“Mr. Bullemo, I wanted to talk to you,” I said.

“Let’s get out of this smoke first,” he said. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the room. I felt better to be able to see again. “So what did you want to talk to me about,” he asked.

“Oh um… You see when my husband and I first got here we were on the other side of this island at a different inn and we noticed that most of the people here are tired looking. Why is that,” I asked.

“How about we go into your room and talk about this?”

“Okay, I guess.” We walked to my room and sat down.

“To answer your question I’ve tried countless times to help the people of this island but none of them will accept my help. They like living that way if you want to know the truth,” he said.

“That’s so strange. I’ve never heard of people who like to live like that. I just feel like people would want better for themselves,” I said.

“How about you tell me something about yourself? Are you really the Goddess,” he asked.


“That man…. Is he really your husband,” he asked.

“Yes he is. He just doesn’t like to admit it at times. It’s nothing personal,” I said.

“I thought you were with Admiral Coby. He’s the supreme ruler of everyone, marines and pirates alike. He’s like a king. Why aren’t you with him?”

“I didn’t want to stay with him anymore. I left a while back and met my husband and we’ve been together ever since.”

“Strange, that was not in the paper,” he said.

“Well you know how everyone wants to hide the truth or stretch it in some type of way,” I said.

“Sweet Goddess I would like to know why you’re concerned about the people of this island.”

“Huh? It’s just strange to see this side of the island be so lively and then the other side is completely different. You’re the owner of this island but it’s weird that the people of this island wouldn’t accept your help. That’s hiding the truth, so what’s really going on,” I asked.

He just gave me a look and then closed his eyes and smiled. “I guess you’ve figured me out. I’m not really Mr. Bullemo, I’m his son.” Is this guy for real?

“You don’t say,” I said.

He started laughing but I wasn’t amused by any of this. It’s obvious he isn’t going to tell me the truth so I decided to leave. There wasn’t anything to pack up so I decided to go out and find Lawly.

“Hey wait, where are you going,” he asked.

“I’m going to look for my husband.”

“You come back okay?”

I didn’t know where exactly I was going and I had a bad feeling I was headed in the wrong direction. I tried to go back to the Inn, but I couldn’t remember where it was. I saw an old man with his eyes closed, just standing outside. He had a long beard and a bald head. I didn’t want to talk to him so I kept walking but everywhere I turned I saw him. I finally decided to go to him.

“Excuse me, Mr. Do you think you could help me?”

“I would always help a Goddess in need,” he said.

“… I’m looking for my husband, he left somewhere and I’m really bad with directions so I was trying to go back to the Inn but I don’t know where that is either, could you help me?”

“Your husband? You mean the man that kidnapped you from the Admiral just like you wanted,” he asked.

“How do you-.”

“I know all, child. Please come in.” I went inside his small home. I saw his wife. She was wearing a long pink dress. She had glasses on too. “What are you doing way out here, on Bullemo Island; I would think that a Goddess would want more than to be in a place like this.”

“I came with my husband.”

“Stop that husband talk. He’s not your husband. He’s a pirate who kidnapped you. He wants your power doesn’t he,” the old man asked.

“No of course not,” I said.

“You don’t have to lie to protect him child, it’s all right,” the old woman spoke.

“We won’t say anything to anyone. You two are here to help us aren’t you,” the woman asked. I didn’t know what to say to her. I didn’t even know what she meant.

“What she means is, you two were sent here to help the people of this island,” the old man said.

“We were,” I asked.

“Yes. I can see it. I may be old but I am definitely wise. Young Goddess, you and that pirate man will succeed. You two must trust each other.”

“What do you mean, I think we trust each other,” I said.

“No. You don’t trust him and he doesn’t trust you. You are a sneaky Goddess anyway. So quiet and afraid to even let out a small sound at the hands of an Admiral,” the old man said.

“Don’t listen to him, his old ears trick him at times. Mr. Bullemo took control of this island after my husband and I became ill. It’s because of him that we’re ill. It’s because of him that many of the people on this island are tired. You were sent here to help us. You must overthrow Mr. Bullemo. You’re womanly charm will seduce him and then the Pirate will strike,” the old woman explained. I can kinda see what she’s talking about. I’ll tell Lawly about this when I get back to the Inn, if I can get back to the inn.

“Thank you. I know what to do now…. Before I leave would you mind showing me the way back to Bullemo Inn?”

We left their house and guided me to Bullemo Inn. It was easier than I thought just to get back there but like I said, I’m not very good with directions.

I went inside the Inn and saw Mr. Bullemo happy to see me. “I thought you weren’t coming back so I began to get worried. Did you find your husband?”

“No I didn’t. If you’ll please excuse me, I have to go to bed now,” I said.

“Of course,” he said. I went to the room and started to feel a little strange about what the elderly couple had told me. They seem so wise, but it wasn’t the part about saving the people of this island that got me thinking; it was the part about me being so quiet and afraid of the Admiral that had me thinking. How could they know something like that? It was strange. Lawly came back and I informed him of what I was told about helping the people of this island.

