2 Years Later And Meeting Her

Deadpool:Last time on Dragon Ball Z.

Me:*kick Deadpool*Get the fuck out of here.

Izuku pov

2 years passed since I escaped from my past and they're the best years I ever had

My Dad support me and Mom love me more than anything

Uncle Burt and Chris told me that when I get older, he'll teach me how to use a gun

I also meet another member of S.T.A.R. S.

Her name is Jill Valentine and I saw how she's looking at Chris

I'm gonna have fun teasing her

I also meet Chris sister, Claire Redfield

She's like her brother

No one pov

Hisashi enter in Izuku room

Hisashi:Son, are you okay?

Izuku:I'm fine Dad.

Hisashi:Are you thinking about "them"?

Izuku: It's hard to believe that it's been two years since I managed escape from my tormentors. It feels like a lifetime ago, but at the same, it's still so fresh in my memory.

Hisashi: You've come so far since then, Iz. I'm proud of how you've grown and how you've overcome everything that was holding you back.

Izuku: Thank you, but it wasn't easy. I had to work really hard to rebuild my confidence and find my place the world. But looking back now, I can see how much I've for the better.

Hisashi: You're stronger now because of what you went through. And I know that you'll continue to grow and achieve amazing things in the future.

Izuku: I hope so. I never want to go back to that dark place ever again. I want to keep moving forward and becoming the best version of myself that I can be.

Hisashi: And you will, Izuku. I have no doubt about that. Just keep believing in yourself and never give up on your dreams.

Izuku: Thank you for always being there for me, Dad. Your support means everything to me. Let's keep pushing forward together, no matter what challenges come our way.

Hisashi:That's my Son. Now come, you'r mother make dinner.

Izuku:I'll come.

They goes downstairs and saw Najenda finished preparing dinner

Najenda :Good. You're here. Help me with the dinner.

Izuku and Hisashi place the plates, spoons and forks on the table

Najenda:Thank you for the help. Now let's eat.

While eating, Izuku asked his Dad

Izuku: Dad, I need to talk to you about something important.

Hisashi: What is it, son?

Izuku: My dream of becoming a hero is dead. If being a Hero like All Might is a corrupt one, then I don't want anymore.

Hisashi: Izuku, I'm sorry to hear that. But it's okay to change your dreams. What do you want to now?

Izuku: I want to be a member of S.T.A.R.S. like you, Dad. I want to help protect people in a different way.

Hisashi: That's a noble goal, Izuku. I'm proud of you for finding a new path. I'll do everything I can to help you achieve your new dream.

Izuku: Thank you, Dad. I know it won't be easy, but I believe that I can make a difference as a member of S.T.A.R.S.

Hisashi: I have no doubt that you will, son. Tomorrow we will go to The Police Station and register you. Your future as a member of S.T.A.R.S. begins now.

Najenda:*put a hand on Izuku head and ruffle his hair*Whatever you choose, Son, I'll support you no matter what.

Izuku:Thanks Mom.

Meanwhile in Japan

Inko felt immense pain in her heart

(whenever Najenda and Izuku did something mother son thing, Inko will feel pain)

Back to Izuku

Hisashi:Don't worry Son. You're going to be a member of S.T.A.R.S. and I'll support you too. But now let's finish eating.

The next day

It was a sunny afternoon in the training grounds as Izuku Midoriya stood facing his father, Hisashi Midashi, a former member of the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (STARS), was determined to help his son achieve his dream of becoming a hero"Alright, Izuku, let's start with some hand-to-hand combat training," Hisashi said, taking a defensive stance. Izuku nodded, readying himself for the challenge.

As they sparred, Hisashi could see the determination in Izuku's eyes. He was impressed by his son's dedication. The two exchanged blows, each one pushing the other to their limits.

After a grueling training session, Hisashi called for a break. He sat down on a nearby bench, wiping the sweat from his brow. Izuku joined him, a smile on his face.

Izuku:Thanks, Dad. I feel like I'm getting stronger every day.

Hisashi smiled proudly at his son.

