
No one pov

Everyone is at the Yagi residence and celebrate Izumi birthday

Inko brought the cake

Before that, everyone give the presents to Izumi

Inko took Izuku presents and some of them she kept to give to Izumi and some of them she throw them in trash container

All of the adults(-The Yagi's) and big brothers and sisters wonder where's Izuku

Nezu then asked the question

Nezu:Where's Izuku?


Inko:What are you talking about, Nezu?

Nezu:Where's my nephew? *point at a picture of Izuku and Izumi when they were 3*

Inko:Who's that boy?

Toshinori:I don't remember him.

Mirai:He's Izuku. You'r Son.

Touya:How could you forget?

Inko and Toshinori then got hit by the revelation

They realized they have been ignoring Izuku for 6 years

Inko:*crying*I'm a terrible mother.

Izumi:*crying*Mom, I need to tell you something.

The Adults(-The Yagi's) :We know what you did.

Touya couldn't even look at "them"

Toshinori:Maybe he's in his room.

Inko goes towards Izuku room thinking she has chances

Inko:Izuku, Sweetie. Open the door.


Inko:Sweetie, I know I was a bad mother, but I want to fix that. Please open the door.

Izuku opened the door

Inko was about to hug him, but Izuku stop him

Izuku:Don't even think about, Inko.

Inko:It's Mom.

Izuku:You were never a mother to me.

Toshinori:Son, I....

Izuku:Don't even start, All Might.


Izuku:Next time change in you'r room, not in the living room.

Izuku goes downstairs

Then a knock was heard

Mitsuki goes to open the door

Mitsuki:Hisashi? What are you doing here?

Hisashi enter inside where Izuku goes and hug him

Hisashi:Hey, Son.

Inko:Why are you here, Hisashi?

Hisashi:*angry*Bitch, how could you abuse and neglect my Son!?

Inko:*crying*I'm sorry. Please give me another chance to fix it.

Hisashi:No. *give Inko the custody papers*Sign this so I can have full custody of Izuku.

Inko:No, you can't do that.

Izumi:Mister, please leave. I love my Oni-chan very much.

Izuku pulled the recorder that Hisashi used to record Izumi voice from yesterday

"Izumi:If you want a Quirk, just pray for one in you'r next life and take a swan dive of a rooftop"

Hisashi:*sarcasm*Yeah, that's love.

Toshinori(thought) :I need to call....

Chris:Don't even think about it.

Chris enter inside and pointed a pistol at Toshinori head


Tenya:You're a trespassing. Turn around and let my brother to arrest you.

Tensei punched Tenya in the face

Tensei:You idiot. That's Chris Redfield. I have a huge respect for him.

Chris:I'm Captain Redfield of S.T.A.R.S. The Hero Comision can't do nothing to me.

Toshinori got ready to buff himself and fight Chris and Hisashi, but before he could do it, he felt a pipe at the back of his head

Burt:Don't even think about.

Adults:Burt Gummer!?

Izumi:Dad, you know the one who point a gun at you'r head?

Inko:He's Burt Gummer. The Greatest Gunsmith in America.

Burt:That's right. *look at Hisashi*I got you'r back, Brother.

Hisashi:Thanks, Brother.

Inko:Hisashi, does Burt is you'r brother? Why didn't you told me?

Hisashi:I told you many times. You never listen to me.

Chris:We have more than enough evidence to put you 2 in prison and blacklist the kids from entering in Hero Schools and when they're older, they'll be sent to Juvenile Prison.

Kids:No, don't take my dream away!

Hisashi:What about my son dream?

Inko:Izuku, is this what you want?

Izuku:Yes, I want to leave with Dad.

Katsumi:But Ichan, what about you'r Hero Dream?

Izuku:It's dead. You got what you want. I won't become a Hero but this is the last time you'll see me.

Momo:*crying*Zuzu, please don't go.


Mina:*crying* Izu-kun.


