Time Moves Slow

╰┈➤ This chapter contains no spoilers so enjoy :)

Carlo found you at the window again, your gaze fixed on the world outside as if searching for answers in the falling leaves and the gentle patter of rain against the glass. It was a scene straight out of a dream, the soft light of dusk casting a melancholy glow over your features as you lost yourself in thought.

From the sidelines, Carlo watched silently, his presence a mere shadow against the backdrop of your introspection. He could see the sadness etched into your expression, the weight of the world resting heavy on your shoulders as you grappled with the uncertainties of life.

But despite his desire to reach out and offer comfort, he remained rooted to the spot, a silent observer to the quiet drama unfolding before him. There was a part of him that longed to step forward, to wrap you in his arms and chase away the darkness that threatened to consume you. But another part held him back, a voice of doubt and uncertainty that whispered of the futility of his efforts.

And so, he stood in silence, his heart heavy with the weight of his own indecision. For in that moment, he realized that sometimes the greatest act of love is not in the grand gestures or the bold declarations, but in the simple act of bearing witness to the pain of those we care about, offering silent support and understanding in their time of need.

As Carlo stood there, watching you from a distance, he couldn't shake the feeling that time itself had slowed to a crawl. Each passing second felt like an eternity, stretching out into infinity as he remained rooted to the spot, unable to tear his gaze away from your figure by the window.

In the quiet stillness of the room, the ticking of the clock seemed to echo like a drumbeat, marking the passage of time with relentless precision. But despite the rhythmic cadence of the ticking hands, Carlo couldn't help but feel as though time had lost all meaning, as though he had been suspended in a timeless void where nothing existed except for you and the gentle rain outside.

With each breath, each heartbeat, Carlo felt the weight of the moment pressing down on him, a heavy burden that threatened to crush him beneath its weight. He longed to reach out to you, to break the silence that hung between you like a suffocating blanket, but something held him back, a paralyzing fear that gripped him tight and refused to let go.

And so, he stood there in silence, his heart heavy with the weight of his own indecision. The minutes stretched into hours, the world outside fading into darkness as night descended upon the city. But still, Carlo remained, his eyes never wavering from your figure by the window, his thoughts consumed by the unspoken words that hung between you like a veil.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still, frozen in the quiet stillness of the night. And as Carlo continued to watch you from afar, he couldn't help but wonder if this was how eternity felt—a never-ending cycle of longing and regret, where the hands of the clock ticked on in silent witness to the passage of time.

When Carlo found himself alone, away from the familiar comfort of your presence, time seemed to take on a sluggish pace, dragging its feet as if reluctant to move forward. Each minute stretched out into an endless expanse, filled with a hollow emptiness that echoed in the depths of his soul.

As he wandered the streets, the world around him seemed to blur into a haze of muted colors and indistinct shapes. The hustle and bustle of the city faded into the background, drowned out by the deafening silence that enveloped him like a heavy fog.

With each step, Carlo felt the weight of his solitude pressing down on him, a suffocating presence that threatened to overwhelm him with its oppressive force. He longed for the familiar rhythm of your laughter, the warmth of your touch, but you were nowhere to be found, lost to him in the vast expanse of the city.

In the absence of your companionship, Carlo found himself adrift in a sea of uncertainty, his thoughts consumed by the endless what-ifs and maybes that plagued his mind. Time seemed to stretch out before him like an infinite abyss, a yawning chasm of possibility and despair.

And so, he wandered aimlessly through the streets, his footsteps echoing in the empty silence of the night. Each passing moment felt like an eternity, each heartbeat a painful reminder of the distance that separated him from you.

But even as time moved slow and the night stretched on, Carlo clung to the hope that one day, he would find his way back to you. For in your presence, time seemed to regain its meaning, each moment precious and fleeting, a reminder of the beauty and fragility of life itself.

In those moments when Carlo found himself missing a friend he hadn't officially met, time seemed to crawl at a snail's pace, each passing second stretching out into an eternity of longing and uncertainty. He felt a pang of foolishness deep within his chest, questioning the validity of his emotions for someone he had yet to meet in person.

As he pondered the nature of his connection to you, Carlo couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at his insides, a hollow ache that seemed to grow with each passing moment. He berated himself for allowing his heart to latch onto the idea of friendship with someone he had only glimpsed from afar, chastising himself for investing so much emotional energy into a relationship that existed only in his mind.

But despite his self-doubt and insecurity, Carlo couldn't deny the pull he felt towards you, the inexplicable connection that seemed to transcend time and space. He found himself replaying the moments he had spent watching you, each memory etched into his mind with crystalline clarity, a testament to the depth of his longing for companionship.

