
Cabbage was right, I'm in my last days with Lawly. I don't want to leave him but what if  I have no choice? I got out of Cabbage's hug and went outside to look for Lawly. Every last minute counts. The population here is a little slim to none just like Cabbage said so it should be easy finding Lawly but what if I get lost? I shouldn't go anywhere but I need to. I need to see him. I ran all around this island looking for him. He wasn't anywhere by the abandoned shops and he wasn't anywhere near some of the old buildings either. I doubt he was at the submarine so where else could he be? 

I was running near the shore so of course I was scared that I might fall but then again... I was brave enough to not think about it. I finally saw him looking out at the ocean. What was he doing? He looked like a creep of the week. "Lawly!"

He turned to face me but instead of standing where he was he jumped into the water. "Lawly what are you doing, you'll drown!" I jumped into the water with him. I didn't see him in the water at all. It was like he wasn't even in here. I could feel someone pulling me up from the ocean and I tried to get away but I couldn't. I was brought back to the shore and I saw Lawly and Cabbage.

"What the hell were you thinking doing some stupid stuff like that," Lawly yelled.

"I was going in after you. How did you get back on the surface," I asked.

"Idiot! I never went under the ocean. You were imagining it. I heard you calling me from a distance and I saw Cabbage-ya chasing after you. I thought that maybe he was doing something to hurt you but I saw he was helping you out of the water. Don't you ever do something so stupid again!"

"... Lawly..." I looked down and began to cry. He sighed and I hugged him knocking him over. He patted my head and we stayed like this until I stopped crying.

"Look, I'm fine okay, you're fine as well. You were just a little overheated. I know you're probably wanting to get back to your brother but we have to sail to the next island to meet him."

"I'm not worried about Luffy. Lawly, part of me doesn't want to go back with Luffy and part of me does. I don't want to get in the way of your adventures but I don't want to leave you either. I feel like even though we've only been together for a short amount of time, we've gone through so much together and then when you kissed me... I felt complete again. I always thought that being back with my brother would make me complete but it's really being with you. I'm not sure if I love you or anything but what I am sure of is that I would never want to be without you. I might be able to go a few days but it'll make it harder for me to be without you because I..."

"Because you love me so much," he said.

"Yes I do." 

We stared at each other before we got back up again. He never said anything about my confession. Instead he walked beside me. He didn't tell me that he might love me back, he never mentioned anything... I felt even worse than before when I abandoned the kiss.

"We're setting sail in the morning. We need to get off of this island." That was the only thing that he said.

I bit my lower lip to hold back tears. Victini burrowed himself in my chest so he could sleep. I didn't need anyone to see me cry. I didn't want anyone to hear me either. I went into the room by myself and never came out.

"Hey Mia, aren't you gonna come out? I bet you're hungry," Cabbage said knocking at the door.

"I don't want anything. I'm fine."

"Oh come on, you've been in the room for hours. I know Law didn't hurt your feelings that much did he?"

"Go away, Cabbage," I said.

"Fine. I think you're misunderstanding everything." 

How could I misunderstand something like that. Maybe Cabbage was right before. Lawly probably has a million girls drooling over him everyday so why would he want someone like me? Why would he kiss me and get my hopes up? It's all so confusing. Victini popped his head out from between my breasts and looked up at me. I held onto my head as if it was hurting. He flew out and went into the room with Lawly and Cabbage. I didn't know what he was doing but it wouldn't matter. 

Lawly came into my room after a while and sat down. "Why haven't you came out yet," he asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I said.

"Actually I would like to know. Is it because I didn't say I love you back? Come on. Do I really have to say something like that when you already know?" I sat on the bed by myself but then he came and sat next to me.

"I don't like to see you like this," he said.

"I don't like me being like this either but... I'm heartbroken right now. Please understand."

"I understand that you are a beautiful woman and that you are very strong willed. You shouldn't let anyone take that away from you either." I looked at him.

I couldn't stop the tears from streaming down my face. He wiped them away and kept caressing my face. He put his thumb and his finger under my chin and he kissed me. This time it was different. We didn't stop. We ended up laying down together and we never stopped kissing. He was on top of me and we never stopped kissing until the next morning came...

The next morning arrived and we set sail. Cabbage was in the submarine with us along with his horse. I felt a little strange about what happened between Lawly and I last night. I've never done something like that before. It was more than just kissing and it felt right. This morning I could do nothing but hold onto his arm the entire time. Just like last time, he never moved me at all. In fact, he said he enjoyed it when I held onto his arm. He didn't want me to let go so I didn't.

We stayed in the Big Room together and never left each other. If felt like I was really cared for by someone. Completely different than what I've felt in my past with an exception of Luffy. I mean with the Admiral things were always so cold and distant but with Lawly things are so warm and close. I made my decision. I'm not gonna leave Lawly at all. I'm going to stay with him no matter what.
