Nightmare Begin

No one pov

A few day passes since Seryu birthday and now it's 22 September

A few reports about aggressive behavior from citizens and animals like dogs

Some of those aggressives ones were missing parts of flesh and their teeth were white and showed a lot of hostility by biting hard

On the news and the doctors said that a bite will infect the others

But unaware of them is that The Cause of this was none other than U.M.B.R.E.L.L.A. Corporation for creating the T-Virus and this virus spread through the sewers

The T-Virus created by the U.M.B.R.E.L.L.A. Corporation spread through Raccoon City through a series of unfortunate events

Initially, the virus was leaked from a research facility owned by the corporation, infecting several individuals who then spread it to others through bites and scratches

The infected individuals began to exhibit aggressive behavior and mutated into horrifying creatures, causing panic and chaos throughout the city

The virus quickly spread through the population, turning Raccoon City into a nightmarish hellscape overrun by zombies and other monstrosities

Despite efforts to contain the outbreak, the T-Virus continued spread uncontrollably, leading to the eventual destruction of the city

Now the remaining S.T.A.R.S. members are gathering around and they explained the situation and their tasks, to find as many survivors as possible

In the eerie darkness of Raccoon City, Izuku and Seryu found themselves in the midst of chaos

The once bustling city now lay in ruins due to the deadly virus unleashed by the nefarious U.M.B.R.E.L.L.A. Corporation

As members of S.T.A.R.S., their mission was clear - to survive and uncover the truth behind the outbreak

Izuku and Seryu moved swiftly through the deserted streets, their at the ready

The infected creatures lurked around every corner, their distorted a chilling reminder of the horrors that had befallen the city

The duo knew they had to tread carefully if they wanted to make it out alive

As they navigated through the maze-like streets, Izuku could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders

He had sworn to protect the innocent, and he would not let anything stand in the way of fulfilling his duty

Seryu, of the way

Together, they faced countless challenges - from hordes of infected creatures.

But through sheer grit and determination, they overcame each obstacle that stood in their path

Their bond as partners grew stronger with each passing moment, forging a connection that transcended mere camaraderie

As they delved deeper into the heart of the city, Izuku the true nature of the virus and the sinister motives behind its release. U.M.B.R.E.L.L.A. was not content with simply causing chaos - they had grander plans that threatened the entire world

Izuku knew that this might happen to Japan where his family is living, but now he has to stay focused

With time running out and the odds stacked against them, Izuku and Seryu knew that they had to act fast

They devised a plan to search for more survivors and resources

As they stood at the entrance of a facility, Izuku and Seryu shared a knowing look

Their journey had been perilous and fraught with danger, but they had, they charged forward, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them inside

The fate of Raccoon City - and perhaps the world itself - rested in their hands

And as long as Izuku and Seryu stood together, there was nothing they couldn't overcome

But once they were inside the facility, they notice a horde

Izuku and Seryu found themselves surrounded by a horde ravenous zombies

With their backs against the wall, Seryu felt a sharp pain in her left arm as of the zombies sank its decaying teeth into her flesh

Screaming in agony, Seryu collapsed to the ground as Izuku quickly sprang into action and shoot the zombie with his gun

Realizing that the infection from the zombie bite was spreading rapidly, he knew that amputating her arm was the only way save her life

Izuku grabbed his Machete and with tears streaming down his face, he began the gruesome task of severing Seryu's infected arm


Despite her screams of pain, Seryu knew that it was the only way to survive

Once the deed was done, Izuku bandaged up the wound as best as he could, trying to stop the bleeding

Seryu lay on the ground, pale and weak, but grateful for Izuku's quick thinking and bravery

As they made their way through the zombie-infested streets, Seryu clung to Izuku's side, her one remaining arm trembling with fear

Despite the loss of her limb, she knew that she was lucky to have Izuku by her side, willing to do whatever it took to keep her alive in this terrifying new world

24 September

Seryu got operation and now has a left metal arm, but she was still weak from the operation, but still wanted to help

Now Izuku and Seryu are in the station parking place and search for any vehicles functionals

While they were looking, out of nowhere a zombie dog jumped on Izuku

Izuku:Get off me!

The dog tried to bite on Izuku, but Izuku was holding it in place

Seryu couldn't shoot since the dog was close to Izuku and she couldn't use her handblade either since it was high chances to hurt Izuku

Seryu:Get off him!

Seryu grabbed the dog and dragged away from Izuku

Without hesitation, the creature lunged at her, sinking its teeth into her flesh

Seryu let out a piercing scream as the pain shot through her body

Izuku quickly draw his Boomstick, I mean shotgun and killed the dog and then rushed to Seryu side, his heart pounding in his chest

He knew that there only one way to save Seryu now - he had to amputate her right arm too before the infection spread any further like he did with her left one

With shaking hands, Izuku grabbed his Machete

Izuku:*trembling*I need to amputate your arm.

