Rescuing Leon And Claire

No one pov

The atmosphere in the S.T.A.R.S. headquarters was tense as Izuku and Seryu prepared to go on their mission to escort Leon through Raccoon City

Izuku knew that Seryu wasn't fully recovered from her operation to receive her prosthetic arms, but she was as stubborn as a Yak when it came to helping out on missions

Izuku:Seryu, I really think you should stay back at the station. We need you at your best for this mission.

Seryu scoffed, crossing her mechanical arms defiantly

Seryu:I can handle it, Izuku. I won't let a little operation hold me back from helping out my team. I'll be fine.

Izuku sighed, knowing that arguing with Seryu was like trying to reason with a brick wall

He nodded resignedly and handed her weapons, making sure she was properly armed for the dangerous journey ahead

As they geared up and headed out to the parking garage where Izuku jeep is parked

Izuku got on the driver chair and Seryu on right

Izuku started the engine and they drive into the streets of Raccoon City, Seryu had a face of with determination, refusing to show any signs of weakness despite the strain on her new prosthetic arms

Izuku watched her closely, ready to step in and help if she needed it

At the gas station

Leon and Claire are fulling their vehicles and then noticed something, a smashing sound inside, and finds an Arklays County sheriff deputy being attacked by a Zombie

Zombies flock from the surrounding area to the gas station, cornering Leon and Claire

The two meet at the entrance, and try to evade the horde of zombies, but they were to many

The zombies were about to attack Leon and Claire

Then a couple of shoots were heard and some zombies got their heads blown

Leon and Claire saw a jeep

Izuku:Get in!

Leon and Claire got inside the jeep and Izuku drive away from the zombies


Claire:You saved us.

Izuku:Don't thank us now.

Seryu:We still haven't escaped yet.

Claire:Do you know what happened here?

Leon:No. But I think we might have some answers at the station.

Claire:Wait! You're a Cop?

Leon:Yes. Leon Kenedy. You are?

Izuku:Her name is Claire Redfield.

Claire:Izuku, is that you?

Izuku:It's good to see you again, Claire.

Seryu:But we would liked this reunion under better circumstances.

Leon:You 3 know each other?

Izuku:Yes, Leon.

Leon:Do you know me? Who are you?

Izuku:Izuku Midoriya. Member of S.T.A.R.S.

Seryu:Seryu Ubiquitous. Also a member of S.T.A.R.S.

Claire saw Seryu prothesis arms and she was staring at Seryu

Seryu:Claire, what's up? You've staring at me for a while.

Claire: Seryu, I noticed your prosthetic arms. What happened? Did you get into a with one of those things or something?

Seryu: Yeah, something like that. My arms were cut off to save me from turning into one of those things outside.

Claire: Are you okay now?

Seryu: Yeah, thanks to the S.T.A.R.S. team and some advanced medical technology, I'm doing just fine. It's all part of the job, you know?

Izuku: Yeah, we're always facing dangerous situations like that. But we always have each other's backs.

Claire:You guys are so brave. I'm glad to have you on our team. Stay safe out there, okay?

Seryu: Thanks, Claire. We'll do our best to protect and have each other backs.

Izuku keep driving towards Raccoon City

Meanwhile with Marvin

Driving through the ruined streets, Leon and Claire discover the only people in sight are zombies, but overhear from a pre-recorded announcement that refugees are to head to the Raccoon Police Station for shelter

When the jeep reaches a dead-end,Izuku, Seryu, Leon and Claire realise they must continue on foot

Leon:Looks like we're going to walk.

Claire noticed some zombies

Claire:More like running.

Izuku and Seryu put silencers on their Pistols and give also spare silencers to Leon and Claire

The jeep is quickly set-upon by zombies, preventing their escape for several seconds as an injured truck driver drives towards them, losing consciousness as he swerves off the road and narrowly avoids a direct collision

Izuku, Seryu, Leon and Claire escape the burning police jeep shortly before it ignites the oil leaking from the wrecked truck, causing a massive explosion

Izuku, Seryu, Leon and Claire confirm their safety

Izuku:We should go. It's not safe here.

All 4 of them goes with their guns pointed ready to shoot at those zombies

After they walked and avoided the zombies to conserve ammunition they arrived at the Raccoon Police Station

Leon:There it is. The Station.

