A Drop Of Blood

╰┈➤ This chapter contains no spoilers so enjoy :)

Within the protective walls of Hotel Krat, a sanctuary in a city besieged by puppet chaos, you found solace and safety. Your chance encounter with Pinocchio, a puppet with endearing freckles and expressive blue eyes, marked the turning point in your survival story. Pinocchio, unlike the hostile rogue puppets roaming the streets, became your unexpected savior and, in time, a trusted companion.

The days spent within the confines of Hotel Krat brought a sense of peace that felt increasingly elusive outside its protective embrace. In the quiet moments between puppet attacks and the echoes of distant puppetry chaos, you and Pinocchio forged a connection that transcended the boundaries between survivor and puppet.

Your role in Pinocchio's life extended beyond mere survival. As a survivor with a wealth of human experiences, you took on the responsibility of introducing Pinocchio to the intricacies of being human. Simple tasks, such as reading and sharing stories, became the building blocks of Pinocchio's understanding of the world beyond puppetry.

In the quiet corners of Hotel Krat, you found moments to teach Pinocchio the art of reading, unraveling the mysteries of written words and imbuing them with meaning. The freckled puppet, with a genuine curiosity mirrored in his expressive blue eyes, absorbed these lessons with an eagerness that mirrored a child learning about the world for the first time.

Sharing stories of your past became a ritual, a way to bridge the gap between your worlds. Pinocchio, devoid of the memories that shaped human experiences, listened attentively to your narratives, his freckled face reflecting a mixture of fascination and empathy. In these shared moments, the distinctions between puppet and human blurred, replaced by a shared journey of discovery.

As Hotel Krat stood as a bastion against the puppet frenzy outside, the bond between you and Pinocchio deepened. The freckled puppet, once a mere puppeteer's creation, evolved into a companion who shared in the human experiences that defined your survival within the city. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, the connection forged within Hotel Krat became a testament to the resilience of humanity, even in the most unexpected of alliances.

Pinocchio's fondness for your presence became a palpable thread weaving through the fabric of Hotel Krat. His blue eyes, once reflective of puppet curiosity, now held a warmth and appreciation whenever they rested upon you. The freckled puppet, in his newfound understanding of human connections, had grown to cherish the moments spent in your company.

The bond between you and Pinocchio transformed his interactions within the hotel's confines. His desire to be near you was evident in the subtle shifts of his freckled face, where a genuine smile surfaced whenever he caught sight of you. The once-isolated puppet now sought out your company, a testament to the enduring connection that had flourished amidst the chaos outside.

During Pinocchio's moments of respite within the hotel's haven, he chose to spend his free time with you. The shared experiences, whether it be reading together in a quiet corner or exchanging stories that bridged the gap between puppet and human, became the cornerstone of your companionship.

Pinocchio's presence became a reassuring constant within the fluctuating rhythms of Hotel Krat. His desire to always be near you echoed in the moments of shared laughter, the quiet understanding exchanged in glances, and the comfort derived from the simple act of being together within the safety of the hotel's walls.

As the puppet frenzy raged beyond the confines of Hotel Krat, the connection between you and Pinocchio stood as a testament to the resilience of companionship in the face of adversity. The freckled puppet, once an outsider to the human experience, had found solace in your presence, and in return, you discovered a steadfast ally in the unlikeliest of forms. Together, amidst the chaos and uncertainties, you and Pinocchio forged a bond that transcended the puppetry and painted a portrait of resilience within the sanctuary of Hotel Krat.

The peaceful ambiance within Hotel Krat was abruptly shattered by the distressed commotion echoing through its halls. Pinocchio, the freckled puppet who had found solace and companionship within the sanctuary of the hotel, was now in a state of panic. The cause of his distress lay in the sight of you, a survivor he had grown fond of, and the presence of blood that stirred an unfamiliar fear within the puppet's mechanical heart.

The scene unfolded as you, in an effort to mend and repair some worn-out clothing salvaged from the remnants of the puppet-infested city, had inadvertently pierced your own skin with a needle. The puncture, though minor and inconsequential in the realm of human experiences, had caused a small bead of blood to surface. Unbeknownst to you, this mundane accident triggered a cascade of concern in Pinocchio's freckled features.

For Pinocchio, the world outside Hotel Krat was a battleground where puppets engaged in life-or-death struggles. His encounters with adversaries in the puppet frenzy had conditioned him to associate bleeding with the finality of death. The sight of blood, once reserved for the fallen puppets on the battlefield, now manifested in the realm of the hotel, sending shockwaves through Pinocchio's understanding of mortality.

As Pinocchio approached you with an urgency that bordered on desperation, his expressive blue eyes widened in fear. The freckles on his face seemed to stand out more prominently against the canvas of worry etched across his features. In his mind, the presence of blood signaled a dire situation, a departure from the battles he had fought where bloodshed marked the end of a puppet's existence.