Tsuyu:*crying*Izuku,please don't go.

Toru:*crying*Izu, we can change. I promise. We'll be good, just don't leave.

Shoka:*crying*Izu-chan. I'm sorry for what I did. Please. Don't go. I love you.

Katsumi:*crying*Ichan, please don't go. I'm sorry for what I did. I'll let you hurt me whenever you want.

Izumi:*crying*Oni-chan, please don't go. I'm sorry. I take everything back. You can be a Hero. Just don't go.

All the 9 girls and beg Izuku to not leave

While Inko signed the custody papers

Toshinori:Dear, what are you doing?

Izumi:Mom, don't do that! We can win and have Oni-chan back.

Tenya:That's right, Ms Yagi. And Izuku. Come back. You have to work hard to earn our forgiveness.

Izuku pulled a pepper spray that Hisashi give him yesterday and spray in Tenya face

He started to roll on the ground while holding his eyes

Inko finished the papers

Inko:Please take care of him.

Hisashi:*take the papers*You don't have any rights to ask for that.

Hisashi, Burt and Chris leave with Izuku

The Adults(-The Yagi's) and older siblings leave as well

Chris remained behind to make sure they won't try something

Chris:I'll make sure to Ban you from entering America. Happy Birthday to you'r only child, Yagi's.

And Chris leave

At the airport

Izuku said goodbye to his Uncles, Aunties, Older Siblings and his Grandparents

Izuku:I'll make sure to call.

RG:You better be. Or I'll come there and break my cane on you.

And with that Izuku, Hisashi, Burt and Chris got on their plane and leave to America

Time skip(thanks to Neko Kurumi)

After they landed, they walked a little and arrived at Hisashi house


Hisashi:I know, Son.

... :Welcome home, Dear.

A woman with short silver hair, an eyepatch on her right eye and a metal right arm open the door

Hisashi goes towards her and give her a kiss

Hisashi:Son, I want you to meet my wife, Najenda Midoriya.

Najenda goes towards Izuku and hug him

Najenda:I finally meet you, My Son.

Izuku felt the mother love and hug back

Hisashi:Now let me show you, Son, you'r room.

They enter inside and goes upstairs where Hisashi opened the door

Hisashi:I hope you love it.

Izuku:*happy*Yes, I do. Thanks Dad.

Hisashi:You're welcome Son. Also, I don't know if you play games, but I got you a computer.

Izuku:This is the best. Thanks Dad.

Hisashi:Don't forget about The Mini Fridge.

Hisashi opened the mini fridge from under the desk

Izuku:Thanks Dad.



Hisashi:What do you say when you come Home.

Izuku:I'm home.

Najenda:Welcome home, Son.

All 3 hugged each other for a few minutes


Hisashi:Son, why don't you go to sleep. It was a tiring day.

Izuku:Okay Dad.

Hisashi and Najenda leave and Izuku got on his bed

Izuku sat on his new bed, feeling the softness of the mattress him. It was a stark contrast to the old, lumpy bed he had been forced to sleep on for so long.

The room around him was cozy and warm, a stark difference from the cold, dark space he had been living in.

As he lay back on the pillows, Izuku let out a sigh of relief.

He had finally escaped his tormentors, the bullies who had made his life a living hell, he was free to relax and enjoy his new surroundings.

Closing his eyes, Izuku listened to the gentle hum of the air conditioner and the rustling of the leaves outside his window.

It was a peaceful sound, one that helped to calm his racing thoughts.

Feeling more relaxed than he had in his life, Izuku allowed himself to drift off to sleep, knowing that he was finally safe and free from harm.

The comfort of his new bed enveloped him like a warm embrace, and for the first time in a long time, he felt truly at peace.


Author note

I recommend this App

This App help me sometimes when I get Writer Block

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For an example"write a conversation between Izuku and his Father, Hisashi about training or food"


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Next:2 Years Later And Meeting Her

After:Back In Japan

Then:Final Exam

Until next time
