Trafalgar refused to let me leave without him tagging along and I didn’t want to be accompanied by his presence. We stayed in the Galley La home all day. I wondered if anyone found the bodies in the alley but even if they did, it would be pinned on someone less fortunate. I just stayed at the window looking up at the clouds. I really like clouds. I liked how they were so free. I wanted to be a cloud but then again I guess I’m fine with myself right now. I turned away from the window and noticed the pirate left. I could try to escape again but depending on what my punishment is I’d get even more of it.

I noticed the medical book I was looking yesterday and began reading through it. I wonder why he needs so many books about Anatomy and medical things. Plus he has the equipment in that big room. I don’t know maybe he’s trying to become something. This book had so much detail in it about how to perform surgery. This is so strange. My power compared to the details in this book is way more advanced. All I have to do is hold my hands out and heal the person. It’s like instant health.

The Pirate came back and I closed the book. I noticed he had food in a bag. He must be hungry. “What’s that,” I asked.

“What does it look like?”

“You don’t have to be so rude about it,” I said.

“After what you did last night, I have no choice. Answer me something. What was that about when we came back? You begging me not to hurt you,” he asked.

I got a little nervous at his question. I didn’t know if I should answer him. “It’s a long story,” I said.

“Make a long story short.” I was even more nervous this time. I decided not to answer him. I didn’t feel like the time was right for me to tell him anything about me. He hasn’t told me anything about him other than the fact that he hates bread.

He waited for me to answer his question. “I have nothing to say. I don’t have to tell you anything,” I said. He smirked and handed me the bag of food.

“Cook this,” he said.

“No!” He just gave me a look and I started crying.

“What are you crying about,” he asked.

"You don’t have to look at me like that,” I said.

“Look at you like what, this is my face?”

“You’re so mean,” I cried.

“Ugh dammit. Just make the food already,” he said.

“Not until you apologize,” I said.

He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

“Okay,” I said.

“You forgive me that easily,” He asked.

“Why not, you said you were sorry,” I said.

I decided tonight I was going to make grilled fish. He sat at the table reading his medical book. He looked really focused with that book. He noticed me and I looked down. I don’t know why I was embarrassed. I finished cooking and handed him the plate of grilled fish. He began eating.

“You know it could kill you to say thank you,” I said. He just kept eating. “Hello! I’m talking to you,” I yelled. He just kept eating. I let out a sigh and was about to slap him but he grabbed my wrist before it could make contact.

“Don’t tell me what to do.” He stood up and went out. I hate this guy.

Since he left I decided to leave too. I had some more grilled fish left so I went out to the harbor to check on Iceburg. He was working on the ship. He looked like he hadn’t taken a break at all. I wonder how long he’s been working on the ship.

“Hey Iceburg, I brought you some food,” I said.

“Oh, thank you Mia. I am a little hungry,” he said.

“Have you even been to sleep?”

“No. I’m just trying to get this work done,” he said.

“It’s always good to take a break once in a while,” I said.

“Where is your friend, I noticed you two handcuffed to each other yesterday,” Iceburg asked.

“He’s out somewhere,” I answered.

“Oh. Not that it’s my business or anything, but why were you two handcuffed to each other yesterday,” he asked.

“Oh you know…. We’re close friends like that. We just wanted to be closer together, that’s all,” I lied.

“You don’t know a thing about him do you,” he asked. I looked down and looked back up at him.

“I know everything I need to know.” I put a smile on my face so he would at least stop bothering me about it. He believed it. After he finished his food he went back to repairing the submarine. I left and went back to the Galley La home.

Surprisingly Trafalgar wasn’t there. I was good then. He came in a little later though. “Where did you run off too,” I asked.

He just went on the bed and went to sleep. I really hate it when he doesn’t answer me. I deserve an answer to all my questions. I can’t let him not answer me. I walk over to him and I was going to punch him in the face but I couldn’t. I’m not that violent. I just let him sleep.

The next day it was time for us to go. Iceburg came in and told us the Submarine was ready. We gathered our belongings and left. I didn’t know which way we were headed next but either way, everyone would either know who I was or would try to kidnap me. Speaking of kidnap, I forgot that I never asked Trafalgar about his power. I guess he had devil fruit powers just like me.

