To The Day You'll Be Gone: AU

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ This chapter contains no spoilers so enjoy :)

The small southern town of Krat lay nestled in the heart of the desert, a dusty oasis amidst a sea of sand dunes that stretched endlessly towards the horizon. To those unaccustomed to its harsh climate and unforgiving landscape, Krat seemed like a dry nightmare, a place where gloomy days and bad luck were as common as the shifting sands that surrounded it.

The town itself was a hodgepodge of ramshackle buildings, their weather-beaten facades bearing the scars of years of neglect and decay. Wooden shutters hung askew from rusted hinges, while faded paint peeled from sun-bleached walls, giving the town a haunted, desolate air.

Despite its outward appearance, however, Krat was home to a resilient and tightly-knit community of survivors who had learned to adapt and thrive in the harsh desert environment. They worked tirelessly to eke out a living from the unforgiving land, relying on each other for support and camaraderie in the face of adversity.

The streets of Krat were narrow and winding, twisting like the sinuous coils of a serpent through the heart of the town. Dusty cobblestones crunched beneath the soles of weary travelers' boots as they made their way through the labyrinthine maze of alleyways and thoroughfares, their footsteps echoing in the stillness of the desert air.

Despite its humble surroundings, Krat possessed a rugged beauty all its own, particularly when bathed in the soft, golden light of the setting sun. The desert sands glowed like molten gold, casting long, sinuous shadows across the landscape, while the distant cry of a lone coyote echoed mournfully in the gathering dusk.

As night fell, the stars emerged one by one, painting the night sky with their brilliant, twinkling light. The town of Krat seemed to come alive in the darkness, its dusty streets illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns and torches, casting eerie, flickering shadows against the walls of the buildings.

For those who called Krat home, the town was more than just a collection of buildings and streets-it was a refuge, a sanctuary in the midst of a harsh and unforgiving world. And though its days may be filled with gloom and bad luck, the resilient spirit of its inhabitants burned bright, like a beacon of hope amidst the desert sands.

In the arid expanse of Krat, water was not just a precious commodity; it was a rare and coveted treasure, the lifeblood of the desert town and its inhabitants. The residents of Krat were no strangers to misery, their lives shaped by the constant struggle to secure enough water to survive in the unforgiving desert environment.

Water scarcity was a pressing issue in Krat, where the arid climate made rainfall a rare and unpredictable occurrence. As a result, the town's water supply was limited, and residents had to ration their usage carefully, lest they run dry before the next rainfall replenished their stores.

In a place where every drop of water counted, the residents of Krat had devised ingenious ways to conserve and utilize this precious resource. Rainwater harvesting systems collected runoff from rooftops and channeled it into storage tanks, while communal wells provided a lifeline for those without access to their own sources of water.

But despite their best efforts, water remained a scarce and valuable commodity in Krat, with many residents forced to rely on alternative means to secure the water they needed to survive. Some turned to trading goods and services in exchange for water, while others resorted to more desperate measures, resorting to theft or even violence to obtain the precious liquid.

In a town where water was so scarce, it was not uncommon for residents to develop a reverence for the precious resource, elevating it to the status of a religion. Water became more than just a means of survival; it became a symbol of hope and renewal, a tangible reminder of the resilience and ingenuity of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

For the residents of Krat, water was not just a currency or a religious symbol-it was a lifeline, a precious resource that sustained life in the harsh and unforgiving desert environment. And though the struggle for water was a constant source of hardship and misery, it was also a testament to the resilience and determination of the people who called Krat home.

As a visitor to Krat, or perhaps more accurately, a stranded wanderer, you found yourself thrust into the midst of the desert town's struggles. Left behind by your ride and stranded in a place where survival often depended on access to water, you faced a daunting challenge. With only a single bottle of water to sustain you, you quickly realized the importance of blending in and adapting to the harsh environment.