Izuku, Seryu, Leon and Claire enter through the gate and then locked them

They enter inside, but they didn't saw anybody

Izuku:Maybe they're somewhere else.

Izuku and Seryu checked the computer, especially the cameras

Leon:There's got to be someone here.

Then they saw Elliot

Izuku and Leon open the door enough so they can fit

All 4 enter inside and look around

Inside a room was some spare ammunition, enough for Leon and Claire

They walked through the halls, searching for Elliot

Then they heard his voice

Elliot:Open up!

Izuku:We're coming Elliot.

Seryu:Just hold on.

They arrived at the door and Izuku with Leon try to pull the door enough to open it for Elliot to squeeze out

Seryu:Give me you'r hand.

Elliott give his hand to Seryu

Claire:Give me you'r other hand.

Elliot give Claire his other hand

But then

All 4 witnesses police officer Elliot Edward be torn in half under a shutter while trying to help him

For Leon and Claire couldn't whistand the fact that Elliot died in front of them, but Izuku and Seryu were more affected by Elliot death than Leon and Claire

Elliot was like Touya, Natsuo and Tensei for Izuku

For Seryu, Elliot was like an older brother to her

Then they saw how the gate was pushed by those zombies

Leon picked up the notebook and leave through the same way they enter

First was Claire, then Seryu

After was Leon and then Izuku

Izuku was almost out, but a zombie caught him by the leg

Izuku:Get the fuck off!

Izuku tried to kick the zombie in the face, but it didn't work

Seryu tried to get it off Izuku

She even tried to punch it in the face with her metal arms, but Seryu punches weren't that powerful since Seryu was still not used to them

Leon and Claire pointed their guns at the zombie, but couldn't get a clear shoot

Then Marvin came and took Izuku out from the zombie and then smashed the zombie head with the gate

Marvin:You're safe. For now.

Marvin looked at Leon and Claire

Marvin:Marvin Branagh.

Leon:Leon Kenedy.

Claire:Claire Redfield.

Izuku:Marvin, Elliot was there.

Seryu:We couldn't.... we couldn't.

Marvin offered his arm and helped Izuku

Marvin:I'm sure you did all you could, Izuku.

Leon and Claire gear up

Lt. Marvin Branagh, the only remaining officer, helps explain the situation, that the few remaining police officers - now all gone - were trying to escape through a secret passageway

Marvin:All you gotta know is that this place will eat you alive if you're not careful.

Leon:I should start last week. But I got orders to stay. I wish I could come sooner.


Marvin:You're here now Leon. *look at Claire* You're really Chris sister?

Claire:Yeah. Why? Do you know where he's?

Marvin:He's on vacation.


Seryu:He's in Europe.

Izuku:With Dad and Uncle Burt.

Leon and Claire finished

Leon:Okay, Lieutenant. We're ready.

Marvin:You 4 might find a way out of this station. Elliot thought this secret passage might do the trick. *give Leon the notebook*

Leon:That's great. We can get you to a hospital.

Marvin:No. I'm not the priority here.

Izuku:Marvin. We can't leave you here.

Marvin:I'm giving you an order Izuku! You too Rookie. You 4 save yourselves. I'll come with you, but I'll mostly slow.

All 4 nodded

Marvin then took 2 knives and give them to Leon and Claire

Marvin:Now, you'll need these.

Leon:I can't.

Claire:Me neither.


Leon and Claire grabbed the handle, but Marvin didn't let go of the knives

Marvin:And don't make my mistake. If you see one of those things.... no matter who they were. You take it out, or you run. Got it?


All 4 got ready to leave and search through the station, but Marvin put a hand on Izuku shoulder

Marvin:Izuku, I want to speak with you privately.

Izuku nodded and Seryu, Leon and Claire goes forward and Izuku said that he'll catch up with them

Marvin:*holding his wound*You know what'll happen to me?

Izuku:*crying*I know, but I don't want that Marvin.

Marvin:Don't be, Izuku. But promise me this. When I turned, I want you to put me out of my missery. Please, do it for me.

Izuku wiped his tears away

Izuku:I promise.

Marvin entrusts the opening of the secret passage to them

Izuku and Seryu showed to Leon and Claire the way to the weapons room so they can gear up

Leon and Claire got the weapons(cannon from the game)

They go to and search for medallions

One was at the next floor

They put it at the center statue and begin to open the passage

Marvin:So Elliot was right.

