Whipped by YourRoyalPotato

Good morning/ Good evening/ Good afternoon readers and writers!

Let me introduce to you one of my co-writer *YourRoyalPotato* She’ll be helping me update content on this story. Please follow her account. Kamsa!

Jennie and Jisoo, also known as Jensoo is the cutest couple you’ll ever see Yet, the most annoying couple too. They will fight over very simple things and after, they will cuddle like nothing ever happened cause’ they’re too whipped for each other. And today is just like those normal days.

This time, they are fighting over a jar of Nutella whether the lid has a hidden knife in it or not. And as always, they will start bickering like there’s no tomorrow.

“I swear there’s a knife in its lid, I’ve seen it before” Jennie spoke

“that’s silly, who would put a dangerous object inside a cute jar?” Jisoo argues

“well, they did” Jennie rolled her eyes

“Okay then, why don’t we have a look?” Jisoo was so determined to win the argument.

And so they opened the lid. To Jisoo’s surprise, it has really a knife in it. Jennie was so happy that she started jumping like a three-year-old kid. On the other hand, Jisoo starts pouting and sulking. She then started going to her and Jennie’s shared room.

When Jennie noticed that Jisoo wasn’t beside her, she looked for her and found her in their room holding her plushy Pikachu sulking like a toddler.

“are you mad chu?” Jennie asked while leaning over in the heart-shaped lips girl’s shoulder.

“no” Jisoo answered while pouting cutely avoiding her girlfriend’s gaze.

“aww come on chu, let’s go somewhere. I have a surprise for you” Jennie said

“I don’t want to” Jisoo replied while still pouting.

“Well, guess I’ll just have to eat those delicious fried chicken by myself.” Jennie got up and walked away.

“what? wait no! wait for meeee” Jisoo said while running after her girl.

In the car~

“where are we exactly going?” Jisoo asked curiously

“no clue. It’s a surprise babe, so just be quiet.” Jennie replied with her eyes on the road and hands on the wheel.

“hmph! Okay,” Jisoo said pouting for the nth time.

Jennie just giggled at her girl’s cuteness and continued driving to their destination.

When they arrived, Jisoo was surprised to see a table of two in a place near the seashore. Jennie opened that car door for her girl and held her hand while walking towards the table.

“did you do this for me??” Jisoo asked amazed

“of course, do you like it?” Jennie replied showing off her gummy smile.

“I—I love it, babe! Thank you!” Jisoo jumped to her girlfriend showering her with kisses all over the face.

Jennie giggled,
“Okay okay now let’s eat, your chicken is waiting.” She said

“arrasso” Jisoo replied smiling from ear to ear.

After eating~

“woaa that was delicious, I’m so full,” Jisoo said while cutely rubbing her stomach.

Jennie giggled for the second time and said,
“Glad you enjoy it”

“I did, so much. Thank you for this baby…” Jisoo

“anything for my chichu. Anyway, about the Nutella incident a while ago, can you please stop pouting as you did just then? Cause’ every time you do that, it’s really hard for me to resist the urge to kiss those seducing plump lips of yours. If only you knew how It turns me on so much.” Jennie said shyly

“hmm, why do you have to hold back babe?” Jisoo said seducingly while biting her lower lip.

Jennie gulp and sweat starts running down her forehead, she then smirks and stood up walked a little to her girlfriend’s chair, and grabbed her by the waist.

“Okay baby…” she whispers and filled the gap between them with a sweet passionate lip lock. It lasted for about 20 seconds before they pulled back,

“I love you” Jisoo whispers

“I love you more, to the moon and back” Jennie replied with so much love and sincerity.

They continued kissing until Jennie bite Jisoo’s lower lip earning a slight moan from the older girl and that’s the perfect time the cat-eyed girl inserted her tongue inside her girl turning into a hot make-out session.

“now for the fun part” Jennie then managed to carry the older girl to their car.
When they went in, they immediately locked the car doors and you know what happened next.


Jonah Lehrer, author of A Book About Love, looked closely into how fighting in a relationship is actually a good thing rather than a negative.

“According to the scientists, spouses who complain to each other the most, and complain about the least important things, end up having more lasting relationships. In contrast, couples with high negativity thresholds—they only complain about serious problems—are much more likely to get divorced.”

So arguing about the little things keeps your relationship ticking over much better than saving it for what would be deemed the serious and more important stuff.

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