The day came for the plan to take action. I went out with Bulldozer that morning and he devised a plan for spilling the beans to Lawly. Low and behold, Lawly and I came up with our own plan right before I left this morning. I hope that I remember what’s going on; I can get a little loopy at times.

“I didn’t tell you where the party will be held tonight, did I,” Bulldozer asked.

“No I can’t recall that you did,” I said.

“There’s a club underneath this inn. You’ve been down there before, when you came looking for me,” he said.

“Oh I remember that place. Is that where we’re meeting up,” I asked.

“Yes. I think that place is most appropriate,” Bulldozer said.

“I have a request though. I’m not one who really likes smoke all that much, especially when I can’t see,” I said.

“Oh of course. I’ll make sure there is zero smoke in the air just for you,” he said.

“Thank you Bulldozer,” I said.


Oh shit. “Did I say Bulldozer, I meant Bullemo. Sorry, your name just sounds close to Bulldozer that I often have to correct myself before saying your name. I guess I didn’t catch myself this time,” I lied.

“Oh that’s all right Goddess. I forgive you. It was just an honest mistake that’s all,” he said.

I’m glad he was able to understand. After we finished what we were doing this morning he walked me back to my room, but before I could enter he pulled me in for a hug. I wasn’t expecting that at all. We stayed like that for a while before he realized Lawly was looking at us. 

"I hope you have a good rest of your day, Goddess Mia,” he said before leaving. Lawly went inside of the room and I followed him.

“Bullemo said he was going to meet us here, if that’s all right with you,” Lawly said.

“Oh, yeah that’s fine with me,” I said.

He was getting his things ready to take back to the submarine. I didn’t have anything to take with me so I followed him. It feels weird being back on the submarine but it also feels like relief. He went into the library and I noticed there was an extra section of books.

“What’s this,” I asked.

“It’s for you. Sometimes when you’re in here looking at my books, I have to look at them and I can’t complete what it is that I need to do so from now on this book shelf is yours. You can put whatever you want in here,” he said.

“You’re being weird, Lawly, did something happen while you were out with Bullemo,” I asked.

“No. I just asked him to do this for me,” he said. Oh. Well it was definitely nice of him to do something like this for me. I really appreciate it.

We left from the submarine and I noticed that the sky was different. I don’t know if Lawly actually paid any attention to it but I did. It was darker. Even the sky above the castle was dark. This looks like a bad sign.

“Lawly, look at the sky,” I said.

He looked up and he didn’t look like he was shocked but I think I knew better. He looked back at me and then was heading in the direction of Bullemo’s house, I think.

When we got inside, Bullemo was gone. We rushed out and went back to the castle to see if maybe he made a dumb mistake. Sure enough he was standing outside talking with Bulldozer. Lawly stopped me from making any noise or even moving. We went around to the other side so they wouldn’t notice us.

“What are we gonna do,” I asked.

“What is there for us to do? We can’t get involved with them like this. That idiot is gonna mess up the whole plan,” he said.

“We have to do something we can’t just sit here and let him get taken away, if we do how are we gonna save the people of this island,” I asked.

“I don’t know. Someone has to step in to help him, but who is it gonna be,” he asked himself.

“I’ll go,” I said.

“No. If Bulldozer saw you outside of your room and noticing the both of them together, there could be an even bigger problem,” he said.

“Well if you aren’t gonna do anything about it, then we should go back to our room and think about it then.”

“We don’t have time for that, I’ll go. It seems more reasonable.”

I stayed in the same hiding spot we were in while he went to go and confront Bullemo and Bulldozer. I didn’t know what else I could do. I watched the confrontation and I noticed Bullemo ran off. After he was far enough away from possibly being seen by Bulldozer, I went after him. He ran kind of slow so it was easy for me to catch up to him. When I did I asked him about what happened.

“I was coming to check on you and Trafalgar but when I got into the limits of the inn I saw my brother. I tried to run away but he caught me,” Bullemo said.

