Part 1: Heartbroken


Issei : I'm home early because my client               
            canceled our meeting

Suddenly Issei hears a wierd sound coming from his room

Issei : What's that sound wait it's Rias moaning , could she be masterbaiting let me check

Issei was shocked at what he saw it was Rias and Kiba having sex

Rias : Yes kiba harder faster your way better than Issei

Kiba : Really

Rias : Yes

Upon hearing those words Issei felt like he was stab in the back of his heart. Issei's eyes was widend and became lifeless an Al he want to do is train and trian.

Issei : So that's what she wants *sob sob *

Suddenly Rias saw Issei crying. Rias eyes widened and Kiba looked at the direction Rias was looking and was shocked also because they were caught by Issei rias boyfriend.

Rias : Is--Issei we can explian


Rias and Kiba were shocked at Issei shouting

Issei : How long has this been going Rias

Rias & Kiba : 4 months

Issei : FOUR FUCKING MONTHS. Why Rias why did you fo this to me

Rias : I'm sorry Issei but Kiba is way better than you I hope you can forgive us

Kiba : I'm sorry too buddy please forgive us

Issei just left his room where Rias and Kiba are having sex

Rias : Wait ISSEI COMEBACK we can work things out please we still have a rating game in 2 months

Issei : Can I take a leave for two months to train Gremory

Issei said without emotion and Rias was shocked because he called her by her last name

Rias : Yes but please forgive us

Issei already left to the mountains to trian.

Rias : What have we than to Issei Kiba

Kiba : I don't know

2 Months after The Incident

In the arena

Rias : Asia where the last two where going to fight Sairog and his pawn

Asia nods

??? : Miss me

Rias & Asia : Issei

Asia : I thought you were gone *Asia said while hugging Issei*

Issei : I would never leave you, Irina, Xenovia, Ravel, Akeno, and Koneko

Issei : Now Gremory ket me fight Sairog and his pawn

Rias frowned and nod

Referee : Folks this is the last round and the fighters will be Sairog and his pawn versus wait ITS THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR ALSO KNOWN AS OPPAI DRAGON

Sairog : I thought you know ran away

Issei : Right with you strongest

Sairog : As you wish Balance Break

Sairog then has a golden lion armor

Sairog : You two should go use your Balnce Breaker neacuse I'm going at you in full power Issei Hyoudou

Issei then smirks

Issei : Balance Break

Ddriag & Al : Vanishing Welsh Dragon Balance Breaker

Everybody was shocked

Azazel : I want to experiment on that boy so bad

Vali : HOW

Albion : Must be from the gem he took when we last fought him

Issei kick Sairog and that was enough to make him retire

Everybody was so shocked  that a Hybrid can take down a Beal

Evybody : NO WAY

Authors Note

Sorry but UT will stop here and I think I got the name of Sairog wrong