“I’m not interested in saving the people of this island,” Lawly said.

“But we have to do something. We can’t just let this guy stay in power,” I said.


“You don’t trust me,” I asked.


“How cruel,” I started crying.

“Dammit! Stop crying, it’s annoying,” he said.

“You don’t trust me enough to come up with a plan to help the people of this island,” I cried.

He let out a deep sigh before asking me what I suggested. “You’ll know what to do when it happens. I believe in you,” I said.

“That doesn’t answer anything,” he said.

“It answers a lot. You have to trust me.” He turned away and looked out the window again. I looked at him for a little bit before going to sleep.

I woke up before he did and decided I was going out with Mr. Bullemo. I didn’t even know how this plan was going to work but I had an idea of it. I was greeted by Mr. Bullemo himself.

“Would you like to go out with me this morning,” I asked him.

He had a huge grin on his face before nodding his head yes. “What is this about,” he asked.

“I just wanted to get to know you a little better, that’s all.” I saw him blushing. There was absolutely zero reason to be blushing right now. We walked to a nearby restaurant and ate there. I needed something to focus my mind a little bit.

“Isn’t this place just absolutely beautiful,” he asked.

“Yes it is,” I answered.

“Your husband wouldn’t be mad about the two of us being together now would he? He seems like he has an intolerable attitude.”

“That he does. He won’t be upset, it’s all right,” I said. We didn’t get any food, we just talked.

“Goddess Mia, there is a party tomorrow night if you would like to come,” he said.

“Oh yes, I will be there. No need to worry, I promise,” I said. He was overjoyed. He walked me back to his castle and we parted ways. Lawly was awake when I got there.

“Where the hell have you been,” he asked.

“Remember what I told you last night,” I asked.

“You were getting him out of power?”

“Well not exactly I’m working on it. Tomorrow night there’s a party and he wants us to go. You have to come, tomorrow may be the day when we can help the other people of this island,” I said.

“What are you planning,” he asked.

“I can’t really say but later on tonight I’m gonna spend some more time with him. Oh… I almost forgot, you’re hungry aren’t you,” I asked.

“That doesn’t matter right now, what are you planning and why won’t you tell me,” he asked.

“Because you have to trust me and besides I wouldn’t want to give away too much information, you never know who’s listening in on a conversation,” when I said that there was a shadow that moved from the window, Lawly saw and he captured the culprit.

“Who are you,” Lawly asked.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in on your conversation I just thought I saw the Goddess,” the stranger said.

“You did; I’m right here,” I said.

The young person looked at me and get excited. This is starting to become boring. I’m so used to this.

“Who are you,” Lawly asked again.

“Lawly let him go,” I said. Surprisingly he did as requested.

“Sorry about all of this confusion. I’m Bullemo.” What? This just became confusing.

“The man in there is my brother Bulldozer but he’s posing as me. I’m not really allowed anywhere near here so I kind of just decided to investigate a little. Please excuse my inconvenience,” Bullemo said.

“So let me get this straight. The guy in there is not Bullemo, you are,” Lawly asked.

“And his name is Bulldozer,” I asked.

“Yes and yes. This island actually belongs to my parents. They’re an old wise couple,” he said looking off into the distance.

“So what,” Lawly said.

“I uh, I just thought you needed to know, that’s it,” Bullemo said.

“Don’t pay attention, he can be rude at times,” I said.

“Do you want to come into our room?”

“No, no really, I’m not allowed here, if my brother saw me, I’d be in for it,” Bullemo said.

“Take us where you live then,” I suggested.

“Absolutely not,” Lawly disagreed.

“Yes! Please take us, it would be a great help to get some more information,” I said.

“Well I guess I could take you. All right then, follow me.”

Lawly looking so angry followed me and the real Bullemo to his house. It was on the tired looking side of the island. It’s so awful over here, I hate looking at the people on this side. He had a small home that looked very worn down. I’m not really expecting it to look nice or anything, I would just like to know why he doesn’t live with his parents. They have a decent looking home. “Welcome to my humble of ode. I know it isn’t much but this is where my brother is keeping me,” Bullemo said.

“Why are you all the way on this side of the island? Your parents live on the nice side,” I said.

“Yes I know but since my brother and I switched lives I have to live like this. He lived on this side of the island when I was in charge. I didn’t need him creating chaos throughout this island but now knowing what it was like for him to be on this side, I see why he switched lives with me,” Bullemo said.

“Why did you two switch lives anyway, how,” I asked.

“It’s kind of a long story,” Bullemo said.

Lawly got mad and took his sword out of its sheath and held it to Bullemo’s neck. “Make a long story short, she’s asking you a question,” Lawly said.

Bullemo got scared and put his hands up as if he was surrendering. “Is he always like this,” Bullemo asked.

“Yes, I’m afraid he is. Just ignore him.”

