

He couldn't do anything, he didn't do anything. He just gazed into my eyes trying to hold back tears but I knew better.

"What are you doing here," he finally asked.

"I came for you. It wasn't Luffy's choice to find you but I was going on a mission myself to look for you."

When we left each others embrace I slapped him, hard. He almost fell.

"What was that for," he asked.

"You're a jerk! How could you leave me like that," I said.

"I guess I deserve that. I didn't want to see you because I felt guilty. If you died it would have been my fault and I couldn't risk losing someone important to me again."

He didn't realize that my stomach was at the point where it was about to pop. When he did he was so surprised. 

"You're pregnant? How, by who," he asked.

"She's yours but... she's not gonna make it."

"What do you mean she's not gonna make it? What's wrong with her," he said putting his hand on my stomach.

"She has a hole in her heart..."

"What?" His hands started shaking. "What happened?"

"I would think that she was feeling the same way I was feeling without you Lawly. She was lonely. Of course she had me and everyone else on the ship but she didn't have her father with her. I knew she could feel it."

I started to tear up. He pulled me close and put his chin on top of my head. "I tried the best that I could to make her not feel this way but she was still lonely just like I was." He held onto me tighter after I said this.

I couldn't help crying. He rubbed my head while still holding onto me. "She's supposed to be coming in the next two days. Lawly... I... I needed you this whole time and I've felt so alone without you. Of course I was with my brother and the rest of the crew members but I wanted you. I needed you."

We looked into each other's eyes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any hurt or pain. I'm here for you now."

I just hugged him. I didn't want to let him go. I've been nine months without him. Anymore time separated from him would cause me even more pain. Victini came flying out of the submarine. He pressed his cheek against mine, he was so happy to see me.

"V-Victini," I said with an excited shaky voice. This moment couldn't have been anymore complete. It was like we were a complete family.

Lawly walked me back to the Straw Hat ship and I could feel water dripping down my leg.

"Oh no."


"Lawly we have to hurry. My water just broke!" He picked me up and jumped on Luffy's ship.


"Raccoon-ya, Mia-ya's water just broke."


Lawly hurried me into Chopper's room. This feeling was the most horrible feeling in the world.


Everyone was waiting around outside. Lawly was inside with me and Chopper. The pain that I endured while giving birth to this beautiful baby was worth it. She was a very healthy baby and she wasn't dead either. She was very much alive.

Lawly explained to Chopper that a baby having a hole in its heart is common. He got me upset for nothing! Lawly and I named our baby girl Evelyn, or Evee for short. It was last minute but again well worth it. A few months later I was finally able to choose my own path and of course I chose Lawly. It hurt to leave Luffy but that was okay. He understood completely.

There aren't any marines out there in the world so it made things easier for Lawly and I. He got his crew members back and we all continue to travel through the Grand Line. I'm just glad I get to do it with the loves of my life, Lawly, Victini, and Evee.

~Seven Years Later~

"Mommy, mommy, look! I caught a fish with daddy," Evee said.

"That's wonderful honey," I replied.

I rubbed my daughter's head. Her hair was black, her eyes were big and blue like mine, her personality was loving, caring, and daring. She was quite the adventurous little girl, much like her uncle. She wasn't afraid of anything, except the dark. She likes to read medical books. She loved being around her father and her mother and her favorite animal in the world, Victini! She was my daughter and I was a proud mama.

"Would you mind making my favorite, grilled fish," Lawly asked.

"Of course."

A couple years after Evee was born, Lawly and I got married. We love each other stronger than we did before.

"Daddy, isn't it wrong to kill innocent animals?"

"Not unless you have a perfectly good reason for doing it. Speaking of killing innocent animals, would you like me to show you how to dissect a frog?"

"Yeah, I'd love that." I couldn't help but smile. I'm so glad that Lawly is happy to be around his daughter.

"Daddy can teach you how to dissect a frog after dinner," I said.

"Aww, please mommy?"

"... Well I guess so but don't overdo it. You might get sick."

"I promise I won't!" Evee and I smiled at each other. She has the most precious smile in the world.

Before Lawly left to help our daughter, he came gazing into my eyes. I knew he was thinking about all of the times we've had together.

"Lawly, I love you."

We kissed each other a long while until we finally stopped, thinking about Evee in another room.  He stayed looking into my eyes, wrapped his arms around me and finally said, with meaning, "I love you, Mia-ya."
