Fight 2.0

A/N: credits to ‘harrysinner’

Dedicated to: the person who will comment first

Jennie woke up the next morning in the bedroom with a very sleepy Jisoo facing down on the bed and an arm slumped over her waist as the older girl slept.

She then remembered last night. The creepy black SUV and the creepy man and the creepy text messages. Who was he? How did he get my number? Is that Jisoo’s rival in the business or something?
A lot of questions come cross to Jennie’s mind.

Then she started thinking about Mino. Maybe he had anything to do with this? Then again---why would he? He already took 2 whole million dollars from Jisoo’s company for god’s sake.

So then—who could it be? Jennie poked at Jisoo’s back in order to get her to wake up but the older girl only groaned, causing Jennie to shake her more.

“what’s going on?” Jisoo asks sleepily

“I don’t feel safe here” Jennie say, making her wife sit up, rubbing her eyes with her fists, ridding the sleep from them.

“is it because of last night? Baby, you know I’d never let anything happen to you or the kids. I thought you knew that”

“I called you multiple times last night but you didn’t even answer once. How was I supposed to know that?” Jennie retort, standing up from the bed and paced around the room before turning back to her wife.
“Do you maybe own something to someone?” she dares to ask

Jisoo straightens out her posture, her eyebrows furrowing in the process while she looked at her wife as if she was being accused.
“Do you think this is my fault?”

“I mean, I know you always tell me that I have nothing to worry about when it comes to your job, but you never once told me what you’re the CEO of. I mean, maybe you just might’ve angered the wrong people and now they want revenge on something you might’ve did?” Jennie asked again

“Jennie, do you realize how stupid that sounds? Do you actually think I would do anything to endanger the life of my kids? Let alone my wife?  My business is my business. The fact that I don’t tell you what I’m working with is confidential, but I can assure you it’s nothing of the sort that can result in tragedy of our family” Jisoo replied

“well then if you don’t have a clue as to why there’s people trying to harm us, then who could they be? And what could they possibly want?” Jennie

“you’re asking me questions I don’t have the answer to. If you don’t feel safe in our home then if you’d like me to—for yours and the kids safety—I’ll without hesitation hire  security guards, there’s no problem with that” Jisoo

“I don’t want them to see that I’m weak Jisoo. I’d do anything to protect my kids. I just want to know who they are and what they want” Jennie

“well, do you maybe want to file a police report? But you know that without evidence they can’t really do much” Jisoo

“I actually have text messages from them, they’ve been texting me from time to time” Jennie

“well then that’s great. We can go file a report this moment if you want” Jisoo

“I’ll be fine” Jennie hesitantly say
“Just please next time when I call you, you should answer the damn phone”  she say pulling her hair into a ponytail, going inside the bathroom

“honey I was with know that” Jisoo replies following her wife inside the bathroom

“so what if something would’ve happened to us? You wouldn’t know obviously because you were with friends and wouldn’t answer your damn phone” Jennie

“I’m not responsible for the acts of some delinquents. Am I not allowed to have freedom outside our marriage? I mean fuck. I have friends too Jennie” Jisoo argues making Jennie turn to face her

“no one is saying that. For fucks sake Jisoo. You’re not a teenager anymore, you have a family. You can’t just throw that away because you want to go have a drink with your friends and your secretary!” Jennie yelled

“Look” Jisoo holds the bridge of her nose
“I really don’t want to fight. You want me to answer my phone? Fine. But I’m not going to stay home, dealing with your irritating mood swings when I can go have a drink with my friends from time to time. Does that make you happy?” Jisoo said

Jennie rolls her eyes before pushing past her wife, making the older girl grab her forearm.

“we’re not yet done talking Jennie” Jisoo said in a tone that is almost menacing

Jennie breaks free from her wife’s grasp before walking away downstairs
“talk to yourself” she mutter under her breath
