Part 9: (Im running out of titles)

-Telephatic Talking-

//Kuoh Academy/Gasper POV//

Gasper: Valerie were at school please stop teasimg me

We are currently seeing Gasper be teased by Valerie aboit his their might together.

Valerie: Awwww~ Why not Gaspy? I mean we do sleep together~

Gasper: Why do you have to say that Valerie?

The class: ^WHAT!?^

The girls of the class: ^NOOOOOO MY KING HAS BEEN DEFILED!^

The boys of the class: ^WE ARE GOING TO KILL YOU GASPER!^

Gasper: Ho, how are you going to do that when you cant even win against a fist fight with me?

The boys of the class tried to punch Gasper but all they did was make Gasper look like a badass.


The girls of the class: ^PLEASE TAKE ME MY KING^


The girls of the class: ^CAN YOU ATLEAST SHARE?^

Valerie: ^NO!^

The girls of the class: ^WHY?^


The teacher walks in and shouted.


Everbody: ^YES SENSEI!^

???: Now tell me who started this mess.

The boys of the class: ^GASPER DID SENSEI^

The girls of the class: They are lying sensei.

???: I believe in you girls because I have trained him to fight only in self defense.

Gasper: Thank you master Reeves.

Keanu Reeves: No problem Gasper, Now onto the lesson.


The bell for lunch ringed

Keanu: I will see all of you after lunch and Gasper be prepared after school because your final test will begin.

Gasper: Yes Master Reeves.

Keanu Reeves: Be ready my student. Now I must eat my lunch.

Valerie: What was that about Gaspy?

Gasper: My training.

Valerie: *whispers* Why do you need more training? You already have your sacred gear.

Gasper: I can't rely on my sacred gear all the time plus I want more power to protect you.

Valerie: Awww~ I love you Gaspy~

Gasper: I love you too Valerie. Well lets head to the O.R.C clubroom.

Dio: (He will unlock The World today, I can feel it.) -You should rest Gaspy~-

Gasper: -Fuck you old man-

Dio: -I Dio Brando, Love you too Gaspy~ *laughs in style*- (My great [×2] grand daughter is nearby, she must have felt my energy. Ho, This is interesting)

//O.R.C Clubroom/Issei POV//

Issei: So who is this girl Gremory-sama?

Rias felt her heart hurt a little bit.

???: Do you mot recognize me Ise

Issei: Are you the twin of Yuto or something?

Yumi: Close but no cigar. I used to be a boy but now I'm a girl.

Issei's eyes have widen so much to the point that it is much more wider than Great Red's hips(Which is pretty wide I must say although that one tsundere dragon from Solo Leveling has wider hips than Great Red).

Issei: Yuto?

Yumi: It's Yumi now sweetheart.

Issei: Why did you do this Yut-Yumi?

Yumi: I-I am sorry for doing that to you Ise. I'm sorry for having sex with Rias Ise. This is my way of repaying you Ise.

Rias: I should have not done that to you Ise. I know you can not forgive me for betraying your love like that but I will do anything for you to forgive me. Anything~

Rossweisse: Moving on. When did you start having feelings for Ise?

Yumi: About a week after Ise left.(Although I was already having thoughts about him way before The Incident happen.)

Koneko: And when did you turn yourself into a girl Yumi-senpai?

Yumi: A day after he came.

Koneko: How? We saw you as a boy when we have meetings.

Issei: Yeah. How did I not noticed this earlier?

Yumi: Easy, I used concealing magic.

Issei: Ok. Do you expect me to forgive the both of you easily?

Yumi & Rias: No, and we dont expect you to forgive us easily not after what we did to you.

Issei: (That is creepy as hell.) Oh so you think I will forgive you?

Yumi & Rias: Yes?

They said that very questionably (if thats a word.), very

Issei: Well the answer is no.

Yumi tears up at this.

Yumi: Please Ise give us one more chance.

Rias: If I cheat on you again I will kill myself.

Issei and Co: Isn't that a bit much

Issei: (I am very creeped out right now)

Ddraigra: -Ise what is happening?-

Issei: -The two bitches think I will forgive them but I said no.-

Two beings teleported in the room and things suddenly got more tense.

Ophis: Do you really love him that much, Devil?

Rias: Yes.

Great Red: How are you going to please my mate with that slopy second you call a pussy?

Rias: I took my virginity back woth magic. So I am as tight as before I got fuck by the beta.

Yumi: I take offense on that Rias.

Great Red & Ophis: Both of you shall be given one chance by us but Issei forgiving you? It is up to him.

