S3 EP 11 ! "Tale of 2 Crowns"

season 3, episode 11

"Tale of 2 Crowns"

"Saw you at the game last week! Keep it up!" K-Ci told a basketball jock, dapping him up. He walked up to a girl who was standing by herself in the hallway, "Hey Cierra."

"Hey, K," Cierra smiled brightly. "Vote me for prom king and I'll make you my queen," He sent a wink, making Cierra blush. "You got it!"

K-Ci walked away from her before making his way over to the clique. "Wassup playas? Tenderoni," he sent a head nod to Tanai.

"What are you doing?" JoJo looked at his brother.

"I'm tryna get on everybody's good side so they can vote me for prom king!" K-Ci explained, making Dalvin snort. "Good luck with that."

"Thanks," K-Ci noticed one of the teachers walking by. "Mr. Mitchell! You know you're my favorite teacher in this school? And you can dress too!"

"You really put your foot in this!" K-Ci yelled to the lunch lady, before discreetly throwing the tray of food into the trash can.

"You must really be takin' this prom king stuff serious," JoJo shook his head. "I don't see why, it's not like he's gonna win." Dalvin shrugged.

K-Ci looked him up and down before scoffing, "Don't hate the playa, hate the game!"

"Look, I gotta worry about this upcoming test our grade has to take, but when I'm finished takin' it, just know that I'm gonna be prom king! Not you." Dalvin said, matter-of-factly.

"That's a challenge!" K-Ci put his hand out as he and Dalvin did some type of strange handshake.

"Speakin' of prom, I've been meanin' to talk to you about that," DeVante said to Tanai, "While you're wearin' your black dress—"

"Black?" Tanai's face screwed up. "My dress is gonna be red and so is your outfit."

"Red? No," DeVante laughed, "we're wearin' black and that's final." Tanai shook her head, "No, that's not final. Red is our color."

An argument between colors and an argument between who's gonna be prom king soon took place. Luckily, JoJo spotted Sonia and went over to her, getting away from the stupidity.

"Hey, Sonia. Ho—"

"I can't talk right now, but I'll talk to you later. We're going to prom together, right?" Sonia interrupted JoJo's sentence. He nodded, "Yeah, yeah."

"Good, I'll talk to you when I can," she kissed his cheek and walked off. He was going to go back to his lunch table but seen that the arguments between K-Ci and Dalvin, and DeVante and Tanai were still going on, so he just left the cafeteria altogether.

DeVante and Tanai walked by continuing their dumb argument over what color their clothes would be. "You're makin' this more difficult than it has to be. I already got the dress for you and Imma send it to your house, and you're gonna put it on, and wear it!"

"I wish I would let you tell me what Imma wear and what I ain't gonna wear. If that's the case, imma just stay home!"

"Do you, Nai."

The two walked away from each other.

As for JoJo, he saw Sonia in the hallway and tried to converse with her again, but she walked past him, pretending that she didn't even see him.

Meanwhile, Dalvin and K-Ci were trying to get on everyone's good side.

"I do my work, I pay full attention, and I'm not a distraction so I think that's true prom king material!" Dalvin said to Mrs. Saul, one of the teachers in the school building.

K-Ci scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Please!" He then faced Mrs. Saul, "Even though most of the time I'm late or asleep, I'm still present! That's all that matters!"

Mrs. Saul had a very puzzled look on her face as she scratched her head. "Neither one of you are in my class—"

Prom night had finally reached and the night was live. Dalvin walked over to Natalia, noticing the camera in her hand while looking at her outfit. "Natalia! You look nice," he complimented.

"Thanks!" She cheesed, pushing her long hair out of her face. "You do too. Mind if I get a picture?" She held up the camera. Dalvin leaned up against the wall and got in picture position as Natalia snapped the photo.

K-Ci came out of nowhere and pushed Dalvin. "Aye Natalia, you wanna take a picture of me?"

"Seeee....my camera ran out of film so I think I'll just go!" Natalia turned on her heels and scurried off.

JoJo walked over to DeVante. "De, you seen Sonia anywhere?" He asked.

"No." DeVante shook his head.

JoJo let out an upset sigh, prior to noticing Sonia sitting by herself at a table. "Nevermind!" He was about to go over to her, but told DeVante one last thing before he did. "Peep ya' girlfriend over there."

DeVante spotted Tanai talking to Natalia and once they made eye contact, all they could do was stare at each other dumbfounded. She was wearing black like he wanted, and he was wearing red like she wanted.

They started walking, meeting each other in the middle of the dance floor. "So you came to the dance wearin' the dress I got you after all," DeVante teased.

Tanai took a sip of punch from her glass. "And you're wearing red."