Seryu nodded weakly, tears streaming down her face

Izuku worked quickly, his hands steady despite the fear coursing through his veins

With a swift motion, he severed Seryu's arm from her body, blood oozing from the wound

Seryu cried out in pain, her body convulsing as shock set in

But Izuku didn't falter

He quickly bandaged the stump, doing his best to stop the bleeding

Seryu's breathing was shallow, her eyes glazed over with pain.

As the adrenaline began to fade, Izuku sank to his knees, his hands stained with blood

He had saved Seryu's life, but at what cost?

The guilt weighed heavily on his shoulders as he looked at his friend, now forever changed by the horrors of the this tragedy

But in that moment, as the world fell apart around them, Izuku knew that he would do whatever it took to protect those he cared about

And if that meant making the ultimate sacrifice, then so be it

28 September

Izuku and Seryu got another mision

The task at hand was to escort Leon into town safely, but Izuku couldn't shake off his concern for Seryu's condition

Ever since the operation on her prosthetic arms, she hadn't fully recovered, making her physical strength limited

As they were prepping their gear, Seryu on joining Izuku in escorting Leon

Despite Izuku's protests, she was determined to prove her worth and not be left behind

Seryu:*determination*I may be weaker now, but I can still pull my weight.

Reluctantly, Izuku agreed to let Seryu accompany them, knowing that her skills and determination could still prove valuable in the mission

As they made their way towards Izuku jeep, Marvin goes towards them

Marvin:Be careful out there.

Izuku:We will Marvin. You too.

Izuku and Seryu got inside the jeep and started to drive to find Leon

Izuku kept a close eye on Seryu, ready to provide assistance if needed

However, as they encountered some unexpected obstacles along the way, Seryu's limitations became more apparent

She struggled to keep up with the pace, her prosthetic arms straining under the pressure

Izuku could see the frustration in her eyes, but he knew that pushing herself too hard could make things worse

With a heavy heart, Izuku made the difficult decision to ask Seryu to stay back and wait for his and Leon return

Izuku:I know you want to help, but your health comes first. We'll handle this, and you can join us next time when you're fully recovered.

But Seryu was stubborn like a Yak and Izuku couldn't to anything

He vowed to support her and help her in this mission and ensure that she would be ready for future missions

And as Seryu worked hard to regain her strength, she knew that with her determination and Izuku's support, nothing could hold her back from being a valuable member of the team once again

Small future

Izuku and Leon are face to face for the last time with The Tyrant who now is mutated and has a bigger arm

Izuku:At least we know why he has a arm bigger than the other?


Izuku:Because the bigger one is the one who he used to masturbate.

Leon burst out laughing

Another small future

Claire:Is he dead?

Seryu:Maybe, but I don't take any chances.

Seryu pulled her double barrel shotgun and shoot in Chief Irons head(press 🖕to Chief Irons)


As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the horizon, Izuku and Seryu sat side by side on a grassy, enjoying the peaceful beauty of the moment

They laughed and chatted about their day, soaking in the serenity of the evening

Suddenly, a loud voice interrupted their conversation. Katsuki stomped up the hill, his face twisted in anger

Katsuki:What are you two losers doing here?Talking about those pathetic friends of yours again who deserved to die because they were weak, I see.

Izuku and Seryu exchanged a knowing glance, knowing that Katsuki had always been angry because Izuku almost end his Hero career, not that it matter in a time like this

But before they could respond, Katsuki launched into a tirade, insulting their friends and belittling their bond

Seryu's eyes flashed with anger as she stood up, towering over Katsuki

Seryu:You have no right to talk about our friends and comrades like that. They may not be perfect, but they were loyal and kind, unlike you.

Katsuki scoffed, unimpressed by Seryu's words

But before he could react, Seryu moved with lightning speed, delivering a swift punch to his jaw that sent him staggering backward

Shocked and humiliated, Katsuki tried to retaliate, but Seryu was too quick for him, dodging his blows and landing a series of powerful punches and kicks that left him bruised and defeated

Izuku watched in awe as Seryu stood tall, her fists clenched and her eyes blazing with determination

She had defended their friends and comrades who died as Heroes and put Katsuki in his place, teaching him a lesson he wouldn't soon forget

And as the sun finally dipped below the horizon, casting the scene in a soft twilight glow, Izuku and Seryu's unwavering loyalty and fierce protectiveness


Author note

This week I will try to write the time, 1 year where Izuku(Monkey King) spend it at the Jade Palace

Next:Rescuing Leon And Claire

After:Back In Japan Part 2

Then:Separate Ways(Izuku, Seryu, Leon and Claire will split in 2 teams, Izuku with Leon and Seryu with Claire)

Until next time
