Part 2.5: What Happened To Issei (Rockport)

Author: That is Issei's car up there. I will tell you the specs later. BTW I am sick af right now.

-Telephatic Talking-

/Azazel POV/

Azazel: Huh!? Did I hear that right?

Issei: Yes Sensei i did became a street racer

Azazel: Why and how?

Issei: I am a dragon, we love to race.

Azazel: Really?

Ddraig/ra: Yep. Its all true that we dragons love to race. Even Great Red loves to do it.(Hurry up so i can tell my Ise, I love him and that I am a woman)

Azazel: Huh, the more you know. So how did you became one anyway, Issei.

Issei: Well it goes like this...

/Ddraig/ra POV/

Ddraig/ra: Why are we going to Rockport and what even is that place partner?(I just wanna go home so I can tell you how I feel about you. )

Issei: Hey I wanna explore the world a bit okay.

Ddraig/ra: Ugh. Fine

Issei: (The hell was that tone in his(her) voice.)

They suddenly hear a loud engine outside of the cafe. And what Issei has seen will be the start of his career as a street racer in Rockport (For a month).

Issei: What is that.

Issei got up from his chair and walked outside of the cafe where he almost got hit by a Ford Mustang with Flame Decals on it.

Following behind the Mustang was a BMW that Issei was not familliar with

Issei: (Why am I high on adrenaline right now and why do I wanna follow thos guys and see what they are up to.)

Ddriag/ra: (Oh is my Ise not going to be a pervert anymore and have a new life as a street racer. I definitely would like to see where this goes.)

Issei: Hey Ddraig lets follow them.

Ddraig/ra: Your the boss.

After following them they came right at this scene.

(Skip to 7:15)

Issei: (Why is the BMW being taken a way)

(After 7:59)

Issei: (Something is not right here. Just by the sound of the BMW's engine it should have won the race.)

Issei finally made himself known.

Razor(The dude who owns the Mustang.): Who is this chump?

Mia(The chick with the red tube top?): Kid get out of here, this doesn't concern you.

Issei: Yeah I know.

Razor: Then what are you doing here nobody.

Issei: I have a suspision that you cheated in the race or one of your buddies tinkered with the BMW.

Razor: ^HAHAHAHA!^ Who are you to accuse me of that. Do you even race kid.

Issei: I know my car can smoke your shitbox you call a car.

Razor: Do you even have a car?

Issei: Well not ye-

Ddraigra: (How dare you interrupt my Ise.)

Razor: ^HAHAHA!^ This kid is a joke.

Issei: You know what. Lets make a bet.

Razor: Ho. What kind of bet.

Issei: (I better pull this off.) How about this. Saturday next week we race. If you win I will give you a million dollars(Author: dont ask how he got that.) and what ever car I will use for the race.

Razor, his crew, Mia and Toby(The guy who owns the BMW): *chokes* ^YOU SERIOUS^!

Issei: Yes, and if you lose you have to give his *Issei looks at Toby* car back and you will also quit street racing forever.

Razor: (Ez Money) Ok you got yourself a deal.

Mia and Toby: Kid don't do this.

Issei: Already did.

Razor's Boi #1: ^COPS! COPS!^

Razors crew rushed to their vehicles and GTFO'd.

Issei:  Toby follow me com'on.


At Issei's hotel where he's going to stay for 3 weeks.

Toby: Thx for helping me out there.

Issei: No problem man.

Toby: So how are you going to beat Razor and do you even have a car.

Issei: Yes I have a car.

Toby: So where is it.

Issei: Getting tuned.

Toby: (Whew I thought this kid was a goner for sure.) So what car is it.

Issei: Its a Nissan 180sx


Issei gets annoyed at Toby and says.

Issei: Chill Toby its getting an engine swap.

Toby: *calms down* Okay I'm chill now. So what engine are you going to swap in the 180.

Issei: 2jz.

Toby is shock since the engine Issei's going to swap in the 180 was a 2j, one kff the most reliable engine for speed and power.

Toby: How did you find a 2jz while I was racing?

Issei: Magic

Issei says while racing arms out in a jocking manner.

Toby: No seriously.

Issei: Well, while you and that douche was racing, I was walking aroind town and managed to find a wrecked Supra near the staduim and well...

Toby: And well what?

Issei: And well I bought the wrecjed supra and after that by the will of lady luck, I found a 180 for sale.

Toby ahhh'd at this and cursing Issei's luck in his mind.

Toby: So how mutch power is the car going to push when its done?

Issei: Around 612whp (wheel horse power).

Toby: Ehh!? How are you going to beat my car.

Issei: Your car?

Toby: Razor is going to use my car against you and let me tell you my car is making 700whp and it doesn't have a turbo or super charger on it.

Issei: There's something your forgettting Toby.

Toby: Oh what am I forgetting, oh wise one.

Toby says in a mocking manner.

Issei: Your forgetting the course.

Then it hit Toby like a truck-kun hitting a new iswkai protagonist.

Toby: The course is going to be tight and has a lot of corbers isn't it.

Issei: Yep.

Race day

/Razor POV/

Razor: Heh I knew that chump wasn't gonna show up.

Mia and Toby: Uh, I would think twice abojt that.

Razor, his crew, Mia and Toby hears adistant rumbling from a distance. Then suddenly Razor saw a red 180sx sideways enetering the peir.


Mia: It sure looks much more better than your crowd killer.

Toby snickers

When the 180 gets closer, Razor got a good hear of the engine and he immedietly recognize it.

Razor: What the hell there's a 2j motor underneath the hood. (No matter, I will steal beat him now that I added a turbo on the M3GTR.)

The 180sx parked right next to the now known M3GTR.

Issei: *Steps out of his 180sx (right hand drive btw)* Yo.

Razor: Lets start the race.

Last turn

Razor: (Come on this is the last turn and I am ahead. I can already smell that 1 million baby.)

Suddenly Issei's 180sx is on the Left side of the M3GTR.

Razor: ^HOW!?^

Issei: (Thank you shortcuts.)

The two cars are now neck and neck but suddenly Isse's car got a boost. Then at that moment Razor realized that he doesn't have any N20 left in the tank.

Mia and Toby: And Issei ^WINS!^

Issei: Well, you lost Razor, time to give the m3 back and the mustang too me.


Issei: Well Toby here's your car's

Toby: Wait wut? Your giving me Razors mustang aswell.

Issei: Yes.

Toby: ^THANK YOU ISSEI!^ *says while hugging Issei*.

Issei: No problem dude.

Toby still hugging Issei (No Homo).

Issei: Well wanna race?

Toby: Hell yeah bro!

//Flashback End//
/Azazel POV/

Azazel: Huh that is interesting.

Issei: Yeah who would have tought I'll become a street racer huh.

Azazel: So where is your car?

Issei: Oh, its on its way to Tokyo where I am going to pick it up.

Azazel: Can you answer one question for me?

Issei: Sure

Azazel: Can I experi- I mean can I check if there's any side effects of you using the Vanishing Dragon Emperors power?

Issei: ^HELL NO!^

Azazel: Just this once Issei, let me experiment on you.


/No one's POV/

What they didnt know is that Rais and Kiba are watching Issei from afar.

Rias and Kiba: I'm sorry Ise

Kiba: (I know just how to get you back. Hehe.)

End Chapter

Ho Ho what is "Kiba's" plan.

And when will Ddraigra tell Her Ise about herself

Found out on the next episode of Dragon Ba-


Fine. Killjoy

We'll see you on the next chapter my friends.