In an attempt to convey the severity of the situation as he perceived it, Pinocchio frantically gestured towards the small, seemingly innocuous wound. His actions betrayed a genuine concern, the mechanical puppet grappling with the unfamiliar territory of human vulnerability. The panic in his movements, though misplaced, spoke volumes about the depth of his attachment and the protective instincts that had blossomed within him.

In the midst of Pinocchio's frantic distress, you, oblivious to the puppet's internal turmoil, reassured him that the minor injury was inconsequential. The misunderstanding, born out of the stark contrast between the battles beyond Hotel Krat and the everyday accidents within its walls, added a layer of complexity to the evolving dynamic between puppet and survivor. The episode became a poignant reminder that the nuances of human existence, even the seemingly trivial ones, were a source of bewilderment and concern for a puppet navigating the complexities of empathy and connection within the refuge of Hotel Krat.

Your attempts to reassure Pinocchio fell upon ears that were gripped by fear, the mechanical heart within the freckled puppet seemingly unable to reconcile the presence of blood with anything other than imminent danger. Despite your efforts to soothe his distress, Pinocchio's anxiety persisted, manifesting in a torrent of panicked expressions and anxious exclamations.

"Pinocchio, I'm okay," you gently asserted, your voice a calming counterpoint to the turmoil within the puppet's mind. The earnestness in your words sought to penetrate the walls of misunderstanding that surrounded him. However, the freckled puppet's distress seemed unyielding, as if the very notion of your well-being was being held captive by the specter of perceived mortal danger.

In an attempt to quell Pinocchio's escalating panic, you delicately withdrew your hand from the freckled grip that clung to you with an almost desperate fervor. The puppet's eyes remained fixated on the small droplets of blood that adorned your skin. As you wiped away the crimson evidence of the innocuous accident, a tangible silence lingered in the air—an unspoken plea for understanding between puppet and survivor.

The disparity between the puppet's fears and the reality of the situation underscored the evolving dynamics within Hotel Krat. Pinocchio, a puppet whose existence had been molded by battles on the puppet-infested streets, grappled with the nuances of human vulnerability. The disconnect between the puppet's expectations and the reassuring truth that your well-being remained intact created a poignant tableau within the confines of the hotel.

As you attempted to navigate the delicate balance between addressing Pinocchio's concerns and dispelling his unfounded fears, the incident became a poignant chapter in the narrative of your evolving connection. The freckled puppet, caught between the echoes of puppetry chaos outside and the sanctuary within Hotel Krat, grappled with a vulnerability that transcended the physical realm—a vulnerability rooted in the uncharted territories of empathy, care, and the intricate dance between puppet and survivor.

Pinocchio's confusion was palpable, his freckled face reflecting a mixture of bewilderment and perplexity as he gazed at your hand. The unexpected contrast between his anticipation of dire consequences and the reality of your well-being left the puppet in a state of disarray.

"What?... How'd you do that?" Pinocchio questioned, his expressive blue eyes narrowing with an inquisitiveness that mirrored a child trying to unravel a perplexing mystery. The freckled puppet's confusion deepened as he examined your hand, his own mechanical digits running over your skin in an attempt to decipher the enigma before him.

In Pinocchio's world, encounters with blood were unequivocally tied to the specter of mortality. The absence of fatal consequences, despite the visible presence of blood, left the puppet grappling with a cognitive dissonance that seemed to reverberate through the mechanisms of his mechanical mind.

As Pinocchio continued to inspect your hand, his freckles stood out against a canvas of uncertainty. The puppet's earnest attempts to understand defied the logic ingrained in his puppetry experiences outside Hotel Krat. The disconnect between expectation and reality became a poignant moment, one that illuminated the complexities of bridging the gap between puppet and human understanding.

In response to Pinocchio's inquiry, you gently explained the nature of the minor cut, emphasizing its inconsequential nature. The puppet's puzzled expression slowly shifted into a semblance of comprehension, though the journey toward reconciling the nuances of human vulnerability remained an ongoing process for the freckled puppet.

The incident served as a reminder that the connections within Hotel Krat, though forged in the crucible of puppet frenzy, were also confronted with the intricacies of human experiences. Pinocchio's confusion, a manifestation of the evolving dynamics between puppet and survivor, became a testament to the nuanced journey of understanding, empathy, and the uncharted territories where puppetry and humanity intersected within the refuge of the hotel.

"It's called healing, P," you responded calmly, your words carrying a gentle reassurance as you sought to alleviate Pinocchio's distress. The freckled puppet, still visibly caught in the remnants of panic, looked to you with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, his blue eyes seeking an understanding that had eluded him.