Issei: (Why is everbody talking in sync with eachother. It is creeping me the fuck out.) I will give you both a chance but you have to earn it

Yumi: (^YES! YES! YES! I CAN BE WITH THE MAN I LOVE!^ Although I have to share him with those whores, A small proce to pay I guess.)

Rias: You won's regret it Ise.(^THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME ONE MORE CHANCE^)

Ddraigra: -Ooh I can't wait for you to break them my Ise~-

Issei: -How did you lnoe what I was planning?-

Ddraigra: -You sleep talk and your dreams.-

Issei: -Wait your looking into my dreams!?-

Ddraigra: -Well tine to go take a nap, Bye Ise. I will see you when I wake up.-


Ddraigra just snores

Issei: (Oh yeah Drai-chan is a log when it comes to sleeping.)

Issei: Don't mess this up you two because this is the only chance I will give you.

Rias: I will not waste this chance Ise.

Yumi: I will do anything to make you love as one of your girls.

Issei: (That last one, Maybe) Well, Its time to go back to class and-

Valerei: ^MORE GASPY! MORE!^



Issei: (You make me proud lil' bro, you make me proud.)

Issei sniffed a bit

Asia: Are you crying Ise-san?

Issei: Must be the dust. (Atleast they are not fucking like rabbits.)

//Somewhere in Roanapour//

Rock: Achoo!

Revy: What was that Rocky baby?

Rock: Someone must have mentioned me.

Revy: (It better not be that CIA bitch.)Well let's continue shall we?

Rock smirks at this and changed there position into a mating press.

Rock: You got it sweetheart.

Revy: Oh my~ What happened to the Rock I know~

Rock: You are going to know one thing you dont know about me.

Revy: Are you perhaps a monster in bed?

Rock: Ding ding ding we have a winner.

Revy: Then what are you waiting for? ^FUCK ME LIKE A BITCH IN HEAT!^

Rock: You got it Revy.

//In another Universe//

Blake: Achoo!

Jaune: Are you okay?

Blake: Yes, I am fine Jaune. Now lets notinue our project together in my dorm room.

Jaune: Okay Blake.

Blake: (I'm sorry Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Velvet and Pyrrha but I'm going to corrupt him first. hehehe.)

Jaune: What where you saying Blake?

Blake: Oh just how strong Pyrrha is.

Jaune: Oki doki.

Blake: (Oh you are just soo cute.)

//Back in Japan/Issei POV//

Issei: So how was your date Saji?

Saji: Pretty nice, I even got my self a little harem.

Issei: Ooohh, tell me how that happened.

Saji tells Issei everything that happend to him yesterday.

Issei: You are one lucky son of a bitch.

Saji: Oi that my mother your cussing right now!

Issei: You are very passionate about your mother huh.

Saji: Of course, why would I not be passionate about my mum, she is the only family member I have left. Although she has been looking at me differently?

Issei: (Well incest is wincest I suppose.) Well I gotta get going before my father gets mad at me for being late for out training session.

Saji: I guess I will see you later then.

Issei: I'll see you later bro.

//???/Keanu POV//

Keanu: You have passed your test Gasper, I have nothing to teach you anymore.

Gasper: Thank you for training me Master Reeves

Dio: Thank you for training my partner, Keanu. He can finally unlock The world.

Keanu: Ahh before that I have somthibg for you Gasper.

Gasper: What is it Master?

Keanu pulls out a box in the trunk of his Ford Mustang BOSS 302

Keanu: Open it.

Gasper opens the box and begins to tear up.

Gasper: Master I can't accept this.

Dio: It would be dishonorable of you to bot accept a gift from your master Gasper.

Keanu: Just accept it Gasper, it will help you protect your fiance (I am certain thus boy will have a harem) from dangers unkown.

Gasper: *sniff* Thank you so much Master.

The thing or things that was in the box was two guns that has words engraved to the side of them.

Keanu: They are called Ebony and Ivory.

Gasper: They are beautiful Master.

Keanu & Dio: More beautiful than Valerie~

Gasper: Of course not Valerie is on a different level of beauty.

What gasper didn't know is that Valerie has been spying and listening on them while and after he was trainign.

Valerie: (Oh Gaspy~ you just know how to make me feel like I'm the queen of the vampires already~ and for that you deserve a reward tonight~)

Gasper: Why do I suddenly feel like I'm going to be a lucky guy soon.


Chapter End

Yae: Author-sama You cant hide for me that long

Yae: Found you~

Author: Who gave you this power!?

Yae: Someone you know~

Author: Shit its my sister isn't?

Yae: She gave me the power to fuck you.

Author: Send help.

Yae: Oh by the way I will see you handsome or beautiful readers on the next chapter, bye bye~


Yae: Oh your such a silly author~

Author: What happened to you Yae?