Izuku:Yeah. But the passage is still closed.

Eventually, they discovers the passage and enters the secret passage that was hidden beneath the statue in the main hall

Leon:It goes underground.

Claire:That's our way out.

Leon:Lt. Branagh. Marvin.

Leon and Claire approached Marvin

Izuku knew that Marvin would turn into a zombie and got ready to draw his gun

Marvin woke up and showed hostile issues

Leon:We need to get you to a hospital.

Marvin:No, no, I.... Save yourselves.

Claire:Marvin, we can make it to the hospital.


Seryu:Marvin, we want to help you. Let us help you....

Marvin draw his gun

Marvin:It's to late. I tried.... But I couldn't stop it. We can't let this thing spread. It's on you now. Please, just go.

Izuku:We understand.

Izuku and Seryu hugged Marvin

Izuku:*cry*Thank you for everything, Marvin.

Seryu:*cry*We'll never forget you.

Marvin refuses to go, knowing that he is about to become a zombie and he shuts the door on them

They enter through the passage

Izuku:DAMM IT!

Izuku punched the wall next to him, making a crack on it

They got to the elevator and goes underground.

When the they return at the police station, they are forced to solve the puzzle all by themself, with Marvin now Zombified

Leon:Marvin. Damm it!

Leon and Claire pointed their guns at Marvin, but Izuku signal them to not shoot

Seryu:Izuku, what are you doing?

Izuku:What Marvin requested me.

The once kind and dedicated officer had succumbed to the T-virus becoming a mindless zombie hungry for flesh

With a heavy heart, Izuku aimed his gun and fired, putting an end to his friend's suffering.

Marvin slumped to the ground, his body twitching in its final moments

As Izuku approached

Izuku:We'll stop this, Marvin. I promise.

Izuku then took his flask and taking a moment to honor his fallen comrade by taking a swig from the flask

The bitter liquid burned his throat, a stark reminder of the horrors they faced in Raccoon City

Tears welled up in Izuku's eyes as he whispered a silent goodbye to Marvin, knowing that he had done what needed to be done to survive in this cruel, twisted world

In the underground tunnels, all 4 encounter Sherry Birkin

Sherry warned them about someone behind them

They turned and encounter Dr. William Birkin, a scientist of UMBRELLA in a ugly form and fights him

William smashed them through the floor and they had to fight him

After defeating him,William fall

Izuku:I think we need to split. Seryu, you will go with Claire and I'll go with Leon.

As they approached the S.T.A.R.S. office, they will encounter T-00, a T-103 Tyrant sent to wipe out everyone at the police station and hunt for the G-Virus

Izuku:What the fuck is that?

Seryu:I don't know. But I don't think he's friendly.

With Izuku and Leon

After defeating Birkin, they go to the surface and at the parking

Leon:Damm. Need a key card... Do you have one?

Izuku:No. Lost it in the battle with that thing.

Then 2 dogs launched at them and they couldn't use their guns

2 shoots were heard and the dogs fall

... :Hey!

Leon:Who's that?

... :Stay sharp.

Izuku and Leon quickly took their guns and shoots the dogs

Then they pointed their guns at the woman who was coming

Ada:Lower you'r guns. *pull her identity card*FBI.

Izuku was having doubts about Ada

Leon:Sorry, thanks. *Ada shoot the do who was about to get up*

Ada:Surprised you made it this far.

Leon:FBI, huh? What's going on here?

Ada:Sorry. That information is classified.

Izuku:Where are you going?

Ada:Do yourselves a favor. Stop asking questions and get the hell out of here.

Ada is uncooperative and disrespectful to Izuku and Leon as a police officers

Izuku and Leon goes to search for a key card

They arrived at the prison

... :Hello?


Ben:I can't believe it. Real humans. Hello humans.

Leon:You been here long?

Ben:Long enough. Are we the last ones alive?

Izuku:No, no. There's a few of us...

Ben:Oh... that's good news, I guess. Unless, of course, Irons sent you.

Leon:Irons...? You mean Chief Irons? Is he still around?

Ben:Who cares. Hopefully, he's somebody's dinner by now.

Izuku:So do I.