“Well to answer your question, my brother and I switched lives because he was trying to help me get out of a deep debt. I agreed and ever since then he’s been posing as me. That was about three years ago when I asked him. Every time I try to go to his little Inn on the other side of the island I get kicked out but this time for sure I won’t be able to go back. He said he’d kill everyone on this island if I disturbed him with his work again and I don’t want the people of this island to suffer any more than what they already are,” Bullemo said. He started tearing up a little bit. I guess he was sensitive. I don’t like it when other people cry; it makes me want to cry too.

“Apparently I found out that he’s soiling my name. I’m in an even bigger debt than before. He set up a club downstairs in the Inn. It’s horrible. I heard he and his gang are usually in there down there smoking up a storm. He also has a thing for women and I’m definitely not like that at all. It’s making me upset that my own brother would try to put me down in the dust,” He started crying. Those milk-like tears… They were bothering me so much.

“Stop crying, it’s annoying,” Lawly said.

“His feelings are hurt, leave him alone,” I said.

“I don’t care if his feelings are hurt. Be a man. Real men don’t cry,” Lawly said. I guess he was trying to encourage Bullemo but he didn’t have to be so harsh about it.

“Lawly please. Bullemo, we’ll help you go back to the way things were,” I said.

“No we won’t. We’re getting off this island as soon as-.”

“We’re staying on this island to help the people and Bullemo,” I demanded. He stared at me before putting his hand on his face to cover his eyes.

“What part of don’t tell me what to do, do you not understand, Mia-ya,” Lawly asked.

“I refuse to let you just abandon the people of this island! If that’s the case then you can just go to the next island by yourself,” I yelled.

I saw Bullemo out of the corner of my eye freaking out. I couldn’t believe that I actually yelled at Lawly. He was mad at me for yelling but I held my ground. He grabbed my wrist and we walked out of Bullemo’s house.

“Lawly, please trust me,” I said.

“If I help you, help the people of this island will you stop complaining and stop telling me what to do,” he asked.


“Then I’ll help.”

“I promise I won’t complain about the people anymore,” I assured him. We walked back into Bullemo’s house and told him the good news.

“I’m glad you two are helping. I promise I will do my best as well,” Bullemo said.

“Whatever,” Lawly said. “We have to come up with a good plan if we’re really going to make this work.”

“You said he has a thing for women right,” I asked.

“Yes I did, what are you thinking.”

“I think I can win him over with my good looks and charm, what do you think Lawly?”

“Do whatever you want,” he said. Of course he’s no help, but I guess that’s okay. He was on board for this mission and that’s all I needed to know.

I left out of Bullemo’s home by myself. Even though I’m not very good with directions I think I could manage to make my way back to the castle. I met the fake Bullemo, Bulldozer, inside when I finally got to the castle. I told him that we should hang out with each other and he agreed.

“What’s the special occasion, you didn’t get enough of me this morning,” Bulldozer asked.

“No way, I definitely couldn’t get enough of you. My husband is starting to bland me out so I think I should hang out with you,” I lied.

I just realized that I don’t think I want to do this anymore but I have to help the people of this island so I’m not giving up so easily. We went to stare at the water and ask each other questions. He didn’t seem like such a bad guy but knowing that he’s soiling his brother’s name is enough to make me believe that he’s evil enough to manipulate anyone. Manipulate…. Why is that word popping in my head right now?

“Goddess, sweet, sweet Goddess, what more could a man like me ask for,” he said.

“What? What are you talking about,” I asked.

“We should get married. I think you and I have a lot in common, what do you say, I’ll announce it at the party tomorrow night,” he said.

“I… I think that…. That would be a perfect idea! Yeah let’s get married,” I agreed.

“Then it’s settled, you and I can take over this island together. We will rule the seas and everyone will bow down to us,” he said. He just ratted himself out. I have to tell Lawly about this.

“Thank you for this outing, I have to break the news to my husband now,” I said.

“No, invite him to the party tomorrow and we’ll break the news to him together,” He suggested.

“That’s a good idea, okay let’s do it,” I said. This is so awful. If this was a real situation I’d be killing myself. I believe in commitment in a relationship. I also believe that if Lawly and I were married we wouldn’t be going through the trouble of helping people. Well I would. I went back into my room and noticed Lawly was there.

“Well, what happened,” he asked.

“He wants us to get a divorce so he and I can be married to each other,” I replied.

“Tch. Whatever,” he said.

“He wants to break the news to you at the party tomorrow night,” I said. Lawly got up and walked to the door. He looked like he was in deep thought about something. I wonder what he and Bullemo finished talking about.

“I really hate that guy,” Lawly said.

“Why,” I asked.

“He’s a crybaby and he won’t shut up about his name going into the grave. Why can’t he do this by himself anyway?”

“We promised to help. Come on, with you and I working together, we can’t lose,” I said. Lawly just looked at me and then closed his eyes and sat down. I guess he was going to sleep. I hope we can come up with a good plan for tomorrow night, otherwise we’re screwed.
