Izuku 16 Birthday

No one pov

Another year has passed and now Izuku is 15

Izuku, now a proud member of the Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), was diligently working alongside his teammate, Seryu to combat the latest threat in the city

As his birthday approached, Izuku was so focused on his duties that he hadn't even realized the special day was coming up

Meanwhile, Seryu and Marvin, the team's tech expert, had secretly been planning a surprise party for Izuku

Marvin: Hey guys, Izuku's birthday is coming up soon. We should plan surprise party for him.

Elliot: That's a great idea! Izuku works so hard as a S.A.R.S. member, he deserves to be celebrated.

Kyle: I can take care of decorations and setting up the party location.

Marvin: Perfect, I'll handle getting the cake and drinks. And we should all pitch in for a gift for Izuku.

Sarah: What do you think he would like?

Marvin: Well, he's always talking about wanting a new utility belt for his gear. Maybe we can get one custom made for him.

Kyle: That's a great idea! I know a guy who can make one for us. Let's all chip in and get it for him.

Hisashi, Burt, Chris and Marvin had enlisted the help of the other S.T.A.R.S. members to organize the event and make it a memorable celebration for their friend

On the day of Izuku's birthday, everyone managed to wrap up their mission early, giving them some time to prepare for the surprise party and his Uncle, Aunties, His Brothers Figures and Grandparents come

Marvin had decorated the common area with balloons, streamers, and a large banner that read "Happy Birthday, Izuku!"

As Izuku entered the room, he was greeted by his fellow members shouting

Everyone: Surprise!

Izuku was completely taken aback by the unexpected celebration and couldn't believe they had gone through all this trouble for him

Izuku: Wow, what's all this?

Marvin: Happy birthday, Izuku! We wanted to celebrate you and all your hard work. And we have a little something for you.

Izuku: You guys didn't have to do this. Thank you so much!

Sarah hands Izuku a beautifully wrapped present, while Kyle presents him with a custom-made utility belt.

Izuku: Wow, this is amazing! Thank you all so much. I feel truly grateful to have such incredible friends and teammates.

The S.T.A.R.S. members spend the rest of the day celebrating Izuku's birthday, enjoying cake, drinks, and each other's company. It's a day filled with laughter, joy, and gratitude for the bond they share as a team

The team presented Izuku with a homemade cake, gifts, and heartfelt birthday wishes

Touya got Izuku video games, the entire franchise of Dead Space

Natsuo got Izuku the entire franchise of Assassins Creed

Rei scold his Boys for giving Izuku violent games

Fuyumi got Izuku a Bike

Tensei got Izuku racing cars games

Aizawa got Izuku a knife(like his knife)

Nezu got Izuku Blackmail for Toshinori and Inko

Izuku also got new clothes from his Uncles and Aunties

Hizashi Yamada got Izuku a new pair of earphones

Jill got Izuku a Machete

Chris got Izuku a M416 with attachments like surpressor, extend mag,a stock,vertical foregrip and a scope

Barry got Izuku a new combat knife

Rebecca got Izuku a new pair of fingerless gloves

Burt hot Izuku a sniper rifle and told Izuku that he'll teach him how to use it

Hisashi got the best gift

5 Big Remote Control Cars

Izuku then give 4 of the cars to the others and together they did races through the halls of the station

Seryu: *steps closer and gently kisses Izuku* I've been wanting to do that for long time.

Izuku: *blushing* I... it in any longer.

Seryu:I care about you so much, Izuku.

Izuku: Thank you, Seryu. This means a lot to me.

Seryu: Happy birthday, Izuku. I hope this kiss is just the beginning of something special between us.

Izuku: Me too, Seryu. Thank you for being so brave and honest with your feelings.

Izuku was touched by their thoughtfulness and felt incredibly grateful to be surrounded by such a caring and supportive group of friends

While in Japan he was celebrated his birthday by himself since Inko almost everytime locked him in the room and lied that Izuku is sick

As they enjoyed the party together, Izuku couldn't help but feel like he was exactly where he belonged - fighting alongside his S.T.A.R.S. family and celebrating the special moments in life, no matter how chaotic their missions may be


The Party finished and everyone goes home, despite Chief Irons Orders(press 🖕to Chief Irons)

Izuku goes home and enter inside

He walk towards his room and open it and saw Seryu on his bed, wearing a pair of lacy bra

(imagine it's Seryu)

Izuku was wide mouth open when he saw Seryu body in all her radiant glory

Her giant breasts, her tones body,her juicy ass and her thick thighs

Seryu saw Izuku third leg hard as steel

Seryu:*smirk*Looks like you what you see. Come and claim you'r birthday present.

Izuku closed the door and let's just say that the neighbors couldn't sleep because of the skin slap, moaning and screaming

Neighbor 1: *shouting from their window* Hey, can you keep it down in there?

Neighbor 2: *whispering* I don't think they can hear us. They seem pretty caught up.

Neighbor 1: *frustrated*Ugh, this is ridiculous. It's past midnight and I have to be up early for work.

Neighbor 2: *sarcastically* Yeah, I'm sure they'll be real consider about that.

Neighbor 1: *sighing*Maybe we should just try to drown out the noise with some white noise or something.

Neighbor 2: *nodding* Good idea. I'll put on some music.

Neighbor 1: *after a few minutes of silence*I can still hear them.

Neighbor 2: Looks like we're in for a long night.

Meanwhile in Japan

Izumi throw away the cake that said " Happy Birthday Izumi" and run towards her room where she cried to sleep

The rest of 1A leave the presents for her and Izuku and leave

Inko took the presents for Izuku and put them in "that" room and Izumi presents at her door room

Later the same night, the 1A girls felt a pain in the chest like they were betrayed

They put the hands where the heart is

1A girls:"I hope you're not cheating on me Oni-chan/Deku/Ichan/Izu-Chan/Zuzu/Mophead/Izu-kun. You belong to me"

Toshinori tried to get somehow to America, but even with Madam President help, they couldn't do anything because Chris warned them what will happen if they dare to cross him


Izuku meet and hang out with Habuko

(she's taking refuge at UA)

Izuku couldn't tell her about what Tsuyu and the others did because he know how much her friendship with Tsuyu mean to hear

Izuku:It was nice to see you again, Habuko.

Habuko:Same, Izuku. Good luck on you'r duty.

And she left

Once she left, Tsuyu came to Izuku

Tsuyu:*smile*Thank you for not telling Habuko-chan about what I did.

Izuku then grabbed Tsuyu by the collar and smashed her on the wall


Izuku then grabbed Tsuyu jaw and forced her to open her mouth

Then Izuku showed his Derringer in her mouth

Izuku:Listen here, Bitch. The only reason why I didn't told Habuko about what you and you'r shitty friends did to me is because I know how much Habuko care about you'r friendship, but if you or anyone from you'r class or Toshinori and Inko try anything, I won't hesitate to put a bullet between you'r eyes.

Izuku let go of Tsuyu and put his gun back to it's holster, but not before to shoot a bullet next to Tsuyu head as a warning

A few millimeters to the left and Tsuyu would have a hole in her right eye

Izuku:This is a warning. Next time I won't miss.

And Izuku leave

Tsuyu fall on her knees and started to hyperventilate from the shock that a bullet almost hit her

She collapsed from shock


Next:Seryu 16 Birthday

After:Nightmare Begin

Then:Rescuing Leon And Claire

Until next time
