Chapter 44



"How pretty..." I smiled like a mad woman as I studied the ring on my finger. The beautiful, dazzling ruby shone as the light hit it. I sighed dreamily for the fifth time. This was my engagement ring. One which Waqqar gave me. The first gift he gave me for our wedding. Heat rushed to my cheeks and I quickly shoved my face into my pillow, unable to hold in the giggles.

I could hear Abi saying his goodbyes to Waqqar's family downstairs. I had run up to my room with Iris after Waqqar's Khala put on the ring on my finger. Iris and I chatted for a while when she said she'd come back from the restroom. I was left all alone to admire the ring.

"Enough is enough, Romma!" Iris barged in, startling me out of my daydream. She stormed up to me and sat down on the bed forcefully, causing the bed to start bouncing. She grabbed my shoulders with both of her hands and leaned in closer to glare at me. "Are you... alright...?" I managed to ask hesitantly.

She was perfectly normal when we came up. I had no clue why she was acting that way.

"No, Romma! I'm not alright!" She panicked, standing up. I gave her a confused look. "What's wrong?" I asked. She just looked at me and plopped down on the bed again, a sigh escaping her lips. "I told everyone that I'm a Muslim. But I still haven't done it officially! I feel some kind of guilt in my heart." She pouted. I pursed my lips in thought. "Yeah, I guess there is a proper ritual to convert. I once heard mom talking about it." I told her.

Iris took my hands in hers and pulled them closer to her.

"Help me Romma! I wanna convert. Tonight!" She pleaded. "Tonight?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded her head furiously. "Yes, tonight! I want to do it before I change my mind and run away with my tail between my legs. Besides, I think I'm ready for it! It's now or never." She explained. I looked at her for a few moments before letting a smile form on my face.

"I'm in! You'll get all the support you need from me. Let's get you converted tonight!" I beamed at her. She returned the bright smile, her blue eyes shining with excitement. "Really?!" She asked in disbelief. I nodded. "Of course!" I took her hands in mine and brought them up to my heart.

She bit her lip before giving me the, 'you're the best friend ever' look. She pretended to wipe her non existent tears and sniffed, putting her hands over her chest to sound dramatic as possible. "I couldn't have asked for a better friend," she fake cried.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Come on, Iris. Stop over reacting.". She looked up at me, her original self returning. "Honestly, you're such a big bundle of drama." I remarked shaking my head. She just grinned in response.

"So, have anything in mind?" Iris asked. I looked at the ceiling, thinking hard about it. "Don't you know what a person has to do to convert?" She questioned. I shook my head, disappointed in myself. "Nope, don't have a clue. I'm still no scholar." Iris nodded and sighed. "Well we can ask Waqq_"

"No way!" I interrupted her.


I blushed a bit before looking up to her. "I can't face him, Iris!" I exclaimed. She cocked an eyebrow at me. "Not after all this! I won't be able to even raise my eyes, let alone speak!" I thought Iris might not understand and snicker, saying I was over reacting. It wasn't everyday you would see Romma Albasha getting too shy to talk to a guy.

But of course. Iris was no normal gal either. She had best friend magical powers and they did wonders. It helped her understand what I was feeling without any problem. That's why I loved this girl so much. She didn't need me explaining stuff to her. She'd be one step ahead of me Everytime.

"I get it. You're shy." A little smirk formed on her face and I nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm sure that I'd blush like crazy and then faint after he would shoot me one of those dazzling smiles which always seem to hit my soft spot." I grumbled and pointed at my heart, angry at my own stupid feelings.

I didn't like it when my stomach would explode with butterflies when he came near me. Or when I would blush a deep crimson whenever we would have a little moment. It would always blow my cover and Waqqar would notice that I'm nervous.

Iris laughed a little. "It's okay, girl. I don't really know the exact feeling since I've never had any restrictions when it came to boys. I use to always think that I'd have a long term relationship with a potential husband and then marry him. I'd be too used to being all touchy touchy with him that I'd never feel any kind of... Hesitation to be all frank with him." She said as if it were a story.

I smiled at her. "To be really honest with you, it feels so weird. I can't face Waqqar and it feels so odd and strange. It's never happened to me before." I admitted, looking at my lap.

"Yeah, I know."

There was a pause of silence before I spoke up. "Then we're going to the masjid to get information?" I suggested. Iris' eyes lightened up. "That's a great idea. Let's go! We can even pray Maghrib over there." She agreed, standing up. I did the same and walked up to my closet. "We'll need two hijabs." I smiled at her...


