He wasn't any different than any other person who would try to come and kidnap me. They always want me for my power. At least he isn't trying to kill me. "You're definitely not any different than anybody else," I said to him. He smirked and walked to another room. I followed him.

"May I ask your name," I asked.

"Trafalgar Law."

"So what are you," I asked.

"A pirate. I'm worth 500 million berris."

"A pirate? I've never had a pirate come after me before. It's usually Mountain Bandits or the people that live on the island," I said. We were inside of his bedroom.

"You can sleep here. This is my room but since you're my prized treasure I don't mind letting you have it for a little while," Trafalgar said. I've never slept in a bed before. He seems a little too nice for someone to kidnap me.

"What do I call you," he asked.

"You can call me Mia."

"Then listen up Mia-ya, do as I say and you won't get killed." How interesting. He might not kill me but I'm guessing he'll order someone else to do it. It was almost nighttime and I went to bed. I tried to stay awake a little bit to see if he would try anything but there was nothing. I even got up a couple times just to see if he was planning anything but there was nothing. He was in the kitchen area reading a book. This man is strange.

The next morning was quiet. I had forgotten I was on the Submarine with this strange pirate man. I forgot I was in a bed as well. I rolled over and hit my head on the ground. It hurt! I got up and walked into the kitchen area, hoping to see the pirate still sitting there but he wasn't. I haven't really been everywhere in this submarine so I might get lost.

There was a hallway going left and right and then there was a door right in the middle. I went through the door but he wasn't in there. This room was strange to me. There was a lot of equipment in there. I left out of the room and went to the left. I went pretty far down this hallway and I ended up finding a book room. There were a lot of medical books in the shelves. I walked to the book shelf and noticed a book discussing Anatomy. How the body works, that's what the subtitle was. I was about to pull it out when I heard a voice. It was his. I'm not use to hearing his voice yet.

"Does this interest you," he asked.

"I was just noticing a few things about your submarine. The door in the middle has a lot of tools and equipment in there and then I wandered to this room and found these books. This one on Anatomy caught my attention. I didn't mean to go through your personal privacy," I said.

"It's not personal so it's okay," he said. I looked down. It seemed pretty personal to me. Men are strange. "We'll be reaching land soon. Only a few more hours left," Trafalgar said.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I asked you a couple questions? What, besides power, was the purpose of you kidnapping me?"

"I told you already, I only want your power."

"You're a very strange man. So do you just kidnap a lot of innocent people for the love of it. Does it excite you to kidnap people," I asked.

"That sounds disturbing. Maybe I should do it more often, but then again, other people don't have what you have. There's only one of you," he said.

He disturbed me. We walked out from the hallway and back into the open area. We went into the kitchen and he just looked at me like he wanted me to do something. "I haven't eaten in a while. Would you mind making me something to eat," he asked.

"Yes. I'll make you something. What do you like and not like," I asked.

"I hate bread. I like onigiri and grilled fish."

"Onigiri. That shouldn't be too hard." Goddesses don't do things like this. What am I doing? I guess I'd do anything to make sure this guy doesn't try to kill me.

I made the Onigiri and he was delighted about his meal. After he ate it, he made the Submarine surface. We would finally be on land. When we exited through the doors I noticed we were in a familiar place. Water 7.

This island makes me so happy. I just love how beautiful the water looks in the day time. How the sunshine sparkles over the water. Even how the moonlight sparkles over the water. I guess it made me feel so happy because of my Water powers. That's right, I ate a devil fruit. The Water-Water fruit. That's where my healing abilities come from. He jumped off the Submarine like it was nothing. I was afraid of heights so I couldn't jump.

"Huh, what's the holdup," Trafalgar asked.

"I-I-I....I'm coming....." I was crouched on the railing of the Submarine, ready to come down, but I was too scared to jump.

"You're afraid of heights aren't you," Trafalgar asked. He let out a sigh and held his arms out. "Just jump already, I'll catch you."

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Yes, I promise." I can't deny a promise. I jumped down and he did catch me. He also handcuffed me to him.

"What's the meaning of this," I asked.

"I wouldn't want you to try and sneak away from me right," he replied. Like I could get away from him. If I could where was I supposed to go? I can't swim. We began walking and we got to the gate for us to rent a Bull.

"Oh, are you newcomers to... Goddess Mia. Long time no see. Has your brother become the King of the Pirates yet," the gatekeeper asked.

"I wouldn't know. I've been separated from him for a long time," I answered.

"Separated, what happened," the gatekeeper asked.

"It's a long story. I'll have to tell you another time."

"Sure. So do you two need a Bull?"

"Yes," Trafalgar answered.

"Sure, since the Goddess is here, I'll give you a Bull for free."

"Thank you," I said. He gave us one of the best Bulls he had. It was big enough for me and Trafalgar to sit in the front together.

