We Got Babies 8

"Chu, please!!"

Jisoo walk to the kitchen to get away from Jennie who keep following her.

"Jennie Kim stop." She said.

"But.. I love you!"

"How many times do I have to tell you? I.don't.love.you.anymore.." She said with crossed arms.
"Now, go to the kids and don't bother me."

Jennie sighed and walk to the playroom leaving her alone. Jisoo just shake her head.

Jennie has been bugging her again to give him another chance ever since She started working and She's getting irritated with him.

She walk to the fridge and get a water then sit on the chair. Her phone then rings, She look at it and found Jinyoung calling.

She smiled and answered the call,

"Jis.. Um, I just wanna let you know that I have an important meeting in Hongkong and I will need you to come with me." Jinyoung informed her.
"It will be next week, tuesday until wednesday."

"Alright, I'll come with you." Jisoo said with a smile.

Jinyoung giggled, "I'll book you a ticket now.. Alright, see you on monday!" He said and hang up.

Jisoo smiled and drink water, She has been working for Jinyoung for a couple of months now and ahe must say that she is very impressed at Her boss.

Jinyoung is very thoughtful, understanding and really nice to her and the other staffs that why He easily became close to Her.

"Chu.." She heard Jennie called.

"What is it again?" Jisoo asked without looking at him.

"Isiah's bleeding."

Jisoo quickly stood up and look at Jennie
"Where is He?" She asked and run to the playroom.

"Waahhh!!" She quickly pick him up and look at his hand.

"What happened?" She asked and tried to coax the baby. "Jennie Kim give me the first aid kit now!" She shouted out of nervousness.

Jennie quickly gave it to her, "I'm sorry, Chu. I was trimming his long nails because He scratched his face but He suddenly moved and I cut his finger with the clippers.. I didn't mean it, Chu." He explained and felt nervous.


Jisoo wrapped Isiah's finger with a band aid after cleaning it then check the baby's face.

"Do we need to bring him to the hospital?" He asked.

"No.. He will be fine."

He sighed in relief, "I'm really sorry, Chu."

"I told you to just leave it to me.. You always do stupid stuffs, Jennie.. When are you going to learn?" She asked.

Jennie felt embarrassed to her, He doesn't know how to take care of the kids, He only know how to play with them but He's trying his best to be a better Uncle for them.

"I'm sorry." He said.

The dark haired girl sighed, "If you could just stop chasing me and just focus with the kids, I bet you'll be even better than me.." She said and kiss Isiah. "Oh by the way, please stop sending me flowers and chocolates in the office.. It's embarrassing." She said.

Jennie shake his head, "I can't.. Everyone should know that you are already taken so no one will dare to hit on you!"

"Jennie, we're not together. And we will never be together again, I don't like you.. Just find someone else!" She said with conviction.

"No.. I only want you.. If I have to show people how much I love you, I will do it."

"Whatever." Jisoo said and sighed, Jennie is hardheaded and He will not listen to her.

"Waahhh!" Isiah is still crying.

"the blood is gone, Sweetie.." Jisoo told the baby who is still crying.

Isiah look at his finger and lifted it.
"bah.." He said.

Jisoo wiped his tears and kissed his cheek, "No more blood.." She said but the little boy is still crying,
"Hurt?" She asked and the little boy pouted.
"Aunt Chu will kiss it." She said and gave his finger lots of kisses.
"Um, Where is Yuan?" She asked.

"He's playing in his room." He answered.

The dark haired girl look at the wall clock,
"He should be preparing now, He has Taekwondo class today." She said.

Jennie stood up, "I'll prepare him now.."

She sighed, "Jennie, what did I tell you?"

"But Chu, it will take him forever to finish if I don't help him." He said, Jisoo always tell him to teach the kids to do things on their own but the kids move so slow and He hates waiting for too long.

Jisoo stood up and the two of them walked out. They went to the kids' room and saw the two kids playing.

"Yuanie, prepare now for your Taekwondo class." Jisoo said and sit on the bed with Isiah on her lap.

The little boy stood up and take his bag, "Yuan will bring how many shirt?" the little boy asked.

"At least two and shorts, Honey."

Sofia take her pink bag and followed what Her brother is doing, "Sofia go wondo cwash too!"

"You want to go to Taekwondo class like Oppa?" Jisoo asked.


"Uhm, What about ballet class? You want Aunt Jichu to enroll you to a ballet class? You like dancing right?"


"Alright, I'll look for a Ballet Dance School for you." She smiled.

Jennie then kneeled down to help Yuan to change his clothes.

"Jichu! Sofia change!" Sofia throw her dress on the floor.

