Suspicious Part 3 by YourRoyalPotato

A/N: You're the cherry piece, just stay on top of me so. I can't see nobody else for me, no.🎶 Keep streaming Ice Cream💕

Jennie’s POV

I was left alone, shivering in the cold, crying my eyes out thinking of what just happened. It hit me hard how shitty I was with her these past few days and now I was full of regrets.

I was about to hop in my own car and chase after my love when suddenly, Lisa came over stopping me in the process.

“what are you doing? I have to chase after her! I can’t just stay here and do nothing!” I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“calm the f*ck down, your anger won’t do anything.” Lisa pulled me out of my car and wrapped my body with her warm jacket.

“we need to go back inside, it’s cold out here.” Lisa started dragging me back inside the café.

“Lisa! Are you even listening?! I need to go after Jisoo! I can’t f*cking lose her!” I slapped her hands away and continued panicking with tears continuously pouring down my face.

“unnie, you need to calm down first. I won’t let you drive like this, look at you, with that kind of state, you'll probably bring yourself into an accident.” Lisa said with sincerity and concern visibly in her eyes.

“let’s talk everything inside okay? You’ll freeze to death if we stay in here.” She added

“but—“ I tried to fight back but was cut off.

“I know you’re older than me unnie but this time you have to listen to your dongsaeng” Lisa glared at me and dragged me back inside the café.

When we were already inside, I immediately sat down my chair and broke down. I cried hard and loud as people started sparring glances at our direction but I could care less. This is the very first time Jisoo decided to broke up with me. Normally, she would do anything and everything to fix our problem and endure my shits. But I guess every people has their limits and I think I reached hers.

Lisa remained quiet, she handed me a box of tissue which she requested from the staff.

After a couple of minutes, I stopped crying as my eyes was already swelling and there’s no tears left to cry.

Lisa cleared her throat,
“erm so are you feeling better now?”

I stared at her sadly,
“not at all” I said honestly and I felt myself starting to cry again but Lisa slammed the table starling me and the people around us.

“you literally cried almost 30 minutes now unnie! Didn’t you had enough?!” Lisa said angrily

I lower my head and stare at my toes.

Lisa sighs and took a deep breath,
“sorry unnie, but enough with crying. You have to talk now.”

I lift my head up and stare at her,

"so based on what I've heard, why the f*ck were you treating her that way? I know Jisoo unnie was annoying sometimes, doing things that was far beyond her age but she's the kindest person I've ever known and she's literally head over heals for you, so what the f*ck did you do?" Lisa said staring intensely at my eyes.

"I-It wasn't really my intention to make her feel bad or treat her like she meant nothing to me, all I wanted was you know treat her differently so she wouldn't be suspicious with our plan. But I guess I went too far." I explained myself. I actually search this idea from YT, the ignoring and treating my lover differently prank and surprise after. It f*cking successfully made me believe that the idea would work. But look what happened now, my baby broke up with me.

Lisa sighed and run her hands through her hair.
"well I guess you messed everything up unnie"

"I know" I said sadly

"but it's never too late, you can still fix the mess you've done." Lisa said

"But how? she hates me now." I said fidgeting with my fingers

"That's not true, she still loves you so much, Jisoo unnie might be acting tough and all but she's a softie when it comes to you." Lisa reassures

"She literally broke up with me a few minutes ago Lisa." I said discouraging my self from aiming for hope.

"nah, she's just confused, maybe she needs a little more time to clear her mind and I assure you she'll talk to you after." Lisa said giving me some hope.

"I hope so Lis, btw thank you so much, I know I can always count on you." I said trying to surpress a genuine smile but it ended up like a forced smile.

"no worries, and oh you better start treating her the way she should be treated." She advised

"will do" I nodded

"good, so is our plan still on?" Lisa asked

"very much yes, I need to make it up to her and she deserves the best." I said seriously

"okay then let's start talking about the plan" she said

3 days after~

Jisoo's POV

It has been three days, three long days after the incident and I decided to stay away from Jennie. I stayed at my own apartment. But Jennie has been bothering me since I decided to move out and not talk to her. She has been texting and calling me almost every minute of the day but I decided not to answer.

