Chapter 37

SO sorry for the late update. I was busy with the editing. Hope you enjoy. In shaa Allah. And oh! This is dedicated to my wonderful, amazing and loving older sister sylvator-Luqman.

Love you sis!


The engine of the bus roared to life as the driver pressed on it. I looked out the window. This trip was officially ending. So much happened in the past three days; they felt more like three weeks. 

Romma. Bubbly, annoying Romma had told me she wanted to marry me. I still couldn't get over it. And then Maria seemed interested in me too. I don't even know why I've become someone in the spotlight. Life had been so simple before when nobody cared I existed. But then Romma started caring, and everything changed.

 And what really got to me, was that I started caring back for her. And she'd become a good person, turned into someone I had started to respect... And I...I honestly stared liking her. My heart beat faster in my chest as I thought this. Yes. Romma had always been an annoyance, but even I hadn't been able to escape her charms. I think I understand now why boys are crazy about her.

 But then, I saw her with Kyle. I bit my lip. I shouldn't be surprised maybe. She had never cared about getting close to boys, and Kyle had been her boyfriend once. But she had been with him after she had literally proposed to me. I felt anger in my blood.  How could she? Kyle had warned me of this. And later Maria too...

I don't know why everyone was trying to convince me that Romma was a bad person.

Well, she was. I thought she had changed. Thought that she had stopped hanging around with guys. But I was proven wrong. I saw her clinging to Kyle. I curled my hand into a fist. I hated it! I'd finally started liking her and she just had to ruin it. I felt cheated, betrayed. Was she toying with me? Was this a game for her where she made sure every boy became crazy about her and then flipped off?

I looked at a few seats ahead of me and saw her brown head. She was sitting there, beside Lucy, quietly. Her friends were chatting away loudly but she ignored them. I quickly looked away, realizing that I was staring at her. Then I glanced back at her for a moment. 

Was she really the person Kyle said she was? That Maria said she was? Come to think of it, these two people weren't exactly her friends. Should I really even believe them?

But I had seen it with my own eyes too. She WAS with Kyle and top of that, she had been so close, almost tucked into his side. "What are you thinking, Waqqar?!" A voice inside me suddenly interrupted. "You're gonna trust that jerk of a guy?"

 I thought hard about it. Was I really gonna trust KYLE? Kyle of all people? But, Maria said the same thing. But wasn't she Romma's rival? 

A picture of Romma flashed in my mind. I remembered back to the day when Romma had asked me to help her become a better person. I also remembered when she stood up to _what was his name_ oh right, Samuel. Was she really just faking it? When that happened, I knew that Romma wasn't lying. She really had changed.  But now?

"Why are you believing others? Aren't you confident enough? Don't you trust Allah and yourself?" The voice spoke again. I had always been so sure about everything I did. Because it was all to please Allah. But now, my head was spinning in a web of thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't judge Romma like this. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. I sighed and held my head. I was getting a headache.

Exams were coming up and I had to focus. I wasn't gonna rely on Nadeem Chachoo for long. I had to get a scholarship. Romma was a huge distraction and I had to get her out of my mind. I felt like a guy in a Hollywood movie. When did life get so dramatic? I shook these thoughts out of my mind. I decided I would deal with Romma later and let this matter pend. After exams, inshAllah. After exams I would clear up my mind about what I had to do about her.


10 days have passed since that trip. 

Thinking about everything makes me feel like crying again. Waqqar never spoke to me after that. He probably despises me now. I had tried to focus on my studies for once and it had worked for the past two weeks. But.. today, I couldn't help but remember everything again. What was going on in his mind? I always felt paranoid that Maria was sticking to him like glue whenever I wasn't around. It made me sick so I avoided going wherever Waqqar would be. Besides, I didn't want to lose self control and slap Maria on the face. 

I didn't want to lose focus. Exams were still going on and I was preparing for tomorrow's test. I promised myself that I would pass with flying colors. Everything  could wait until I was free of studying. 

And I  was just fine until today when I went to the cafeteria for a little break in the morning. I saw him sitting there, a book on his table. I instantly stopped and quickly moved to the counter before he saw me. I would have left quietly if I hadn't seen Maria, stupid Maria, walk gracefully and sit across from him.