Scouring the town for resources, you managed to secure yourself a proper outfit, opting for a traditional southern attire that offered both protection from the sun and a sense of belonging in the desert landscape. A sturdy pair of boots protected your feet from the scorching sand, while lightweight, breathable fabrics shielded your skin from the relentless heat of the sun.

In particular, you acquired a cowboy-styled hat, its wide brim providing much-needed shade and protection from the harsh rays of the desert sun. The hat became not just a practical accessory but a symbol of resilience and survival, a tangible reminder of your determination to adapt and thrive in the unforgiving desert environment.

With your newfound attire, you blended in seamlessly with the residents of Krat, adopting their customs and way of life as you navigated the challenges of desert living. Though you were still a visitor in the eyes of the locals, your willingness to embrace their culture and adapt to their way of life earned you a measure of respect and acceptance in the tight-knit community.

Despite the hardships you faced as a stranded wanderer in Krat, you refused to succumb to despair, drawing strength from the resilience and resourcefulness of the desert town's inhabitants. With each passing day, you found yourself growing more attuned to the rhythms of life in Krat, forging connections with its people and learning to thrive in the harsh and unforgiving desert landscape.

As you wandered through the town of Krat, clad in your newly acquired southern attire, you couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider amidst the tight-knit community. Suspicious glances and wary whispers followed your every move, a constant reminder of your status as a stranger in this desert town.

Despite your best efforts to assimilate and adapt to the customs of Krat, you remained an enigma to its residents, an outsider whose presence stirred unease and apprehension. It was a lonely existence, navigating the streets of Krat with a sense of isolation and alienation that weighed heavily upon you.

However, any sense of solitude was abruptly shattered as panic swept through the town like wildfire, sending residents scrambling for safety and shelter. Bewildered by the sudden commotion, you scanned the horizon, searching for the source of the chaos.

It wasn't long before your eyes fell upon a looming figure on the outskirts of town, a towering silhouette cast against the backdrop of the desert landscape. As the dust settled and the details came into focus, you realized with a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that it was a large old circus puppet, its imposing presence sending shivers down your spine.

The sight of the puppet struck fear into the hearts of the townsfolk, triggering a wave of panic and hysteria that threatened to engulf the entire town. As people frantically sought refuge indoors, you found yourself rooted to the spot, transfixed by the sight of the towering puppet and the chaos it had unleashed.

In that moment, you realized that the true nature of Krat's struggles went far beyond the challenges of desert living. Beneath the surface of this seemingly ordinary town lay a darkness that threatened to consume everything in its path, a darkness embodied by the menacing figure of the old circus puppet looming on the horizon. And as the town descended into chaos, you couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden beneath the scorching sands of Krat.

Rushing into the nearest store, you sought refuge from the escalating chaos that gripped the streets of Krat. Inside, you found yourself amidst a flurry of activity as the townsfolk hurriedly gathered supplies and sought shelter from the looming threat outside.

With a sense of urgency, you approached the nearest resident, a weathered shopkeeper who seemed to be unfazed by the turmoil unfolding outside. Breathless and bewildered, you posed the question that weighed heavily on your mind, seeking answers amidst the confusion that gripped the town.

"What's happening out there?" you asked, your voice tinged with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

The shopkeeper paused, casting a wary glance towards the door before turning to face you with a solemn expression. "That, my friend, is the Puppet Master," he replied gravely, his voice laden with a sense of dread that sent a chill down your spine.

As he spoke, the shopkeeper's words painted a vivid picture of the terror that the Puppet Master had wrought upon the residents of Krat. Tales of destruction and chaos echoed through the cramped confines of the store, each word serving as a grim reminder of the looming threat that lurked just beyond the town's borders.

According to the shopkeeper, the Puppet Master was a malevolent force that descended upon Krat with alarming regularity, unleashing havoc and terror upon its unsuspecting residents. Armed with an army of sinister puppets, he wielded power and influence over the town, striking fear into the hearts of all who dared to oppose him.

As the gravity of the situation began to sink in, you realized that you had stumbled into a town besieged by a malevolent force beyond comprehension. With the Puppet Master's shadow looming large over Krat, the town's fate hung in the balance, and you found yourself caught in the midst of a struggle for survival against an enemy unlike any other.