“Trafalgar,” I asked. He looked at me. I hoped he answered my question this time. “What kind of devil fruit power do you have,” I asked.

“I ate the Op-Op fruit,” he answered.

“Op-Op? Sounds like operation. Is that why you have all of those medical books? Because of your devil fruit power? Do you really think that researching stuff about operations helps you learn about your devil fruit power more,” I asked.

“I’m not trying to learn about my devil fruit power I’m-.”

“I should read books about the water then. I ate the Water-Water fruit,” I said. He gave me this weird look and then turned around and put his hand up.

“Do whatever you want. I don’t care. I’ll be in the ‘Big Room’ as you call it. Have fun out here. Don’t break anything,” he said. Yeah right, like I’d break anything. I’m one of the most careful people anyone would ever meet.

I went around and noticed he didn’t really have a lot of things on his submarine. There was one room that was empty. I should decorate stuff in here. Give it a little more of a homey vibe. I hope he wouldn’t mind. I’m in the mood to talk to somebody and he doesn’t have anyone else on his ship so I decided to go bother him. I went in the big room and saw him holding his sword up. I thought I saw someone on the bed and I started to freak out. He stabbed the bed and I ran out of the big room holding my mouth so I wouldn’t make a noise. What was he doing in there? He came out and saw me squatting down and holding my mouth.

“… What are you doing,” he asked. I just looked at him. I was going to answer but then I realized that he doesn’t answer my questions. I stood up and walked into the empty room. He followed me in there.

“What,” he asked.

“I don’t have to tell you anything, remember,” I said.

He gave me that same look he gave me when we were at the Galley La home and I was about to cry but I didn’t. I looked away from him, arms crossed and so much attitude to give. He grabbed my arm and took me into the big kitchen.

“I’m hungry,” he said.

“Make your own food. Until you learn how to be nice to me, I’m not gonna make you anything,” I said.

He got angry. “I don’t have to be nice to you, Goddess. You’re my treasure, in my ship and you follow my rules. Therefore when I tell you to make me food, I demand food!”

No,” I said. I walked out and he followed me again. Can I get my own privacy or not? This is depressing.

“What do you want with this room,” he asked. Wasn’t he just angry a second ago? I didn’t answer him; I just looked around and visually saw what I could put where. I had to do it without him noticing though otherwise I would be in deep trouble. He leaned on the door waiting for me to answer his question. He should’ve known I wasn’t going to. “Fine, I’ll be nice to you. Just tell me what you want with this room and make me something to eat,” he said.

“You don’t know how to be nice. You don’t just demand for someone to make you something to eat and you don’t ask what I want with this room. Since I’m gonna be with you for a while and since I’m the Goddess, I demand that this room be turned into something I like,” I said.

“You’re out of your mind.”

“Well then I guess you won’t be eating anything,” I said.


“You can starve to death; then I’ll take your ship and find my brother, it’s that simple.”

He stared at me for a moment, thinking about my offer. “I guess you have a deal, but you aren’t going to tell me what to do, let’s get that clear,” he said.

“I won’t tell you what to do, if you won’t tell me what to do,” I negotiated.


“Oh, and one more thing. I’m getting tired of calling you Trafalgar all the time, so I’m gonna start calling you Lawly. Is that alright with you, Lawly?”

“I don’t care. Just make me-.” I gave him a stern look. “Please can you make me something to eat,” he asked.

“There you go, all you had to do was ask nicely,” I said. He sighed.

I made the food but didn’t really think anything of it. He ate his food and then went to sleep. I went into the empty room and continued to think about what to do with it. It was so beautiful, the picture in my mind. I felt bored after a while. There really wasn’t anything to do on this Submarine. Nothing but read books and sit in the kitchen. I didn’t want to do either so I made my own entertainment. I used my water powers to create fun. I made water everywhere inside of the Submarine and I was sliding down the halls. After a while Lawly came out and slipped on the water and fell. He was mad again. “What the hell is this?”

I started laughing as I raced over to him. “It’s my water powers, don’t worry the Submarine isn’t sinking,” I said.

We realized after some time that we were at Bullemo Island. I’ve never been to this island before. I didn’t even know it existed. He landed the Submarine and helped me down. It was kind of cold out here. He was lucky that he got to wear a cloak. I didn’t think we were going to a cold island. It wasn’t snowing it was just cold. Lawly grabbed my wrist and handcuffed me again.

