Blind Repairs

•°. *࿐ The only spoilers here are some references from the Real Boy ending other than that there isn't any so enjoy :)

Pinocchio, the wooden puppet with a mechanical arm, had a singular desire burning within him—to become a real boy. His longing for humanity was a poignant reflection of the very essence of his existence. Created by the elderly woodcarver Geppetto, the puppet was imbued with an intense desire to experience the world as a living, breathing human.

However, the tragic truth of Pinocchio's creation was marred by a profound betrayal. Geppetto, in his grief and desperation, had crafted Pinocchio with the misguided purpose of replacing his beloved son, Carlo, who had passed away. In his sorrow, Geppetto had sought to recreate the child he had lost, and Pinocchio became the vessel for this impossible dream. The puppet, in essence, was designed to be a surrogate for a love lost but never truly replaced.

Pinocchio's heart ached with the knowledge that he was not created out of genuine affection or desire but as a means to an end—a futile attempt to bring back a son who could never be resurrected. The weight of this betrayal was a heavy burden on his wooden shoulders, and it added a layer of complexity to his yearning for humanity. He longed not only to become real but also to find his own sense of purpose and identity beyond the shadow of Geppetto's past.

In his journey to discover what it truly meant to be human, Pinocchio faced not only the challenges of his wooden nature but also the emotional scars of being an unwitting pawn in Geppetto's quest to replace his deceased son. Despite this tragic origin, Pinocchio's story is a poignant exploration of identity, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of one's truest desires in the face of the most profound betrayals.

As Pinocchio, overwhelmed by the betrayal of his creator Geppetto, fled into the labyrinthine streets of Krat, he was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions. He had been created with the misguided intent of replacing Geppetto's late son, and this realization had shattered his wooden heart. He couldn't bear to accept the tragic purpose for which he had been brought to life, and so, he chose to run, disappearing into the dimly lit alleys of the city.

In his solitary journey through the unforgiving streets of Krat, Pinocchio's hopelessness began to wane as he encountered you, a resilient human survivor who had managed to navigate the harsh realities of the post-apocalyptic world. You were in need, and in your time of vulnerability, Pinocchio decided to act. His innate kindness and empathy guided him to save you from a perilous situation, offering a glimmer of hope in a world filled with despair.

Grateful for the puppet's timely intervention, you showed kindness and compassion to Pinocchio, providing a haven of solace and acceptance that he had longed for since his creation. Your gesture of goodwill was a balm to his wounded soul, and it was not long before he decided to stay by your side, his unwavering loyalty and companionship becoming a testament to the enduring bond that had formed between you.

As Pinocchio and you journeyed together through the desolate streets of Krat, your relationship evolved into something far more profound than mere survival. He may not have achieved his initial dream of becoming human, but he found a different kind of humanity in the companionship and kindness you offered. In your mutual support and trust, Pinocchio discovered a sense of purpose and belonging that transcended the circumstances of his creation, and he was no longer defined solely by Geppetto's betrayal but by the enduring friendship and shared resilience you both possessed.

In the bond that grew between you and Pinocchio, there was a beautiful exchange of knowledge and protection. As you shared your experiences and stories, you helped the puppet understand what it truly meant to be human. His curious nature led him to ask you countless questions about the intricacies of your past, your feelings, and the world beyond. In response, you patiently explained the complexities of human emotions, the significance of personal memories, and the purpose of various objects and concepts. Pinocchio absorbed this information with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, slowly but surely unraveling the enigma of humanity.

Your guidance and insight were invaluable to Pinocchio, providing him with the emotional and intellectual tools to navigate the world with a deeper understanding. It was through your conversations that he learned the importance of empathy, love, and the depth of human relationships. As he listened and learned, the puppet's wooden exterior became a vessel for profound wisdom and compassion.