“Well you are kind of slow on your feet. So then he’s going to hurt the people of the island now isn’t he,” I asked.

“Well, I was able to persuade him not to. I think there’s something much deeper than as to why he won’t hurt them.” The word manipulation is coming to mind again.

What if he’s manipulating the people of this island? “Bullemo, does Bulldozer have some sort of weird power that we don’t know about,” I asked.

“Like what?”

“Like… is he able to manipulate people,” I asked.

“Well now that you mention it, it’s usually the person who takes over the island that can do some strange power. My parents did. Wait you don’t think Bulldozer did something to make the people of this island believe that they really are tired and that they don’t know anything,” Bullemo said.

“What do you mean they don’t know anything,” I asked.

“You’ve never had a conversation with anyone besides my brother? The people of this island don’t know a single thing, not their names, not their relatives, nothing. The only thing they have knowledge of is the castle,” Bullemo explained. This is worse than I thought. This plan is gonna have to change. I know Lawly isn’t here but I’m going to have to do the best I can. Bullemo and I started discussing a new plan that would help us much better. He went to his parents’ house afterwards and I went back to the inn.

I noticed Lawly and Bulldozer were still outside. I decided to intervene. “Oh Lawly, what are you doing out here,” I asked. Bulldozer looked at me with shock as if I had just ruined something that was going good for the both of them.

“Where have you been,” Lawly asked.

“I was out doing a little shopping. I couldn’t really find anything that suited me so I didn’t buy anything.” He looked at me then looked at Bulldozer. He grabbed my hand and we walked inside of the inn. Bulldozer watched us. Before we got inside completely, Bulldozer called out for us.

“Don’t forget about the party tonight,” he yelled. Lawly smirked and we continued walking inside. Once we reached the corners of our room I told him about the new plan. He agreed to the terms and conditions and soon it was time for us to begin getting ready for the party.

Since I was dressed first I began my part of the plan. I went to Bulldozer and distracted him for anything going on outside, that way Bullemo could come in without him noticing.

“I can’t wait for this party to commence. I hope it’s going to be good,” I said.

“I can assure you it will be splendid. Why didn’t you bring your husband here though?”

“I finished getting dressed before he did and I wanted to spend some time with you before the party got started,” I lied. He had a closed eyed smile on his face. I guess he was really happy to hear that.

“Who all is coming,” I asked.

“A few of the workers here in the Inn,” Bulldozer answered.

“I can’t wait. I guess I should be going back into my room to get my husband,” I said. With that he let go of my hand and I walked back to the room.

Everything was going according to plan. The old wise couple was inside of the building and Bullemo was in my and Lawly’s room.

“Phase one of the mission is complete,” Bullemo said. Lawly just looked at him before putting his head down. He seemed exhausted. A little more than usual too. I wonder what was wrong with him. We walked to the party and saw a lot of people there. It felt misty down here. I wasn’t really paying much attention to it though. It definitely wasn’t smoke but I had a bad feeling. I saw the elderly couple standing on the other side of the room heading upstairs. They were very unnoticeable to other people. Especially if they’ve made it down this far.

“Welcome to my party! It’s time to get everything started. I would like to introduce a very special guest, the Goddess!” I walked up on the stage of the underground. Bulldozer was holding me tightly so I wouldn’t try to get away from him. I’ve only been held tight like this when I was with the Admiral. I don’t like the feeling of this. I looked out to Lawly and he disappeared into the darkness. I looked up at Bulldozer and he looked down at me. “The Goddess and I are getting married,” Bulldozer said. The crowd of people started cheering. I heard a sound in the distance and I knew exactly what it was.

The plan was about to begin for real. The sound became louder and louder and Bulldozer began getting upset because he didn’t know what it was. We got off of the stage and I looked for Lawly but I couldn’t find him. All of a sudden I heard Room.

“What is this,” Bulldozer asked.