The car halted in it's tracks, causing me to jolt in my seat. "Is everything okay?" Iris questioned with concern as she tried to look at the tires of the Mercedes Benz. I shrugged and turned to the driver who looked at us from the rear mirror. "Did something happen, Mr. Cacey?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Ma'am. I'll see to the problem." He got out of the car and bent down to study the car tires. I turned back to Iris. "We'll get late for Maghrib. The mosque is still 15 minutes away." She told me. I nodded, biting my lip worriedly.

Suddenly, I heard a tap on the car window. I lowered down the glass just to come face to face with the driver. "Ma'am, it's a big problem. We won't be able to make it in time. The car needs to be treated urgently." He explained. I facepalmed. "Come on Iris. Let's get out." I hopped out of the car and Iris followed me.

"Well, what do we do now?" Iris asked after the driver had returned to fixing the car. I shrugged. "Dunno. Probably wait for a cab or something." I said, unsure. Both of us sighed. I looked at the tires of the car, thinking deeply about our next move.

"Wait, isn't that person looking familiar to you?" Iris startled me out of my thoughts and pointed to a figure a few metres away. I turned to the direction that Iris pointed to. I narrowed my eyes before realizing who it was. "That's Waqqas!" I exclaimed, surprised. Iris frowned. "Really? It is?" She asked. I nodded happily as a relieved smile formed on my face.

"And he's with his car!" I added, grabbing Iris' arm. "We'll leave the car up to you, Mr. Cacey. Will that be okay with you?" I asked before leaving. The black haired man smiled as he looked up at us. "Sure thing, Ma'am. You don't worry about a thing." He assured us. I smiled at him and dragged Iris to Waqqas.

Iris and I walked to the other side of the road, hoping he wouldn't leave. Waqqas was on his phone, standing in front of the oh so familiar car. We approached him and on cue, he ended his call. "Assalamualaikum!" I startled him a bit and he turned to face us.

I was thanking Allah again and again that Waqqar wasn't with him. "Oh, Waalaykumusalaam, Romma. What a coincidence." He smiled brightly as he replied. His eyes went to Iris and he greeted her with the same smile. She responded to his salaam with a grin and wave.

"Can you help us?" I asked getting straight to the point. He frowned a bit before grinning. "Of course, anything for my soon to be sister in law." He said it in such a way that it made me blush a dark shade of red. Iris piped in. "Well, the thing is; our car broke down and we really need to go to the masjid. Can you kindly drop us off?" She explained briefly before asking.

Waqqas pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows as if in deep thought. "Well, the good thing is that I'm going to the masjid myself. So yes. I shall drop you off." He shot us another of his charming smiles. Iris was the one to exclaim 'Thank you!' first. Waqqas nodded. "No problem. It's my pleasure."

He opened the door of the car and got into the driver's seat. Iris and I quickly hopped into the back seat. Waqqas turned the key and the car roared to life. "So," he started as he pulled out of the parking spot. "You're going to the masjid for prayer?" He asked.

I looked at Iris for approval and she nodded her head as if giving me permission to tell him. "The truth is; Iris wants to convert to Islam. She wants to do it today." I told him. Waqqas hummed in response. "That's great. But, aren't you already Muslim, Iris?" He asked, regarding Iris.

Iris bit her lip in embarrassment. "Well, I am a Muslim. But not officially yet." She replied back. Waqqas nodded his head knowingly. "Oh I get it now." He said.

"Well then, congratulations! May Allah help you with whatever problems you face on your journey to Jannah." He said with enthusiasm.

A smile formed on my face. I turned to Iris to see her reaction. She appeared to be truly pleased at his words. Her eyes even had that twinkle of genuine happiness. Her mouh was pulled up to a bright smile.

"Ameen! Jazakumullah for that." She beamed. "Wa iyyakum." Waqqas responded.

I felt so lucky then. I was getting married into a family where there were pious and kind people. All of them were so cool that it made me a little jealous. Waqqas was such a nice guy and Waqqar even more. I thanked Allah there and then to have blessed me.

I smiled and looked out the window. "You're here alone. Where's everyone else?" I asked, my gaze fixed on the buildings passing by. "Well, everyone's busy preparing for the wedding. I was sent to collect some stuff from the supermarket. They didn't let Waqqar move since he's got special treatment as the groom." Waqqas chuckled softly. "Lucky twat."

I bit my lip, wanting to hear more. I felt the urge to know what was on Waqqar's mind about the wedding. His marriage to me. If only I could read minds.

"What about Waqqar's parents. Aren't they gonna come? I mean it IS their son's wedding." Iris jumped in. "They're gonna come soon in shaa Allah." He paused as he made a turn. A small one story building came into view. Many people wearing throbes were walking inside. Holy verses hung out the doors.