As the tension in the shop mounted, snippets of conversation floated through the air, each word laden with a sense of desperation and uncertainty. Amidst the hushed murmurs of the townsfolk, the name "Romeo" emerged like a whispered promise of salvation in the face of adversity.

You listened intently as the voices around you spoke in hushed tones, their words tinged with a mixture of hope and apprehension. According to the tales that circulated amongst the residents of Krat, Romeo was a figure shrouded in legend, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to consume the town.

"He'll come and save us, just like he always does," one voice exclaimed, its tone infused with a sense of unwavering faith in the mysterious figure known as Romeo.

But as quickly as hope began to blossom, a shadow of doubt descended upon the group as another voice interjected with a grim revelation. "Romeo's out of town," they whispered, their words echoing through the room like a harbinger of doom.

The news sent a ripple of fear through the assembled crowd, their faces contorted with worry as the realization sank in that their savior was nowhere to be found. In the absence of their legendary protector, the residents of Krat found themselves grappling with the harsh reality of their predicament, their hopes of salvation dashed against the rocks of uncertainty.

Despite the fear that gripped the hearts of those gathered in the shop, a flicker of determination shone in their eyes as they resolved to face the Puppet Master's onslaught head-on. With or without Romeo, they would stand united against the forces of darkness that threatened to engulf their town, their spirits unbroken amidst the chaos that surrounded them.

As you burst out of the shop, the sun beat down relentlessly upon your back, the heat of the desert scorching the earth beneath your feet. Ignoring the stifling air that threatened to suffocate you, you pressed forward with unwavering resolve, driven by a newfound determination to aid the beleaguered residents of Krat.

The people inside the shop watched in stunned silence as you dashed out into the streets, their voices rising in a chorus of concern as they pondered your seemingly reckless actions. Some whispered amongst themselves, questioning whether you harbored a death wish or if you were simply unaware of the danger that lurked beyond the safety of the shop's walls.

But to you, there was no time for hesitation or doubt. With each stride, you felt a surge of adrenaline course through your veins, propelling you forward with a singular purpose: to confront the looming threat of the Puppet Master and stand as a beacon of hope for the frightened denizens of Krat.

As you navigated the winding streets of the town, your mind raced with thoughts of how best to assist those in need. With Romeo absent and the Puppet Master's sinister presence looming large, you knew that every moment counted, every action could make a difference in the battle for Krat's survival.

With determination burning brightly in your heart, you pressed on, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead as you sought to lend a helping hand to those who needed it most. For in the face of adversity, it was the courage and resilience of ordinary individuals like yourself that would ultimately determine the fate of Krat and its people.

As the Puppet Master's menacing gaze locked onto you, a chill ran down your spine, sending shivers coursing through your body. Fear gripped you tightly, its icy fingers squeezing your heart as the realization of the danger you faced hit you like a freight train. Without a moment's hesitation, you turned on your heels and fled, your feet pounding against the dusty ground as you raced away from the lumbering behemoth that pursued you with relentless determination.

Every step felt like an eternity as you darted through the labyrinthine streets of Krat, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you struggled to outrun the Puppet Master's relentless pursuit. The sound of its heavy footsteps echoed ominously behind you, driving you forward with a primal instinct to survive at all costs.

Panic surged within you, fueling your desperate flight as you pushed your body to its limits, ignoring the burning ache in your muscles and the searing heat of the desert sun beating down upon you. Your mind raced with thoughts of escape, of finding sanctuary from the terror that pursued you relentlessly through the deserted streets of Krat.

Finally, with a burst of adrenaline-fueled speed, you rounded a corner and stumbled upon a narrow alleyway, its shadowy depths offering a fleeting respite from the Puppet Master's relentless pursuit. Without a second thought, you dove into the darkness, the cool embrace of the shadows enveloping you as you pressed yourself against the cold stone walls, praying that the monstrous puppet would pass you by, unaware of your hiding place.

