Chapter 3

Another day begin, everything went well, she and danny gave his sister a vacation and they promised to take care of their kid on their own. she knows that how much her sister in-law loves their daugther.

It's their family time and Danny wants them to go somewhere but she's afraid that some people might saw them.

Since she's afraid that people might recognize them, Danny decided to bring them to their studio if where are the lads waiting for him.

She met Glen and Mark once again, this is not the first time because she met them multiple times since the voice days until they got married and now with a little one.

"Glad you're back, Danny was so emotional each day thinking of you. He was going insane" Mark stated as she sat on the couch while Danny is standing next to piano with their daughter.

"Yeah, we already talked about it. We fought but everythings' fine now." She said and both guys stared at her husband, she did the same and she saw how guilty he is. Her husband told his mates everything, she wasn't expecting him to tell them but well, they are his best friends.

"God! Yesterday you were crying and was hoping for her to return and now this is what we heard. I don't believe you man." Glen said and hit him on his shoulder. She laughed

"Guess what? He even wrote a song for you. He said it describe how he feels." Mark said and her husband playfully kick his mate on his legs.

"Really? May I look? Am I allow to know?" He asked.

"Oh c'mon, love. Don't mind them." Her husband said

"Why not? I just wanna know if what kind of song did you write." She said and Glen handed her the piece of paper. As she look down the page she did nothing but smiled at the same time she feel so sorry for her husband, she couldn't believe he endured so much pain.

She get up from the couch and give him a hug. Mark and Glen cleared their throat and they pulled with each other.

"I'm sorry.. I never knew you feel this way." She said, trying to hold back her tears.

"That song will be our single." Mark said.

"Really? Oh nice.. It's a good song to be honest, but I know It will make me cry knowing that he wrote this because of me." She said.

"He's still creative even though he's married now." Glen said and they laughed. The past years before she met her husband, she knew that this guy is one of the most emotional person she knew in her life, she sometimes call him as drama king when they were just friends..

It was pretty obvious with their previous album that he is the most emotional person because most of their songs from the previous one are his ideas.

He once promised her that he won't write any emotional songs at all but now he's back with it, but she is not against with it.. To be honest, she loves him because of that, she loves him with who he is.

"So guys, when are you releasing your album?" She asked.

"On september, so in two months and yours?" Mark asked.

"Sweet talker album will be on october, but I released my single in july, that's why I was gone for three months, I forgot to tell him, but I told to myself that I will explain once I flew back home, oh well I wasn't expecting the outcome." She said and smiling.

"Love..." Danny confront. "Stop reminding me about my stupidness." He said.

"Oh well." She teased him and walk around the studio to check their things, Glen and Mark help her and show her their new songs for their new album while Danny is just standing there watching his wife.

He felt guilty, yes. But knowing that everything is fine now there is nothing to be afraid of.

He's happy that his wife has return, though it wasn't good when they met again, but at least they are okay now.

He won't waste any of his time he just want to be with his wife and with their little one..

Mark and Glen are enjoying chatting with his wife, He joined with them and they let her listen to some of their finished songs and recorded from their new album.

His wife is enjoying each song, and he's happy to see that she is happy about their new songs.

After hearing those, his wife revealed some of her songs as well from her new album and let them hear of it from her phone.


They had a great time with Glen and Mark. It's so nice to reunite with them again, she really had a great time.

Her husband just got out from the shower room with only his towel on his waist and walking around while their little one is sleeping on her crib and she's getting prepare to have a shower.

When she turn around to get her comb, she saw Danny walking around naked, which she find a little bit awkward. Oh well maybe because she wasn't with him for 3 months. She look away while Danny is busy on searching for something.

She get her towel and Danny is still looking for something.

"What are you looking for?" She asked because her husband seem struggling on finding what he is looking for.

"My phone." He said.

"My goodness, Love. Would you wear your clothes first before you look for it, stop walking around naked." She said

"It seems like you don't want to see what you're seeing." He teased her and she rolled her eyes.

"Just wear your clothes, I'll take a quick shower." She said and get out of their room.

She feels like they're newlywed, she's blushing for what he said.


She went back to their room with only towel wrapped around her body and she saw her husband lying in bed busy on watching with his only boxer on.

She ignored him and wear her baggy shirt and dry her hair.

She joined with Danny on bed, When she sat next to him, He forced her to lie down and he started to smell her on her neck, sooner she felt him kissing her down her neck and...

She stopped him because she is not ready yet, besides their daughter is just 6 months old. She knew what he wants, yes she miss this but it's not the right time for a new one yet.

And she regret for only wearing baggy shirt and underwear on, Which is she used to since they got married.

"Dan, not tonight." She said but he just smiled and she doesn't know what to do when he started to kiss her.

She can't refuse him, he is her husband, she doesn't want him to think of something or feel unlove. She kiss him back instead, she copied his moves while his hand is under her shirt now squeezing her breast.

He kiss her down to her neck, she just let him what he wants too, he might missed her and she missed him as well.

After a few minutes, he stopped for a while and turned the t.v off. He jumped of the bed to switch the lights off and turned on the lamplight.

He went back next to her, He pulled her closer and kiss her again. She couldn't resist those kisses. She missed him so bad!

She woke up at the middle of the night because of her daughter's cry.

Her husband is in a deep sleep now, Glad they did not gone too far, they just missed each other.

She went back next to her husband with Ellaine with her to feed her.

The next morning, she woke up with the noise of her daughter's laugh, as she open her eyes she saw her husband playing with their daughter. She smiled.. she'd love waking up each day like this, She's hoping this will last forever.

As Danny saw her awake, he smile to her and leant in to kiss her passionately.

"Good morning." Danny greeted.

"Good morning, Love and our precious one." She said and kiss her daughter on her cheek.

"What's your plan today?" Her husband asked while she's playing with their daughter.

"Today? Nothing, but in three weeks I need to go back in L.A to finish my album." She said. "As of now, I have three weeks to spend my time with the two of you." She said and He lay down next to their daughter and held his wife's hand.

"We both gonna be busy in three weeks, We also need to finish our album in L.A." He sadly said.

"And our little one." She said and look at ellaine. "She'll be on her nan,will she stay here in dublin with your mum or in essex with my parents?" She asked him.

"My family had spent too much time with Ellaine, so I guess maybe we can leave her with your parents, since they barely see her, because you both are living here in ireland with me. Besides, I already talked to my family that if I go to L.A to finish our album, I will leave her with your parents, so they can spend time with ellaine while we're both busy." He said and she nod.

"I will come with you to go back in Essex to send her to your parents, Maybe 3 days before we leave." He said.

"That's good then. I bet my parents would be happy if they find out we will leave Ellaine with them for a while, while we're both far away from her." She said and he smiled.

She always get emotional, talking about being far away with them, this is not the first time, she once went far away from them, If she could only stay with them all the time, she would, but of course she has to work, for their kid's future.

But this is gonna be the first time to Danny, to be far away from their daughter because the past few months, he's always with her wherever he goes, Thanks to his sister because she took care with their daughter whenever he had to perform.

Her husband wiped away her tears and always telling her it's gonna be okay but she cannot stop crying knowing that she has to be apart from them again, worse is they will all separated for a while, Danny on the other side of the world, same as her and her daughter.