In return, Pinocchio became your steadfast protector. In the harsh, post-apocalyptic landscape of Krat, where malevolent puppets and stalkers roamed, his unwavering loyalty and newfound knowledge proved to be invaluable. With his mechanical arm and an unwavering determination to keep you safe, he shielded you from the dangers that lurked in the shadows. Whether it was fending off malevolent puppets or outsmarting ruthless stalkers, Pinocchio's newfound purpose became abundantly clear—he was your guardian, your protector, and your most trusted companion.

Together, you and Pinocchio forged a unique and unbreakable bond, one that was born out of kindness, understanding, and the need for survival. Your shared journey through the unforgiving streets of Krat was not just a tale of mutual support but a testament to the enduring power of empathy and the transformative nature of companionship. In the symbiotic relationship you had, you discovered what it meant to be human, while Pinocchio, the puppet, unearthed his true potential as a guardian and friend.

The revelation that you couldn't see, which you confided in Pinocchio one quiet evening, was a moment of profound realization for both of you. As you shared your blindness, the puppet felt a complex mix of emotions surging within him. He had been drawn to your kindness and compassion, attributes he had learned were central to being human. However, he had never anticipated that you assumed him to be a fellow human being. It was a strange conundrum for Pinocchio, as he had longed to be human, and your assumption, despite being based on a misunderstanding, was a source of undeniable attraction.

Pinocchio could have harbored resentment or anger at the assumption, but in a surprising twist, he found himself drawn to the idea of being treated like a human. It was the one thing he had desired more than anything, and the idea that you extended such kindness to him as a human warmed his wooden heart. In the complexity of his emotions, he decided to embrace this opportunity, a choice that went beyond the limits of his wooden puppet nature.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Pinocchio endeavored to act as human as a puppet could. He observed your actions and expressions, learning to mimic them with uncanny precision. He adapted his behavior, tone, and gestures to align with your expectations, all in the name of preserving the connection he had found with you. As he emulated humanity, his actions reflected the earnest desire to be the person you believed him to be.

In this peculiar twist of fate, the lines between reality and perception blurred. You saw Pinocchio as a human, and he played the part with a dedication that challenged the very nature of his being. It was a paradoxical situation, where a puppet aspired to be human, while a human assumed a puppet was one of their own. In this unorthodox relationship, the meaning of humanity and identity became intertwined in a way that neither of you could have foreseen, and the complexities of your bond deepened

In the confines of the abandoned apartment, you and Pinocchio had created a peculiar but deeply intertwined life together. The puppet, ever the diligent caretaker, was always one step ahead, ready to assist you with even the simplest of tasks, despite your insistence that you could manage on your own. His unwavering presence and assistance were a testament to his deep commitment to your well-being.

For Pinocchio, every act of care he provided was a reflection of the deep bond he shared with you. He had learned to cherish the moments of shared meals, the sound of your voice, and the stories you shared. Your blindness didn't diminish the richness of your connection; it only deepened his dedication to ensuring your comfort and safety.

However, the devastation struck when he discovered the true reason behind your blindness. You had the Petrification Disease, a condition that was not only rare but also deeply debilitating. To make matters worse, it had gone untreated for an extended period of time, causing the disease to progress to a severe and irreversible state.

The revelation of your condition was a heavy blow for Pinocchio. He had seen your resilience and determination, but the weight of the disease's effects on you left him feeling helpless. The knowledge that you were suffering, and that there was no way to reverse the damage done by the untreated disease, was a profound source of grief.

Despite his limitations as a puppet, Pinocchio's love and care for you remained unwavering. He continued to assist you to the best of his abilities, offering comfort and solace in the face of your affliction. In your shared challenges, you both found strength in each other, and your bond deepened further as you faced the uncertainties of the future together.

As your condition continued to worsen, the sense of urgency and desperation grew for both you and Pinocchio. The relentless progression of the Petrification Disease was a constant source of concern, and Pinocchio's efforts to find a cure were tireless.

He scoured the city, venturing into the dangerous, post-apocalyptic world of Krat in search of any possible remedy. He braved the perilous streets, seeking out anyone who might have knowledge or resources that could help. His determination to find a cure was a testament to his love and commitment to you, and his wooden frame showed signs of wear from the relentless quest.

