S4 EP 2 ! "Fights, Camera, Action!"

season 4, episode 2

"Fights, Camera, Action!"

"Got the bacon?" JoJo questioned as K-Ci tossed him the pack. "Got the bacon!" He confirmed.

"French toast?"

"Right here," DeVante held the box.

"Orange juice?"

Tanai grabbed the carton from out the refrigerator. "Here!"

"Okay, bacon, french toast, orange juice," JoJo scanned. "Where's the eggs?"

"Right here!" Dalvin announced before tossing an egg at JoJo, which caused the shell to break as yolk got on him.

Tanai stood up. "Breakfast was bomb and allat, but I can't stay. I have to go because we start filming today."

"Filming for what?" DeVante asked.

"That movie I auditioned, and got the part for. I told y'all about this! Do y'all not listen to me when I talk?" Tanai eyed them as they all sat there with stupid looks on their faces. She sighed.

"Lose the attitude and tell us about the movie!" K-Ci commanded as Tanai rolled her eyes before giving them the rundown.

"Okay, so I play the main character, Camila Bridges. She's stuck up, ditzy, and has been spoiled all her life, and one day she loses her job as an accountant. So she decides to go into prostitution because she thinks that's an easy way to make money, and she crosses paths with this lawyer who's a single dad. They build a bond and they fall in love down the line. It's more to the story but you'll have to wait till it's in theaters to find out!"

"That sounds pretty good," JoJo said.

Tanai smiled. "It is! It's a Miranda Antoinette production!"

"Miranda Antoinette? She's a big deal!" Dalvin shouted while scrubbing one of the plates. "Not to mention she's fine as hell!" K-Ci threw in.

"And I'm sure she wouldn't want anything to do with you," Tanai teased before leaving the house.

Dalvin walked into the movie set with a bouquet of variegated pink and yellow roses. He scanned the place before spotting Tanai and making his way over to her.

"Hey Nai, these flowers are from the guys and I. Ya' know, to congratulate you on gettin' the part." He passed her the flowers before giving her a small hug.

"Thanks, Dal! I'll see y'all later."

Dalvin nodded and turned around to leave, but Miranda, the creator of the film, ran over to him quickly. She grabbed his face and ran her fingers through his silky S-Curl, "Wait a minute....what is your name?"

Dalvin's eyebrows went up in confusion but he stated his name nonetheless. "Uh.....Dalvin DeGrate?"

"You are one of thee most gorgeous men I've ever seen!" Miranda announced before stepping back. "I want you to play Bryce Sparks!" She referred to the main male protagonist of the film.

"See.....no!" Tanai shook her head in disapproval.

A tall male came out of nowhere and placed his hand over his chest. "I'm playing Bryce Sparks!"

"Not anymore," Miranda looked him up and down. "You're fired! Get him off my set!" And with that, the male was escorted off the premises as Miranda continued to gawk over Dalvin.

"I don't see what the problem is!" Dalvin slammed the front door behind him. Tanai looked him up and down with an irritated facial expression, "You don't see the problem? Really, Dalvin? You don't?"

"What y'all two arguin' about?" JoJo queried. "Tell 'em what happened, Dalvin." Tanai flagged.

"Aight, so I walked in the place, gave Nai her flowers and right 'fore I was 'bout to leave, Miranda Antoinette stopped me—"

"Stopped you and said what?" DeVante interrupted as Dalvin mugged him. "Don't interrupt me. But as I was saying, she stopped me and said I was one of the most beautiful men she ever seen," he chuckled. "So she offered me the role as the lead male and I took it, and now Tanai has a problem with that but I don't think it's that deep."

Tanai scoffed. "It's not that deep?! This was supposed to be my big break but we all know you're gonna steal the show cause you're a 'pretty boy' and personally, I don't find you that cute! You have to play my love interest and that doesn't sit well with me because I date your brother and like I said....you ain't as cute as you think you are. Not to mention, you don't even have the script so you don't know the lines!"

"Daaamnn, she hit him with the facts!" K-Ci added his two cents.

Dalvin blinked. "So you think I'm ugly?"

Tanai rubbed her forehead. "That's the only thing that stuck out to you?"

"See, in the beginning, I wasn't gonna try to steal all the shine, but now I'm going to. Toodles!" Dalvin patted Tanai's head before skipping up the stairs.

"Are you almost done? You've been getting ready forever," Tanai rolled her eyes.

