"Jingle Hells."

'Tis the season to be jolly, and Dalvin couldn't be anymore excited. He was eager to know what he was getting for Christmas.

K-Ci entered the kitchen in search of some food. "Hey K! You're lookin' extra spiffy today!" Dalvin complimented.

K-Ci scrunched his face up. He knew Dalvin was lying because he had just woke up, and didn't even get a chance to brush his teeth or take a shower.

"Oh really? You ain't complimenting me so I could get you a good Christmas gift right?" He folded his arms as he looked at Dalvin. "No! I can't compliment my brother? My pal? My partner-in-crime?"

K-Ci grabbed the box of Apple Jacks off the top of the refrigerator and laughed. "Stop tryin' to kiss my ass cause I didn't even go Christmas shopping yet." He threw some dry cereal in his mouth before making his way back upstairs, leaving Dalvin in the middle of the kitchen looking stupid.

It was the break before fourth period and Tanai and JoJo stood by the lockers having a conversation when K-Ci walked over with a mug on his face.

"What's wrong?" Tanai asked.

"I fell asleep in class and now I have detention but I ain't tryna go," K-Ci responded. "Y'all got plans after school so I can bail?"

"Nope!" JoJo closed his locker and walked off.

"Well, I volunteer at this elementary school on Wednesdays, and it just so happens today is Wednesday! You can come if you want." Tanai suggested.

"I ain't fond of kids but I'll go anyway," K-Ci gave Tanai a hug, "Thanks for lookin' out!" He told her before they both parted ways.

K-Ci dramatically sighed as he sat down at the top of the steps. "Look Nai, I can't climb up no more stairs!"

Tanai put a hand on her hip, "We only went up two flights of stairs. And we're here anyway!" She opened the double doors and disappeared into the hallway. K-Ci waited a couple seconds before he got up and lazily walked out the doors. He saw a classroom with the door open and heard Tanai's voice so he walked in.

A little boy named Aaron jumped up with a smile on his face before running over to Tanai. "My girlfriend is here! Hey Tanai." The teenage girl gave a small smile, "Aaron, I told you I'm not your girlfriend. But I missed y'all! I brought my friend K-Ci with me, too." She pulled K-Ci over to where she was.

"K-Ci? I know yo' momma ain't name you that. You look like a Sheldon!" A little boy by the name of Darius said, earning snickers from his classmates.

K-Ci scrunched his face up. "And you look like you eat chalk with them dry ass lips."

"Stop," Tanai eyed both Darius and K-Ci.

"Tanai, are you excited for Christmas?" A little girl that Tanai was fond of, Braelyn, questioned. "Yes, Brae. Christmas is the time of cherishing and loving."

"Do you like Christmas?" Braelyn asked K-Ci, who stood there with a mean expression on his face. Tanai shot K-Ci a look, "Say something, K!" She egged her friend on.

K-Ci scoffed. "Yeah, it's cool. Y'all be too hype for it and Santa ain't even real." He mumbled a little too loudly.

"What did you just say?" Darius stood up.

K-Ci bucked up. "I said, Santa ain't real! Y'all waste y'all time on Christmas. You really think a random, fat white man is leaving you presents that you want under a tree? Nah, it's y'all parents!"

Most of the kids started to act in a frenzy. Some screaming, kicking stuff over, crying and all. Tanai's mouth dropped. "K! Why would you do that?!"

"It's the truth! You'd rather them live a lie than know the truth?" K-Ci said with no remorse.

"They're kids!"


"Yo, let's jump him!" Darius' bestfriend, Antwon, shouted. The kids yelled in response and ran up to K-Ci, some armed with sharp crayons, scissors, and rocks from science class.

"What happened to you?" DeVante asked K-Ci as he came in the house with bruises and scars, Tanai walking in behind him.

"Your girlfriend let me get attacked by fourth graders!" K-Ci hollered. "Where the band-aids at?"

"Upstairs in the bathroom," JoJo responded as K-Ci jogged up the stairs. "And I didn't let them do anything! You the one that decided to ruin their childhood and tell them that Santa wasn't real!" Tanai snapped back.

"Why'd he tell them that?" Dalvin wondered. "Cause they deserved to know! Why spend your life believing a lie?" K-Ci yelled back before coming back down the stairs with a couple band-aids and a bottle of peroxide.

"You grew up believing you were attractive so I don't see the problem." Tanai crossed her arms as K-Ci shot daggers her way. "Just shut up and help me clean my wounds!"

"The hell they do to you anyway?" DeVante asked.

Tanai poured some of the peroxide in the cap. "They stabbed my neck with scissors, beat me with rocks, drew on my clothes, and bit me! Two of 'em stole money out my wallet!" K-Ci flinched as the liquid came in contact with his neck.

Dalvin waited a few seconds before he started laughing. "Shouldn't have told them Santa don't exist!"

"They not even gon' let me come back and I actually liked them badass kids," Tanai pouted as she peeled the band-aid apart. K-Ci started feeling guilty for his actions, "Don't start makin' me feel bad now, Nai. I'm sorry, you forgive me?"


K-Ci sighed. "Aight, what if we go back to the school the day before Christmas break and start givin' out presents and try and get them back in the Christmas spirit?"

"You serious? You'd really do that for me?" Tanai asked as K-Ci nodded. "Thanks K!" She hugged him but he grunted and made her back away. "They stabbed me in my abdomen."

"What you shaking for?" JoJo asked Tanai.

"K-Ci ain't here and I haven't heard not one thing from him! He probably lied about coming here," Tanai shook her head.

"He should be here soon, don't stress about it," JoJo tried to soothe her. He had three boxes of candy canes, "Let's go and make these kids happy with these snacks. They'll make any kid happy."

Tanai nodded and picked the pan of cookies off the floor and knocked on the door with a nervous smile on her face, JoJo behind her. The teacher noticed them and left out.

"What you doing here? Thought we banned you and ya' lil ugly friend from coming here." Darius scrunched his face up once he saw Tanai.

"I wanted to show y'all that I'm sorry for K-Ci's behavior by baking some Christmas cookies and getting some candy canes for y'all!" Tanai smiled. "You lucky you fine," Aaron got up to get a cookie.

"You think you gon' give us some treats and we gon' forget about what FrankenStick said to us?" Antwon crossed his arms.

Ironically after being brought up, K-Ci ran into the classroom excitedly. "Wassup, kids? I know y'all probably don't wanna see me right now, but here's my apology to y'all."

A man dressed in a Santa costume came in with a big red sack on his back. "Ho ho ho!" All of the kids raced over to Santa, damn near knocking Tanai, K-Ci, and JoJo over in the midst of it.

Tanai gasped. "You really came! I thought you bailed on me."

K-Ci chuckled. "Nah," he pulled her into a hug, "I told you I got you, Nai."

Braelyn came over to Tanai and hugged her. "I was never mad at you." She smiled before running back over to Santa.

Dalvin came to the door with a Santa suit on. "Am I too late???" The other three teens gave him a look. "Yes. You are." JoJo told him.

Dalvin sighed. "So I rented six reindeer for nothing." He pulled the leash and led the reindeer down the hallway.

merry Christmas y'all ! ❤️✨
