Part 7.5 : School's a bitch (Drama)

Sorry for not updating this story. It is because of exams and I am also runnign out of ideas.

-Telephatic Talking-

//O.R.C Clubhouse/Issei POV//

Issei & Gasper: *dancing*
                         Rock your body
                   Rock your body right
                Backstreet's back alright

While Issei and Gasper while dancing they where being filmed and they do not know about it.

Valerie & Asia: Oh~ Gaspy/Ise I'm going rock your body tonight~

That sentence stopped the two from dancing and look at the two *cough* thirsty *cough* girls in the eye.

Issei & Gasper: Wut?

Valerie and Asia: Oh nothing you guys should continue.

Issei & Gasper: Ok *singing*

Oh my God we're back again
Brothers, sisters, everybody sing
We're gonna bring the flavor show you how
I've gotta question for ya
Better answer now

Rias and Sona's peerage along with Azazel  entered the room and they were shocked that Issei and Gasper are dancing.

Saji: Eyy let me in on that.

Saji joins Issei and gasper and start dancing.

Issei, Saji & Gasper:

Am I original? (yeah)
Am I the only one? (yeah)
Am I sexual? (yeah)
Am I everything you need?
You better rock you body now

Sona: (What is this feeling?)*looking at Saji*
(Am I in love with Saji? But that's impossible, I already confirmed that I am not in love with him.)

Suddenly Saji's phone rings and they stopped singing and dancing.

Issei & Gasper: Who's that?

Saji: Somebody

Saji answers the phone.

Saji: Hello?

???: Hello sweety

Saji: Ahh hello sweetheart, how have you been?

Sona: (I thought he still loves me?)*visible confusion*

???: I have been doing good, you?

Saji: Fine, sat how about we go on a date this saturday?

Sona: Saji you still have to do something on saturday.

Saji: It can wait till sunday.

Sona: (Is he choosing this girl instead of me? And why does him dissmissing me hurts? Am I jeaulous?)

What she doesn't know is that Tsubaki is also having the same thoughts Sona has but much more explicit.

Tsubaki: (I lost Kiba, I am not going to lose you too Saji.)

???: That would be lovely dear.

Saji: Well I'm going to pick you up at 9 in the morning, sounds good?

???: Yes it sounds good sweetheart. Well goodbye and I love you, my dragon~

Saji: I love you too my queen~


Saji: Yes is it so hard to believe?

Issei: No, I just thought you like Sona-Kaichou.

Saji: I gave up a month ago.

Sona: (He gave up?)

At this revelation that Sona's ice cold heart breaks a little.

Sona: (No thats impossible this must be soe ruse just to get me jealous right?)

Issei, Azazel & Gasper: Why?

Sona:(Yes I wan't to know.)

Saji: It's a waste of time chasing a dream.

Saji: Ohh its almost time leta go to our classes.

Everybody goes to thier classes but Sona and Tsubaki because they stayed at the O.R.C Clubhouse. Sona suddenly tears up.



Sona: Tsubaki do you love him too?

Tsubaki: Yes kaichou.

Sona suddenly gains a look I'm all too familiar.

Sona: I have an idea.

Tsubaki: Oh~ what is it?

Sona: Well we share him.

Tsubaki: I like that idea. But what about the whore?

Sona: We'll kill the bitch.

Taubaki: How though?

Sona: Here's the plan we -

//Saji's Classrom/Saji's POV//

Saji: Why do I feel like somebody is going to do something to me?

Vritra: -Well lets hope its just a feeling.-

Saji: -I hope so too partner. By the way did you say you have a version of Juggernut Drive?-

Vritra: -Yes, it's called Warden.-

Saji: -Ah is it named that because your the Prison Dragon King.-

Vritra: -Yes, also in this mode we can fight the red or white dragon emperors in their Juggernut drive but we can only hold up to 50% of their power, If they were to use 100% we'd be dead.-

Saji: -Noted.-

Vritra: -So let's talk about your girlfriend ???-

Saji: -Ah, what do you want to know about her?-

Vritra: -First of how beautiful is she?-

Saji: -She is the mot beautiful women i have ever laid eyes on, much more beatiful than Sona.-

Vritra: (Oh so that what I was feeling earlier, the jealousy of the Sitri heiress.)-What more can you tell about her-

Saji: -Well she's smart, she's very hepful, she's very nice, she has a very angelic voice, she has the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen, she is always there for me and I love her very much.-

Vritra: -Hahaha you truly are in love with ??? huh.-

Saji: -Who wouldn't.-

Vritra: -Well I'm going to sleep, talk to you when I wake up.-

Saji: -I'll talk to you when you walk up you overgrown lizard.-

Vritra: -What ever you say partner, whatever you say.-

Outside the classrooms window there was a bird that has violet highlights.

//Student Council/Sona's POV//

Sona: You will be ours Saji, you will be ours.


Chapter End

Author: Sorry for not uploading guys I am currently tired of all the shit that is happening here in the Philippines and I hope you guys can understand.

Yeah you better understand Author-sama

Author: Stop that Yae

Yae: Fine Author-sama

Author: And also thank you guys that has been readung this book of mine. Oh and by the way I maybe realising a new book but thats probably not going to happen. Well see you.
