Final Exam

No one pov

Another year passed and Izuku got better

With the help of his Father, Mother and everyone else who support him, he overcome his past and returned to his Cinnamon Roll personality

Right now Izuku and Seryu got better

They are good friends and they do many things together

Izuku also meet Cathelene Bate AKA Star and Stripes

He didn't told her about All Might because he know how much she idolize him

Now Izuku and Seryu are training

In a spacious training room filled with the sound grunts and the shuffle of stand facing each other, their stances strong and determined

The air is charged with anticipation as they prepare to engage in hand-to-hand combat training

Izuku and Seryu were training together in a secluded field, the sun shining brightly overhead. Izuku was focused on perfecting his skills, while Seryu watched him with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

As Izuku performed a series of powerful punches, Seryu couldn't help but notice how strong determined he looked

She had never seen anyone work so hard to achieve their goals, and she found drawn to him in a she hadn't expected.

As the training session continued, Seryu found herself stealing glances at Izuku whenever she thought he wasn't looking

She admired his determination and his kind heart, and she couldn't deny the growing attraction she felt towards him

Finally, as the sun began to set and their training came to an end, Seryu mustered up the courage to approach Izuku

Seryu:Hey, um, Izuku

She said nervously, her cheeks flushed with color

Seryu:I just wanted to say...I think you're amazing. And I, uh, I really admire you.

Izuku turned to her, a surprised expression on his face

Izuku:Thank you, Seryu. I think you're pretty amazing too.

He replied with a smile

As they stood there in the fading light, a new connection blossomed between them

Seryu felt her crush on Izuku grow stronger, and she couldn't wait to see where their training sessions would take them next

Their instructor, a seasoned martial artist with a stern expression, watches from the sidelines, ready to offer guidance and corrections

He gives a nod, signaling the start of the spar

Izuku makes the first move, lunging forward with a swift jab, which Seryu expertly dodges before countering with a powerful roundhouse kick

Izuku blocks itering as he quickly retaliates with a series of rapid punches

Seryu effortlessly weaves through Izuku's strikes, her movements fluid and precise as she lands a solid elbow strike to his side

Izuku grunts in pain but quickly recovers, launching into a flurry of kicks and sweeps to keep Seryu on the defensive

The two fighters move with grace and agility, each anticipating the other's next move and adjusting their own strategy accordingly

Their determination is palpable as they push themselves to the limit, sweat dripping down their faces as they strive to become better combatants

As the spar comes to an end, both Izuku and Seryu are breathing heavily, their bodies covered in sweat and bruises

But there is a sense of satisfaction in their eyes, a shared understanding that they have pushed each other to new heights in their training

The final exam to join S.T.A.R.S. was an intense obstacle race that tested the physical and mental capabilities of the candidates. Izuku and Seryu were both determined to prove themselves worthy of joining the elite special forces team

They raced through the course, navigating through various obstacles such as climbing walls, crawling under barbed wire, and jumping over, Seryu suddenly tripped and caught her leg on a sharp piece of metal. She winced in pain as blood trickled down her leg, making it difficult for her to continue

Without hesitation, Izuku rushed to her side and offered his hand to help her up

Izuku:Are you okay? Can you walk?

he asked, concern evident in his voice

Seryu nodded, but the pain was too much for her to bear

Izuku made a split-second decision and scooped her up in his arms

Izuku:Hold on tight, I'll carry you to the finish line.

He said, determination shining in his eyes

With Seryu clinging to him, Izuku navigated through the remaining obstacles with ease, dodging obstacles and pushing through the pain

Despite the odds stacked against them, they finally reached the finish line together, exhausted but triumphant

As they crossed the finish line, the instructors and fellow candidates cheered for their display of teamwork and determination

Seryu looked up at Izuku with gratitude in her eyes, knowing that she wouldn't have made it without his help

In that moment, as they stood side by side, battered but unbowed, Izuku and Seryu knew that they were meant to be a part of S.T.A.R.S., not just as individuals, but as a team that would always have each other's backs.

The instructor steps forward, a proud smile tugging at his lips as he commends them on their progress

Instructor:Excellent work, both of you.

The Instructor said, clapping them on the shoulders

Instructor :Keep pushing yourselves like this, and you'll both become formidable fighters in no time.

