S5 EP 12 ! "Who Got the Juice Now?"



season 5, episode 12

"Who Got the Juice Now?"

"They got chitlins on the menu!" K-Ci announced to Dalvin, looking down at the menu card with all of the food options and prices. The two of them were currently at a soul food restaurant, picking up some meals. "I wish I woulda seen that before I went ahead and ordered."

"You ever wondered why black eyed peas are called black eyed peas?" Dalvin leaned against the counter.

K-Ci shrugged. "Maybe because the person who invented them had real black eyes and his nickname was Pea or sumn' like that."

"I don't need no security with me, I'll be out in a minute!" A man shouted from outside before walking inside.

As K-Ci continued to scan over the menu, Dalvin couldn't help but eye the man as he made his way up to the counter. A baseball cap faced backwards covered his round head, he wore baggy clothing, a diamond stud nose piercing resided in his left nostril, and his eyebrows were thick–he looked oddly familiar.

"Yo K...ain't that Tupac right there?"

K-Ci glanced up and looked at the man for a split second, shaking his head and looking back down at the menu. "Nah, that ain't him."

"Are you sure?" Dalvin squinted. "He looks just like him."

"That ain't him."

A female cashier came from the back and smiled, walking over to where the man resided. "Hey Pac!" Her greeting just so happened to catch K-Ci and Dalvin's attention, even causing K-Ci to drop the menu he held.

"Wassup Nay?" Tupac returned the smile. "I was in town so you know I had to stop by one of my favorite food spots. Lemme get my usual."

"Got you!" Nay said before returning to the back.

Dalvin and K-Ci gawked at Tupac for a few more seconds before going over to him, acting like some straight up groupies. Excitement ran through their bodies as they spoke loudly at the same time, causing Tupac to look them up and down unpleasantly.

"Pac! Pac! You know who we are, right?" Dalvin questioned.

"Yeah," Tupac nodded. "Y'all those two guys from Shai."

K-Ci scrunched his face up. "Shai?!"

"We don't even know who that is," Dalvin admitted.

Tupac laughed heartily at their reactions, dapping the two of them up. "I'm only playin' with y'all, y'all from Jodeci! Where the other two at?"

"They ain't important right now," K-Ci flagged.

Dalvin threw an arm around Tupac. "Since we're all together and ya' know, we're all hot on the charts, we think we owe the people a collab! What you think?"

Tupac nodded. "Yeah, that's cool. I'll have my people call your peopl–"

Out of the clear blue, K-Ci's balled up fist collided with Tupac's face and somehow knocked him out sending him to the ground with a thud. Dalvin's mouth dropped slightly and he looked at K-Ci in shock, Tupac on the ground, back at K-Ci, and back at Tupac.


"I was expecting him to decline the offer so I was automatically ready to–" K-Ci tried to defend but cut himself off, sighing. "Nevermind! Just help me drag him to the car!"

"Drag him to the car?!" Dalvin repeated.

"Yes, drag him to the car! Can't nobody know 'bout this!" K-Ci struggled to pick Tupac up by his upper body.

Realizing he had no other choice even though he didn't wanna do it, Dalvin grabbed Tupac's legs and helped K-Ci lead him over to the door. Luckily, it was nighttime and the restaurant was vacant so they didn't get any backlash.

"Your six platters are ready!" One of the cashiers called out to them, placing the two plastic bags on the counter.

"Get the food!" K-Ci commanded, which made Dalvin drop Tupac and scurry over to the counter quickly.

Dalvin came into the house, suspiciously. "Hey..."

"Can I get my food?" Kass cut straight to the chase. "I want my cornbread."

"Yeahhh, you could have your food in a minute but..." Dalvin looked down at the ground, trying to find ways to stall. "Why don't we all just talk together? We don't talk as much as we should!"

"Dalvin, I see you every damn day. Why would I wanna sit and talk to you?" JoJo asked boredly.

Dalvin gave him a blank facial expression, unimpressed and offended by his words.

"Did you and K-Ci even go get the food?" Tanai asked. "I don't see no bags in your hands and I don't smell any food."

"Where is K-Ci anyway?" DeVante wondered.

"Yes we got the food and K-Ci had to do something real quick, he'll be inside in a second," Dalvin answered, shifting topics again. "Let's talk about politics! Bill Clinton, am I right?"

Kass, Tanai, JoJo, and DeVante just stared at him blankly, hungry and unmoved by the conversation.

Luckily, K-Ci came inside the house through the backdoor with the platters of soul food for everyone. The four on the couch had no problem brushing past Dalvin and pushing him out the way to tend to their food.

"Why'd you come through the back?" JoJo asked.

"Huh?" K-Ci said immediately, even though he heard the question clearly.

"I said, why'd you come through the back?" JoJo repeated, opening his styrofoam container of food. "Dal came through the front and the door was open."