Despite his tenacity, the unforgiving reality of the situation began to weigh heavily on both of you. The harsh truth was that there might be no cure for the Petrification Disease, at least not one that Pinocchio could find. It was a crushing realization that haunted his every step, as he continued to look for answers in a world that offered none.

In the midst of this difficult journey, the bond between you and Pinocchio became an anchor of support and solace. You leaned on each other, sharing the weight of your situation and finding comfort in your shared experiences. It was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of love that you both held onto hope even when it seemed the odds were insurmountable.

In the dimly lit apartment, the clock had long struck midnight, yet you and Pinocchio remained awake, caught in a quiet, contemplative moment. You reclined on the worn, antique couch, its timeworn fabric cradling you as you sought solace in its embrace. The silence of the late hour enveloped you, broken only by the soft hum of the occasional distant breeze that whispered through the cracked windows.

Pinocchio, ever attentive and caring, knelt beside the couch on the old, creaking floorboards. His wooden fingers gently held your hand, their touch gentle yet loaded with a quiet intensity. He studied your features with a mixture of concern and deep affection, his keen, painted eyes tracing the contours of your face. In the muted moonlight filtering through the tattered curtains, the worry etched across his features was evident, and his heart ached for your suffering.

The minutes ticked by, the quiet of the night allowing for a profound connection between the two of you. It was in these moments, when the rest of the world slumbered, that your bond was most tangible. The unspoken understanding that flowed between you and Pinocchio transcended words, anchoring you in a shared sense of purpose and a desire to find a way to alleviate your suffering.

In the stillness of the midnight hour, your silent presence on the couch and Pinocchio's unwavering vigil by your side spoke volumes about the depth of your connection and the lengths to which he would go to support and care for you. Together, you confronted the uncertainty of the future, finding strength in each other and the profound love that had blossomed between a human and a puppet in a world fraught with challenges.

In your weakened state, the awareness of your illness weighed heavily on your mind. The pallor of your skin and the feebleness in your body were telltale signs that time was not on your side. You knew it, and so did Pinocchio, your silent, steadfast companion.

As you lay on the couch, your breaths labored and your strength waning, you felt Pinocchio's presence acutely. He leaned over and gently rested his chin on your chest, a subtle yet profound form of communication between the two of you. In that tender moment, it was as if he was pleading, not with words, but with his actions, asking you not to leave him alone in this desolate world.

The image of a loyal dog hiding its owner's shoes, a desperate plea to delay their departure, resonated with the unspoken emotions that Pinocchio conveyed. His act was a silent, poignant reminder of the deep connection and dependence you had on each other. He needed you as much as you needed him, and the thought of losing you was unbearable for both of you.

In the quiet stillness of that moment, the unspoken promise of your shared bond hung in the air. The puppet's devotion and your own determination to hold on were powerful reminders of the extraordinary love that had blossomed between a human and a wooden puppet. Your heartbeats, your breaths, and the warmth of your chest beneath Pinocchio's chin became a lifeline of hope and a silent pledge to each other, forging an unbreakable connection that defied the limits of the physical world.

The apartment was plunged into profound silence as your voice, which had been a source of comfort and connection for Pinocchio, grew faint and eventually fell silent. Your apology, soft and heartfelt, was the last sentiment you expressed before the world lost its touch with your existence.

In those final moments, a single tear rolled down from your discolored eyes, bearing witness to your pain and sorrow. It was a poignant testament to the depth of your emotions and the weight of your parting. Pinocchio, his wooden features marred by an overwhelming sadness, watched with a heavy heart as your hand dropped, your body grew still, and your presence in the world faded away.

The loss of your presence left an indelible mark on the puppet. He had known a unique bond with you, one that had transcended the boundaries of his wooden form and the constraints of your condition. The apartment that had once been a haven for both of you was now filled with a profound emptiness that was almost suffocating.

