S4 EP 1 ! "Bermuda Pentagon"


"Bermuda Pentagon"

"Here's to our one-year-housavery!" Dalvin made a toast. A party was currently being held at the crew's house because they were celebrating living out in New York for a year. Yes they threw a party over that, they're very extra.

"And here's to me and Nai's engagement," DeVante tried to clink glasses with Tanai but she was too fascinated with her two carat diamond engagement ring that she sported on her ring finger. "Look! It's even prettier under the light!"

K-Ci snapped his fingers in remembrance. "Oh!" He placed his glass down and dug in his pants, pulling out an envelope before passing it Tanai and DeVante's way. "Here's y'all's engagement present!"

"You're a month late," DeVante notified. Tanai wiped the envelope off with the bottom of Dalvin's shirt before tearing it open and pulling out two thin paper slips. "Two plane tickets to Jamaica!"

"Wait a minute," DeVante shook the envelope and more plane tickets fell out. "It's three more tickets in here."

K-Ci smiled and pulled Tanai, DeVante, Dalvin, and JoJo into him. "The five of us goin' on a vacation! We leave next weekend!"

"Y'all walkin' like we not in a rush! Come on now! We got a flight to catch and I'm not tryna miss it!" Dalvin fussed as he got in front of the rest of the crew and led the way.

Tanai scrunched her face up as she pulled her rolling suitcase alongside her. "I know you ain't tryna rush nobody!"

"Exactly! You the reason we made it late down here anyway!" JoJo yelled.

"We were supposed to leave the house at seven-thirty and you wasn't done gettin' ready till eight-thirty," DeVante shook his head as Dalvin turned around to look at them. "Let's not play the blame game here."

K-Ci gasped as he looked off into the distance. "Our flight is about to take off in two minutes! Let's go!" The five of them pushed people out the way as they made way through the packed airport with their luggage. They all threw their plane tickets at the ticket collector before hurriedly racing to the back and jumping on the plane.

The plane landed a few hours later, and the crew had made it to their hotel suite, which was some weird, small tropical shed that seemed to be slightly broken down.

"This is where you'll all be staying!" The tour guide announced in his thick Caribbean accent. "I'll be expecting my fifty dollars now!"

Tanai looked at the small, dusty room in displeasure. "This can't be right." She shook her head.

"It's only one bed in here!" JoJo pointed out. "And there ain't no bathroom," DeVante stated as he looked around.

The tour guide shrugged. "You'll just have to manage! If you wanna use the bathroom, go out back, and to shower, you'll have to go out in the ocean to get clean. And if you want food, you'll have to go outside and hunt yourselves."

"This ain't how I expected Jamaica to be at all," K-Ci mumbled.

"Jamaica? Oh no, Jamaica is the island next door. You're in Eureka!" The tour guide told them.

"Eureka?" K-Ci repeated as the tour guide nodded. "Yes, Eureka," he took some money out of Dalvin's wallet before giving a smile, "Enjoy your stay!" And with that, he was gone.

K-Ci laughed apprehensively. "Maybe I accidentally led us to the wrong lane at the airport."

"Thanks a lot, K-Ci," DeVante said sarcastically as he plopped into the mattress. "Now we gotta stay in this dirty ass place for a couple days."

"We might as well unpack." Dalvin said before looking around. "Where's my luggage?"

"We don't know," Tanai shrugged.

"Y'all don't know? I told K-Ci to grab my luggage at baggage claim and when I asked if we had all the bags, y'all said yes!" Dalvin frustratedly spoke.

"Now you ain't got no clothes or anything else!" DeVante laughed at his despair.

"What we gon' do about this one bed situation?" JoJo questioned.

"I think I should sleep in it cause I'm the only woman in the damn room!" Tanai fluffed out the pillows as Dalvin rolled his eyes. "You can have it tonight but we gon' trade off every other night."

K-Ci screamed suddenly. "What's the problem, K?" DeVante looked at him.

"It's a bunch of roaches in the corner of the room!" K-Ci pointed as everyone looked were the bugs were, before screaming and running around the room like some immature crackheads.

"I'm fed up, it's only been two damn days but I don't wanna be here anymore!" Tanai stressed. "It's dirty, and my hair looks a mess. Plus, I don't know what's in the water so I didn't even brush my teeth."

"I can tell," K-Ci scrunched his face up before she pushed him away from her.

"At least you got actual clothes to wear!" Dalvin spazzed as he walked out the bathroom wearing a crop top and a dirty pillowcase that he cut into some shorts.

"I just want some real food," DeVante said as JoJo agreed. "You and me both! I'm gettin' tired of eatin' coconuts and strawberries and all 'em other fruits!"

"Look!" K-Ci mugged them. "I told y'all I was gon' get us some food. Every time I go out and hunt, tryna get us somethin' to eat, the animals run away from me. It ain't my fault!"

Dalvin screamed as he and Tanai hugged each other. "It's a rat over there!"

DeVante stood on the bed as JoJo started throwing things at it. "Stop, don't scare it away! I could probably catch it and fry it up for later!" K-Ci shouted as he tried to protect the rat.

Sunset was nearing and the crew sat outside near the beach. K-Ci had a fire lit, he had finally managed to get some food to make a meal, which consisted of fresh collard greens and some strange type of meat.

"Get off me!" Dalvin shouted at DeVante, who was beating him with a large palm tree branch. "No! You look stupid!"

Dalvin pushed his brother off him. "Well let me look stupid then!" He smoothed out his self-made outfit that consisted of seashells, leaves, plastic bags, and other things he found laying around.

"Dinner is ready!" K-Ci clapped. "Y'all better eat this damn food too cause I ain't prepare this for no reason."

"Finally, some real food," JoJo put some of the food into a large seashell which he was using as a plate.

"These ribs are good as hell," Tanai smacked. "Ribs?" K-Ci questioned. "These ain't ribs."

Dalvin's eyebrows went up in confusion. "So what are we eating?"

"Just know it ain't ribs."

The group shared a look amongst each other before slowly glancing down at their food as an unfazed K-Ci continued to eat.

"Yeah, I think imma go out back and throw up now." Dalvin stood up and started making his way to the back of the shed.

DeVante huffed before leaning on Tanai's shoulder. "I just wanna get outta here and go home."

"We all do. Now shut up and eat that damn food," K-Ci said.

JoJo looked up at the sky and took notice of a helicopter flying past them. "It's a helicopter! Aye! Aye!" He tried to draw attention to them as De and Nai joined him, while K-Ci sat there eating his grilled meat and greens.

"Is there something I can help you with?" The pilot of the helicopter yelled once he was a little closer to the group.

"Yeah, actually. We all got stranded on this island and we were wonderin' if you could get us outta here," DeVante explained.


"Bet, let us go get our bags and we'll be on our way!" Tanai said before running and falling into the sand, due to excitement.

K-Ci got up and tried to run while eating the random animal but JoJo slapped it out his hand and dragged him to the shed.

The four of them wasted no time on grabbing their belongings and racing back outside. They climbed up the helicopter ladder and got inside, taking off shortly after.

"Where'd everybody go...?" Dalvin questioned once he came back to see that everyone was gone and nowhere to be found. "No seriously, where'd y'all go? This ain't funny."

He heard the sound of the helicopter and slowly looked up above him, coming to the realization that they left him. "Wait a minute! Y'all forgot me! Come back!" He started waving his arms trying to get their attention.

here's a mfn toast to a new season. 🥂
*y'all better clink glasses with me 💀*
