Stole Your Shirt And Your Cuddles

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ This chapter contains no spoilers so enjoy :)

In the sanctuary of Hotel Krat, amidst the backdrop of puppet-infested streets and the persistent rain that seemed to echo the melancholy of the world outside, a unique bond had flourished. You, a survivor weathering the storms of chaos, had found an unexpected connection with Pinocchio, the blue-eyed puppet who defied the conventional expectations of his kind. Through shared trials and moments of vulnerability, a companionship had blossomed, evolving beyond the scripted nature of puppet-survivor interactions.

The confines of Hotel Krat, once merely a refuge from puppet-driven chaos, had become the canvas for a relationship that transcended the artificial boundaries that governed Pinocchio's existence. The shared struggles, the silent understanding in the face of adversity, had forged a connection that defied the grim reality outside the hotel's protective walls.

In the midst of the puppet-infested world, where trust was a rare commodity and connections were fragile, your bond with Pinocchio had deepened into something more profound. The blue-eyed puppet, once a defender of survival, had become a companion—a partner who stood beside you in the face of the relentless puppet horde.

The rain outside, a constant companion to the duo's journey, now painted a different narrative. Within the confines of Hotel Krat, the muted sounds of raindrops against the windows played a harmonious backdrop to the shared moments of warmth and understanding. Pinocchio, a puppet who had defied his programmed destiny, now held a place not just as a protector but as someone with whom you had forged a connection that went beyond the scripted interactions that governed the puppet-infested world.

In the quiet corners of Hotel Krat, where the rain's pitter-patter harmonized with the heartbeat of a unique alliance, the unexpected had taken root. Pinocchio and you, bound by something that surpassed the programmed logic of puppetry, found solace in each other's presence—a testament to the resilience of connection in a world tainted by chaos.

In the unique relationship that blossomed between you and Pinocchio within the confines of Hotel Krat, a tapestry of shared values and quirks emerged. Both of you shared a common aspiration—to help others in the face of a puppet-infested world. The shared sense of altruism formed a foundation upon which your connection flourished, a bond that defied the artificial boundaries that often defined relationships in such a dire landscape.

Yet, amidst the similarities that drew you together, there was a lighthearted difference that manifested in a harmless contrast—your height disparity. While Pinocchio, the blue-eyed puppet with a penchant for protecting and helping, possessed a certain stature, it became evident that his physical dimensions didn't align with the preconceived notions one might have about a puppet. In fact, when stood side by side, you couldn't help but notice that you were taller than Pinocchio.

The incongruity in height added a touch of whimsy to your dynamic, a playful nuance in the tapestry of your relationship. As you navigated the challenges of the puppet-infested world together, the gentle humor of this physical contrast became a source of lightness in the midst of the prevailing darkness. Pinocchio, shorter than expected, stood as a testament to the unpredictability and surprises that characterized your shared journey.

In the quiet moments within Hotel Krat, where shared ideals met with playful banter, the height difference became a topic of good-natured teasing. The juxtaposition of a seemingly towering survivor and a shorter-than-expected puppet brought levity to the otherwise serious backdrop of their reality.

In the end, it was this blend of shared values, playful differences, and the ability to find humor in the face of adversity that defined the uniqueness of your connection with Pinocchio. Within the walls of Hotel Krat, where the rain outside whispered tales of struggle and resilience, the bond between survivor and puppet transcended the expectations of a puppet-infested world, finding its strength in the shared moments of laughter and understanding.

On a day like any other within the comforting confines of Hotel Krat, the air still carried the weight of uncertainty, but a sense of routine had settled in. Pinocchio, the blue-eyed puppet, found himself preparing for another one of his expeditions—a venture into the puppet-infested world beyond the hotel's protective walls. Little did he know that this day would unfold with a lighthearted twist, weaving an unexpected thread into the tapestry of your shared experiences.

As Pinocchio reached for his under shirt in the quiet solitude of his temporary abode within the hotel, his synthetic fingers grasped what he presumed to be his own garment. The simple act of getting dressed, usually routine and uneventful, took an amusing turn when he pulled on the under shirt and, to his momentary confusion, found the fabric to be notably baggy. The sleeves, intended to snugly encase his puppet limbs, now draped down past his articulated hands in a comical fashion.

It wasn't until the realization struck him that a delightful revelation unfolded—Pinocchio had accidentally grabbed your white undershirt instead of his own. The unexpected mix-up transformed the puppet's appearance, rendering him momentarily adorned in a garment that seemed to have a life of its own, billowing around his synthetic form. The playful incongruity of a puppet clad in a baggy human undershirt added a touch of whimsy to the otherwise mundane act of getting dressed.