In the quiet solitude of his thoughts, Carlo wrestled with his feelings, grappling with the uncertainty of whether his yearning for friendship was justified or simply a figment of his imagination. But as the minutes stretched into hours, he couldn't shake the sense that there was something special about the connection he felt with you, something that defied logic and reason.

And so, despite his doubts and fears, Carlo allowed himself to hold onto the hope that one day, he would have the chance to officially meet you, to forge a friendship that was as real and tangible as the ground beneath his feet. For in the depths of his heart, he knew that some connections were worth waiting for, even if it meant enduring the slow passage of time alone.

As Carlo finally mustered the courage to approach you, time seemed to slow to a crawl, each step heavy with anticipation and uncertainty. He had rehearsed his words a hundred times over in his mind, preparing himself for the moment when he would finally have the chance to speak to you face to face.

But as he rounded the corner and caught sight of you whispering to another member of the Monad Charity House, Carlo's heart sank like a stone in his chest. He ducked back into the hallway, his footsteps faltering as he listened to your conversation with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

From his vantage point, Carlo could hear the hushed tones of your voice, the urgency in your words as you requested certain supplies that were restricted. His mind raced with a thousand questions, each one more troubling than the last. What were you planning? Why did you need those supplies? And why did it have to be kept a secret?

As he listened to your conversation unfold, Carlo felt a wave of conflicting emotions wash over him—doubt, suspicion, and a gnawing sense of betrayal. He had thought he knew you, thought he understood the kind of person you were. But now, faced with the reality of your actions, he couldn't help but question everything he thought he knew.

In that moment, time seemed to stretch out before Carlo like an endless expanse, each second ticking by with agonizing slowness. He felt torn between the desire to confront you and demand answers and the instinct to retreat into the safety of his own thoughts.

But as he stood there in the hallway, grappling with his emotions, Carlo knew that he couldn't ignore what he had heard. He had to confront you, to confront the truth of who you really were, even if it shattered the image he had built up in his mind. For in that moment, he realized that some truths were too important to ignore, even if they hurt to acknowledge.

As Carlo grappled with the news of your impending departure, a heavy sadness settled over him like a dark cloud, casting a shadow over his thoughts and emotions. He couldn't shake the feeling of loss that gnawed at his heart, a deep ache that seemed to grow with each passing moment.

For Carlo, running away had always been the easy part—it was the leaving that proved to be the most difficult. He had grown accustomed to the comfort and familiarity of your presence, the way you seemed to brighten even the darkest of days with your laughter and warmth.

But now, faced with the prospect of saying goodbye, Carlo felt a sense of profound sadness wash over him. He couldn't bear the thought of you leaving, of the void that would be left behind in your absence. It was as if a piece of himself would be missing, torn away by the cruel hand of fate.

As he grappled with his emotions, Carlo couldn't help but wonder what had led you to make such a decision. Had he done something wrong? Had he failed to live up to your expectations? Or was it simply a matter of circumstance, an inevitability that could not be avoided?

But even as he searched for answers, Carlo knew deep down that it didn't matter. What mattered was the sense of loss he felt, the gaping hole that would be left behind when you were gone. And as he struggled to come to terms with the reality of your departure, Carlo couldn't help but wish for just a little more time, a chance to say the things he had never had the courage to say before it was too late.

As Carlo grappled with the weight of his decision, a tumult of conflicting emotions churned within him, each one vying for dominance in the tumult of his thoughts. The realization that you were planning to leave had hit him like a thunderbolt, shattering the fragile facade of normalcy that he had struggled to maintain.

Running away with you had seemed like the only option, a desperate bid to escape the pain of watching you disappear from his life. But even as the idea took root in his mind, Carlo found himself paralyzed by fear and uncertainty, unable to summon the courage to approach you and make his intentions known.

For Carlo, the thought of facing rejection or disappointment was almost too much to bear, a heavy weight that pressed down on him with suffocating force. He had lost the courage to reach out to you long ago, the fear of rejection and humiliation keeping him trapped in a prison of his own making.

And so, as the moments ticked by and the opportunity slipped through his fingers, Carlo could only watch from afar, his heart heavy with regret and longing. He knew that he would regret his inaction for the rest of his days, haunted by the ghost of the opportunity he had let slip away.

But even as he berated himself for his cowardice, Carlo couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps it was for the best. After all, what right did he have to impose his own desires and wishes on you? In the end, he could only hope that you found the happiness and fulfillment you sought, even if it meant sacrificing his own chance at happiness in the process.

For Carlo, loving you had been the easy part—a natural extension of the warmth and kindness that radiated from your being. Your presence had brought light into his life, filling even the darkest corners with the gentle glow of hope and companionship. But now, faced with the prospect of you leaving, Carlo felt a deep and profound sadness settle over him like a heavy blanket.