As you uttered those words, you extended a patient hand towards Pinocchio, the very hand that had moments ago experienced the minor cut. Your gesture was deliberate, a tactile demonstration to accompany your verbal reassurance. Pinocchio's mechanical digits hesitantly mirrored yours as he gingerly touched the area where the small droplets of blood had emerged.

"Bleeding isn't fatal," you reiterated, the calm cadence of your voice aiming to dispel the lingering fear within the puppet's freckled features. The simple yet profound truth echoed within the walls of Hotel Krat, a place where puppet and survivor coexisted, learning to navigate the intricacies of each other's existence.

In that moment, the interaction became a gentle bridge between the worlds of puppetry and humanity. Your attempt to impart a fundamental understanding about the nature of injuries underscored the evolving dynamics within the refuge of the hotel. Pinocchio, grappling with the remnants of his puppetry conditioning, found himself on the cusp of a revelation—one that extended beyond battles on puppet-infested streets and delved into the realms of healing, resilience, and the shared journey between puppet and survivor within the sanctuary of Hotel Krat.

Pinocchio's freckled features transformed as he looked up at you, the fount of his concerns. The furrowed brow and anxious glint in his blue eyes gradually faded away, replaced by a dawning understanding as he caught the reassurance in your gaze. The puppet's mechanical heart, once gripped by the fear of mortal consequences, found solace in the gentle assurance you provided.

"Okay, I believe you," Pinocchio affirmed, his voice a blend of relief and trust. The acknowledgment marked a pivotal moment, a testament to the evolving understanding between puppet and survivor within the walls of Hotel Krat. As his words hung in the air, Pinocchio initiated a gesture that transcended the confines of puppetry— he embraced you in a warm, heartfelt hug.

The freckled puppet's arms wrapped around you, drawing you into an embrace that spoke volumes about the depth of his newfound trust. The tension that had once gripped Pinocchio's mechanical frame melted away as he rested his head on your shoulder, seeking comfort in the physical closeness that defined the connection between puppet and survivor within the refuge of the hotel.

In response, you embraced Pinocchio with a warmth that mirrored the reassurance you had offered verbally. Your arms wrapped around the puppet, holding him tight in a gesture that transcended the boundaries between puppetry and humanity. The shared hug became a tangible expression of the trust and understanding that had blossomed within Hotel Krat, a sanctuary where puppets and survivors navigated the intricacies of empathy, healing, and the uncharted territories of connection.

As you held Pinocchio close, the echoes of battles on puppet-infested streets were replaced by the heartbeat of understanding within the refuge of the hotel. The freckled puppet, once caught in the throes of uncertainty, found a haven in the reassurance and embrace that defined the evolving narrative between puppet and survivor, creating a poignant tableau within the sanctuary of Hotel Krat.

With the echoes of reassurance still lingering in the air, Pinocchio continued the embrace, his actions transcending the physicality of the hug. The freckled puppet's mechanical fingers traced gentle circles on your back, a rhythmic motion that carried a soothing cadence. Each circle seemed to echo a silent promise, a manifestation of Pinocchio's internal resolve to anchor you in safety and reassure himself of your enduring presence.

As Pinocchio's fingers moved in their circular dance, he repeated phrases in his mind—a mantra of conviction that resonated with each tender touch. Phrases like, "You're safe," and "You aren't going anywhere any time soon," looped in the puppet's thoughts, each repetition reinforcing the bond between puppet and survivor within the cocoon of their shared embrace.

The freckled puppet, typically a stoic figure molded by battles on puppet-infested streets, now revealed a vulnerability in the tender circles he traced on your back. The rhythmic motion became a silent testament to the evolving dynamics within Hotel Krat, where puppets and survivors navigated the complexities of connection, empathy, and the uncharted territories of shared experiences.

In the midst of this intimate moment, Pinocchio's gaze, once clouded with fear, transformed into one of unwavering determination. The freckled puppet, who had ventured into the unfamiliar realm of healing and trust, found solace in the tactile reassurance he offered and received. The mantra of safety, whispered through the language of gentle circles and shared hugs, became a cornerstone of the connection between puppet and survivor—a connection forged in the crucible of adversity and nurtured within the sanctuary of Hotel Krat.

As Pinocchio continued his comforting gestures, the narrative within the refuge of the hotel expanded, painting a canvas where puppetry and humanity converged in a dance of understanding and mutual reassurance. The small circles on your back, etched by mechanical fingers, became a symbol of the silent promises that bound puppet and survivor in a shared journey through the intricate tapestry of Hotel Krat.

╰┈➤ Since the streets of Krat are littered with bodies and if you ever did die do you think Pinocchio would try and place your body out their since he doesn't know what a proper grave is?