For what felt like an eternity, you remained frozen in place, your heart pounding in your chest as you strained to listen for any sign of the Puppet Master's approach. Gradually, the echoes of its footsteps faded into the distance, swallowed up by the oppressive silence of the deserted alleyway.

With trembling hands and ragged breaths, you dared to peek out from your hiding spot, relief flooding through you as you realized that the coast was clear. But even as you emerged from the shadows, the memory of the Puppet Master's chilling gaze lingered in your mind, a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurked in the darkness of Krat's streets.

As you frantically twisted and turned through the labyrinthine streets of Krat, a sense of desperation clawed at your chest, urging you to put as much distance between yourself and the Puppet Master as possible. Each corner you rounded offered a fleeting glimmer of hope, only to be dashed as the menacing silhouette of the monstrous puppet loomed ever closer behind you.

Fear gnawed at your insides, its icy tendrils tightening their grip with each labored breath you took. You knew deep down that there was no hope of outrunning the Puppet Master indefinitely, that sooner or later, its relentless pursuit would catch up to you, leaving you at its mercy.

But still, you ran.

Adrenaline surged through your veins, lending strength to your weary limbs as you pushed your body to its limits in a desperate bid for survival. Your mind raced with thoughts of escape, of finding some way to outsmart or outmaneuver the monstrous puppet that hunted you with unyielding determination.

Yet with every passing moment, the Puppet Master seemed to draw closer, its heavy footsteps echoing ominously behind you as it closed in on its prey. Panic threatened to consume you whole, but you refused to give in to despair, clinging stubbornly to the slim hope that somehow, someway, you would find a way to evade the creature's grasp.

As you darted through the narrow alleyways and deserted streets of Krat, a sense of futility washed over you, mingling with the dread that coiled like a serpent in the pit of your stomach. It was a race against time, a desperate struggle for survival in a city gripped by fear and chaos.

But even as the Puppet Master loomed ever closer, its shadow casting a pall over your every move, you refused to surrender to despair. With each fleeting moment of respite, you gathered your strength and pressed on, determined to defy fate and escape the clutches of the monstrous puppet that hunted you relentlessly through the streets of Krat.

Exhaustion weighed heavily upon your limbs as you stumbled, your breaths coming in ragged gasps as you fought to keep moving. The Puppet Master's relentless pursuit had taken its toll, draining you of both physical and mental strength until all that remained was the hollow ache of defeat.

But just as despair threatened to swallow you whole, a sudden burst of movement caught your eye-a glint of metal, a flash of movement, and then, with a deafening crack, a bullet whizzed past you, grazing the frayed rope that held the dilapidated water tower aloft.

In an instant, the world seemed to slow to a crawl as the rope snapped, sending the decrepit structure toppling to the ground with a resounding crash. Sand and debris exploded outward in a cloud of dust and chaos, obscuring your vision as you shielded your face from the onslaught.

And then, in the deafening silence that followed, you dared to peek through the settling dust, scarcely daring to believe what your eyes beheld. There, amidst the wreckage of the collapsed water tower, lay the Puppet Master, its grotesque form crushed beneath the weight of the fallen debris.

Relief flooded through you in a dizzying rush as you struggled to comprehend the magnitude of what had just occurred. The Puppet Master, the terror that had haunted the streets of Krat, lay vanquished at last, defeated by a stroke of luck and a well-aimed bullet.

As you staggered to your feet, your limbs trembling with exhaustion and adrenaline, a sense of disbelief washed over you. Against all odds, you had emerged victorious, escaping the clutches of the monstrous puppet that had pursued you relentlessly through the streets of Krat.

With a weary sigh, you allowed yourself a moment of respite, sinking to the ground amidst the wreckage as you struggled to catch your breath. The battle may have been won, but the scars it had left upon your psyche would linger for far longer, a reminder of the harrowing ordeal you had endured in the heart of the desert city.