Leon:What do you mean by that?

Ben:He's the bastard that locked me in here.

Izuku:And he tried to rape my Fiance, Seryu.

Leon:I'm sure he had a good reason.

Ben:He did. I was about to blow the whistle on his dirty ass. I've have done the same thing too, I guess.

A weird sound was heard

Ben:Hey! I'll make you a deal.... Unlock this cell and I'll give you this. There's no other way outta that parking garage! Believe me!

Leon:Sorry... I can't do that. I have to talk to the Chief first.

Izuku:Screw Chief Irons.

Izuku taped a grenade on the door

Izuku:Fire in the hole!

Ben used the bed as a cover

The grenade exploded, freeing Ben

Ben:Thank you.

Izuku:Don't thank me yet. *pull a spare gun towards Ben*Here. You know how to use this thing?


Leon is unconvinced that his boss is corrupt

Ben was about to get out of the prison and get the gun, but he is killed by T-00, a bio-weapon made by UMBRELLA

Ada came and Izuku with Leon pointed their guns at her

Ada:It's me. Put that thing away.

Leon:I don't even know what happened- it just... happened so quick.

Ada looked at Ben

Ada:I told you to get out of here. You don't want to end up like Ben, would you?

Leon:You knew him?

Ada:He was an informant. Had information of use to my investigation.

Izuku:So what he said was true?

Adam got ready to leave

Leon:Hey, you can't keep walking away from us.

Leon touched her hand, but she quickly retreat it

Leon:I don't even know you'r name.... I'm Leon Kennedy.

Izuku:I'm Izuku Midoriya.

Ada:Find a way out, Leon and Izuku. Before it's too late.... Then we'll talk.

She walked away

Ada:Name's Ada.

Izuku and Leon took the key card and goes back to the parking garage

They were about to open the door but they're stalked by T-00 as well

Ada is able to incapacitate T-00 by ramming him with a police van

Ada:That's saving you'r ass twice.

Izuku:I didn't know you keep count.

Without Ben, who was her contact, she recruits Leon and Izuku into her operation instead, telling them she is an FBI agent investigating Dr. Annette Birkin, who she blames for the outbreak

Izuku put the key card and open the gate

They walked through the streets


Someone bumped into Izuku leg

Izuku looked down and saw a little girl with white hair and a horn on her right side of her forehead

Izuku:Hey there, Little One.

Izuku reached his hand to pat her head

The little girl was scared, but as soon as she felt Izuku touched, she calmed down from sensing his warm touch

... :Eri, stop disturbing these nice officers.

A man with a green coat and purple fur, wearing a plague mask come

Leon and Ada didn't know who was

But Izuku knew it

It was Overhaul, he knew him from Uncle Nighteye report case

Izuku saw that on Overhaul wrist was a UMBRELLA wrist band access

Overhaul:I'm sorry for my daughter, officer.

Izuku:It's okay. But why does she has so many bandages?

Overhaul:She's very clumsy. Now Eri. Come.

Eri:*whisper*Please, don't go.

Eri hold Izuku uniform tight

Overhaul:Looks like Eri had a like to you. May I speak with you?

He turn away and walk towards the dark alley, taking his glove off

Izuku saw Eri starting to let him go, but Izuku hold Eri tight

Izuku then pulled his gun and shoot Overhaul in the head, killing him

Leon:Why did you do that?

Izuku walked towards Overhaul body and showed them the UMBRELLA ID bracelet

Izuku put it in his pocket

Izuku:Ada, you can check him. Maybe he has something for you'r investigation.

Izuku pick up Eri and goes to a shop and take some clothes for Eri

Since the town is swarming with zombies, Izuku didn't even had to worry about money

(One of the best zombie movies. Everything is free)

Izuku picked up some clothes that fit Eri and give them to her

Izuku:Here you go, Eri.

Eri took the clothes and change in the changing room

After 5 minutes

Izuku:You're so cute. *hug her*

Eri didn't know what was the feeling, but she felt warm inside her from the hug

Izuku picked up Eri and got ready to leave

Then they encounter Najenda and because they didn't know who was behind each other, they pointed their guns at each other


Najenda:Izuku? What are you doing here?

Izuku:I was ready to go and pick some clothes for Eri.

Najenda saw Eri and Izuku explained what happened to Eri

Najenda:That bastard!