I'm still hurt and I can't just stop thinking about what happened between us. I love her so much but I need a break. I wanted to refresh myself and the only way to do that is to stop thinking about her.

Today was supposed to be the day where I get to have fun and celebrate my birthday with friends and family but I don't even have the will to get myself out of my bed.

I stare at the ceiling,

'my life sucks' I said to myself

Suddenly my phone started to beep non-stop again.

'argghh here we go again'

I picked up my phone and stare at it,
'it's her again'

23 recent messages from Jennie,

I opened the first one,

"Hi baby👋 I miss you so much🥺 "

I rolled my eyes,
'you mean you miss treating me like shit' I said to myself,

I then opened the second one,

"It's already lunchtime, have you eaten already? please don't skip your meal"

I look at the time in my phone, f*ck it's already late for lunch, how come I didn't notice?

I dialled the number of my favorite Chinese restaurant and ordered something.

After that, I put down my phone ignoring the rest of Jennie's messages and opened the TV.

I click Netflix and watch Lucifer.

After a few minutes, I heard my doorbell rang. I immediately rushed to open my door. I was hoping that it was my food but I was wrong.

I saw a delivery man holding a bouquet of dark red carnation flowers.

"This is for you ma'am" The guy said handing me the bouquet.

"who sent me this?" I confusedly asked.

"The sender requested to remain anonymous ma'am I'm sorry, have a good day." said the man and left.

"weird" I mumbled and close the door.

I placed the flowers on the table and stare at it, I then noticed a small card at the center of the bouquet.

I picked-up the card and read what's inside.
"These flowers reminds me of you, beautiful, fragrant and divine."

'Sweet but too cringe'

Anyway, I wonder who gave this to me. But it's probably Jennie, reading this awful quotes of her. And she was the only one who knows me liking dark red carnations as I keep changing favorites. However, it's just a guess and I'm not really sure so I just shrugged it off and leave the flowers in the table. I walked back to my bed and continued watching Lucifer.

An hour had passed and my door bell rang once again, I lazily got up and walk to the door,
'I wish it's the food' I prayed before opening the door.

Wish granted, It was indeed my food.

The delivery man handed me the food and I gladly take it with my left hand as I picked some cash inside my pocket,
"how much?" I asked

"oh no it's already paid ma'am, have a good day." and just like that, the delivery guy left.

'Wow lucky me(pancit canton), I'm saving money for this day.' I thought

I stare at the food (I like to stare at things ya know), and I noticed another small card. Okay, this was probably the same person as the one in the flowers I suppose.

I read the writings,
"Happiest Birthday baby! Did you like the flowers? I know you do, It's your favorite after all. I know I did a mistake causing you to stay away from me but I regret every awful things I've done to you, I'm so sorry. Please let me make it up to you. After you eat, meet me at the place where we first met. Please trust me in this baby, I will wait for you. I love you so much.
Love Jennie."

I bite my lower lip, my mind was debating whether I should follow what she says or just shrugged it off. We had a lot of memories in the place where we first met. It has been our place where we get to spend quality time with each other. My mind was telling me not to go, but my heart was saying the opposite.

'maybe I shouldn't' I said to myself

But a little later, I found myself infront of my closet looking for a nice dress to wear. I decided to pick the simple yet classy black dress. I applied light make-up. As I was done, I walked to the parking lot and hop inside my car.

I drove my way to our favorite place which was the ****** park. The place where it all started. As I got there, I scanned the beautiful place and breath the fresh air. I always love this place, I still remember myself at the time when me and Jennie first met. How my clumsy self bumped into her just because I was so busy eating my ice cream. Jennie was slightly taller and bigger than me so I was the one who stumbled down. My butt hit the ground pretty bad. It was pretty painful and I dropped my delicious ice cream. I got so upset that time, not just because my butt hurts but because I lost my ice cream which I bought from Selena Gomez' Ice Cream truck. I look up and was ready to shout at her but I stopped when I saw her very angelic face. She helped me stood up and wipe my butt which I pervertedly didn't mind. She saw my spilled ice cream and offered me to grab a new one. After that, we talk a lot and got to know each other and we became friends and blah blah blah lovers.

While I was reminiscing the past, I didn't even noticed the tears that was pouring down my face. I was about to wipe my tears away when I saw a handkerchief offered by a hand,