The clamor of voices rose around you, a cacophony of jubilant cheers and grateful exclamations as the townsfolk of Krat emerged from their hiding places to behold the sight before them. Eyes wide with awe and admiration, they surged forward, a tide of humanity converging upon you with an overwhelming tide of gratitude.

Their faces were a blur of relief and joy, their voices a symphony of praise and thanks as they hailed you as their savior, the hero who had delivered them from the clutches of the dreaded Puppet Master. They reached out to touch you, to shake your hand, to offer their heartfelt thanks in a thousand different ways, their gratitude palpable in every gesture and expression.

For a moment, you were swept up in the whirlwind of their adulation, basking in the warmth of their appreciation as they showered you with praise and admiration. It was a heady sensation, intoxicating and surreal, as you stood at the center of their adoring throng, a beacon of hope amidst the chaos and despair that had engulfed their city.

But even as you reveled in their gratitude, a nagging sense of guilt gnawed at the edges of your consciousness. You knew that you were not the true architect of the Puppet Master's downfall, that it had been a stroke of luck and happenstance that had led to its defeat. And yet, as the townsfolk continued to heap praise upon you, you found yourself unable to correct their misconceptions, unable to shatter the illusion of your heroism that had taken root in their minds.

And so you stood amidst the jubilant crowd, a reluctant hero in a world that had been forever changed by the events of this fateful day. It was a role that you had never sought, never desired, and yet now it was yours to bear, a burden of responsibility that weighed heavily upon your shoulders as you struggled to come to terms with the enormity of what had just occurred.

As the night wore on and the drinks flowed freely, you found yourself regaling the eager crowd with a tale of daring and heroism, embellishing the details with each retelling until it bore little resemblance to the truth. You spun a yarn of narrow escapes and valiant deeds, painting yourself as the fearless protagonist of a grand adventure, a lone warrior battling against impossible odds to save the town of Krat from certain destruction.

The townsfolk hung on your every word, their eyes wide with wonder as you wove your tale, their admiration growing with each passing moment. They raised their glasses in toast after toast, celebrating your supposed bravery and skill with raucous cheers and laughter, oblivious to the fact that the truth lay far beyond the bounds of your fanciful narrative.

But as the night wore on and the drinks continued to flow, you found yourself growing weary of the charade, the weight of your deception pressing down upon you like a leaden weight. You knew that you were not the hero they believed you to be, that your actions had been driven more by fear and desperation than by any true courage or skill.

And yet, as you looked around at the smiling faces of the townsfolk, their admiration and gratitude shining in their eyes, you couldn't bring yourself to set the record straight. It was easier to play the role of the hero, to bask in the warmth of their adulation, than to admit the truth of your own shortcomings and failures.

And so you continued to spin your tale, weaving a web of lies and half-truths to satisfy the cravings of the eager crowd, all the while knowing that the truth would eventually come to light. But for now, in this moment of fleeting glory, you allowed yourself to revel in the illusion of heroism, to savor the fleeting taste of adulation before the harsh light of reality came crashing down upon you once more.

The raucous laughter and clinking of glasses in the bar abruptly ceased as the blonde stranger made his entrance, his presence casting a pall of unease over the once jubilant atmosphere. His steely gaze swept over the gathered crowd, his expression unreadable as he took in the scene before him with a cool detachment.

The townsfolk watched him warily, their previous merriment giving way to a palpable sense of tension as they waited to see what the newcomer would do. Some instinctively reached for their own weapons, their hands tightening around the grips of their guns as they prepared for trouble.

But the blonde stranger made no move to draw his weapon or cause trouble. Instead, he simply stood there, his eyes fixed on you with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. There was something about him, something dangerous and unpredictable, that set your nerves on edge and made you instinctively wary of his intentions.

As the tense silence stretched on, you felt a bead of sweat trickle down the back of your neck, your heart pounding in your chest as you braced yourself for whatever was to come. The air was thick with anticipation, each moment dragging by with agonizing slowness as you waited for the stranger to make his next move.

