"Goddess Mia! Get in here now!" I was rudely awakened by my keeper, the one who I would be marrying in a few months. The Admiral, Coby. I've been living in the same place with him for so many years now and it's hard to get away from him. I've tried and tried so many times to get away from him but the more I try, the more I get hurt. I walk up the stairs to him and sit by him. This is my post for most of the day until someone comes and pays the Admiral a visit. When that happens nothing good ever comes from it. He makes me sleep in this dungeon area. It's so cold and lonely down there. I have bruises from him hitting me when I do something wrong. I have red marks on my face from him slapping me all the time. I wish I could get away from him but I don't have anyone who would ever get me out of this mess.

Today something happened. My wish came true. A man came in while the Admiral was away. He was wearing a cloak. A brown one and on his sleeve was a little white, yellow, and white line. He was also wearing a white hat. He spoke to me. "You are the Goddess, yes," he asked. I nodded. I wasn't suppose to verbally answer anyone besides the Admiral. "Good, you're coming with me." He picked me up and put me over his shoulder and we left. I didn't even try to fight back. I've been dying to get away from the Admiral for so long that I would go anywhere with anyone just to get away from him.

He took me to his ship and we set sail. It wasn't an ordinary ship, it was a submarine. We were gone without a trace. This was definitely a genius way to not be noticed by people. He didn't say much, I guess he wasn't one for talking. I noticed there was no one inside of the Submarine besides the two of us. He must not be one for company either. I didn't want to talk to him because I thought he was much like the Admiral. No type of conversation, just giving commands as he pleases. Surprisingly he started the conversation.

"You don't have to be scared. I'm not going to kill you. I just want your power."