"Pick it up.." Jisoo said then sighed, Sofia is still has her habit of throwing things at them.
"I'm not gonna let you go with Yuan if you don't give it to me properly and no crying.."

Sofia pouted and pick her dress up, she walk to her Aunt Jisoo and gave it to her.

"Sofia change.."

"What's the number two magic word?" Jisoo asked.

Sofia smiled and put her hands together, "Pweashe. Sofia change pweashe.." She said.

"Good girl.." Jisoo pat her head and put Isiah on the bed to dress her up.
"Wow, look at how pretty you are!" She smiled at the little girl.

Yuan look at them, "Magic word number one!" He told his sister.

Sofia smiled and clap her hands, "Thank you! Thank you, Jichu!" She said and hug her Auntie.

"You're welcome, Sweetie.." The dark haired girl kissed her head.

Jennie smiled, Jisoo is really good at disciplining the kids, She even set some magic words for the kids to memorize.

After preparing, they all went to Yuan's class. Jisoo and Isiah stayed in the waiting area while Jennie with the other two kids went to the class.

"Excuse me.. Are you Sofia Kim's Mother?"

Jisoo look up and saw the staff smiling at Her. "I'm Her guardian.."

"Oh, I just wanna ask if you'll enroll her here?"

"Oh, um I'm not sure.. I'll just ask her later." She said with a smile and the staff excused herself.

"Waaahhh!!" They suddenly heard a loud cry.

Jennie walked out with the crying Sofia and the little girl quickly run to Jisoo.

"Why are you crying?"

"Wondo bad!" She cried.

Jennie sit next to Jisoo and take Isiah from her, "She thought the teacher is shouting at her.. You know, they are shouting inside.."

Jisoo chuckled, "Honey, that's what they do, they are not mad or something.."

"No.. Wondo bad!"

"You don't like Taekwondo anymore?"

"Don't wike.." The little kid pouted and buried her face to Jisoo's chest.

The dark haired girl look at Jennie,
"Tell the staff to cancel Sofia's application." She said.

"you do it.." Jennie said.

The dark haired girl raised her eyebrows,
"Try me.." She said.

Jennie then let out a smile,
"I'm just kidding, Chu." He said and talk to the staff while carrying Isiah.

"Eesh.." Jisoo shake her head. Jennie always try her patience by not following her but once she throw him deathly glares, Jennie quickly stops and will just say yes to everything she says.

The cat eyed guy went back,
"Chu I'll take Isiah out. We'll buy some snacks."

"Sure!" She smiled and watch him walk out of the establishment.

The dark haired girl rub Sofia's back,
"After this, We will visit your Appa.."

"Eomma too." The little girl said.

"I'll ask your Halmeoni if We can visit Eomma soon, okay? But now, let's visit Appa to make him happy."

"Why Appa shad?"

"He's happy in heaven but He will be more happy if Sofia, Yuan and Isiah visit him.."

"'kay! Make Appa happy!" Sofia smiled.

After a while, Jennie went back with snacks. Jisoo rolled her eyes seeing him holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers and chocolates.

"Chu, for you!"

"Omo! They are so sweet!"

Jisoo look at the people around them and noticed that they are looking at them with big smiles.

Jennie sit next to her and peck her cheek that made her mad. Jisoo glared at Him and take the flowers and chocolates.

"You really like taking advantage of the situation huh.." She mumbled enough for Jennie to hear. "You'll get something from me later.."

Jennie didn't care and just smiled at her. He then opened a snack and give it to Sofia.

"Chu, do you want this?"

"No.." Jisoo answered and look away.

"Are you two married?" an old lady asked Jisoo.

"Ahh N-"

"Yes!" Jennie quickly answered.

Jisoo creased her eyebrows and look at him, "Since when?" She asked.

"Since Yuan was born.."

Jisoo sighed and shake her head,
"Who would believe? I got married when I was eighteen without even knowing.." She mumbled.

Jennie felt happy as the people around them are adoring their 'family'.

"Aigoo, young couples are really cute.."

"Thank you!" Jennie smiled and intertwined his hand with Jisoo.

"What are you trying to do?" His former girlfriend asked then tried to break away from his hold,


Jennie kept smiling, "I love you!" He giggled and just focus on Isiah. He loves it whenever Jisoo can't scold him especially when they are in public since He can do anything with her. He take her hand to his lips and kiss it.

Jisoo glared at him and just let Jennie hold her hand while she think of how she will punish him.

"Jichu.. Sofia bowed.."

"You're bored?" Jisoo asked and the little girl nodded. She then turned to Jennie.

"Honey.." She sweetly called.

The cat eyed guy got surprised and look at her, He nervously giggled as Jisoo smiled at him.

"H-Honey?" He lick his lips, Jisoo's smile somehow scares him.