"Now that we have set the date, they're gonna book a flight as soon as possible." Waqqas finished, startling me out of my thoughts. I turned to look at him. An uneasy feeling filled  me and I leaned in to Iris' ear.

"Ask him if they approve of me or if they know I'm the one getting married to their son." I whispered as low as possible. Iris looked at me and giggled. "Oh Romma." She said, shaking her head with a smile. I heard Waqqas laugh in amusement. My body froze.

"Oh don't worry. Of course they approve of you. We didn't finalize everything for nothing." Waqqas assured me, that amused tone still present. I quickly looked at my lap, biting my lip. With flushed cheeks and a swollen lip, I clutched my hijab as tightly as I could.

Oh God. He heard me.

Iris sensed my embarrassment and patted me on my shoulder, laughing. "Bummer" she whispered to me, grinning wide. I shot her a dirty look. She held up her hands in surrender. I looked outside again. By now, we were standing outside the mosque.

"Well then, soon-to-be sis in law and best friend," Waqqas spoke up. "We're here. You can wait outside when you're done and I'll drop you off at your home." He suggested. I looked at Iris, feeling a little bad. "I don't wanna trouble him anymore." I used our special sign language. Iris nodded in response, making a face.

"What do we do?" I asked her, with gestures. She tapped her chin and looked at the ground as if deep in thought. She looked up after a few nano seconds. She used sign language and pretty much sucked at it. I couldn't quite make out the words.

After many tries, I could finally understand.

"Well?" Waqqas' voice startled us and we realized that he was waiting for a response. "Well, we don't wanna trouble you any longer. We'll probably take a long time in the mosque." Iris explained. Waqqas looked at us from the rear mirror. "I guess you're right. It will take you a while. There are a few rituals you'll have to perform." He agreed. All of us fell into silence when I spoke up. "We'll take the bus. Thank you for dropping us off." I said gratefully.

Waqqas just smiled. "As I said before; anything for the new bride." He chuckled. I shot him a grateful smile and hopped out of the car. With a little wave, Iris followed after. Before I shut the door, I halted in my tracks. I could sense Iris' confusion as I leaned in. "One more thing!"

Waqqas turned to face me from the driver's seat, a frown forming on his forehead. " We're throwing a  party tomorrow evening. And Meena's invited. Do send her." I smiled like a little kid and straightened myself, locking my arms behind me. "Party? What party?" Iris and Waqqas asked in unison. I turned to Iris and winked at her. "I'm holding a party at my house." I stated simply. "It's at 8 pm. I'll drop Meena home myself. All you have to do is send her."

Waqqas frowned before a smile slowly formed on his lips. He gave me a thumbs up. "Done. Meena will be at your house at exact 8." He said confidently. "Great!" I clapped my hands together. "I'll be waiting." I told him. Before I could say Salam, Waqqas spoke up. "I don't suppose Waqqar's invited." He said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. I froze in my spot, rooted to the ground.

"He... Uh.. err..."

I mentally hit myself for stammering like an idiot. Waqqas burst out laughing, throwing his head back and clutching on to the steering wheel. I stared at him in surprise. He resembled Waqqar so much.

Pictures of Waqqar flashed in my mind and I suddenly remembered the time when Waqqar teased me at prom. My cheeks burned at the thought and I quickly shook my head to regain my senses.

"Please don't do that." I whispered, still embarrassed. He just laughed in response. "I was just teasing you, bhabhi. I know that it's a party for girls. Don't worry, I won't show up with him on your doorstep." For some reason, I wasn't quite comforted by his assuring words. "Bhabhi?" I questioned, frowning at the foreign word he used.

He just smiled. "Salaam, bhabhi. You'll know eventually what it means." He started the car and I shut the door, scowling. "And how much do I have to wait to know?" I asked. He smirked. "Not long. You can ask Waqqar on your wedding day." With that, he sped off.

Well not really, he just moved out of our way. I rolled my eyes. He had the same habit of leaving behind cliff hangers. Waqqar and Waqqas really were brothers. I turned back to Iris who was quietly listening to our previous conversation.

"Spill," she demanded, putting her hands over her hips. I giggled and started walking towards the mosque. "Come on, I'll tell you on the way." She huffed and walked along. "It's for you." I told her. She cocked a brow. "For me?" She confirmed. I nodded.

"My best friend's converting to Islam. It's an event worth celebrating!" I beamed at her and pushed open the big door to the women's side. She stayed quiet for a few minutes. I looked back at her. "Aren't you gonna come?" I asked. She looked up at me as a smile formed on her face. "Ooohhhh!" She threw her arms around me and gave me a crushing hug. "I love you!!" She exclaimed.

I chuckled at her, returning the hug. "I love you too."
