Lies Of A Survivor

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ This chapter is based of the game Jedi Survivor so this chapter will have a Star Wars theme to it

The dimly lit bar felt like a haven of solitude, where the clinking of glasses and distant murmur of patrons created a soothing backdrop to your thoughts. Amidst the rhythmic pour of liquid gold and the scent of aged wood, your fingers deftly tinkered with a dismantled droid. The counter was littered with an array of mechanical components—gears, circuits, and wires—that seemed to mock your attempts to revive the dormant machine.

With a sigh of frustration, you addressed the inanimate heap of parts in front of you, your voice filled with exasperation, "Zero, zilch, nothing!... How are you doing, BD?" It was a habit, a way to vent your frustrations to the silent remnants of your once-trusty droid. Yet, as you turned toward the sound of subtle mechanical whirring, your words hung in the air.

There it was, a small droid with a glowing ocular sensor and a metallic frame adorned with wear and tear that bore witness to countless adventures. BD-1, the diminutive yet spirited companion, had silently made its way into your refuge. You blinked in disbelief, uncertain whether the droid was a mirage conjured by your solitude. Pinocchio, your Jedi companion from the days of a united team, stood beside BD-1 with a familiar yet unexpected presence.

"Wait a minute," you uttered, a mix of astonishment and delight coloring your voice. Pinocchio, clad in his Jedi robes, offered a warm and knowing smile. The blue eyes that once faced challenges and adversaries alongside yours now held a mixture of memories and new experiences.

A mixture of emotions swirled within you—joy, nostalgia, and a touch of melancholy for the days when your team had been inseparable. Pinocchio, ever the resilient and spirited companion, was a testament to the bond forged through trials and adventures across galaxies.

The bar, once shrouded in the solitary pursuit of repairs, now echoed with the warmth of camaraderie. Amid the mechanical debris, you found yourself reconnecting with an old friend, ready to embark on a new chapter in the company of familiar faces from a time when the galaxy was an expansive canvas waiting to be explored.

The disbelief in your eyes slowly transformed into sheer joy as Pinocchio leaned against the bar table with a smug look, his mischievous grin echoing the familiar antics from days long past. The air crackled with the energy of reunion, a vibe that permeated the dimly lit bar. Your arms instinctively reached out, a magnetic pull drawing you toward each other.

"Pinocchio!... Get over here, you son of a bogling!" you exclaimed, your voice a blend of exuberance and laughter. The distance between you closed rapidly as Pinocchio walked over, the years of separation melting away in the embrace that followed. The hug was tight, a tangible expression of the camaraderie that had weathered the challenges of galaxies far and wide.

As you pulled away, still holding Pinocchio at arm's length, you continued to express your joy, "Oh, it's been a while. I missed you, kid." Pinocchio's expression shifted from smugness to genuine warmth, and he reciprocated the sentiment with a heartfelt smile.

"Let me look at you.... You look terrible," you teased, your eyes scanning his appearance with exaggerated scrutiny. Pinocchio chuckled, the playful remark settling comfortably between old friends. "Yeah, it's good to see you too," he replied, the banter reminiscent of the camaraderie that defined your shared adventures.

The dimly lit bar, once a solitary haven for tinkering and solitude, now reverberated with the shared laughter and tales of old companions reunited. The reunion with Pinocchio promised a new chapter, a continuation of the adventures that had shaped your past, and the camaraderie that had stood the test of time and distance.

With a graceful stride, you made your way to BD, perched on the bar top like a silent spectator of the heartwarming reunion unfolding. Your attention shifted to the small droid, an old friend from days of daring escapades.

"Hey there, BD. You taking good care of him?" you inquired, the words laced with concern and familiarity. BD responded with a series of enthusiastic beeps, a testament to the unspoken bond shared with Pinocchio.

Turning back to Pinocchio, your eyes conveyed a mix of curiosity and genuine care. "And how about you? Taking care of the Mantis?" The question hung in the air, prompting Pinocchio to adopt a more serious tone, a departure from the playful banter that marked your initial exchange.

"Well, uh, we ran into some trouble on our last job," Pinocchio admitted, his words carrying the weight of untold challenges and unforeseen obstacles. The gravity of his response hinted at the trials faced during your time apart, a tale waiting to be unraveled in the chapters of shared history.

In the dimly lit bar, the conversation wove a narrative of bonds rekindled and challenges faced. BD, the metallic witness to this encounter, stood as a silent companion, its beeps echoing the shared understanding between man and droid. As Pinocchio delved into the complexities of recent endeavors, the bar transformed into a stage for the unfolding saga, a reunion laden with untold stories and the promise of shared adventures yet to come.

Concern etched across your features, you pressed further, eager to unravel the details of the challenges Pinocchio and BD had faced. "What sort of trouble?" The question hung in the air, a beacon for revelations. Pinocchio's response, delivered with a hint of gravity, was succinct yet laden with implication. "The Imperial kind," he shared, his words painting a canvas of conflict and resistance.