"Let go of my hand.. Sofia and I are going somewhere.." Jisoo said and Jennie quickly let her go, She stood up and hold Sofia's hand.

"Honey~" Jisoo called once again, She bended down and whispered to him,

"You're dead." She said and smiled again.
"We'll go ahead, see you later!" She walked out with Sofia.

"Your wife is surely a sweet girl.. She even kissed you in public, that's so sweet." The old lady giggled.

He sighed then smiled,
"Yeah, She is really sweet.." He said then pouted, "And I'll get a not so sweet revenge later." He thought.

A few hours later, Yuan finished his training. Jennie stood up and tried to get his bag but Yuan shake his head.

"No.. Yuan should carry his own bag.." He said and hold Jennie's hand.

"Is that what Aunt Jichu told you?" Jennie asked as they walk out.

"Yes.." the little boy smiled.

They walk to the car and saw Jisoo and Sofia waiting for them while carrying some paper bags.

"Auntie Jichu!!" Yuan run to the dark haired girl and hug her.

"My little Man is done?" She asked and the little boy nodded happily.

"Look, Yuan didn't ask for help!" He showed his bag.

"Good job." Jisoo giggled, She cupped his face and kiss both his cheeks,
"That's for being a good boy."

Yuan higgled, he got really close to his Aunt Jisoo because she's sweet and fun to be with even though she's strict most of the time.

Jennie put the kids in the car then closed the door. He was about to walk to the driver's side when Jisoo stop him.

"Did you enjoy being My Husband?" She asked with a smile.

"I want to make it real, Chu.. That's my dream."

"then Dream about it forever because I will never gonna marry you." Jisoo said and step on his right foot really hard.

"Aww!" Jennie groaned.

Jisoo smirked then get in the car, She rolled the window down and called him,
"Honey, get in now!" She said then waved at the lady in the school who passed by.

"You left this in the waiting area..".She hand Jisoo the bouquet and chocolates.

"Aww, Thank you! I'll take this but the chocolate is for your Son."

"Thank you!" the lady said and look at Jennie. "What happened to your husband?"

"Oh, He's doing some excercise.." The dark haired girl said and waved again,
"Have a nice day, Bye!"

Jennie slowly walk to the driver's seat and bang the door, "That hurts, Chu.."

"Serves you right, Hon!" She said then turned to the kids.
"Let's go visit your Appa then where to go next?"

"Diner!" Yuan happily said.

"Alright, Let's all go to the diner for a snack.."

"Let's go!" Yuan shouted that made the former couple laugh.


"I will be gone on tuesday until wednesday.." Jisoo told Jennie.

The cat eyed guy who is driving them back home look at her, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Hongkong with My boss, so take good care of the kids, okay?"

"What? You're gonna have a date? No way! You're not going, I will never allow you to go with him!" Jennie said angrily.

Jisoo sighed, she knew he will overreact.
"I'm not asking for your permission, Jennie.. I'm just informing you." She said nonchalantly,
"And besides, I feel more safer with Jinyoung than you. So stop worrying."

Jennie shake his head, He will never let Jisoo go with her boss. "Chu.."

"Stop this talk, Jennie." She said.

They arrived home, Jennie saw familiar cars outside the Mansion. "Her asshole Boss is here.."

Jisoo look closely, "Oh, Seulgi's here?" She said and hip off the car. She then saw Her Boss and Seulgi talking.
"Seul, Jinyoung!"

The two turned to her,

"Hi! Where have you been?" Seulgi asked,
"Where are the kids, I bought them lots of gifts."

"You knew each other?"

"Oh No! We just met while waiting you to go back.." Seulgi answered.

Jisoo nodded and went inside the house with Jinyoung and Seulgi while Jennie is helping the kids get off the car.

The dark haired girl get a pitcher of orange juice and brought it to the living room where their visitors are.

"Do you wanna eat anything?" She asked and sit beside Jinyoung.

The two shake their heads. Jennie and the kids went in the Mansion.

"Aunt Seul!" Yuan squealed and hug Seulgi.

Jennie cleared his throat and glared at Jisoo and Jinyoung who are in their own little world.
"Yuan, play with your siblings in the playroom." He said.

Yuan nodded and hold Isiah's hand then walk to the playroom with Sofia following them.

Jennie sit on the couch beside his Cousin.
"What are you doing here?"

Seulgi clap her hands, "Oh, I'm here f-"

"No, not you.. You!"

Seulgi stood up and went to the playroom to be with the kids.

Jisoo and Jinyoung turned to him,
"What is it?"

"What are you doing here? It's Chu's restday today.. It's family day and you're not part of the family."