Hisashi:You're doing great, Izuku. Just remember to always stay focused and never give up.

Izuku nodded, determination burning in his eyes. With his father's guidance and support, he knew that he was one step closer to achieving his goal of becoming a member of STARS. And together, they would continue to train and push each other to new heights, ready to face whatever challenges came their way.

After they spar, Hisashi took Izuku to register for becoming a STARS member

While Izuku waiting for his Father to complete the paperwork(the most annoying thing), a girl that had the same age as him, 12 got seating next to him

She had autumn hair and eye

... :Hello. I'm Seryu Ubiquitous.

Izuku:Nice to meet you. I'm Izuku Midoriya.

Seryu:Midoriya? Like Hisashi Midoriya?

Izuku:Yeah. He's my father.

Seryu got stars in her eyes

Seryu:No way! He's one of the coolest STARS members.

They talk about stuff and Seryu smile

Izuku saw her smile and said


Seryu heard and turned her head around to not let Izuku see her blush

Time skip(thanks to Neko Kurumi)

Hisashi finished the paperwork and leave with Izuku

Izuku training to become a STARS member will start soon

Izuku also learn from Seryu that she'll also want to become a STARS member

Izuku life gets better and better

Deadpool appear out of nowhere

Deadpool:That's just the calm before the storm.

Me:*shoot Deadpool with Casul from Hellsing*Get the fuck out.

Small future

Leon and Claire are surrounded by zombies at the gas station and couldn't escape

They were about to be eaten alive

Then a couple of shoots were heard and some zombies got their heads blown

Leon and Claire saw a jeep

Izuku:Get in!

Leon and Claire got inside the jeep and Izuku drive away from the zombies


Izuku just finished his shooting training and got ready to leave, but then Kinoko Komori come to him

Kinoko: Sargeant, can I ask you something?

Izuku:Yes you can Kinoko. But please call me Izuku.

Kinoko:Okay. I was wondering. Are you good with hand to hand combat?

Izuku:Yes. Why?

Kinoko:My Quirk is not for combat and I'm the weakest from my class. I was wondering if you can give me some lessons?

Izuku:Sure. Let's go to the Training room after we change in some more confortable clothes.

They got to change

After 4 minutes

Izuku wear a pair of shorts and a shirt

Kinoko wore her Hero suit, but with differences

Her skirt is gone and instead, she has white shorts with red dots

Izuku:We'll start with some basics. Try to hit me.

Kinoko tried to attack Izuku and tried some punches, but Izuku dodge them with ease

Izuku:Don't expect me to hold back because you're a girl.

Kinoko:I don't plan that shroom.

Kinoko tried another series of punches, but Izuku blocked them

Then Izuku got both Kinoko arms and then he knee her in the stomach


Kinoko falls with the face down

Izuku then got on her back and grabbed her legs

Kinoko:What are you doing, shroom?

Izuku:I told you I won't hold back.

Izuku put Kinoko in The Boston Crab

(the credit goes to E-Ryona on DeviantArt for this photo and I blurr it because it's a subscription photo. For clear version, you have to subscribe to the artist on DeviantArt)

Kinoko:It hurts, shroom!

Izuku: Are you ready to tap out, Kinoko?

Kinoko: No way, I can handle this shroom!

Izuku: You sure about that? The Boston Crab is pretty painful.

Kinoko: I'm not giving up that easily shroom!

Izuku Alright then, you asked for it. *applies more pressure to the hold*

Izuku hold Kinoko legs tighter

Kinoko felt the pain intensifies

Her spine begins to bend more and making sounds like cracking

Kinoko: *gritting her teeth* Okay, okay I give up! Let me go shroom!

Izuku: *releasing the hold and helping Kinoko back to her feet* Good effort, Kinoko. Maybe next time you'll be able to escape my submission moves.

Kinoko: Thanks, Izuku. I'll definitely be ready next time shroom!

Izuku carried Kinoko bridal style because she's not used to The Boston Crab pain and she's having problems with walking for a few minutes


Next:Final Exam

After:Back In Japan

Then:Izuku 16 Birthday

Until next time