K-Ci and Dalvin shared an uncertain look until K-Ci came up with an excuse a few seconds later. "I came through the back cause y'all would have expected me to come through the front door. I wanted to do something spontaneous."

"Oh.." JoJo trailed off, starting a conversation with DeVante, Tanai, and Kass afterwards.

Instead of engaging in the discussion with the four, Dalvin and K-Ci silently ate their food to shield the guilt and nervousness they were feeling.

Dalvin walked down the stairs and into the basement with a bowl of Frosted Flakes. "Good morning. I didn't know if you were hungry and I didn't know what type of cereal you liked or if you even liked cereal but, I bought you a bowl of Frosted Flakes to be safe."

A chained up Tupac gave Dalvin a mean mug and looked at the bowl of cereal in disgust. "You think I feel like eatin' a bowl of Frosted Flakes when y'all got me locked up against my will in y'all house?!"

"For starters, it's not our house, it's my girlfriend's house," Dalvin cleared up, taking a scoop of the cereal. "Secondly, I apologize that we put you in this predicament. Third, it's really not my fault–it's K-Ci's–so if you want someone to be mad at, be mad at him."

"I'm mad at both of y'all!" Tupac yelled. "You allowed him to do this! I was minding my own business, waiting on my damn food when y'all came up to me bothering me!"

K-Ci trotted down the steps. "Do me a favor and lower yo' voice, 'preciate it. I ain't mean to punch you, I hope you forgive me and still give us a chance to do that song."

"You crazy?" Tupac looked at him. "Forget that chance, you messed that up patna! Soon as y'all let me go, I'm knockin' both of y'all out, filing a report, and imma tell the press exactly what y'all did to me!"

"Oh no, then we can't let you go." K-Ci shook his head.

"K-Ci, he has a life to pertain to," Dalvin tried to reason.

"And so do we!" K-Ci spoke loudly. "I don't need him ruinin' our career! And I also ain't tryna get knocked out."

Being fed up, Tupac attempted at freeing himself from the handcuffs to attack the two. K-Ci snatched the bowl of Frosted Flakes from Dalvin and pushed him closer to the rapper before racing up the steps.

A few hours later, Dalvin resided in the kitchen making a bowl of beef flavored Ramen noodles while K-Ci watched Tupac in the basement. Everyone else lounged in the living room watching tv.

"That's crazy, I hope he's okay," Kass spoke.

Dalvin walked over with the noodles in his hand. "Who?"

"Tupac," JoJo responded.

"Huh?!" Dalvin practically almost dropped the bowl.

"Yeah, it was reported on tv," Tanai informed. "Apparently he was last seen going to get food at a restaurant last night but he never came back outside, and no one knows where he is. Authorities are questioning the employees to find out if they know anything."

Dalvin slowly took a few steps back. "Wow...that is crazy. I'll be right back." And with that, no other words were exchanged as he raced down the steps into the basement.

"K-Ci!" He called out, but K-Ci was nowhere to be found. While waiting for K-Ci to appear again, Dalvin walked up and passed the bowl of noodles to Tupac.

The rapper glanced at the noodles for a second. "Thanks. They'd be easier to eat if you know, my hands wasn't chained up."

K-Ci finally came back from whatever had him occupied, but he wasn't alone. Sharae was beside him and once she spotted Tupac, her mouth dropped and she gasped.

"Is that Tupac? Y'all got Tupac up in here?! Oh my God, I'm 'bout to show out! I'm gonna act a fool! I love me some Tupac! Let me go call–"

"No!" K-Ci grabbed her before she could do anything else. "You can't tell nobody about this!"

"Why not?" Sharae scrunched her face up. "What was the point of telling me then?"

"Exactly!" Dalvin sided, bashing K-Ci. "Nobody told you to go and tell Sharae nothing! You know she got a big ass mouth just like you!"

Sharae mugged him. "Uh-uh Dalvin, don't do that. My mouth ain't big."

Dalvin laughed sarcastically. "Yeah, I'll let you believe that."

Tupac remained sitting on the floor, smacking on the Ramen. "So y'all invitin' people up in here to see me like I'm some type of exhibit at the zoo?! When I get unchained, imma hurt you!" He said in K-Ci's direction.

"We have bigger problems!" Dalvin said loudly. "It's been reported that Tupac is missing and the people who work at the restaurant are being questioned. Sooner or later, the cops are gonna show up here."

"The cops ain't gon' show up here," K-Ci doubted.

Two seconds later, three loud knocks on the front door were heard causing Dalvin and K-Ci's hearts to drop.

"Sharae, quick! Go outside and show the cops your weave as a distraction!" Dalvin said in terror.

Sharae mugged him for a second time then slowly smirked. "Just for that, now I'm snitching," she said before beginning to run up the stairs as K-Ci and Dalvin were hot on her tracks, trying to get her to be quiet.

"K-Ci and Dalvin have Tupac trapped in the basement!" She blurted once she was in the living room.

"Don't listen to her!" K-Ci denied.