Izuku:I know. Eri, can you go with my Mom? I need to help my friend?

Eri:Ano... What's a Mom?

Both Izuku and Najenda froze when they heard that

Izuku:You see, Eri. A Mom is like my Mom. She's the one who took care of when I was little. A Mom is someone who take care of you and love you. And a Father is the same like a Mom, but it's a Male.

Eri:So.... are you my Father?

Again they froze

Izuku:I guess I'm. I can't let you alone in this world. But for now go with the Grandma, sweetie.


Najenda picked up Eri and goes to her car which was a jeep as well, but a normal one

Izuku goes after Leon and Ada

Before heading into the sewers, the 3 meet gun shop owner Robert Kendo, who is one of the few uninfected Raccoon City survivors

Kendo:Shit, Izuku.

Izuku:Kendo. I'm so happy to see you.

They are distracted by his 10-year-old daughter, Emma, who is infected and close to becoming a Zombie

Kendo pointed the gun at Leon, then at Ada who pointed the gun to Kendo daughter

Kendo wants nothing to do with Leon and is angry over the RPD's failure to control the situation

Kendo has the two go through the back door on their way, and takes Emma back to their apartment to kill with his shotgun

As they reach the sewers, Izuku and Leon is chased by a giant, mutant Alligator, but succeeds in triggering an explosion to blow its head off

Izuku:What the hell was that?

Izuku and Leon catches up with Ada

Leon:You said that the virus infect humans, not reptiles

Izuku, Leon and Ada found Annette and chase her, but Leon is shot by Annette

Ada: Didn't expect that from a scientist.

Izuku and Ada patches Leon

Ada goes after Annette while Izuku guard Leon to make sure no zombie come

Ada nearly killed in an incinerator

She later falls down a bridge and get stabbed in the leg by a debris

Meanwhile with Seryu and Claire

Seryu and Claire pairs up with Sherry Birkin

Seryu, Claire and Sherry goes to the parking garage

Claire:We need a key card.

Seryu:I lost mine in the battle.

Claire goes towards the gate

Claire:Here. Come help.

Seryu, Claire and Sherry tried to lift the gate, but no avail

Claire:Are you sure this is the way?

Sherry:This is how my mom took me last time.

... :Sherry?

Seryu recognized that voice, it was Chief Irons

Chief:I've been looking everywhere for you, Sherry...

Chief Irons came to light

Chief:Brave little girl to leave you'r house in the middle of this mess...

Chief Irons pulled his gun

Chief:On the ground behind your head.

Claire:You can't be serious.

He shoot a bullet next to Claire

Seryu:This Pig is very serious.

Chief:On the ground, now.

Sery and Claire comply

Chief:Sherry, tie their hands.

Sherry:Why are you doing this?

Chief:Shut up. Tie them.

But Sherry didn't do it

Chief:Ok, then. You tie them up now, or they die.

Sherry tie Seryu and Claire

Claire:What's this all about?

Chief:Child endangerment, for starters.

He used his key card to open the gate

Chief:Sherry, come here.

Seryu:What are you going to do with her?

Chief:None of you'r fucking business.

Claire:If you hurt her, I swear to god,my brother is STARS and I will fucki-

Chief kicked Claire

He did the same with Seryu

Chief:Sheery, get over here!

Chief pointed the gun at Claire

Chief:What's you'r name?

Claire didn't respond

Chief:What's you'r fucking name?


Chief:Sherry, you come with me now or say goodbye to Seryu and Claire.

Sherry:Ok! OK! I'll go.

Sherry goes with Chief Irons

Sherry:You better be taking me to my mom.


Claire:Don't listen to him! He's full of shit.

Chief Irons hit Claire with the handle of the gun

He does the same with Seryu

Chief:A shame you refused me, Seryu. That body of yours will miss me.

Seryu:You Filthy Pig!

Sherry:Stop hurting them. Please.

Chief:Don't tell me how to do my job.

He dragged Sherry away

Sherry:Stop! Let me go! Let me go!

Seryu and Claire are trying to get fry by using the broken glass on the ground

Chief: Obviously, nobody taught you manners. We'll fix that. Oh, yes, we will.

Sherry:Let me go! Let me go!