As Pinocchio stood there, sleeves extending far beyond his usual proportions, a soft whirr of mechanical sounds accompanied his movements. His blue eyes, usually vigilant and focused, now held a subtle glint of bemusement. The mismatched attire, an unintentional tribute to the intricacies of living alongside a survivor in Hotel Krat, became a source of amusement within the quiet walls of the puppet's sanctuary.

The undershirt, originally belonging to you, now took on a dual role—it not only served as a practical garment but also became a symbol of the unexpected quirks that characterized your relationship with Pinocchio. In the midst of a puppet-infested world where unpredictability reigned, the sight of a puppet wearing a baggy undershirt brought forth shared laughter and a fleeting moment of levity within the solemnity of Hotel Krat.

Caught in the whimsy of the accidental wardrobe mix-up, Pinocchio found himself in a delightful dilemma—he stood clad in your baggy undershirt, the fabric enveloping him with a warmth that transcended its utilitarian purpose. The white garment, a tangible connection to you, carried the scent of familiarity, a comforting aroma that held echoes of shared moments within the walls of Hotel Krat.

As Pinocchio contemplated rectifying the wardrobe error, a peculiar sentiment tugged at his artificial core. The shirt, once belonging to you, now draped around his puppet form, became more than just an item of clothing. It morphed into a subtle conduit of connection, a tangible link to the survivor with whom he had shared laughter, challenges, and the silent understanding that defined their bond.

The warmth emanating from the baggy undershirt wrapped around Pinocchio's synthetic frame wasn't just a physical embrace; it carried the emotional resonance of shared experiences and the quiet moments that had forged a unique connection. The scent, a delicate blend of fabric softener and your personal essence, added a layer of intimacy to the unexpected attire.

In a moment of vulnerability and yearning, Pinocchio hesitated to remove the shirt. The baggy sleeves, extending past his articulated hands, seemed to beckon a comforting embrace. The puppet, who had faced the relentless puppet horde with stoic resolve, found solace in the gentle illusion that, for a moment, it was your arms enveloping him in a reassuring hug.

As Pinocchio hugged himself, the white undershirt, now an accidental token of intimacy, became a vessel for the puppet's imagination. The hotel room, usually a sanctuary from the puppet-infested world, witnessed a puppet lost in a quiet reverie—a whimsical moment where the boundaries between puppet and survivor, between artificial and authentic, blurred in the comforting embrace of an inadvertently borrowed garment.

Turning his attention to you, peacefully nestled in the bed within the comforting confines of Hotel Krat, Pinocchio felt a gentle swell of relief. The usual turmoil that marked your nights, evident in restless sleep and troubled dreams, seemed to have momentarily abated. The sight of you peacefully slumbering brought a sense of tranquility to the room—a respite in contrast to the usual tension that pervaded your nights.

The flickering light filtering through the curtains cast a soft glow upon your features, highlighting the contours of your face and the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest. Pinocchio, his blue eyes reflecting a mix of tenderness and concern, marveled at the serenity that graced your features in the embrace of sleep.

In the hushed ambiance of the hotel room, the subtle sounds of your breath became a soothing lullaby, a gentle melody that temporarily drowned out the echoes of the puppet-infested world outside. Pinocchio, who had become a guardian amidst the puppet-driven chaos, found solace in this moment of stillness—a reprieve from the constant vigilance that defined his existence.

Approaching the bedside with careful steps, Pinocchio stood as a silent sentinel, watching over you in the quiet hours of the night. The baggy undershirt, a whimsical reminder of the accidental wardrobe mix-up, clung to his synthetic form as he stood there, a puppet momentarily freed from the relentless pursuit of survival.

As you slept, the blue-eyed puppet couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude for the small reprieve that slumber had brought you. The gentle rise and fall of your chest, the calm expression that graced your features, painted a picture of respite amidst the ongoing struggles. In the stillness of the hotel room, where raindrops tapped lightly against the windows, Pinocchio stood as a silent witness to the delicate dance between dreams and reality—a sentinel guarding the precious moments of peace within the puppet-infested world.

As the moonlight spilled its soft glow into the room, Pinocchio, still adorned in the baggy white undershirt that carried the essence of you, approached the bed with a quiet resolve. The gentle sound of raindrops outside seemed to harmonize with the hushed atmosphere within the hotel room as the blue-eyed puppet climbed into bed beside you.