And with that, Izuku and Seryu exchange a respectful nod, their bond strengthened by the rigorous training session they have just endured

They may be from different country , but in the realm of combat, they are equals, united in their quest for mastery


Izuku and Seryu stood side by side on the shooting range, their eyes focused and determination etched on their faces

As the targets up in quick succession, Izuku and Seryu wasted no time in taking aim and firing

Izuku's shots were precise and controlled, hitting the bullseye with impressive accuracy

Seryu, on the other hand, displayed sheer speed and agility, taking down multiple targets in rapid succession, each one pushing themselves to their limits in order to prove their worth

Izuku's calculated approach contrasted with Seryu's relentless energy, creating a dynamic and intense atmosphere on the range

Despite their different styles, both Izuku and Seryu were equally matched in skill and determination. As the final target fell, the instructors carefully assessed their performance, taking note of every shot fired and every movement made.

In the end, it was a close call

The instructors deliberated over their decision before finally announcing that both Izuku and Seryu had made the cut

They had proven themselves to be more than worthy candidates for the S.T.A.R.S. team, their abilities complimenting each other in a way that promised great things for the future

As they shook hands in mutual respect, Izuku and Seryu knew that they had earned their place amongst the best of the best

And as they looked ahead to the challenges that awaited them, they knew that they would face them together, as allies and as friends

Meanwhile in Japan

5 years passed since Izuku leave Japan and let's just say, his past was sad to watch

Inko was still working as a Hero, but when she got Home, she goes to the biggest room in the house, that was now Izuku room and started to clean it

The room had a giant TV, a Playstation 5,Heroes Merchandises and a big bed that could fit 5 persons

Toshinori:Honey, I think it's time to stop cleaning this room. Izuku won't come back.

Inko:Don't say that. My baby boy will come back to me. His Mother.

Toshinori:Dear, Izuku leave with Hisashi in America. I'm sorry, but he won't come back.

Inko:Yes he will. After I kill Hisashi for taking My Baby Boy, he'll thank me for saving him from that monster.

Meanwhile with Najenda

She drank her coffee when Izuku enter after some training

Izuku:Hey Mom. What are you doing?

Najenda:Hey, Son. I just got myself some coffee, but out of nowhere I feel like I want to beat the shit out of someone.

Back in Japan

Meanwhile on another room was a bunch of presents from Izumi and the others

Izumi and her friends buyed Izuku presents for when it's his birthday, Christmas or any anniversary and put them in the room, hoping that Izuku will come back to them

For Izuku birthday, his Grandparents, brothers-figure, Fuyumi, Uncles and Aunties are going to America and celebrate his birthday

For Christmas, only Touya, Fuyumi, Natsuo and Tensei come because the adults had to stay with their families

Small future

As the night grew quiet and peaceful, the sounds of Izuku and Seryu "fight" in the bed began to disturb their neighbors

The loud skin slap, moans, thuds and passionate whispers could be heard through the thin walls, causing some of the neighbors to groan with annoyance

One neighbor, Mrs. Jenkins, banged on the wall and shouted

Mrs. Jenkins :For goodness sake, can't you two keep it down? Some of us are trying to sleep here!

Another neighbor, Mr. Smith, grumbled as he put in earplugs to block out the noise.

Mr. Smith:I swear, those two are at it again. They never consider how their antics affect the rest of us.

Despite the complaints from their neighbors, Izuku and Seryu were completely lost in their own world, too wrapped up in each other to care about the disruption they were causing

They continued their "fight" in the bed, oblivious to the frustration of those around them.

Eventually, the neighbors resigned themselves to the fact that Izuku and Seryu were not going to quiet down anytime soon

They gritted their teeth and tried to drown out the noise, knowing that there was no use in trying to reason with the passionate couple next door


Izuku and Seryu are in front of 1A and 1B classes

Izuku:Listen up! Me and Seryu are going to train you in hand to hand combat and martial arts. This is a Quirkless training because you can't rely on Quirks everytime. Me and Seryu will help you. Don't expect from to hold back. Understand?

1B:Sir, yes, Sir!

Kinoko raise his hand

Kinoko: Permission to speak.


Kinoko:If I'm against you, can you please be gentle? My back is still hurting from that Boston Crab you put me yesterday.

(for clear version, got to E-Ryona on DeviantArt and Subscribe to The Artist)

Izuku:I understand and I'm sorry for hurting you, Kinoko. But you have to understand that this world will destroy you if you're not careful.

Kinoko:I understand.

Momo:But Zuzu. You also did the same thing to me, but you didn't apologize.

(for clear version, got to E-Ryona on DeviantArt and Subscribe to The Artist)

Izuku:1,you didn't ask permission, Yaoyorozu. 2,I don't care if I hurt you. I'll do it again and this time I won't stop until I crack you'r spine.


Next:Back In Japan

After:Izuku 16 Birthday

Then:Seryu:16 Birthday

I searched for their birthdays

Izuku-15 June

Seryu-3 September

Until next time