Seryu and Claire lost Sherry to Police Chief Brian Irons, who drags her away to the Raccoon City Orphanage

Seryu and Claire search for a Key Card, then a phone ring

Seryu picked up the phone and put it on se Claire can hear too

Chief:*phone*Good to see you 2 again.

Seryu:You Pig.

Chief:We've got unfinished business.

Claire:What do you want?

Chief:Don't waste my fucking time! Bring me the pendant or Sherry dies!

Seryu:Why do you want the pendant?

Chief:Do you want the girl to die?

Claire:Alright. Where are you?


Claire:Where's that?

Chief:In the neighborhood. You'll find it.

Seryu:I swear if you touch Sherry I'll...

Chief Irons ended up the call

Seryu and Claire leaves the station for the Orphanage, but finds Irons dying after being attacked by Birkin and implanted with a G-embryo

Chief Irons:It's you'r fault. You took to long.

Chief Irons stomach burst open by G-embryo

Claire:*look at Chief Irons*Is he dead?

Seryu:Maybe. But I'm not taking any chances.

Seryu pulled her double barrel shotgun and aimed at Chief Irons head

Seryu:This is for when you tried to rape me.

Seryu blowed his head(press 🖕to Chief Irons)

Seryu, Claire and Sherry leave through a hatchway in his office and are stalked by T-00

As they enter an elevator, T-00 is impaled by Birkin's claws



William then charge at the elevator and the 3 fall into Umbrella's sewer facility Claire is introduced to Dr. Annette Birkin, Sherry's mother, who takes Sherry away to safety

Soon after, however, Sherry suffers from the side-effects of the G-Virus, having been implanted off-screen by her father

Meanwhile in Japan

Izumi is in the hospital with a broken arm and leg

Toshinori had injuries from fighting the Nomu(weak compared to Tyrant and Nemesis or any bio-weapon)

Eraserhead injuries(cannon)

Inko had bleeding from her head after Nomu squeezed her head, bruises from Nomu punches and fractured ribs

Nezu enter inside

Nezu:How do you feel, Eraserhead?

Eraserhead:I've been better.

Nezu:*look at "them" *And how do you feel, Abusers?

Momo:Principal, we get it. We make a mistake. But please stop with the names.

Nezu:*sarcasm*I'm sorry. Did I hurt you'r feelings? *smile*Good. I don't care how you feel. You're lucky my Nephew didn't want to destroy you'r dreams because if Izuku didn't stop me from blacklist you, you'll be in Tartarus al 24 of you.


The sun slowly rose over the peaceful B.S.A.A. headquarters, casting a warm glow through the windows Izuku and Seryu's shared room

The two agents had spent hours the night before reviewing mission reports and strategizing for the upcoming assignments

As the first rays of light filtered into the room, Seryu stirred from her slumber, blinking her eyes open to see Izuku peacefully sleeping on her giant breasts

His head rested comfortably against her breasts, his soft breaths tickling her skin

Seryu couldn't help but smile at the sight of her friend and fellow B.S.A.A. member

Gently, she reached out a hand and ruffled Izuku's hair, causing him to shift slightly in his sleep

His lips curved into a contented smile, and Seryu felt a warmth spread through her chest at the sight of him so relaxed and at peace

As Izuku began to stir awake, he looked up at Seryu with a lazy smile

He mumbled, his voice thick with sleep

Izuku:Good morning, Seryu.

Seryu:Good morning, Izuku. Looks like you found a comfortable spot to rest.

Izuku chuckled softly, sitting up and stretching his those reports

Seryu running a hand through her own tousled hair, she suggested, glancing at the clock on the bedside table

Seryu:We should probably get up and start our day.

Izuku nodded, but before they could move, he reached out and took Seryu's hand in his own

Izuku:Thank you for always being there for me, Seryu.

Seryu felt her heart swell with emotion at Izuku's words, and she squeezed his hand in return.

Seryu:Anytime, Izuku. We're a team, remember?

They closed their eyes and kissed

The time stop once they kissed

With a shared smile, the two agents got up from the bed and prepared for another day of serving and protecting as members of the B.S.A.A no matter what challenges came their way, they would always have each other's backs


Next:Back In Japan Part 2

After:Izuku And Leon VS Tyrant And Seryu And Claire VS William

Then: Discussion And Returning To Japan

Until next time