“Why,” I asked.

“Behave badly again and it get’s worse,” he answered. I guess he was right. It’s my fault; I shouldn’t have gotten into any trouble. I didn’t want to be handcuffed though.

“Come on Lawly, I promise I won’t do it again. I really promise. I just don’t want to be handcuffed anymore,” I said as fake tears started to form in my eyes.

“Stop crying,” he said.

“You’re so cruel and unfair,” I said.

He was irritated. I could tell by the look on his face. He put his hand on his face and began undoing the handcuffs. I was gonna be free. He undid them and then picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

“No! Let me go,” I yelled.

“It’s either this or the handcuffs,” he said. I guess this was better. He began walking and I immediately started getting cold.

“Lawly, before you go too far, can you at least give me a jacket,” I asked.

He ignored my request and kept walking. When we finally got into the city limits of Bullemo Island he took his cloak off and gave it to me. I’m surprised he even let me down. I put it on and he put me over his shoulder again. The cloak was so big that no one could really see my head or my legs out of it. When people passed us by they thought he was just holding his cloak over his shoulder for some reason.

We reached an inn and he finally let me down. Unlike Water 7, there was only one bed. I refuse to share a bed with him and I refuse to sleep on the ground. The room wasn’t even that nice. Everything was worn out and disgusting like it hasn’t been cleaned in a while.

“I can get us into a better inn,” I said. He looked at me with relief. He tried to put me back over his shoulder but then he realized if I was going to make this work that I would need a more public approach. It seemed a little hard to approach anyone here. Everyone was all tired looking and droopy. We kept walking until we finally found some people who looked like they could help us out.

“Excuse me, could you help us out? We’re looking for a place to stay and it’s not working out too well for us,” I said.

The woman pointed me into the direction of a place that looked like a castle. Lawly and I walked over to the castle and I was thrilled to finally be inside of a decent looking place. I looked around and saw all of the beautiful pictures of the ocean and bubbles and everything. There was a counter where a man was working. Lawly did the talking this time and it wasn’t very nice. I had to step in. The best thing about being on top of the world is that you can get whatever you want.

“Please excuse my husband. We were just wondering if we could stay in this lovely castle of yours. It’s just absolutely beautiful,” I said.

“You’re the Goddess Mia, aren’t you,” the working man asked.

“Yes I am,” I answered. He looked at me up and down.

“Would you mind removing your jacket,” he asked. I did just that and he looked at me up and down again. “Please wait here,” he said. I looked at Lawly and he didn’t look amused at all. He looked like he was thinking about something terrible to do. The man came back out with I assume his boss.

“This is the owner of this Inn and this island, Mr. Bullemo himself.” Mr. Bullemo was a young looking man. He had on shades and his hair was brown. He didn’t look any older than me. I was young. 18, to be exact. He took his shades off and smiled at Lawly and I.

“Welcome to Bullemo Island and welcome the Bullemo Inn. Please allow me to show you to your room. You two are a couple correct,” Mr. Bullemo asked.


“Yes we are. We’re a very happily married couple,” I said. I had to exaggerate this. I couldn’t allow for anyone else to try and kidnap me. I was enjoying myself with Lawly. Nighttime was falling and Lawly, the whole time we’ve been in this room, was staring out the window.

“Hey, are you okay? You’ve been looking out the window the entire time we’ve been here,” I said.

“That Bullemo guy threw me off. He was a little too cheery to meet us. Mia-ya, I need you to help me,” Lawly said.

“Help you? Oh yay! I’d love to help you. What do you need help with,” I asked.

“He seems to like you. I need you to get information out of him. I’ll go talk to the people who live here and see what’s up,” He said.

“Okay sure but… what if something happens to me while you’re gone,” I asked. He turned to looked at me.

“Just scream for me. I’ll come get you,” he said. After he said that he left. I didn’t know how I was gonna get Mr. Bullemo to talk to me. I guess I could try to draw him out.

I walked down to the entrance and saw the room he emerged from before taking Lawly and I to our room. I walked in there. No one was really monitoring the desk so I guess I could walk in. The room was filled with nothing but smoke. I could barely see where I was going. I think I bumped into a couple people but it was too hard to tell. When the smoke cleared up I saw before me Mr. Bullemo with a devious grin on his face.
