Faith Of The Heart

ೃ⁀➷ not much to spoil here just about Geppetto and hints of The Nameless Puppet so with that enjoy :)


inocchio, the wooden puppet with bright blue eyes, short dark hair, and a mechanical arm, had a profound and enduring desire. He longed to become a real boy. This fervent wish was a reflection of his creator's, Geppetto's, desire to see the lifeless body of his son, Carlo, brought back to life.

The roots of Pinocchio's existence were intertwined with Geppetto's mourning and deep grief. The loss of Carlo had left Geppetto devastated, and in his anguish, he turned to the realm of the mystical and the enigmatic substance known as Ergo. Geppetto believed that collecting enough Ergo could be the key to reanimating his son, to turn back the hands of time and undo the tragedy that had befallen their family.

However, Geppetto's quest for Ergo was not without its challenges. The mystical substance was elusive and dangerous, requiring a collector of great skill, determination, and resilience. This is where Pinocchio came into play. His mechanical heart and unyielding loyalty to his creator made him the perfect candidate to embark on this perilous journey.

To motivate and manipulate the wooden puppet, Geppetto made a promise-one that Pinocchio held onto with unwavering faith. The promise was simple yet profound: that by collecting enough Ergo, Geppetto would transform Pinocchio into a real boy. It was a dream that had been planted in Pinocchio's heart, a hope that he clung to with all his mechanical strength.

As Pinocchio ventured into the enigmatic world of Krat, he remained driven by the promise of becoming a real boy, a transformation that he believed was within his grasp. Yet, the deeper and more complex layers of Geppetto's true motivations remained shrouded in mystery. The creator's ultimate goal was to collect enough Ergo to bring Carlo back to life, and the promise of Pinocchio's transformation into a real boy served as both a motivator and a means to an end.

As Pinocchio navigated the damp and gloomy alleyways of the Workshop Union Culvert, he found himself in a perilous area where the puppets posed a constant threat. The relentless pursuit of Ergo had brought him to this dangerous part of Krat, and he knew that he needed help to get through it safely.

In the midst of this treacherous environment, he encountered a figure, a Stalker, who had taken refuge behind an animal mask. The Stalker had barricaded themselves away from the relentless puppets, and the tension in the air was palpable.

Pinocchio, undeterred by the threat that loomed around him, raised his weapon and prepared to charge forward. The wooden puppet's determination was unwavering as he took the initiative, determined to face the obstacles that lay ahead and find a way to advance through the Workshop Union Culvert.

As Pinocchio raised his weapon, his determination was evident in the focused gleam in his bright blue eyes. The puppets that stood before him, one resembling a worker and the other appearing blank and emotionless, were poised as threats in the damp and gloomy Workshop Union Culvert.

With a swift and precise motion, Pinocchio slashed his sword at the puppet that resembled a worker. The blade cut through the air with a sharp whistle, finding its mark with a clean strike. The puppet, representing the toil and labor of a worker, crumpled under the force of the attack, its wooden form splintering as it fell to the ground.

Without hesitation, Pinocchio pivoted his mechanical arm and drove his weapon forward, impaling the other puppet that appeared blank and emotionless. The puppet, a reflection of a lifeless and hollow existence, was no match for the puppet's resolve and determination.

The battle unfolded in the gloom of the Culvert, and Pinocchio's swift and decisive actions demonstrated his prowess as a fighter. Each strike held a deeper significance, a step forward in his journey to collect Ergo and fulfill the promise of transformation that had been made to him.

With the threat of the puppets neutralized, Pinocchio's attention turned to the Stalker who had been barricaded in their makeshift prison. He swiftly worked to free them, offering a helping hand and a gesture of solidarity in their shared quest.

Once liberated from their temporary confinement, the Stalker approached Pinocchio, gratitude evident in their voice and demeanor. They expressed their appreciation with a sincere thanks, recognizing the pivotal role that the wooden puppet had played in their escape.

"Thanks for the backup there," the Stalker began, their words laced with a sense of relief and gratitude. "I don't know what would have happened if you didn't swing by when you did."

As the Stalker offered their gratitude and acknowledged the critical role Pinocchio had played in their escape, a curious and unfamiliar sensation stirred within the wooden puppet. It was a subtle, almost human feeling, an emotion that he had rarely experienced before. In the pit of his stomach, there was a stirring of validation, a sense of being wanted, needed, and appreciated.

This emotion tugged at Pinocchio's mechanical heart, a heart that longed to experience the complexities of human feelings and interactions. It was a fleeting glimpse into the realm of human experience, a reminder of the yearning he held to become a real boy.

Yet, being the puppet that he was, Pinocchio was unable to vocalize his emotions. He could not respond in words but instead offered a subtle and humble nod, his way of acknowledging the Stalker's gratitude. The nod was a silent expression of his willingness to stand by their side and face the challenges that lay ahead, a testament to the unspoken bond that was forming between them.

The duo continued their journey through the workshop, moving deeper into the labyrinthine passages. However, their progress was halted by a massive door that stood in their way. The Stalker, who had grown weary of these seemingly insurmountable obstacles, let out a frustrated sigh.

"Ugh, again with these doors? I'm starting to run out of shortcuts," the Stalker complained, a sense of exasperation coloring their words. They turned around, seemingly ready to search for an alternative route.

But Pinocchio, ever determined and resourceful, had other plans. He understood that sometimes, direct and straightforward action was needed. With the mechanical arm that had become an integral part of his being, he grasped the door's handle and, with a resounding whirring noise, he began to pull it open.