Dalvin took a second to realize that there were no authority officials to be seen. "Where are the cops–"

"What cops?" DeVante questioned confusedly. "It's just two girl scouts tryna sell cookies."

Dalvin and K-Ci looked at the two girl scouts outside the door and slowly faced each other. "...oh–"

Once Kass took the cookies from the little girls, JoJo slammed the door on them. "Ain't no oh! Sharae, repeat what you said?"

K-Ci laughed awkwardly, throwing an arm around her shoulder and covering her mouth with his hand. "She was just playin'!"

Sharae bit him and elbowed him simultaneously, making him retract in pain.

"Move," Tanai pushed K-Ci to the side and went down into the basement to see if the statement was true or not. Everybody else repeated her actions, leaving K-Ci, Dalvin, and Sharae upstairs for a moment.

"This is all your fault!" Dalvin shouted at her.

"And what the hell you rat me out for?" K-Ci questioned.

"You shoulda never made jokes 'bout my weave and you shoulda never allowed him to make jokes about my weave!" Sharae rolled her eyes and walked down the steps with the two following her.

Kass walked around in small circles, letting out a far from amused laugh. "So let me get this straight. Y'all kidnapped one of the hottest rappers out right now against his will, pretend like y'all don't know about it, then hide him here in my house?!"

"Don't go off on me! This was all K-Ci's plan!" Dalvin tried to defend himself.

"Well you ain't stop me sooo!" K-Ci dragged out. "We in the same boat. You just as guilty as me!"

"I did try to stop you!" Dalvin shot back as an argument between the two soon took place.

"How 'bout y'all let me talk?!" Tupac shouted, interrupting them. "But before that happens, somebody uncuff me."

K-Ci passed the key to JoJo so he could uncuff him since he was standing the closest.

"Where did y'all even get access to handcuffs–" Sharae wondered.

Tupac stretched, rubbing his wrists. "So here's what happened. I walked up in the restaurant and ordered my food, and that's when these two fools come up to me," he gestured toward Dalvin and K-Ci. "They all excited, askin' me to do a song with y'all. I agree, and that's when I get punched. Next thing I know, I'm cuffed up in somebody's basement!"

"So what I'm hearin' is...you'll do a song with us?" DeVante asked.

Kass rolled her eyes. "You should be asking him if he's okay."

"I'm fine," Tupac ignored DeVante's ignorant statement.

"Pac, we really do apologize," Dalvin began. "This was mainly K-Ci's fault so I shouldn't even be apologizing–but he punched you out of excitement and anticipation, sorta. He thought you'd decline the offer so it just happened..and I have no idea why we decided to bring you here."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Hope you find it in your heart to forget about this."

Tupac looked at them for a second. "Well, y'all did feed me and y'all do seem genuine about it. We cool," he dapped them up.

"Tell y'all what. I got a show tonight and if y'all don't got plans, I'd be happy to invite y'all to share the stage with me," he told the whole group.

"Say no more, we'll be there," JoJo accepted the offer.

Tupac glanced at the girls, giving them a million dollar smile. "As for y'all, y'all will be seated in the VIP section. Dress nice."

"He just smiled at me!" Sharae said excitedly, fainting a second later. Luckily, Kass caught her before she could hit the ground.

Tupac had done a magnificent performance featuring outstanding background vocals from the boys. They performed a song from his album called 'Keep Ya' Head Up' that was yet to be released as a single. At the moment, Tupac was doing his last song of the night.

"Nai, I'm tellin' you, they got a tall one tryna be me," DeVante ranted about some random male R&B group while Tanai just shook her head.

"Who cares?" Sharae interjected. "I just want Tupac to hurry up so he can come over here and I can get my autograph!"

"I'm starting to think you love him more than me," K-Ci mugged her.

She shook her head. "Don't think that."

"Think that," JoJo added his two cents, causing his brother to throw a hit his way.

"I'm lovin' this VIP section!" Dalvin said in a bubbly tone, reaching for the bottle of champagne on the table. "I've never had champagne this exquisite."

Kass took the bottle away from him before he could take another sip. "Yeahhh, I think you've had enough to drink for tonight."

The crowd cheered for Tupac once he finished his song. He thanked his audience and made his way over to the VIP section for a quick second.

"Pac!" Dalvin stood up quickly, dapping him up. "You did great out there."

K-Ci stood up too and dapped him up as well. "Yeah, and thanks for giving us that chance to perform with you."

"It's all love," Tupac smiled.

Sharae brushed past K-Ci and stood in front of the bald man, flashing a million dollar smile. "Tupac, I know we haven't got a chance to really be introduced to each other, but I'm Sharae and I'd really appreciate it if you'd give me an autograph! I even bought my own marker," she passed him a black sharpie.

Tupac took the marker and smiled even harder, as if that was possible. "Before that, I gotta do something important," and with that, he finally got his payback and sent a right hook to K-Ci's face, making him lose consciousness and fall back into JoJo's arms.