He couldn't bear the thought of you walking away from the comfort and safety of the charity house, leaving behind the warmth and camaraderie that had become such an integral part of your shared existence. The idea of you venturing out into the world alone, vulnerable and unprotected, filled him with a sense of dread and foreboding.

In Carlo's eyes, you were more than just a friend or a companion—you were family, bound together by a bond that transcended blood and circumstance. He had grown accustomed to your presence, the reassuring rhythm of your laughter and the quiet strength of your presence grounding him in the chaos of everyday life.

But now, faced with the reality of your departure, Carlo felt as though a part of himself was being torn away, leaving behind an empty void that echoed with the ache of loss. He longed to hold onto you, to keep you close and protect you from the harsh realities of the world outside.

But deep down, Carlo knew that he couldn't hold you back, that he had to let you go and find your own path in life. And so, as he watched you prepare to leave, a single tear slipped down his cheek, a silent testament to the depth of his love and the pain of saying goodbye.

Carlo found himself caught in a dilemma, torn between the overwhelming tide of emotions that threatened to consume him and the harsh reality of the situation at hand. He couldn't help but fall in love with you, drawn to your kindness, your laughter, and the warmth of your presence like a moth to a flame.

But as he grappled with his feelings, Carlo couldn't ignore the nagging voice of reason that whispered in the back of his mind. He knew that loving you came with its own set of challenges and uncertainties, that it wasn't always enough to bridge the gap between the two of you.

And yet, despite the odds stacked against him, Carlo couldn't bring himself to walk away. The thought of losing you, of never again feeling the warmth of your smile or the gentle touch of your hand, was more than he could bear.

In the end, Carlo knew that he had to follow his heart, to take a leap of faith and trust that love would find a way. And so, as he watched you prepare to leave, a sense of determination settled over him like a cloak, steeling his resolve to fight for the love he knew was worth fighting for.

As Carlo watched you prepare to leave, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and unfulfilled desires, he couldn't help but wish for just one more chance to make you stay. If only he had the opportunity to pour his heart out to you, to lay bare his feelings and plead with you to reconsider.

But as he stood there in silence, watching you gather your belongings and prepare to embark on a journey into the unknown, Carlo knew that words alone would not be enough. He needed to show you, to prove to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that his love for you was real and true.

In his mind, Carlo replayed a thousand different scenarios, each one ending with you choosing to stay by his side. He imagined himself reaching out to you, taking your hand in his and whispering words of love and devotion into your ear. He pictured himself begging you to stay, to give him the chance to show you just how much you meant to him.

But as the moments slipped by and the opportunity faded into the distance, Carlo realized that he might never have the chance to make you stay. And so, with a heavy heart and a silent prayer on his lips, he watched as you disappeared into the night, leaving behind a void that could never be filled.

But even as he mourned the loss of what could have been, Carlo held onto a sliver of hope, a glimmer of light in the darkness. For in his heart, he knew that love had a way of finding its way back to where it belonged, and that perhaps, someday, he would have another chance to make you stay.

As Carlo watched you slip away, a painful realization washed over him like a wave crashing against the shore. Deep down, he knew what you were thinking that day—the truth that hung heavy in the air, unspoken yet undeniable. You just didn't love him like he loved you.

The bitter sting of rejection cut deep, tearing at Carlo's heartstrings and leaving behind a raw ache that seemed to echo in the depths of his soul. For him, loving you had been effortless, a natural extension of his very being. But now, faced with the harsh reality of your departure, he couldn't help but wonder if his love had been nothing more than a one-sided fantasy.

And yet, as the pain threatened to consume him, Carlo couldn't deny the sad truth that lingered in the silence between you. Perhaps, in the end, you were both better off this way—free from the burden of unrequited love and the weight of expectations that had held you captive for so long.

Though it pained him to admit it, Carlo knew that sometimes, love wasn't enough to bridge the gap between two hearts. And so, with a heavy heart and a silent prayer on his lips, he watched as you disappeared into the night, carrying with you the echoes of a love that was never meant to be.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Carlo found himself trapped in a seemingly endless cycle of longing and regret. Time moved slow, each passing moment stretching out before him like a vast expanse of emptiness and longing.

With you gone, Carlo felt as though a part of himself had been torn away, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. He couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness that gnawed at his insides, the sense of powerlessness that came from knowing that you were out there somewhere, beyond his reach.

No matter how hard he tried, Carlo couldn't escape the grip of his own emotions, the relentless ache of longing that seemed to consume him from the inside out. He longed to reach out to you, to bridge the distance that separated you and bring you back into his life.