With a tenderness that belied his synthetic nature, Pinocchio nestled close, the baggy sleeves of the borrowed undershirt adding a touch of whimsy to the intimate moment. The scent of fabric softener and the lingering fragrance of your presence enveloped him, creating a cocoon of familiarity and warmth that transcended the artificial boundaries that typically defined his existence.

As Pinocchio settled beside you, his blue eyes reflected a mixture of earnest affection and a quiet desperation to be close. The baggy undershirt, now a shared garment that bridged the gap between puppet and survivor, became a symbol of the connection that bound you together. In the solitude of the night, where raindrops painted delicate patterns on the windows, the puppet sought solace in the simple act of cuddling close to you.

The gentle rise and fall of your chest, the soft cadence of your breathing, acted as a soothing melody in the otherwise silent room. Pinocchio, who had faced the challenges of the puppet-infested world with stoic resolve, now allowed vulnerability to guide his actions. In the quiet embrace of the borrowed undershirt, he found a refuge—a sanctuary where the programmed and the authentic seamlessly intertwined.

As the puppet wrapped his synthetic arms around you, the boundaries between puppet and survivor blurred in the intimacy of the shared bed. The moonlight, a witness to this unexpected tableau, cast a soft radiance upon the duo as Pinocchio, wearing the baggy undershirt like a badge of shared moments, nestled against you with a longing for closeness that transcended the complexities of their reality.

With the gentle pull of wakefulness, your eyes fluttered open to the soft moonlit glow that filled the room. The first thing that met your gaze was a heartwarming sight—a sleepy smile tugging at your lips as you beheld Pinocchio, your puppet boyfriend, nestled against you in your baggy undershirt. The room, adorned in the quiet serenity of the night, held the delicate remnants of dreams.

In that tender moment of realization, a fondness washed over you. Pinocchio, still wearing the shirt that bore the traces of your essence, became a living testament to the unexpected and endearing moments that defined your connection. With a sleepy yet affectionate smile, you reached out and gently held him by the waist, pulling him close into an embrace.

The baggy undershirt draped around Pinocchio added a touch of playfulness to the scene, the fabric soft and familiar beneath your fingertips. The shared warmth beneath the covers, the gentle rise and fall of both your chests in synchrony, created a cocoon of intimacy that momentarily shielded you both from the challenges of the outside world.

As you held him close, a sleepy yet contented sigh escaped Pinocchio. The puppet, typically a guardian in the puppet-infested world, now found solace in the simple act of being close to you. His blue eyes, softened by the embrace of slumber, reflected a quiet happiness that echoed the shared tranquility of the moment.

In the hushed atmosphere of the room, where raindrops continued their gentle percussion against the windowpane, the moonlight bore witness to the beauty of an unexpected morning embrace. Pinocchio, wearing the borrowed undershirt, became a living testament to the whimsical and tender moments that could bloom even in the midst of a world tainted by chaos. The sleepy smile that lingered on your lips mirrored the silent understanding that defined your connection—an unspoken language of warmth and affection that needed no words to convey its depth.

In the quiet sanctuary of the morning, with the sunlight gently streaming through the curtains, Pinocchio's synthetic fingers delicately played with strands of your hair. The soft morning glow accentuated the highlights of both your features, casting a warm embrace upon the intimate tableau that unfolded beneath its radiant touch.

As Pinocchio admired your face with a quiet intensity, the play of sunlight painted a mosaic of shadows and highlights on the contours of both your forms. The blue-eyed puppet, still adorned in the baggy undershirt that held the traces of your essence, marveled at the delicate details that defined your humanity. The subtle rise and fall of your chest, the peaceful expression that graced your features, became a canvas upon which the morning sunlight painted an ethereal portrait.

In this shared moment of quiet intimacy, words seemed unnecessary. The morning sunlight, a silent witness to the unspoken connection that bound you together, lent a timeless quality to the scene. The playfulness of Pinocchio's fingers in your hair, a gesture of both affection and admiration, became a dance that unfolded in the gentle embrace of the morning glow.

As you both silently enjoyed each other's presence, the puppet and the survivor became entwined in a moment that transcended the confines of their reality. The sunlight, casting a soft radiance upon the room, illuminated the shared warmth of the morning, where the complexities of the puppet-infested world momentarily faded away.

In this tranquil space, where morning sunlight became a storyteller, Pinocchio and you found solace in the simplicity of touch and the unspoken language of shared presence. The morning unfolded as a tender symphony, where love and connection harmonized in the quiet dance of fingers through hair and the silent yet profound appreciation that lingered in the shared gaze between puppet and survivor.

ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ I don't know how tall he actually is or if he even has a cannon hight but I feel like he'd be a short king