Dalvin lowered the Right On! magazine he was reading and eyed her. "Don't be hatin' cause I'm prettier than you. You can continue to look basic while I look presentable. Now go fetch me some coffee, supporting cast!"

"Imma get your coffee alright," Tanai mumbled before walking off.

Dalvin admired himself in the mirror while he awaited for his coffee. He looked at one of the female makeup artists before getting closer to her. "I ain't famous yet, but I will be soon. You should give me your number so you can brag and tell ya' friends that you know an upcoming celebrity."

The makeup artist blushed before writing her number down on a piece of paper and passing it to him. "Here's your coffee!" Tanai smiled deviously once she came back over.

"Finally! Took you long enough." Dalvin was about to take the cup but he stopped and eyed her suspiciously, "Wait a minute, I ain't stupid. Take a sip first."

Tanai pretended to take a sip from the cup and Dalvin watched before taking the coffee and taking a few sips. "Mm! Ion know what you did to this coffee but it's bangin'!" He complimented before continuing to take more gulps of the warm drink.

"Places everyone! We're shooting Camila and Bryce's first interaction!" Miranda came into view. "Five, four, three, two....!"

"Wait a minute! I gotta use the bathroom!" Dalvin yelled out once the cameras started rolling. "A true actor holds it in while they're in the scene," Tanai shot him an evil smile.

Everyone watched as Dalvin hunched over and struggled to stand up straight. "Cut!" Miranda yelled. "Dalvin! The hell are you doing? Start the scene off!"

"I'm sorry, let's start over," he managed to croak out as the cameras started rolling again. "You're out here...you out here...advertisin' yo' goodies on the streets and...and I don't want my daughter seein' anybody like....you," he breathed out.

Tanai adjusted her white chinchilla coat before raising her stocking covered leg to poke Dalvin's stomach lightly with her heel. "I'm just tryin' to make money like everybody else. Do I intimidate you? Bother you?" She smirked.

Dalvin held his stomach and slowly collapsed to the floor before releasing a loud agonizing groan. "I think he's on drugs!" The little girl who played his daughter stated before moving away from him.

"Cut!" He yelled out before dragging himself in the direction of the bathroom as Tanai laughed menacingly.

A couple days had rolled by and the movie was still in the middle of production. Dalvin was by the snack table when he turned around to see an angry Tanai. Rollers were placed in her hair and instead of being in her character's attire, she only wore a robe. Her hands were gripping her once snow white fur coat, which was now dirty and seemed to be ruined. "You don't look so happy," Dalvin teased.

"What did you do to my clothes?"

"Let me tell you! So I used some scissors to put holes in your stockings, then I took a saw and sawed off the heel to one of your shoes. And about your fur coat, I was just gonna soak it in bleach but I felt like I needed to do more. So I cut it up, then I lit it on fire, put the fire out, soaked it in some mud, ran it over a couple times, and let a few stray cats piss on it." Dalvin replied casually.

"Ya' know Dalvin, I've really been tryna give you the benefit of the doubt and refrain from beatin' yo' ass, but you makin' it real hard," Tanai spat before throwing the dirty coat at him.

"Eww! Not on my Givenchy!" Dalvin wiped his clothes off before grabbing a handful of pretzels from the snack table and throwing them at her, causing the two of them to start destroying the set.

Everyone watched as the chaos continued to happen without doing anything until Miranda eventually came out to see what was going on. "What is this monstrosity?!"

"I can explain," Dalvin stopped pulling Tanai's hair. "This is all her fault!" He placed blame.

DeVante stopped at a red light. "Y'all are childish. Imagine how embarrassin' it is to have to come and pick up two grown ass people cause they don't know how to act. I'm disappointed."

"You ain't have to pull out the disappointment card," Tanai said lowly. "Sittin' up here talkin' to us like we some kids," Dalvin mumbled afterwards.

"Y'all are mumblin' from the backseat so I suggest the both of you just be quiet."

Tanai leaned forward. "You literally locked the passenger door and said neither one of us was allowed to sit up front."

"You still talkin'?" DeVante glared at her from the rear-view mirror.

"We did all that just to get fired," Dalvin shook his head. "I deserve an apology."

Tanai huffed before mumbling. "I'm sorry."

"What was that?" Dalvin inched closer. I'm sorry," Tanai mumbled again.

Dalvin leaned even closer than before while putting his hand behind his ear. "One more time!"

"I'm not saying it again!"

Dalvin laughed and pulled her into a hug, "I forgive you and I'm sorry too, sis. You know I'm still prettier than you though, right?"