But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Carlo realized that there was nothing he could do. You were gone, and he was powerless to change that fact. And so, with a heavy heart and a silent prayer on his lips, he resigned himself to the reality of his situation, knowing that some things were beyond his control.

As people frantically searched for you, their voices filled with worry and concern, Carlo felt as though he was trapped in a waking dream. Life seemed surreal, like a hazy mirage that shifted and shimmered before his eyes, eluding his grasp with each passing moment.

Lost in a fog of uncertainty and fear, Carlo struggled to make sense of the world around him. Everywhere he looked, he saw reminders of you—the echo of your laughter, the warmth of your smile—but they felt like distant memories, fading into the recesses of his mind like grains of sand slipping through his fingers.

In the midst of the chaos and confusion, Carlo couldn't shake the feeling that he was living in a dreamlike state, disconnected from the reality of the world around him. Time moved slow, each second stretching out before him like an eternity, as he grappled with the overwhelming sense of unreality that enveloped him.

But even as he struggled to find his footing in this strange new world, Carlo knew that he couldn't afford to lose himself to the depths of his own despair. He had to keep searching, keep hoping, keep believing that one day, he would find you and bring you back into his life.

And so, with a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Carlo pressed on, knowing that no matter how slow time moved or how lost he felt in the dream, he would never give up on finding you. For in the end, he knew that love had a way of transcending even the most impossible of obstacles, leading him ever closer to the one he held dear.

As time dragged on, each moment feeling like an eternity, Carlo found himself in a state of restless anticipation, waiting by the phone with bated breath, hoping against hope that you would call and come back someday. The ticking of the clock echoed through the empty room, each passing second a painful reminder of your absence.

With each ring of the phone, Carlo's heart skipped a beat, his hopes soaring high with the possibility that it might be you on the other end of the line. But as the calls went unanswered and the days turned into weeks, his optimism began to wane, replaced by a gnawing sense of despair.

Still, Carlo couldn't bring himself to give up hope. He clung to the belief that someday, somehow, you would find your way back to him, that the distance between you would be bridged by the power of love and the passage of time.

And so, with each passing day, Carlo waited by the phone, his heart heavy with longing and uncertainty. Time moved slow, each moment stretching out before him like an endless expanse of emptiness, but still he held onto hope, knowing that no matter how long it took, he would never stop waiting for you to come back home.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Carlo found himself grappling with the painful reality of your absence. Loving you had been easy, a natural extension of his heart and soul, but it was your leaving that had left a deep and lasting scar.

Nearly a year had passed since you had disappeared from his life, and still, there was no sign of your return. The passage of time had done little to ease the ache of longing that gnawed at Carlo's heart, leaving him haunted by memories of you and the life they had shared together.

With each passing day, Carlo found himself consumed by a sense of emptiness and longing, the absence of your presence like a gaping wound that refused to heal. He couldn't shake the feeling that a part of himself had been torn away, leaving behind an empty void that echoed with the echoes of your laughter and the warmth of your touch.

And yet, even as he struggled to come to terms with your absence, Carlo couldn't bring himself to give up hope. Deep down, he still believed that someday, somehow, you would find your way back to him, that the love they shared would be enough to bridge the distance between them.

But as the days stretched into weeks, and the weeks into months, Carlo began to wonder if he would ever see you again. The thought filled him with a sense of despair and longing, a longing for the day when you would come back to him and the wounds of your leaving would finally begin to heal.

Alone in the silence of his thoughts, Carlo felt the weight of time pressing down on him like a heavy burden. Each moment stretched out before him, dragging on endlessly as he grappled with the painful reality of your absence. Time moved slow, each second ticking by with excruciating slowness, a relentless reminder of the void that had been left in your wake.

With each passing day, Carlo found himself trapped in a state of limbo, suspended between the past and the future, unable to move forward and yet unable to go back. The thought of you not coming back filled him with a profound sense of loss and longing, a longing for the warmth of your presence and the comfort of your embrace.

But as the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, Carlo knew that he could no longer afford to dwell in the past. He needed to find the strength within himself to let go, to release the hold that your memory had over him and move on with his life.

It wouldn't be easy, he knew. The scars of your leaving ran deep, etched into the very fabric of his being. But Carlo also knew that he couldn't continue to live in the shadow of what might have been. He needed to find a way to embrace the future, to open his heart to new possibilities and new beginnings.

And so, with a heavy heart and a determined spirit, Carlo made the decision to let go. He would always cherish the memories of your time together, but he couldn't allow them to define him any longer. It was time to forge a new path, to rediscover himself and find joy in the journey ahead, even if it meant doing so without you by his side.
