Bujeong haeng-wi anae Part 7


A/N: I've taken the photo above by myself, it's not related to the story, I just wanted to show y'all😂

Too much things happened too soon that even before Lisa was able to comprehend it, she found herself with crying Sofia, trailing behind an ambulance containing Jisoo, convoying with them all the way to the nearest hospital to stabilize the older girl. With the amount of blood, she had lost from the wounds, she needed immediate medical help to avoid complications. As for Jennie who accompanied by Irene, the cat eyed girl was rushed to the emergency room for a full body examination shortly before Jisoo had arrived.

Walking in the hospital with Sofia with her, Lisa had taken the initiative of caring for Jisoo and Jennie’s daughter while they went to frantic over the turnabout of events. Irene being Jennie’s companion in the emergency room. Irony it is that there was a moment in Irene and Jennie’s life where, Irene wanted to end Jennie’s life out of too much anger for hurting her little sister, but now she was the one accompanying the cat eyed girl who was on the bridge of dying.

Directed towards Jisoo’s room, Lisa had gotten a word from the doctor. The doctor claimed that Jisoo had been critical for the amount of lost blood through the incision, but was assured that everything would turn out well given that Jisoo’s wound had already been stitched up.

Entering the room with Sofia in a tow, Lisa was unsure as to what state she would be finding Jisoo in, knowing that she was also a soft hearted monkey together with her wife Changie who always cry even for very little things.

Sucking it up for the sake of Jensoo’s daughter, the maknae plastered a strong disposition.

Seeing the older girl sleeping soundly like an angel in the bedroom, Sofia immediately ran to her mother’s bedside. With a very concerned look on her face, she reaches for her mother’s hand caressing it softly.

“is she going to be okay, Aunt Lisa?” Sofia asked worriedly as she kept caressing her mother’s hand with her eyes glued on Jisoo’s face.

“careful, Sofie. Your Eomma is a bit hurt now. Why don’t you sit here with me first?” Lisa offered silently, afraid to bother Jisoo.

Sofia shake her head not wanting to leave her mother's side.
“Eomma? Please wake up…” she started crying again. She caresses Jisoo’s cheek slightly.

Waking up feeling a little bit elated from the anesthetics, Jisoo had immediately searched the room for any sight of familiar faces. Seeing her daughter looking at her with fear, the heart shaped lips girl plastered a smile as she gazed into the girl near her.

“hey, you look exactly just like my wife.” Jisoo joked cheerfully as she kept her eyes on her daughter.

“Eomma! Stop joking around! We almost lost you!” Sofia said as she wipes her tears away.

“Eomma will never leave you baby.” Jisoo replied as she smiled warmly at her daughter.

Upon hearing Jisoo talking, Lisa immediately stood and leaned over to the bed of her unnie.
“oh my god, you’re okay!” the maknae uttered cheerfully.

“hey monkey,” Jisoo said softly as she gazed at her best friend.

“glad you didn’t die because if you do, I’ll hunt you in heaven myself to torture you for living us.” Lisa said seriously earning a laugh from the older girl.

“yeah sure Limario,” Jisoo said in between her laugh. Suddenly, the smile in her face fades with she remembered her wife.

“where’s Jennie?! I need my wife Limariooo!!!” Jisoo said hysterically as she tried to get up but stop when she felt pain in her wounds.

“idiot! You can’t move just yet; you still need to rest.” Lisa scolded the older girl for being too clumsy

“but I need my wife!” Jisoo shouted again

“ugh fine, I’ll go check on her. You better stay here and don’t you dare move a muscle. Sofie go guard your childish mother.” Lisa said eyeing her unnie seriously before heading to the door and went outside.

Lisa was about to take a step to the hall when the doctor called out for her.

“Miss Manoban?” The doctor

“yes doc?” Lisa asked

“I’m worried about Jennie Kim; I was told by her companion that you are related to her?” the doctor inquired lightly

“what about Jennie? What’s happening?” Lisa worriedly responded with fear evident in her eyes. She and Irene have not yet been able to talk as she was so busy with Jisoo.

“her health is deteriorating. With the added pressure from her bruised body, she may be in a very bad situation if my colleagues are not able to stop her bleeding.” The doctor had informed Lisa.

“what are you saying? When the medics had pulled her out, there was no wound on her. What’s happening?!” Lisa shot worriedly

“we have examined her body and found out that there was a cut probably by a knife in the lower right of her abdomen.” The doctor explained

Filled with worry, Lisa gazed upon the doctor in shock and panic.
“i-is she going to be alright? Do you think we can see her?” Lisa asked almost immediately that she happened to stutter on her words in distress.

“she’s in a room on the same floor with a lady at the moment. We hope that you guys can come around to see her too. I was told that she was looking for Jisoo and Sofia?” the doctor informed Lisa, still not sure if he was uttering the right names.

“Ah yes. That’s her wife and daughter. May I get her room number please? I’ll head onto her once Jisoo falls asleep.” Lisa assured the doctor, ignoring the feigning confusion that she sensed from the doctor.

“she’s in room 207. Have a good day.” The doctor said and began walking to the opposite direction.

Puzzled with a hint of worry, Lisa returned back to Jisoo’s room to see how things are with the older girl. Finding Sofia cuddled up with her mother as they were past asleep, sighing in relief, Lisa walked out of the room as careful as she could to not wake up the two.

(To be continued...)