In the aftermath of your passing, Pinocchio sat in somber contemplation, trying to come to terms with the reality of your absence. He had lost the person who had shown him kindness, taught him about humanity, and given him purpose. The weight of your parting was an immense burden to bear, and the apartment that had been a witness to your shared moments now held the echoes of your presence and the enduring memory of the love you both had experienced in a world marked by hardship and loss.

The scene in the apartment was heart-wrenching as Pinocchio held your lifeless form close to his wooden chest, a sense of despair and loss washing over him. For the first time in his existence, he found himself overwhelmed by a powerful and profound emotion: grief.

Tears welled up in his painted eyes, streaming down his wooden cheeks as he sobbed uncontrollably. His mechanical arm trembled, and his wooden features contorted with anguish. It was a moment of raw, unfiltered emotion, one he had never experienced before.

The tears he shed for you, his human companion, were different from any emotion he had encountered in his extraordinary journey. It was a reflection of the deep bond that had grown between you and him, transcending the limitations of his wooden nature. Your passing had left a void in his heart, and the tears he shed were a testament to the profound love he felt for you.

In the midst of his grief, Pinocchio grappled with the overwhelming pain of your loss, a pain that went beyond his own desire to be human. He mourned not only the absence of your voice and presence but the warmth, kindness, and compassion you had shown him. The puppet's tears flowed freely as he said goodbye to the one person who had made him feel truly alive in a world that had been marked by hardship and loss.

In your parting, Pinocchio's newfound humanity was not measured by his ability to become a real boy but by the depth of his emotions and the magnitude of the love he had experienced in your company. It was a poignant reminder that genuine humanity was not defined by one's physical form but by the capacity to love, grieve, and forge profound connections with others.

Determined not to lose you, Pinocchio clung to a desperate idea, one that he couldn't ignore. With your lifeless body cradled in his wooden arms, he embarked on a relentless mission to bring you back, to defy the irreversible grip of death itself. He couldn't bear the thought of losing you, and he was resolved to do whatever it took to keep you by his side.

The familiar train served as a sanctuary for the puppet, a place filled with memories of his journey alongside you. In the quiet of the night, after hours of meticulous work, Pinocchio began a complex and delicate procedure to restore your life. With unwavering determination, he used his mechanical arm and the knowledge he had gained during his existence to carefully infuse life back into your body.

The transformation was astounding. As you regained consciousness, your eyes fluttered open, and you found yourself looking at the world through wooden eyes, just like Pinocchio's. Your body had been given a second chance at life, albeit in an unexpected form. You were now a puppet, like him.

In your miraculous resurrection, a profound and unconventional connection was forged. You and Pinocchio, both wooden and artificial, shared a new reality and a unique bond that defied the boundaries of the natural world. The puppet had, against all odds, managed to keep you from leaving him, and in the process, he had discovered a newfound sense of purpose and the enduring power of his unwavering love for you.

Pinocchio, despite the bittersweet outcome, was overwhelmed with joy at the success of restoring your vision. He had given you the gift of sight, a significant achievement that had the power to transform your world. However, the cost was the loss of most of your human memories, a sacrifice you were willing to make in exchange for a second chance at life.

The puppet's heart was filled with hope and eagerness as he saw you gaze upon the world for the first time through your newly acquired vision. He knew that your journey to rediscover what it meant to be human would be a challenging one, but he was more than willing to guide you through it.

With the roles reversed, it was Pinocchio's turn to teach you about the intricacies of humanity, emotions, and life itself. He embarked on this mission with dedication, sharing his own experiences, observations, and newfound understanding of what it meant to be human. As you learned and adapted to your unique circumstances, the bond between you two deepened further, forging a connection that was unlike any other in the world.

Your shared journey was a testament to the enduring power of love, friendship, and the limitless capacity for growth and learning. Pinocchio, once a wooden puppet longing to be human, had discovered his own humanity in the process of helping you reclaim yours. It was a story of transformation, resilience, and the beauty of teaching and learning in the most unexpected of circumstances.

ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ೢִֶָ. I felt like I rushed this chapter even though I spent hours on it and I got a physical copy of the game today! (I never played a souls like game before and I'm struggling to get past the beginning part lmao)