“You’re in my room,” Lawly said.

“Goddess, stay out of this, I don’t want you getting hurt,” Bulldozer said. I stayed away for sure. I turned to face the people.

“Water-Water Imprison,” I commanded. Bulldozer looked at me and he started screaming something but I couldn’t hear him. I don’t think he could even hear himself. Bullemo fell through the roof of the underground party and the elderly couple ran on stage. Bulldozer saw them and got angry. He could escape from the room though. Lawly sliced him up but he was still able to talk which was kind of weird to me.

He didn’t have control over his body so he looked at me. I saw the words he mouthed to me. Deceitful. I admit that me being the Goddess and manipulating someone like this is a little deceitful but I have good reasons for doing it. I have to help the people of this island. The elderly couple held their hands out and a weird yellow color of aura came out of the palm of their hands. It for sure wasn’t devil fruit powers.

Lawly secretly put Bulldozer back together without him noticing so that way the elderly couple could get a better shot at him. Once they hit him his body lit up with the yellow aura surrounding him. It was so strange. Maybe if the aura was a different color it would look like he was getting sacrificed but it wasn’t. He was in so much pain, I could feel it. I looked at Bullemo and since I couldn’t really get to Lawly I had to stay next to him. The people that were imprisoned by my water were even looking and the aura from their bodies was yellow as well.

Once the entire aura from the people and Bulldozer was out he fell to the ground. The people fell too and when they got up they remembered everything. They were saying strange things as well. It seemed like none of them actually worked in the castle. I felt Bulldozer clinging to life as he tried getting up. He didn’t have much time left.

“What… is the meaning… of this,” he struggled to say.

“You took the throne from us and made this castle into your own. You knew it didn’t belong to you in the first place. You even manipulated your brother and the people of this island to believe you. You misused your power and for that we cannot forgive you,” the old woman said.

“Bulldozer, we know that you could have become something much better for the island but because you have misused your power we must take it away from you,” the old man said.

“You’re all a bunch of fools,” Bulldozer managed to yell.

“Are we brother? Or are you the fool? You’ve soiled my name long enough! Since mother and father are too soft to do it themselves, I hereby banish you brother. Never walk amongst us again,” Bullemo yelled.

I didn’t think that was a good punishment. Of course he did wrong things but he didn’t have to banish him from earth. I being the Goddess cannot stand for something like this. I can sense that there is still good inside of his heart.

“I think you are doing a little too much Bullemo,” I said.

“What are you doing,” Lawly asked.

“Trust me,” I said.

“Bullemo, Bulldozer still has some good left inside of him and I don’t think that banishing him from this world would make anything better. I cannot allow for you to do something like this. There’s going to have to be another solution,” I said. Bullemo put his hand on top of his head.

“What else could I do then,” he asked.

“You could just make him work for all the evil that he has done on this island,” I said.

“Or you could just let him die. He doesn’t have much time left to live anyway,” Lawly added. How cruel of Lawly to say something like that.

“I can heal him,” I said. The old couple looked at me then used their power to stop me.

“We can’t let you do that. Look a little deeper into his heart, young Goddess. Don’t you think it would be foolish idea to let him live. He would only deceive us and the people of this island again.”

Maybe they’re right but I if I could just try to get him to stop his evil ways then things will be better for them and himself.

I walked over to him because I knew he wouldn’t do anything. I began to heal him. He looked up at me with his mouth open. He passed out after a little while. I told Lawly and Bullemo to bring him into the room Lawly and I were staying in. I walked over to the old couple and told them my demands.

“Do what you will with him but I won’t allow for you to kill him. I healed him for a reason. If you must, place an aura around him that would prevent him from doing evil again then I swear that he would never do anything wrong again. If he does you can kill him, but not until that time.”

They agreed and Lawly and I left to get on the submarine. Maybe the decision I made was a bad one but I didn’t care. I couldn’t let someone die in front of me, especially someone who didn’t deserve it.