No other words were exchanged after that. Being the dippy couple they are, they just stood there, staring awkwardly.

Vanessa walked up to the stage and tapped the microphone, "Alright y'all, get ready cause it's time to announce our prom king and prom queen!"

Dalvin and K-Ci stood next to each other and cockily smirked.

"And the winner for prom queen is," Vanessa opened the first envelope she had in her hand, "Tanai Campbell! That's my friend, y'all!" She clapped, as well as everyone else.

Tanai choked on her punch and raised both eyebrows, "Me?! I didn't even put my name on the ballot!"

"Doesn't matter!" JoJo yelled. "Go up there!" He, Dalvin, and Natalia pushed her to the front of the gym. Once on stage, she received her sash, flowers and tiara.

Vanessa was passed the other envelope with the winner for prom king on it. She read it and took a long dramatic pause.

"And the winner for prom king is..............................."

"Yo, hurry up!" K-Ci yelled out obnoxiously.

"Okay!" Vanessa scrunched her face up. "Dalvin DeGrate!"

K-Ci howled out and jumped in the air. "Move!" He pushed Dalvin out his way and ran up on the stage, receiving strange looks from everyone. He faced the audience, "Thanks, I really appreciate this! I knew I was gonna win." He said cockily before facing Vanessa, "Where's my—"

"Last time I checked, your name wasn't Dalvin." Vanessa put her hand on her hip. "Sit yo' ass down!" JoJo hollered out.

Dalvin got on the stage while K-Ci tried to figure out how he lost. "But I- This- I thought-"

"Move!" Dalvin laughed and pushed K-Ci just like how he did him moments prior, and K-Ci fell off the stage.

Dalvin received his winnings then looked behind him and back at Tanai who was standing in the spotlight awkwardly. "DeVante, get up here."

"Who?" DeVante leaned forward in his chair.

"You!" JoJo went behind him and tilted the chair forward, making him fall out. "Damn, I swear it's somethin' wrong with y'all!"

Dalvin gave his brother the prom king sash he received once he made it on stage. "Here, celebrate this moment with your girl. I'm keepin' the crown though!"

K-Ci had just stood up but Dalvin jumped off the stage and fell on top of him, causing both of them to collapse to the floor.

"Come on, let's go dance," DeVante tried to guide Tanai down from off the stage but she pulled back. "Uh-uh. I don't dance and you can't dance."

"Well tonight, we're Mike and Janet," DeVante picked her up and carried her off the stage as she couldn't help but to laugh.

The DJ played the slow jam of the hour which was "Come Over" by 4 by Four. "So what made you wanna wear red?" Tanai asked once her and DeVante made it over to the middle of the dance floor.

"Cause I felt like it," he lied, knowing that he wore red to prom just to make her happy. "How 'bout you? Why'd you change your mind and end up wearin' the black dress I got you?"

"See.....I had got bleach on my red dress and this was just layin' around—"

"Stop lyin', Nai," DeVante saw right through her lie, causing her to laugh. "We look so stupid, De."

"We still look good, though." They shared a quick laugh before simultaneously apologizing about their stupid color argument. "I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. It was my fault."

K-Ci walked by, "Yeah, y'all belong together alright." There was a quick moment of silence for a second after that.

"Can I have a kiss now?" DeVante asked innocently as Tanai smiled before leaning in and crashing her lips onto his.

Concurrently, Sonia and JoJo were sitting at a near table. "The reason why I've been acting strange is because I applied for a college back in Trinidad and I got in. I just didn't know how to tell you so I avoided you."

"Congratulations," JoJo told Sonia. He was happy for her, but sad that she was leaving. He felt like the two of them connected on a deeper level within the past three, almost four, months they'd been together.

Sonia reached over and intertwined their fingers. "I don't have to move down there until July," she tried to reassure her boyfriend. "So we can spend time together up until then."

"Let's make the most of it then." JoJo stated, earning a smile from Sonia.

Dalvin threw an arm around K-Ci's shoulder and laughed. "So how does it feel to be a sore loser?"

K-Ci threw Dalvin's arm from around him. "Stop talkin' to me, Dalvin."

"You were so determined that you were gonna win and you didn't!" Dalvin laughed some more.

"Stop talkin' to me, Dalvin."

"You did this and you did that, and where did you land? Not anywhere near prom king, that's fasure!"

"Stop talkin' to me, Dalvin!"

"I might let you smell my crown so you can get a hint of what victory feels like," Dalvin taunted, setting K-Ci completely off. He grabbed the punch bowl and hurled it towards Dalvin, but he ducked with the quickness, leaving the punch to splash all over DeVante and Tanai.

Dalvin cackled. "At least you got your red dress now, Nai!"

season 4 is coming soon y'all, I promise 😭😭.
