Part 2 : What happened to Issei

(Yup definetly got Sairaorg name wrong. Also sorry for some bad grammar and not updating for quite sometime.)

-Telephatic Talking-

/Azazel POV/

Azazel: (Now where did Issei go to aftr the match? I have a ton of questions for that boy.)

I was walking around hoping to find issei in the medical facilities and lo and behold he is at the medical facilities.

Azazel: Yo Issei, where have you been in the past to 2 months?

Issei: Training for 1 month that was turned into 3 years because of time magic, and how do I know that kind of magic, ask Ddraig.

Ddraig: He learned it from the strongest weilder of the boosted gear. I was supprised by his knack for this kind of spells.

Azazel: (Well thats a suprise). So what did you do for the rest of your 2 month break. What have you been doing for the other half your break I am quite curious.

Issei: Well...

/Issei POV/

Issei: So why are we going to the Philippines again Ddraig.

Ddraig: We are going to meet my best friend, Bakunawa.

Issei: (well that is something you don't hear everday.) The Red Dragon Emperor has a friend, I don't believe it.

Ddraig: HEY! Cut me some slack you perverted asshole.(i need to tell him I'm actually female dragon not a male). Atleast my friend did not take my girl away.

Issei: ...

Ddraig: To soon. /Issei did not respond/ Yup to soon. (Shit why did i say that and how am I going to break it down to him that he's the only one I feel this way). Lets just meet my friend (who is also a female dragon hehe).

Flight Attendant: We are landing in Manila shortly.


Issei: So this is where he lives. I gotta say it is breathtaking.

(Author: This is the Mayon Volcano from Bicol, Philippines.)

???: No your breathtaking.


(Author: Sorry had to do that. Take two)

???: Ddraig I have not seen you in ages my dude (or should i say dudette).

Ddraig: Hello Bakunawa. Do you still eat moons.

The now known bakunawa replied.

Bakunawa: Tangina mo ka nag dadiet na ako.

(Translator: Fuck you motherfucker I am already on a diet.)

Ddraig: Chill my fellow dragon. I know you are on a diet so there is no need to get mad.

Issei: (Are they really ignoring me.) *cough* *cough*

Ddriag and Kuna: *Still talking to each other*

(Author: We are going to call Bakunawa, Kuna. PS. if you have a better name for her, say it in the comments.)


Ddraig and Kuna: *finally looks at Issei except Ddraig cause she's in a sacred gear*

Issei: Fina-fucking-ly.

Kuna: *to Ddraig* Is he always like this.

Ddraig: *to Kuna* No. He bacame like this beacuse something happened to him last before last month.

Issei: Oh not this shit again.

Ddraig and Kuna ignores Issei again.

Kuna: Why did he bacame like this.

Ddraig: Issei can i tell my friend (*cough*sis*cough*) what happened to you.

Issei: You have my permision.

Issei said in a ice cold voice that made both dragons flinch.

Ddraig: *Tells what happened to Issei to Kuna*


Kuna: I am so sorry Issei.(That slut doesn't deserve you. I am going to make you mine.)

Issei: Its not your fault Bakunawa.

(Author: He is still calling Kuna, Bakunawa because he has respect for the dragon that ate 6 moons. Also they are not close yet.)

Kuna: But sti-

Issei interupts her

Issei: eyeyeyey It is not your fault

Issei did not now he said that in a dominating kind if voice and the affect it did to Kuna.

Kuna: (ara ara. He's going to me mine) Oh and by the way you can just call me Kuna, Issei.

Issei: Then call me Ise, Kuna.

Ddraig: Are you two done.

Says Ddraig (or Ddraigra) with a hint of jealousy.

Issei: (Is my mind deceiving me or something, because Ddraig/ra said that woth a hint of jealousy behind it?)

Issei ask himself

Ddraig/ra: *to Kuna* -Hands off Kuna, He's MINE!-

Kuna: *to Ddraig/ra* -ara~ara is the big bad Red Dragon Empress jealous.-

Issei: (are those lightning bolts between there eyes.)

Ddraig/ra: *to Kuna* -hmp no I'm not jealous because I know he will choose me-

Kuna: *to Ddraig/ra* -I have a better idea. Why not share him-

Ddraig/ra: *to Kuna* -hmm you got yourself a deal.-

//Flashback end//
/Azazel POV/

Azazel: (who is this Bakunawa and did Ddraig said he(she) ate 6 ^MOONS^)

Issei: After that we decided to fly around the Philippines.

Azazel: So who is this Bakunawa.

Issei: He is part of the Philippines Legends.

Azazel: (I'll look into it later.)

Issei: After that I visited Rockport annddd I  kinda became a street racer.

Azazel: Huh

Chapter End

Yo I am planing on changing my Username to JustNOMAD so it will be mush easier to read. And tell me wjat you think of how the storry is going so far.

By the way this is what Bakunawa's dragon form looks like

And this is her human form and remember she did not show her human form yet and both Ddraig/ra and Kuna have male voices in ther dragon form to fool Male dragons because Male dragons are annoying.


Ddraigra's human form (Issei still doesnt know Ddraig real Gender and Name so thats why there is always a / in her name.)


