Part 10: Roanapur

-Telephatic Talking-


//Roanapur/Issei POV//

Issei: So this is where my cousin is living.

Ddraigra: -Becareful Ise poeple here are the most dispicable beings you can ever encounter.-

Issei:-Who do you think I am? A pussy?-

Ddraigra: -No, but you do eat my pussy really good~-

Issei: (Damn horny dragon.)

Flight Attendant: We are landing shortly.

Miki: Finaly I can see my nephew after 5 years of him leaving Japan.

Garou: (More like kidnapped.) I miss that son of a gun. (If he is anything like his father, then)

//Hotel Moscow/Rock POV//

Revy: Who are we waiting for Rock?

Rock: My uncle, his family and my cousin's friends.

Revy: Uncle?

Rock: Yup.

Revy: But I thought that you're family hates you?

Rock: Not my uncle and his family. They were the ones who payed for my education, my food, my apartment, everything really. I owe it all to them.

Revy: They must be pretty nice huh.

Rock: Nah they are nice to me but Auntie is probably going to judge you if you're worhty of me.

Revy: *audible gulp*

Balalaika: What is the name of your Auntie, Rock?

Rock: Miki Hyoudou.

Balalaika: Are you serious?

Rock: Why do you know her or something?

Balalaika: Know her? We're best freinds. Why did you not tell me this sooner?

Rock: You guys never asked.

A limo pulled up outside the hotel.

Rock: That must be them.

A woman in her early fourthis walked out of the limo with a man who is in his early fourthies as well.

Miki: Ahh my baby~ You are all grown up and are going to be married soon, so who is the lucky girl~

Rock: Auntie stop it you're emberessing me.

Miki: Is that you Balalaika?

Balalaika: Long time no see Miki and I see they have gotten bigger.

Miki: Honey do they look bigger~

Garou: Yes they have.*sigh*

Rock: So where is lil cuz?

Garou: We are staying here for a month right?

Rock: Yep.

Garou: That brat took his car with him along with his little brothers car.

Rock & Balalaika: Little brother?

Garou: Adopted.

Rock & Balalaika: Ahhh

Balalaika: (I thought they did it again, although since they are staying here for a month I might as well talk to Miki about sharing her husband with me.)

They heard a ton loud bangs and Revy and Balalaika's men pulled out there weapons and point at the direction of the bang.

Miki: *sigh* Not even one minute and they are already gping at it. Balalaika tell your man to stand down.

Balalaika: Ok. Stand down men.

Balalaika's men pulls thier weapon away but Revy still has her guns out.

Rock: Revy put your Cutlass down.

Revy: No.

Rock: Revy~ I have a suprise for you later~

Revy: *blush* You better keep your promi-


A red car and a black car parjed in frontnof them.

All the passengers and drivers stepped put of the vechicles and Rock was shocked to see his lil cuz look like this.

Issei: Long time no see big bro.

Rock: You look way different from the last time I saw you.

Issei: Well sometimes in life, it do be like that.

Rock: ^HAHAHA!^ So who is this? *Pointing at Asia*

Issei: Oh she is my girlfriend (one of them).

Asia & Miki: You know I'm/she's not your only girlfriend right?

Rock: You have multiple girlfriends, Issei?

Issei: Too many to count.

Rock: I would not want to be you, what is my new cousins name?

Issei: Oh his name is Gasper and dont call him Gaspy becausr his fiance is the only one allowed to call him that. And I have a question for you Aniki.

Rock: What is it?


Miki: Oh they must have been the servants of Balalaika.

Balalaika: Wait you know of the supernatural world?

Garou and Miki: Yes we know of it.

Garou: In fact Issei here is one of the strongest being in the universe. (More like the strongest, he did bang both Great red and Ophis.)

Everybody who is listening was shocked at findig out that Ise is one of the strongest being in the universe.

???: Its been so long since I have seen you Ddraigra.


Bahamut: Im sorry but that stupid God imprisoned me in this sacred gear

Issei & Rock: Wait you guys are siblings?

Issei: (That still creeps me out.)

Bahamut: Yes in fact both Great red amd Ophis is my big sisters while Ddraigra and Sagiri is my lil sisters.

Issei: The more you know.

Dio: Ahh I have miss you Bahamut.

Bahamut: Dio you son off a bitch your still alive.

Dio: Because of that old bastard I'm stuck im this gear.

Bahamut: So has the kid unlocked The World?

Dio: Yes he has unlocked The World and he can already use it at 50%

Valerie: Gaspy why did you not tell me about this?

Valerie is angry at Gasper and is now looking at Issei, Rock and Garou.

Gasper: Help, please?

Issei: Sorry but hell hath no furry greater than a woman scorned.

Rock: It was nice meeting you even if we just met.

Gasper was now looking at Garou with the most adoravle eyes.

Gasper: Please?

Garou: (Those two asshole leaving me with this shit.) Sorry Gasper but a man has too face his wife even when she wants to kill you for non teeling him something.

Valerie: Hello Auntie Balalaika, can you please give me a room for just me and Gaspy~ I just need it to punish him for not telling me the important details of his training.

The boys heard a very audible gilp that came from Gasper.

Balalaika: Here you go Valerie, and please don't destroy the room that much~

Valerie: I make no promises Auntie. Now come on my Gasper if you dont the punishment will be ten times harder~

The boys: You will be missed Gasper, just know that we are praying for your pelvis.


And just like that Valerie draged Gasoer to the thier room.

The Boys: We truly are sorry we could not help you Gasper, we truly are.

The girls : You boys are so over dramatic.

Asia: Ise~ You still have to fulfill your dare~

Issei: This is karma.

The same thing happened to Issei And while that was happening Balalaika was talking with Miki.

Balalaika: So do you accept my propsal

Miki: Of course.

Balalaika: Really?

Miki: I cant handle his lust alone Balalaika.

Balalaika: How big is he?

Miki: 14 inches

Balalaika: Oh my~

Miki: Well I will start the plan. Oh sweety we need to go to our room and unpack.

Balalaika: I will help you guys out, Its the least I can do.

Garou: Thank you Balalaika

Miki & Balalaika: (Oh he is in for a big suprise, hehehe)

Revy: Rock~ About what you said earlier~

Rock: I dont go back on my word so lets go to our room shall we~

And then all of them fucked that night. (Seperately of course)
Chapter End

Author: HMMMMM! (Stop it Yae)

Yae: Oh just sit tight there Author-sama, you are going to feel real good soon~

Yae: Oh and I shall see you readers on the next part of this story. Now we shall begin Author-sama~

???: *moans* This is so hot *moans*

Author-sama: HMHMHM(SIS!?)