And then, without warning, he spoke, his voice low and measured as he addressed you directly. "You're the one they're calling the hero, aren't you?" he said, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "The one who supposedly saved this sorry excuse for a town from that puppet menace."

His words hung in the air like a challenge, his gaze boring into yours with a steely intensity that left no room for doubt. It was clear that he knew the truth, that he saw through the facade of lies and deception that you had woven to protect yourself.

But before you could respond, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object, tossing it onto the table with a casual flick of his wrist. It was a bullet casing, gleaming dully in the dim light of the bar, a silent reminder of the truth that lay hidden beneath the layers of falsehoods and half-truths.

The townsfolk watched in stunned silence as the blonde stranger turned and strode out of the bar, his footsteps echoing loudly in the sudden stillness that descended upon the room. And as you sat there, the weight of his words heavy on your conscience, you couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lurked in the shadows of this small, forgotten town.

Romeo's easy acceptance of the fabricated narrative caught you off guard, his smile and gracious demeanor masking any hint of suspicion or doubt. As he thanked you for your supposed heroics and commended you for your selflessness in protecting the town in his absence, you couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt gnawing at the edges of your conscience.

But despite the nagging sense of unease that lingered in the back of your mind, you knew that maintaining the facade was essential if you were to keep the truth hidden from the prying eyes of the townsfolk. So you played your part with practiced ease, feigning humility and downplaying your role in the events that had unfolded earlier that day.

As Romeo joined in the celebrations, regaling the crowd with tales of his adventures and trading jokes with the locals, you couldn't help but marvel at his ability to navigate the delicate dance of deception with such finesse. It was as if he had been born to play the role of the charming hero, effortlessly weaving his way through the tangled web of lies and half-truths that had ensnared you both.

And yet, even as you reveled in the warmth of the crowd's admiration, a part of you couldn't shake the feeling that Romeo was hiding something, that behind his affable exterior lurked a darkness that you had yet to uncover. But for now, you pushed aside your doubts and insecurities, content to bask in the glow of your newfound celebrity and the camaraderie of your fellow townsfolk.

For in a town as treacherous and unpredictable as Krat, survival often depended on one's ability to adapt and thrive in the face of adversity, even if it meant embracing the lies that threatened to consume you from within. And as you raised your glass in a toast to your supposed heroism, you couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay buried beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic town, and what role you and Romeo would play in the unfolding drama that lay ahead.

Romeo's words hung heavy in the air, cutting through the raucous laughter and drunken chatter that filled the dimly lit bar. As he leaned in closer, his voice barely above a whisper, you could sense the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his mind.

"There's something not right about this town," he murmured, his expression grave as he scanned the room for any eavesdroppers. "I've been gone for too long, but even I can see that things have changed. The Puppet Master's attacks are getting more frequent, more aggressive. And I can't shake the feeling that there's something bigger at play here."

You nodded, your own suspicions echoing his sentiments. The events of the day had been nothing short of surreal, and the ease with which you had been able to manipulate the townsfolk's perception of reality only served to deepen your unease. But despite your misgivings, you couldn't deny the truth in Romeo's words.

"I think you're right," you admitted, your voice barely more than a whisper. "There's something off about this town, something... sinister. And I'm not sure we can trust anyone here, not even the people we've just saved."

Romeo's expression darkened at your words, his eyes glinting with a steely resolve as he glanced around the bar, his hand resting on the hilt of his revolver.

"We need to be careful," he warned, his voice low and urgent. "There are forces at work here that we can't begin to understand. But we can't let fear dictate our actions. We need to stay vigilant, stay one step ahead of whatever's coming our way."

You nodded, a sense of determination welling up inside you as you met Romeo's gaze with unwavering resolve.

"We'll figure this out together," you vowed, your voice firm. "No matter what it takes."

With a shared nod of agreement, you and Romeo set out into the night, the echoes of the townsfolk's revelry fading into the distance as you ventured into the unknown, united in your quest to unravel the mysteries that lay hidden beneath the surface of Krat.
