the forehead. "You careless prick!" She scowled at me. I couldn't control myself and burst out laughing at her unsuccessful attempt of making a harmless insult.

"Careless prick? Seriously, Iris?!" I exclaimed, clutching my stomach as I laughed. She rolled her eyes. "That aside, I guess that explains why you're in such a bad state. C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up." She took my head arm gently and led me to a near restroom. I then realized that I looked like a zombie who just came out of a horror movie. My hair were tugging put from my now ruined bun. My shirt and long skirt were covered in dust. I wouldn't be surprised if my face had a countless number of dirt on it. After all, I was laying there helplessly for almost an hour.

Reaching the restroom, I washed my face and mended my bun. I looked better now. I started telling Iris everything. About when I fell down to that forced date with Mr. Unstable emotions. Iris listened to me quietly as I went on and on describing how I had to give in and quietly go with him to a stupid bakery without another word. After I was done, Iris patted my shoulder, trying to console me. "I think it's best if you don't say a word about this to anyone else. It'll be big trouble if Maria gets her filthy hands on this information. She'll probably feed Waqqar's head with useless lies." Iris advised. I nodded. "You're right."

Then it quickly hit me. "Speaking of Waqqar; where is he?" I asked. It seemed Iris just realized something. Her expression changed into a worried one. "Yeah, where did he go? After we all started looking for you, I didn't see him since. We all split up trying to look for you so I don't know where he is now. We need to tell everyone that you're okay." Iris explained. I nodded knowingly. "I need to talk to him, Iris. I'll see you later. You go and tell everyone I'm okay." I told her and practically rushed of there without letting Iris answer.

I thought I had seen Waqqar near the buses when I was looking for Iris. I have to speak to him before it gets crowded there and we go back home. I won't be able to have a chance to speak to him after that. Despite my injury, I ran to the buses. At first, I didn't see anyone and was about to leave when I heard his voice. "Romma?" It felt as if it had been ages since I heard that soothing voice. I turned to him with a bright smile on my face. "Where were you? We were looking for you." He asked. I felt so relieved that he was worried. My heart skipped a beat when he said that. "I just lost my way and fell down, spraining my ankle in the process. Alhamdulillah. I'm fine now. Thanks for worrying." I explained leaving out the Kyle part.  "Thank Allah you're here! I was looking for you!" I beamed and walked closer to him.

Funny thing was, his expression quickly changed from shocked to aloof. I was confused but brushed it off thinking that he may just be tired from the events of today.  "You were looking for me?" He questioned as if it was the hardest thing to believe. "Yeah." He frowned, "You had something to say?" I nodded immediately.

I suddenly felt nervous and started to fiddle with my fingers. I bit my lip and tried to speak up but had no idea where to start. There was a long moment of awkward silence when Waqqar spoke up, shaking me from my nervousness. "Well...?"

I opened my mouth and started to speak. "I was wondering.." I paused for a moment. "If you thought about what I said that day." I was literally whispering. I really didn't have the courage to speak about this with confidence. What if Waqqar just rejected me. He does seem quite distant.

"That day?" He repeated. I nodded. I hold my breath and felt as if my heart wasn't beating anymore.  It suddenly got all quite again. "I... Don't know, Romma." He finally said, looking up at me. My heart cracked. "Maybe you and I are too different." He continued. I frowned. This wasn't like Waqqar at all.

"Right now, I'm no position to say anything more than that. I'm lost in an ocean of thoughts. I'll need more time." He finished. I shook my head slowly. "But Waqqar. What do you mean by 'too different'"? I argued. "Well... I don't know. Maybe you really haven't changed. Maybe you're still the same kind of Romma you were before. I don't think I can trust you at this point." He explained calmly. I lowered my head. I can't believe it. What's gotten into him?

I looked up. "Of course I have changed Waqqar! I'm not the same romma_" I stopped. I sounded like I was dying for him to accept me. "Did someone say anything to you?" I whispered softly."Romma. We'll talk about this sometime again." Waqqar quickly changed the topic. It seemed as if he was avoiding my question. Was he hiding something from me? Did Maria feed him lies as Iris said? It seemed possible.

Then it hit me. Something was up. And I knew exactly what it was.

That jerk!

I stomped out of there without another word. I searched around for him. He's done it now. I'm pissed! Someone will have to teach him a lesson. As if right on time, I saw him. He was walking towards the bus alone. Oh no you don't! Storming up to him, I grabbed him by the collar forcing him to raise his head. "What did you say to him?" I questioned in a low, deadly voice.

Kyle frowned.

"What do you mean? Let go of me!" He shot back. I looked at him, straight in the eye. "Don't you give me that crap! I know you fed Waqqar's head with filthy lies! What did you say?!!" I tightened my grip, letting my wrath get over me. He's spilled water over everything! When Waqqar was finally starting to accept me!

Kyle's expression changed. An ugly smirk tugged on his lips. He looked down at me, a confident gleam in his eyes. I wanted to punch that look off his face. "I didn't feed him any lies." He spoke. "I just told him the truth about you."

My eyes widened in anger. "How dare you!" I pushed him back, my grip still on his collar. He seemed to be unaffected. He still had that stupid smirk on his face. "You don't know anything about me! How can you still say that!?!" By now, I had realized nothing fanned him in the least. His expression told me on my face, 'i don't give a crap'. "I've known you much longer than that Waqqar ever did. If there's someone who knows what kind of person you are; it's me." He said, scowling a bit.

I humphed, rolling my eyes. "Of course you know EVERYTHING about me. I've been with you since the day I was born." I shot at him, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Ha. Ha." Kyle rolled his eyes in response. "I don't need you interfering in my personal life. Just mind your own business." I let go of him and turned around. Even though, I was still mad at him and still wanted to give him a few blows, I let it go.'It wasn't worth it'. I told myself. After letting him go, he regained his composure and set his blouse back in place.

Before I could leave, I turned back. "And don't you DARE come near to Waqqar again!" I threatened. He smirked. "And what would you do about it if did?" He was provoking me. "If you do, I'll demonstrate how my fist comnects with your face. It'll be a gift you'll never forget." I replied, sassily. He chuckled. "Feisty as ever". I raised my eyebrow at him. "You won't find it funny after I punch you. Besides, what would you get after getting Waqqar to hate me? What do you want to achieve?" I questioned, dead serious.

He shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets of a shaggy pair of pants. "Guess." He looked at me. I folded my arms over my chest. "I don't have time to play your guessing games. Get straight to the point." I demanded. He looked the other way with a tight smile. "You should know by now, Romma. Since when did you become so oblivious?" He said. I cocked an eyebrow at him again. "I told you not to beat around the bush. Just tell me what you wish to achieve by doing this." I spoke harshly.

He stepped closer. "As you wish." Another step until we were only a few inches apart. As I raised my hand to push him back, when he divulged. "I want you back." My half raised hand fell back. I stood there dumbfounded. Yes, he was right. When did I get so oblivious? It was obvious, wasn't it. The reason he was doing this. I saw him smirking victoriously. He knew he was having an effect on me.

That made me regain my senses and I immediately pushed him away. He staggered back and nearly fell. I had taken him by surprise. "The tie between you and me broke the day you had shown your true self. Take a moment and go back to that day. Do you ever think you could convince me to come back to you after all that you did then? You're only making me hate you even more acting this way." I snapped and stormed off.

I wasn't staying there any longer; I decided.

At least now I had taken a glimpse of the whole picture.  Kyle and Maria both were ready to snatch Waqqar away from me. This fight wasn't over yet. Waqqar still hadn't given me his answer and there was still hope.