Nodding in understanding, you absorbed the weight of those two words. The specter of the Empire loomed large, casting its shadow even across the seemingly remote corners of the galaxy. A shared recognition passed between you and Pinocchio, a silent acknowledgment of the Imperial menace that had a knack for infiltrating unsuspecting corners of the cosmos.

"Yeah," you responded, your voice resonating with a mix of understanding and shared frustration. "I should have guessed. They've been creeping around Koboh too lately." The mention of Koboh, a place woven into the fabric of your shared history, stirred memories of past encounters and battles fought against the encroaching Imperial forces.

The dimly lit bar became a haven for shared stories, each word exchanged adding layers to the narrative. As the Imperial threat cast its long shadow, the reunion took on a renewed sense of purpose, a call to arms against a common adversary. In the face of this Imperial presence, questions lingered in the air, waiting to be answered, and the journey ahead promised to be fraught with challenges and, perhaps, unexpected allies.

The dim glow of the cantina cast a warm ambiance as Pinocchio nodded in acknowledgment, his blue eyes reflecting both gratitude and a lingering weariness. The flickering lights overhead seemed to echo the journey he and BD-1 had traversed, culminating in a burnt-out gyros on the Mantis, the vessel that had been their lifeline through countless adventures. Now, the weight of mechanical failure held them captive, entwined in the precarious dance of fate.

"Gyros burnt out on the Mantis," Pinocchio explained, his voice carrying the weight of the predicament. A subtle plea for assistance lingered beneath the words, a recognition of shared bonds forged through galactic escapades and battles fought side by side. In response to this unspoken call, your resolve solidified. "We'll need your help to get moving again."

With an affirmative nod, you gestured toward the worn seats of the cantina. "Yeah, sure, whatever you need. Come on, grab a seat." The familiar creaking of the stools echoed in the quiet corners of the cantina, a testament to the countless patrons who had sought refuge and camaraderie within its walls.

Your gaze shifted to a distinctive droid stationed behind the bar, a mechanical maestro aptly named 'Monk.' With a directive laced with anticipation, you summoned the droid into action. "Listen, Monk, get my friend something special to drink." Monk, ever the eager mixologist, whirred to life, its metallic limbs conducting a symphony of activity.

"Refreshments! One slippery Monk coming straight up!" the droid declared, its metallic tone infused with an unspoken promise of libations that transcended the ordinary. As Monk embarked on its concoctions, the air in the cantina resonated with the hum of possibility, a prelude to the reunion unfolding within its hallowed confines.

The whimsical clinks and whirrs of Monk's mixology spectacle echoed in the cantina, accompanied by your eye roll at the droid's flamboyant display. Monk's penchant for theatricality never failed to leave you both amused and befuddled, a quirky presence that had become an integral part of Pyloon's Saloon. Despite the occasional confusion, there was an underlying affection for the droid, a mechanical companion in the tapestry of your cantina adventures.

Taking your place on a well-worn barstool, you settled into the familiar ambiance of Pyloon's Saloon. The dim glow of hanging lights bathed the space in a soft, amber hue, accentuating the weathered charm of the cantina's interior. Wooden panels, etched with the scars of countless encounters, enveloped the space, bearing witness to tales spun over glasses of far-flung concoctions.

As Pinocchio approached, the creak of the barstool accompanied his arrival. He joined you, taking a seat opposite yours, his blue eyes reflecting a journey's weariness and a camaraderie forged through shared exploits. With a hint of playful sarcasm, you welcomed him to Pyloon's Saloon with a declaration that echoed through the hallowed walls.

"Welcome to Pyloon's Saloon, the finest dive this side of Zeltros." The words, tinged with a touch of jest, hung in the air, marking the beginning of another chapter in the ongoing saga of your cantina life.

Pinocchio, ever the candid observer, shook his head in response. "Yeah, your description, uh, didn't do it justice." His words held a nuanced appreciation for the establishment that transcended the simplicity of language, an acknowledgment of the intangible allure that made Pyloon's Saloon more than just a place to drink. The cantina, with its eclectic charm and the promise of shared tales, stood as a sanctuary for those traversing the vast expanse of the galaxy.

The cantina air hung with a subdued atmosphere as Monk presented Pinocchio with a libation adorned in an intricately designed cup, a testament to the droid's flair for mixing drinks that transcended mere refreshment. The glistening concoction mirrored the eclectic nature of Pyloon's Saloon, where every sip told a story, and every glass held the promise of shared tales.

As Pinocchio raised the cup to his lips, partaking in the delightful creation offered by Monk, your curiosity took the reins. "Hey, what happened to the Mantis?" The question, pregnant with the weight of shared history, sliced through the ambient hum of the cantina.

Taking a measured sip, Pinocchio set the cup down before delving into the narrative of his recent endeavors. "We were on Coruscant, gathering intel for Saw Gerrera. Things got bad. Only two of us made it out." His voice carried a burden, a sense of loss etched into every word.