Jisoo then glared at his ex-boyfriend,
"He is not just my boss, He is also a friend, Jennie Kim."

Jinyoung cleared his throat,
"I-I should leave.. I'll just talk to you on Monday.." He said.

Jisoo shake her head,
"Don't mind him." She said.

Jinyoung nodded,
"Um, Appa's secretary booked our flight and we are set to fly tuesday morning but we have a problem.." He said.

"What is it?"

"I asked her to book us two suites but she booked us two bedroom suites.."

"WHAT??" Jennie reacted then stood up,
"No way! She's not staying with you!" He said,
"I'll book her own suite.." He said.

"It's already fullybooked.." Jinyoung said.

"and so? Chu will stay in another Hotel! You will never be with her, You hear me?"

Jisoo rolled her eyes, Jennie is overreacting again.

Jennie take his phone to book to another Hotel but then Jisoo stop him,
"Jennie Kim that's enough."

"No, Chu. He will take advantage of you."

"I will never do that!" Jinyoung said.

"I'm not stupid!" Jennie said.

"I said stop!"

Jennie put his phone down,
"Chu.. I don't want you to stay with him."

"Who are you to tell me what to do? Huh?" She asked.
"I have my own decisions, so shut up."

Jennie look at Jinyoung and felt mad, Jisoo is siding the asshole. "I'm just protecting you."

"You don't have to." Jisoo said and crossed her arms, "Leave us alone."

The cat eyed guy shake his head and stood up, He walk to the playroom and bang the door close that startled the kids and Seulgi.

"Jennie Kim, what's that?" Seulgi asked.

"He trust that guy more than me.."

Seulgi smiled, Jennie is obviously jealous of Jisoo's boss.

"He looks like a nice guy.. Chu will be safe with him, don't worry." She said.

"No.. I have to do something about it." Jennie said then played with the kids.

A few hours later, Seulgi and Jinyoung went home. Jisoo went to the playroom and saw Jennie playing with the kids.

"Kyaaaah!!" The kids run around the playroom.

"What do you want for dinner?" Jisoo asked but Jennie didn't answer her.
"Jennie Kim answer me.."

"You have your own decisions, right? Why are you still asking me?" Jennie said without looking at her.

Jisoo take a deep breath, Jennie is trying her patience again. " Jennie Kim..."

"I'm not gonna eat.. Just order whatever you think is good for the kids." Jennie said and stood up leaving her with the kids.

"Your Uncle Jennie is irritating.."

"Irri..tating? What's that?" Yuan asked.

"Nevermind.. What do you want to eat?"

"Hmm. Anything.." Yuan answered so Jisoo just ordered anything for their dinner.

The dark haired girl called Jennie to his room when their dinner arrived, the cat eyed guy went out to help her feed the kids.

Jisoo look at Jennie and He look so happy about something but didn't bother to ask and just keep quiet.

They were eating quietly when Jennie suddenly asked something.
"Kids, Who wants to go to Disneyland?" she asked.

"Yuan/Sofia!" the two kids raised their arms.

Isiaj clap his hands and raised his hands like his older siblings, "Kyaaahh!"

"Good, We're leaving on Tuesday Morning.." Jennie said.

"What?" Jisoo look at Jennie in surprise.

Jennie smiled. "We're going to Disneyland, and We will stay in your suite. So tell your boss about it."

Jisoo look at him in surprise,


"Jennie Kim, do you understand that I'm going there for work and not for leisure?"

Jennie smiled, "Do you also understand that the kids and I will go there for fun and not to follow you?"

"Really? Are you really not gonna follow me?" Jisoo asked and He nodded confidently,
"Then book to a different hotel and don't stay with us.."

"No.. We will stay with you because the kids want to be with you, right kids?"


"Jennie Kim, I'm serious."

"I'm serious too.. I already booked a flight to Hongkong and You can't stop me."

"Just stay here. Yuan has school."

Jennie look at the kids,
"Babies, Aunt Jichu don't want us to go to Disneyland ."

The two kids pouted and look at Jisoo,
"Why? Yuan, Sofia and Isiah wants to go Disneyland!" Yuan said.

"Dishney!" Sofia whined.

"Please, Aunt Jichu!! I wanna see Mickey!"

"Can you resist the kids?" Jennie asked.

Jisoo sighed and smiled at the kids, "Okay.. You will visit disneyland." She said that made the kids happy.
She then stood up and She glared at Jennie,
"I hate you." She said and walk away.

"I love you too." Jennie smiled and just continue feeding Isiah. "You're gonna see Mickey!!" He happily told the kids.


"Are you excited?" He asked and the kids nodded, "I'm excited too.." He happily said and just focus on the kids.

"We will travel like a real family.." He giggled and felt even more excited.