She had a bright smile on her lips as she gave him a little wave. He smiled back and greeted her. I felt rage fill inside of me then. At that moment, I wished I could just punch her somehow. Pull her hair and throw her down, yelling "stay away from my man!"I am a jealous woman. But, I somehow controlled myself.

And worse, Waqqar was all smiley until his eyes fell on me. The smile vanished from his face. And it hurt. It hurt. Why did he smile when he saw her and look away when he saw me? 

I quickly lowered my gaze and rushed to the counter to pay. I saw him getting uncomfortable as he looked the other way, probably trying to ignore me too. Something tightened in my throat and I knew if I stayed a moment longer, i was going to cry. I turned and ran back to class.

What had happened? Everything had been fine. And now, nothing could be right again. I felt anger at Waqqar too. He may not be directly to blame, but he was hurting me. He knew he was hurting me. I had confessed to him... Did he know how hard that was? Did he know he was the only ever guy to reject me like this? Did he know I was in love with him? Did he even care? And I realised: every moment he and I ignored each other, Maria got her chance to get closer to him. 

This was how my day had been so far. Lying on my bed to study, but only thinking about stupid Waqqar and stupid Maria and trying not t cry my eyes out. Allah, life isn't fair. Please make this right again.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door and Abi entered with his usual gentle smile.. I faked a smile and quickly sat up to greet him. "Salam, habibti (my love)." He said, sitting down on my bed beside me. "Wasalaam, Abi." I gave him a little hug.

Looking at my books spread on the bed, he smiled wider. "I see my daughter is working hard." He patted my head. I nodded. "Yes, only three more exams to go." I told him. He nodded knowingly. "You didn't go for work??" I questioned, realizing that he would usually be at work at this time.  "I came back early today."  He informed me, getting serious. "I had to talk to you about something important." 

I frowned. He actually left work just to talk to me. It really must be important.

"I'm listening." I told him. He let out a sigh, looking tired. "How old are you now?" He interrogated. "21" I replied. He nodded knowingly to himself. "Habibti," he started, taking my hands in both of his. "You are now old enough to marry and make your own home." He continued slowly. My eyes widened. I saw where this was going.  "I have started looking for standard proposals for you. Mashallah, we have found many." He paused and looked at me to see my reaction.

I was silent. I knew this would happen one day and it did. I wasn't so surprised. In our Islamic culture, 21 is old enough to get married and start a family. 

"You don't have to worry about your studies. In Shaa Allah, we'll find a man who would respect your wishes to study further. And don't worry about anything now, either. We'll wait until your exams are finished and you start university. I just wanted to inform you that we are thinking about getting you married." He assured me. I nodded, pressing my lips together.

 "So, I wanted to ask." I saw Abi getting a little uncomfortable. I waited for him to continue. "Do you have anyone in your mind? Anyone you like?" 

I bit my lip and looked down. What should I say? I was still angry at Waqqar for being so thick- headed and falling for Maria and Kyle's words. But I still wanted to be with him. But what if he didn't want to be with me? Abi was waiting for my answer. Should I tell him? Or should I wait? I was still fighting with myself when Abi called out my name and shook me out of my thoughts. "So?" He pressed.

At that moment I made a decision. What Waqqar was thinking is his problem. I had done my part and everything else to convince him to be with me. And I will do whatever I want, and let Maria do whatever she wants. Allah will take care of everything. If Waqqar doesn't want to be with me, it's his decision. But I won't stop trying. And if direct marriage was the solution

"Yes Abi." I said confidently. "I have a guy in mind. I really, really want to marry him."
He frowned, thinking hard. "Is it anyone I know?" He guessed. I nodded. "Yes, he works in your company." I told him. Abi frowned even more. "There are so many employees. Which one?" he looked worried. "It's not a non- Muslim, is it?"

"Of course not." I giggled. " I'm not stupid to marry a non Muslim when it isn't allowed." Abi relaxed and smiled at me to go on. I fiddled with my fingers, suddenly very shy.

Abi was watching me. "I'd love to know the young man who captured the heart of my butterfly." He said. "Tell me, who is it?"

I swallowed, then quickly blurted out. "Waqqar."