A sigh escaped Pinocchio's lips, a tangible manifestation of the weariness that clung to him like a second skin. "Everything I do feels pointless... The Empire's only growing stronger," he confessed, the gravity of the Empire's ascendancy weighing heavily on his shoulders.

In response to Pinocchio's somber admission, BD emitted a sympathetic coo, a silent expression of comfort from the small droid. The subtle camaraderie between Jedi and droid, amplified in the cantina's ambient glow, hinted at the unspoken bonds that endured beyond the visible scars of battles fought and lost. As Pinocchio continued, the echo of a bygone camaraderie lingered in the air.

"Things, uh, haven't been the same since the team split up." The revelation carried an undertone of nostalgia, a longing for the days when a united front faced the challenges that tested the resilience of friendship and alliances in the face of an ever-encroaching Empire.

The cantina walls seemed to reverberate with the echoes of times long past, and a twinge of nostalgia colored the air as you reminisced about the camaraderie that once bound a group of misfits together. "Yeah... Hey, we had some good times, didn't we? Me, you, the skill weapon crafter. Sophia. Have you talked to her lately?" The inquiry hung in the air, a thread connecting the present to a shared history, a history that seemed distant yet vivid in memory.

Pinocchio, perhaps intentionally, steered the conversation away from the blue-haired enigma that was Sophia and instead focused on Eugénie. "Eugénie's always on the move, exploring new places, making new friends." His words painted a picture of a relentless wanderer, someone who had embraced the transient nature of their existence.

But you persisted, wanting to hear about the elusive Sophia, the one whose absence seemed to echo through the cantina's silence. "I was talking about Sophia," you pointed out, seeking information about a friend who had drifted into the shadows of time.

A moment of hesitation lingered in the air before Pinocchio replied bluntly, "No. It's been a while. You?" The brief pause spoke volumes, an unspoken acknowledgment that perhaps the mention of Sophia stirred emotions best left undisturbed.

Your response echoed the complexity of the passing years. "Well, her credits helped get this place off the ground, but she hasn't visited yet... She's very busy with this new project." Sophia's absence, coupled with the mystery of her current pursuits, added an enigmatic layer to the memories of a time when the gang roamed the galaxy together. The past, though cherished, remained tethered to the present by threads that seemed to fray and unravel with each passing moment.

The quiet hum of the cantina seemed to hang in the air, a backdrop to the unspoken weight that the galaxy bore on both your shoulders. Breaking the silence, you suggested a respite, a momentary pause in the relentless march of time. "Hey, Pinocchio, why don't you relax a little before we fix the Mantis? The galaxy can wait for a couple of hours!"

Pinocchio, however, seemed anchored to a sense of urgency, setting his cup down and looking around the bar with a visible tension. "We should probably get moving as soon as we finish up—"

Interrupting his train of thought, you persisted with a hospitable offer, a subtle attempt to carve out a sanctuary from the relentless demands of the galaxy. "I got a spare room down in the basement made up especially for you; you should check it out."

There was a brief pause, a contemplative moment where Pinocchio weighed the idea against the ceaseless call of duty. Reluctantly, he yielded, a sense of gratitude tinting his response. "Alright. Thanks." The promise of a temporary retreat hung in the air, a brief interlude where the burdens of the galaxy could be set aside, if only for a while. The cantina, with its worn but welcoming ambiance, seemed to hold the promise of respite, a haven for those who needed a moment of reprieve from the galaxy's unending demands.

Descending into the dimly lit basement, Pinocchio was accompanied by the metallic hum of BD-1, perched atop his shoulder, ready to bear witness to the unfolding moments. The basement, hidden beneath the bustling surface of the cantina, offered a retreat from the clamor of the galaxy, a space where shadows whispered tales of both past and present.

As Pinocchio settled into a seat, the cool air of the underground refuge embraced him, a welcome contrast to the heated battles and relentless struggles of the galaxy above. Seated in a moment of respite, he took a deliberate pause, allowing the weight of recent events to settle upon him. The pressure, the stress, the ever-looming fear of failure—all cast their long shadows over his thoughts, intertwining with the ghosts of history that threatened to repeat themselves.

In the quiet solitude of the basement, Pinocchio engaged in a silent contemplation, formulating the blueprint of his next plan, a strategic dance to outmaneuver the relentless forces that sought to shackle the galaxy. Yet, amid the tactical musings, a subtle undercurrent of reflection lingered—an acknowledgment of the present, an awareness of the unique sanctuary the basement offered.

As Pinocchio's mind navigated the labyrinth of plans and uncertainties, there was an unexpected intrusion of warmth, a trace of a smile etching itself onto his features. The recent interaction, the fleeting moments of camaraderie and banter that transpired mere moments ago with you, found a cozy nook in his consciousness. Despite the vastness of the challenges ahead, the solace of your presence cast a gentle light on the shadows within, a reminder that amidst the chaos of the galaxy, there were pockets of reprieve, moments of connection that transcended the tumultuous currents of fate.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Honestly I'm just so obsessed with this mod that I just had to write about it