"So you've been here before and didn't say anything," Trafalgar asked.

"You didn't ask," I replied. "Where are you trying to go anyway."

"I need someone to fix the Submarine. I'm amazed that we even made it here," Trafalgar said.

"I know just the place." The Bull heard Trafalgar's request and took him to our destination. He got there quick and in a hurry too. I looked up and noticed we were at the greatest place to fix any type of ship, Galley La.

"What is this place?"

"Galley La. It's so beautiful inside, you'll love it." Trafalgar and I got up from the Bull and made our way inside. The owner of Galley La came out and greeted us.

"Goddess Mia hello, welcome back. I haven't seen you in so long. Is there something I can help you with," The owner said. His name is Iceburg.

"This is my friend Trafalgar Law. He needs his submarine fixed," I said.

"Submarine huh? You've come to the right place. My name is Iceburg. Would you please show me to your Submarine?" Trafalgar and I went back to the Submarine.

"This will be easy to fix. I hope you two aren't busy the next couple of days," Iceburg said.

"No not at all," Trafalgar replied.

"I have a reservation home within the Galley La company if you'd like to stay there." Trafalgar agreed and he got his stuff out that he would be needing the next couple of days.

I really wish he hadn't handcuffed me to him. I really need some things for myself. But he had a point. I would sneak away from him. I appreciate him kidnapping me but I don't belong to anybody and I am gonna find my brother and continue my adventure with him.

"Trafalgar could you please uncuff me. I need a few things from the stores around Water 7."

"Sorry Goddess but I can't take you lightly. You could try to sneak away and there could be someone out there who would take you away as well. Instead I will go with you," he said.

"But don't you think it would be a little suspicious to other people why we're handcuffed to each other?"

"Fine, I'll unlock the handcuffs but you better not try to escape from me the instant I turn around."

"I won't," I assured him. We got up and left out of the room. I was walking ahead of him since I knew exactly where I was going. I could feel his eyes glued on me. I really couldn't escape anywhere without him noticing. We got to a clothing store.

"Goddess Mia, it's good to see you again. Would you like some new clothes," the store clerk asked.

"Yes I would."

"My, who is this handsome fellow with you?"

"He's a friend of mine." I grabbed the clothes I wanted and left. The greatest thing about being a Goddess is that you can get whatever you want without paying for it. Trafalgar and I left and headed back to Galley La. I noticed it was dark already. I guess it was time to go to bed.

The instant Trafalgar went to sleep I snuck out just to go for a walk. The moon was so beautiful and I noticed there were a lot more stars than usual. It was beautiful out here. Unfortunately my idolizing would come to an end. A man with his hair tied back and a pigeon standing on his shoulder came up to me.

"You are the Goddess are you not," the man asked.

"Yes I am. What do you want," I asked. The man just smirked, covered my mouth and asked me questions.

"What are you doing here in Water 7? Did someone kidnap you," he asked. I nodded my head. "The Admiral must be looking for you then. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to be around either of those guys would you? Come with me, I'll protect you," he said.

He sounded convincing but I told the pirate I wouldn't leave, even though I did. I followed this guy just to see where exactly he was planning on taking me. When we reached one of the back alleys I knew then I had to turn back but I couldn't. There was a guy with a long square shaped nose. I was cornered and I couldn't get out. I had to fight.

"You can either do this the easy way and come quietly or do this the hard way and fight," the long nose guy said. I swung a kick at him and he blocked it. "I guess we're doing this the hard way," he said. The other guy was just watching us fight. The square nosed guy pulled out a sword and I stopped. I wouldn't be able to fight someone with a sword. The pigeon guy gripped his hands on my wrists to make sure I wouldn't move and the square nosed guy was ready to strike. The blade almost reached my chest when I heard someone say Shambles. I was in the arms of Trafalgar. Where did he come from?

"I told you not to leave. You will be punished soon," Trafalgar said.

"Who are you supposed to be," The pigeon guy asked.

"I don't have to tell you anything. My name wouldn't matter anyway. What were you doing with my treasure," Trafalgar asked.

"Isn't it simple? We want her power," The square nose answered. Trafalgar smirked and put me over his shoulder. "Room! Takt." Boulders came from the ground, striking the two guys. They were done for. No movement or sound coming from their bodies, only blood dripping to the ground.

He put me down from his shoulder and held onto my arm. We were walking back to the home at Galley La. He said I would be punished soon. I wonder what that meant. If the Admiral said it I knew I would be getting a beating. We were inside of the home and I started begging for my life.

"Please don't hurt me, I won't try to run away from you again. Just please don't-."

"Shut up. I'm not gonna punish you now. Just wait," Trafalgar said. I looked at him a little embarrassed about what I've just done. I'm a Goddess I should be begging for my life. I went to sleep before he did. I've gotten into enough trouble in one day.