As Pinocchio's strength and resourcefulness opened the massive door, the Stalker's reaction was one of awe and gratitude. They marveled at the wooden puppet's abilities and the determination that had led them to overcome yet another obstacle in their path.

The Stalker's animal mask, their distinctive identity in this enigmatic world, moved in sync with their actions, adding an element of mystery to their expressions. They looked up in admiration and extended their heartfelt thanks to Pinocchio once again.

In that moment, as the Stalker offered their appreciation, the wooden puppet couldn't help but experience a familiar yet increasingly elusive emotion. The sensation in the pit of his stomach, that feeling of being wanted or needed, had become more pronounced. It was a sense of connection, of forming a bond with his human companion.

The partnership with the Stalker was not just about overcoming physical obstacles; it was also about navigating the complexities of human emotions and interactions. Pinocchio, a puppet longing to become a real boy, was beginning to experience a deeper connection with another, a connection that hinted at the profound possibilities that lay ahead on their shared journey through the workshop's depths.

As Pinocchio continued to follow the Stalker through the intricate passages of the workshop, he found himself caught in a web of conflicting emotions and desires. On one hand, there was the unwavering commitment to completing his mission for Geppetto, the promise of becoming a real boy serving as the ultimate goal. It was a promise that had been made to him, a dream that had been planted in his heart, and one that he longed to fulfill.

On the other hand, there was this new and evolving connection with the Stalker, a relationship that was slowly unraveling the complexities of human emotions. The sensation of being wanted, needed, and appreciated was an experience that tugged at his mechanical heart. It was a feeling he had rarely known, and it sparked an intrigue in him, a curiosity about the possibilities that lay ahead.

Pinocchio's heart was divided between the mission he had set out to accomplish and the potential for exploration of newfound emotions and experiences. The workshop's depths were filled with challenges, both external and internal, and the conflict within the wooden puppet mirrored the uncertainty of their path.

The sudden appearance of a tall, almost robot-like adversary triggered a sense of tension and anticipation in the dimly lit workshop. The Stalker, well-versed in the art of combat, swiftly drew their weapon in preparation for the impending battle. Their animal mask added an aura of enigma to their determined demeanor.

While Pinocchio had faced countless challenges on his journey to collect Ergo, this time, something was different. His feelings for his newfound companion had grown, and the prospect of the Stalker getting hurt or worse weighed heavily on his mechanical heart. A sense of protectiveness and concern began to override his readiness for battle.

The conflicting emotions that had been brewing within the wooden puppet only intensified in this critical moment. The desire to protect his companion and the commitment to his mission for Geppetto clashed within him, leaving him with a difficult choice to make. The battle that lay ahead was not just a physical one but also a reflection of the emotional turmoil that had taken root in his core.

As the formidable adversary known as "The Puppet Of The Future" loomed before them, the Stalker, experienced in combat and always ready for a fight, moved forward to strike. However, just as they prepared to engage the enemy, something unexpected happened.

In a surprising turn of events, the wooden puppet, Pinocchio, reached out and grabbed the Stalker, pulling them away from the impending danger. He acted swiftly and decisively, his mechanical arm proving to be a formidable tool in this critical moment. With the Stalker in tow, he fled from the impending threat, leaving the Puppet Of The Future bewildered and momentarily disarmed.

The Stalker, initially taken aback by this sudden intervention, was on the verge of expressing frustration. They had been ready to face their foe, and Pinocchio's actions had come as a surprise. But as they turned their attention to the one who had saved them, they noticed something significant. Beneath the animal mask that concealed the Stalker's identity, they finally saw the face of their savior.

It was a revelation that left the Stalker in a state of realization and awe. The Stalker's mask had obscured their vision, preventing them from recognizing that their rescuer wasn't even human. In this moment of revelation, they were faced with a wooden puppet who had displayed remarkable courage and concern for their well-being.

The look of concern in Pinocchio's eyes did not escape the Stalker's notice. It was a moment that went beyond words, a silent understanding that transcended the complexities of their situation. While the Stalker had been prepared to confront their adversary, Pinocchio's actions had offered a different perspective, one that spoke of the bonds of friendship and the unspoken understanding that was forming between them.

The revelation of Pinocchio's true nature, his non-human existence, did not deter the Stalker in the slightest. In fact, they offered an observation that went beyond appearances, seeing a depth of humanity in his eyes that transcended the physical form. The Stalker acknowledged the authenticity in Pinocchio's expression, a quality that was often lacking in the harsh and unforgiving world they traversed.

"I can tell that you aren't human... However, that look in your eyes holds more humanity than most survivors I run into every now and then," the Stalker shared, their eyes, albeit partially visible through their mask, conveying a depth of emotion that matched their words. The connection between them was palpable, a shared understanding that transcended the boundaries of appearance.

And then, in a moment of candor, the Stalker spoke of their own feelings. "And if I'm being kinda honest... I care about you too." It was a confession, an admission of the bond that had been forming between them.

The puppet's heart, though mechanical, felt a warmth that was unmistakable. He experienced a profound sense of happiness, a feeling that went beyond mere liking or friendship. The emotions stirred within him were those of genuine affection, a profound connection that made him feel more human than any amount of Ergo ever could.

In the enigmatic world of Krat, where danger and mysteries abounded, Pinocchio and the Stalker had found something invaluable-an authentic and deep connection that went beyond appearances and defied the boundaries of their individual circumstances. The partnership that had begun with a chance encounter was now evolving into a profound friendship, one that held the potential to shape their journey and their destinies in ways they could only begin to imagine.
